Club Nintendo Services Discontinuing

Club Nintendo is ending. Nintendo is wheeling out a new product registration service to replace club nintendo in 2015.

Important Dates:
Products released after this date are not eligible for registration with Club Nintendo
Last day to earn Coins, register products with Club Nintendo, and sign up for new Club Nintendo membership
Last day to redeem Coins or access your account on the Club Nintendo website. Club Nintendo program shuts down at 11:59pm PT on 6/30/2015.

A FAQ is in the above link.

Nintendo's stated they'll update with "dozens" of games and merchandise in February for you to spend your leftover coins on. Basically, go ahead and redeem your old club nintendo coins lying around and then wait for the February rewards to come in to spend them.
Welp, I'm 40 coins away from Platinum, I would not mind getting a decent digital game (like last years rewards, which I did not made it to) before the service goes down, but I guess it's not meant to be.

Hopefully whatever replacesa Club Nintendo actually offers better rewards, with the exception of the free game I got for MK8 and Mewtwo, the only stuff I have gotten from it is Kirby Super Star and Legend of Zelda.

Hopefully the final batch of games for february turns out to be good...
Huh that kinda sucks, though hopefully in replacing it with a better one they'll give good rewards like what Japan and Europe got instead of their kinda half ass ones for USA (at least from when I remember looking last year they were pretty sucky compared to other regions).
Well, now I wish I wouldn't have splurged on that 3DS game case just 2 weeks ago... :/ I also just made "gold" status, and I'll have to do quite the spending spree to catch up to "platinum" (looks like I might be buying Bayonetta 2 and Pokémon Art Academy after all). I'm fully expecting the end-of-year rewards to be digital-only again since Nintendo of America seems to hate spending that money to ship something physical, because that costs them money or something. Good riddance with all those stupid surveys, anyways. Here's to hoping that whatever rewards program they decide on (if any) is more worthwhile and less of a hassle. At least Flipnote Studio 3D will be given out for free...

For UK users. We have slightly different dates for the ending of things,

Club Nintendo Discontinuation Schedule

  • April 1st 2015: From this date, Nintendo will no longer include product registration cards with its packaged games, so such products cannot be registered in Club Nintendo. You may still find product registration cards in games that were in stock before this date, however.
  • April 20th 2015: Termination of the registration of digital products downloaded from Nintendo eShop. Digital products obtained from Nintendo eShop after this date will no longer appear in the My Registered Games & Systems page in Club Nintendo. In addition, surveys for download software titles will no longer be available.
  • September 30th 2015: End of Club Nintendo programme. All Club Nintendo features, such as signing up as a new member, logging in as a registered member, earning Stars, and exchanging Stars for items from the Stars Catalogue will no longer be possible from this date.
I have nearly 6k stars in my account, I'll likely be grabbing the Mario Kart T shirt, but I might wait and see what else pops up in the mean time.
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dozens you say?

I am super bummed out about this when I first heard, and really nervous whatever replaces it will be even worse than before. I'll hope that February bring some good stuff to splurge on for my last 500 or so coins. The only way I could even feel redeemed is if it's a unified account system, but I honestly doubt that would even happen. Considering last years Platinum rewards which were repeats of games already given out.
At long last, flipnote Studio 3D will be released, only took 'em about 3 years. At least it's free for Club Nintendo members.

I wonder what the last prizes are, if they are not worth it I'll get smash posters instead.
Just to be clear, our codes can't be used on whatever new reward program they're rolling out, is that correct? No use hoarding them...
Just to be clear, our codes can't be used on whatever new reward program they're rolling out, is that correct? No use hoarding them...
No, only recent ones can be used. I Forgot what the te range was, but yeah only newer ones. Coins can be used until June 30th.
The game selection available has been update with several digital titles. Lots to choose from, wonderful 101 or KI:U are probably the best deals.

Also, I have a spare Mario Kart 7 code if someone wants to trade for another 3DS code. Hit me up via PM if you're interested.
does this affect how you get Mewtwo downloaded? I don't wanna miss the boat for this but i have _no_ idea what to do to actually get mewtwo
They send you the code through club Nintendo. The same way you got Flipnote 3D and buy any game. If you missed code you can read it in an email.
The Club Nintendo website says that you can earn coins until March 31, and you have until the end of June to claim your prizes or whatever. However if there are any physical prizes you want, you should definitely take care of that as soon as possible.