crazy_man's Hidden Power Breeding Program (Now with Nest Ball Treecko)

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Would you trade me a female, Quiet, Harvest, HP Fire Exeggcute for the Nest Ball Shellos in your wants list? It's Relaxed, with Amnesia, Clear Smog, Acid Armor and Memento for egg moves. I havn't added it to my thread yet, I just got the parents to start cranking out 31/x/31/31/31/0 babies.
[quote="crazy_man, post: 5945161, member: 197385"

Works for me. I'll gladly give another poke to make it a little more fair for you if you wish.[/quote]

Can I get a female, HP Grass, Dream ball Feebas then too.
Specific nature and ability?

Gonna need a little more incentive if you want a female.

Timid / Overgrow is fine. I wasn't specifying the gender of Treecko, I was saying if you gave me a grimer/muk in the ball you want, I could whip that up pretty fast since I already have a competitive Muk of my own.
Can you CMT for a HP fire magnet pull magnemite?
Edit: I actually have a nicknamable male shiny HP ice electrike like you have on your shiny wants list, would you be interested in that?
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Hi Man, great trading post you've got :)

I'm interested in this
HP Fire Froakie

Ability: Protean
Nature: Naive

I've got a Flawless Adamant Bisharp with Pursuit and Sucker Punch as his Egg Moves, it has Inner Focus, but I can use an ability capsule to change it to Defiant, just tell me if you could be interested, thanks :)
Looks very god crazyman,but i gotta be honest again, chlorophyll-Bulba would be the best for my team!

Okie dokie, waiting has paid off!

31/0/31/30/31/30 Bold Male Bulbasaur /w Chlorophyll

Timid / Overgrow is fine. I wasn't specifying the gender of Treecko, I was saying if you gave me a grimer/muk in the ball you want, I could whip that up pretty fast since I already have a competitive Muk of my own.

Actually after looking at your thread. Can I have a Bold Frillish in a Dive Ball? Either gender works.

Can you CMT for a HP fire magnet pull magnemite?
Edit: I actually have a nicknamable male shiny HP ice electrike like you have on your shiny wants list, would you be interested in that?

So it's in an Ultra Ball and Male? If so then yes that will do, and name it Thor.

Lucky you I have one HP Fire Magnemite in stock. Would you like another poke to make it more fair for you since you are giving me a shiny?

Hi Man, great trading post you've got :)

I'm interested in this
HP Fire Froakie
Nature: Naive

I've got a Flawless Adamant Bisharp with Pursuit and Sucker Punch as his Egg Moves, it has Inner Focus, but I can use an ability capsule to change it to Defiant, just tell me if you could be interested, thanks :)

Already have one. Got anything else?
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Ugh, darn it lol. Too bad, mine has 4 EMs :(. Are you still looking for Muk in a Dream Ball and Shellos in a Dive Ball then?
A female Yamask in an Ultra Ball (31/x/30/30/30/0) ;D. What gender do you want for Grimer? You want Adamant right? I can do Careful too.
For that HP Ice Naive Froakie, if you are looking for something with 5 IVs, I've got some Zubats with Infiltrator and Brave Bird as Egg Move...
You mean Fire right?

Again, something I have.

Why not list what you got?
Yeah fire, sorry I've got a little confused... At the moment I haven't got that much of interesting Pokemons, but I'll try to make a list... By the way, I'm Italian if you could be interested in the Masuda Method

-Rotom (Bold) 5 IVs with different spreads
-Pawniard (Adamant) 5 IVs with different spreads and Pursuit + Sucker Punch (Even got a Flawless that I mentioned before)
-Eevee (Bold) 5 IVs with different spreads, Wish and Anticipation as Hidden Ability (Even got a Flawless that is now a Sylveon)
-A level 100 Volcarona with a Bulky Quiver Dance set
-Some 4/5 IVs Pineco, Honedge, Drillbur, Magnemite, Ralts
Got your perfect HA Grimer with 4EMs (2 of them being Curse and Shadow Sneak) already, understand you have a few other orders to complete first so take your time :D.
cmt for:

HP Grass Clamperl

Man the wait was worth it. I got 2 shiny hatches before I got a good one, and its PERFECT. ;p

31/0/31/30/31/31 Female Modest Clamperl /w Shell Armor -> Swift Swim

I'll be on the forums for a few hours so I'm opne to trade if you hit me up a response or pm.

I'm going to push back our Omantye trade tho, as breeding Muddy Water on to it will take a bit and I got a lot of orders at the moment, but I promise to work on it hopefully by this weekend.

Yeah fire, sorry I've got a little confused... At the moment I haven't got that much of interesting Pokemons, but I'll try to make a list... By the way, I'm Italian if you could be interested in the Masuda Method

-Rotom (Bold) 5 IVs with different spreads
-Pawniard (Adamant) 5 IVs with different spreads and Pursuit + Sucker Punch (Even got a Flawless that I mentioned before)
-Eevee (Bold) 5 IVs with different spreads, Wish and Anticipation as Hidden Ability (Even got a Flawless that is now a Sylveon)
-A level 100 Volcarona with a Bulky Quiver Dance set
-Some 4/5 IVs Pineco, Honedge, Drillbur, Magnemite, Ralts

Hmmm we could get something here....

What ball is your eevee?
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