Good Old Days Tournament - Round 1

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PO is currently not supporting RBY properly as there is a bug with the type effectiveness and every move is neutral to every type (no weaks/resists). I don't know if it's a temporal bug and whether it will get fixed soon or not, but, right now, it's bugged.


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Oglemi can you please change my pairing? Metal Sonic is incompatible with me, we can't meet at practically any hour and even when we both are online at the same time he takes fucking ages in answering me so I have to leave and we can't battle, god, I hate this annoying situations making me wasting my time.
Sorry, we don't have a policy on re-making matches, since it's not particularly fair to any one person. I can understand the frustration; schedule a hard time to meet that works for both of you. I saw that you said there's only a small window for you to do so, and I saw that you did try to meet on yesterday and you were more proactive. Try to do the same for next week if possible.
Ayup, sorry about the hax.

(It was bad even for RBY; Snorlax paraslamfullpara on Counter Chansey, freezes and 255s everywhere, an FP rate approximating 50%, even an Explosion crit from his Golem.)


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PO is currently not supporting RBY properly as there is a bug with the type effectiveness and every move is neutral to every type (no weaks/resists). I don't know if it's a temporal bug and whether it will get fixed soon or not, but, right now, it's bugged.
That bug got fixed. RBY works on my server.


formerly Floppy, now Rock hard
are you seriously going to try to troll away a win? i won the first game, you disconnected and never returned. timer ran out, and i took the win??

i agreed to play the other 2 games "for fun" because you wouldnt stop pestering me in pm lol

grow up child.
Really? You never told me the games would be for fun, you just told me "get on nb" and then we played and I won.

And I didn't pestered you, when you told "i am taking the win", I said "k". But after that you changed your mind and decided to play...


formerly Floppy, now Rock hard
Session Start: Wed Nov 20 16:02:01 2013
Session Ident: bruce
Session Ident: bruce (
<bruce> my internerd died yday
<bruce> pm when u want to play
<Floppy> im taking the win
<bruce> k
<bruce> can we just play to see how would go o.o
<Floppy> NO
<bruce> lol rly???
<bruce> just two more games plz
<bruce> ...
<Floppy> get on nb
<bruce> im


anyway im not gonna rematch him if it comes to that by the way. according to the rules i won the match.
<bruce> can we just play to see how would go o.o
<Floppy> NO
<bruce> lol rly???
<bruce> just two more games plz
<bruce> ...
This part is completely fake.


You completely hates me, you have a script on your mIRC just to ignore me. You wouldn't play 2 games "for fun" with me, not even in a billion years. I don't know why you're lying and faking logs. But dude, just stop being childish and accept your lose...


formerly Floppy, now Rock hard
lol as i said on IRC, if you are going to edit, why would you edit irrelevant parts of the logs?

i am pretty sure if i did not play those games your fucking annoying ass would have kept pm'ing me, especially since you are somehow aware that i do not have a reliable pm blocker script.

(and yes, i really dislike you a lot, i will agree with you there.)

why am i even arguing though? lol

"worst, worst, worst case scenario" you somehow get the win in a not-exactly-important FUN tournament and you further prove just how much more of a horrible user you are
I don't care about the tournament, since I accepted when you said you would take the win at the 1st time. But then, you changed your mind and played the other 2 games, which I won. Taking a win now is not valid anymore.

If there's any way to proof I didn't edit my mIRC log, I'm up to proofing it. As I said I don't care about the tournament, but I care about this dude lying, trying to take advantage about my "bad reputation", trying to make a dick move, stealing a win, acting like a child...
As you can see the hour of the last change in the .txt was 19:41, at the time of the last pm. Proofing I didn't edit the log, and also that he did fake it and lied about me "pestering him" and "playing for fun"...



B is for BRUTUS
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Man, look at the size of those logs with Eo o.o I'm surprised someone can keep a conversation with you for so long Marcy ^_^


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OK, even if Floppy did fake the logs where Marcelo asked to play "just for fun," (which I would doubt he would do) at no point was it dictated by either party that the next two matches played were for a rematch over the match where Marcelo disconnected. Both players acknowledge that Marcelo disconnected, and Floppy took the win in game two, which both acknowledged. But like I said, never was it said in either player's logs that the next two matches being played were to replace the game where Marcelo disconnected. Marcelo just mistook Floppy's offer to play some more RBY as a continuation of the match.

Floppy gets the win.
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