Chrono Trigger

So yeah, it's an old game but imo one of the best RPGs ever made. So here's the deal; I got the DS version yesterday and I'm gearing up to make a full completion run of it. And by that I mean I'm going to try to do all the sidequests, the DS-exclusive dungeons, etc. I played the SNES version a few years ago so I know this game but I only speedran it.

Tips, discussion, etc?
Very good choice man ! I agree that It's one of the best RPGs ever. That's a truly masterpiece, too bad that It isn't so well known compared to Final Fantasy and stuff, it truely deserve to be more estimated imo.
In my opinion Chrono Trigger (DS) is among the ultra elite club of remakes that actually make their predecessors proud (think Kirby super start ultra). The game is great and the remake adds a good post-game story (spoiler, we finally learn what happened to Schala...).
Not sure how far this thread can go, but yes, Chrono Trigger is one of the classics that every gaming enthusiast should play. The combo techniques alone make it worth a look. Parts of the fanbase are kind of retarded, though. I've wanted to play the DS remake for a long time because I heard that it cleared up a few holes in the overall plot of Chrono Trigger + Chrono Cross, but games I haven't played keep taking priority...
I feel like a shit because I played the game all the way through but stopped literally at the final boss fight and have never finished it or played it again
Find time, period. I haven't played Chrono Cross but from what I've seen Chrono Trigger surpasses the original in every way. It has the cutscenes from the Ps2 remake and an easier control layout (battle buttons on bottom screen, battle on top screen). Another big plus is if your insistent on playing the game exactly the same way as the old one, you can turn off all of the new stuff.
Their are three demensional vortexes (basically weaving in and out of various parts of the story with end game level random encounters). Each ends with a unique level and a fight with a Chrono, Lucca, and Marle clone. Completion of the three zones allows you to fight Lavos again through the bucket (Well, its what took Schalla in the guise of a Lavos-like creature). Completion yields a sword with a 90% critical hit rate for Chrono (Plus everyone not named frog/Alayla finds a new ultimate weapon somewhere in the three dimensional vortexes).
I have to say I'm really disappointed with the lackluster sales of Chrono Trigger for the DS. For such an awesome game to sell so un-fantastically is depressing and may be one of the primary reasons a sequel is nigh an impossibility
I feel like a shit because I played the game all the way through but stopped literally at the final boss fight and have never finished it or played it again

have pretty much done this but twice heh.

So yeah, it's an old game but imo one of the best RPGs ever made. So here's the deal; I got the DS version yesterday and I'm gearing up to make a full completion run of it. And by that I mean I'm going to try to do all the sidequests, the DS-exclusive dungeons, etc. I played the SNES version a few years ago so I know this game but I only speedran it.

Tips, discussion, etc?

curious why you couldn't find a walkthough on gamefaqs or w/e instead of making a contentless thread?

on a side note, this game had a sick soundtrack
i never got to lavos; the game was stolen.
but i do remember getting that sword for Chrono (the main char)... what was it's name? i remember having to choose between defence or offence.
the ds re-write killed some really good scenes

that's like crushing your memories, man

to give you an estimate of how much i'm strong with that thought, i stopped playing the ds version when i got to the trial
Ignoring Mr. Nostalgia up there, the DS remake was solid, except for those freaking fetch quests you do for the reptile alien guys. I especially liked the Arena of Ages (I think that's what it's called..) Kind of a faux Pokemon ripoff, but a neat time waster.
i never got to lavos; the game was stolen.
but i do remember getting that sword for Chrono (the main char)... what was it's name? i remember having to choose between defence or offence.

I always took the Swallow, but it never mattered because you get the Rainbow right after that (or, even, right before). Maybe on the first run-through, go for the mail.

I didn't know this DS-remake even existed. The supposed "extra" stuff makes me think that it's probably finally time for me to buy a DS.
Easily my all-time favorite RPG game. I'm playing through the original Chrono Trigger on my Wii at the moment. I totally recommend going the DS version if you can, nice goodies such as the PSX cut scenes, extra dungeons, and to play it on the go.
the ds re-write killed some really good scenes

One example I can think of that is the scene where Frog slices the mountain, which can be seen here:

In the SNES version, only the sprite version of slicing the mountain existed. However, for the PSX and DS version, the anime style animation was added. I have a personal beef with animated cutscenes, and the repetition in this event wasn't helping any.

And yes, it is one of the best JRPGs ever made. I'd even be willing to call this the best RPG, and I'm not claiming this through any nostalgia goggles. I missed out on this game in my childhood and played the SNES version a year ago.
a fun, charming adventure--but a little overrated i think

chrono trigger is not the best game ever made, nor even the best rpg ever made. it's a fun and memorable experience for sure, though
Posting to agree with both Glen and ivar's posts, but the remake is definitely worth buying if you don't still own a copy of the original(also at an above post, being remade twice has a way of hurting your sales). Fun little adventure like it's always been with some minor improvements, but there's a lot that can be done from the perspective of the overall narrative and character development in RPGs that should be keeping it out of best ever type discussions, I think.

I dislike that the new scenes encourage me to recruit Magus, though... even though it's canon, it always seemed more story appropriate not to, at least to me.
Well, by "I'd be willing to call it", I meant that I'd be willing to call it that if it weren't for the fact that best ever tends to be a matter of heavily weighted opinion, and there are always games out there that I haven't played which means I can't make an absolute judgement of anything of this sort.

I will agree though that narrative and character development wise its not the best RPG by any means. I'm just overly fond of the SNES version's presentation as well as the battle system. The lack of random encounters, fights being conducted on the overworld itself, as well as the pseudo turn based system sell the game for me. Actually, one of the biggest reasons I didn't like Chrono Cross as much aside from loads and loads of characters is the arena shift and battle start delay.
This game was incredible... I've only played the DS remake, though. The cutscenes are okay, but the opening is amazing. Everything in the opening literally happens in-game, but at the same time it doesn't give much away.

I was so sad when I failed to save Lucca's mother from the machine. It was heartbreaking. I wonder what would have happened if I pressed L+A+R+A (the father said the password was his wife's name), but I never had the patience to replay the game.

Random Stuff: Lucca is a boss when you get the 1/4 MP usage item from the future. Flare destroys everything, and the amazing Fire-Ice Combos get more affordable. Masamune is also very mysterious, when I used it on the Mammon Machine it drained energy. The hardest boss in my opinion was the Factory Machine from the future, which goes on a rampage when you destroy its three screens. Died so many times!
not everything in the opening happens in-game...can't fight Zombor with Frog, after all :P

and Masamune > Mammon because it draws its evergy from Lavos, just like Magus :P. make you wonder why it doesn't do anything special against Lavos, though...

I did a challenge a while back...mostly because my best friend was an asshole. Basic equips for the entire game. started using a Mop first Nu I found,and hide gear for my main team the whole way through. Magus wasn't that hard with a bronze sword...I think the R-series was one of the hardest fights, though. Had to give up at Lavos, though...800-ish damage for "destruction rains from the heavens" is a little much.

I love the battle system, though. More games need dual-techs, and the space-oriented techs were awesome.

This is easily one of my favourite RPGs, though. Earthbound kinda bumped it out, though.
I never played the original, but I am most certainly going to get myself a copy of the DS version now. Might even find the PS version if it exists...