"Hey, where'd you get that?" "Cant say..." [feat. cool stuff I promise]

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Hi there bro! I already rebreed my stock of cranidos. I can offer this:
Hp atk satk sdef speed 31 ivs
Female lv 1 cranidos inside heal ball. I can trade this for this:

Heracross - Adamant. Inside dream ball
/ Moxie
EMs: Megahorn / Rock Blast / Focus Punch / Double-Edge

I also spect this to be pentaperfect and have hidden ability plus bein female

Ok so you've decided on Heracross then? Because that's the 4th thing you've mentioned haha

I should be able to get that ready for you soon, I have a few things to do over the weekend (apart from also playing ORAS) so it might take me a couple of days at worst
Ok so you've decided on Heracross then? Because that's the 4th thing you've mentioned haha

I should be able to get that ready for you soon, I have a few things to do over the weekend (apart from also playing ORAS) so it might take me a couple of days at worst

Yes I decided the heracross haha. You know you have very good stuff. I want more than one but for this time can work. Please let me know when can you trade and please instead of the dream ball I want the love ball.

Another thing before I forgot. Would you be interested in a HA snorunt inside a dive ball? Of course pentaperfect.
Yes I decided the heracross haha. You know you have very good stuff. I want more than one but for this time can work. Please let me know when can you trade and please instead of the dream ball I want the love ball.

Another thing before I forgot. Would you be interested in a HA snorunt inside a dive ball? Of course pentaperfect.

If you want a Love Ball Heracross it cannot have Moxie, just FYI.

Unfortunately I already have HA Snorunt and have no need for others balls (most of the stuff I breed is for personal use, not what I think other people will like haha), I also have access to a Safari with them so can catch whatever I want later). Did you have anything else noteworthy I might like?
If you want a Love Ball Heracross it cannot have Moxie, just FYI.

Unfortunately I already have HA Snorunt and have no need for others balls (most of the stuff I breed is for personal use, not what I think other people will like haha), I also have access to a Safari with them so can catch whatever I want later). Did you have anything else noteworthy I might like?

Hmmmm ok. So lets keep heal ball moxie ok? I try to search more in my stuff... But let's keep trading. See ya!
Hmmmm ok. So lets keep heal ball moxie ok? I try to search more in my stuff... But let's keep trading. See ya!

You mean Dream Ball with Moxie? I don't mean to come across as being harsh but could you please try to make sure your posts are correct before posting. This whole conversation has been very confusing for me with you changing your mind and poorly structured sentences...

Anyway, I'll get to breeding the Heracross anyway
You mean Dream Ball with Moxie? I don't mean to come across as being harsh but could you please try to make sure your posts are correct before posting. This whole conversation has been very confusing for me with you changing your mind and poorly structured sentences...

Anyway, I'll get to breeding the Heracross anyway

Yes indeed my bad.DREAM BALL. Please hit me when u are ready. I'll try to recheck befeore replying. Thanks.
Rodo your Heracross is ready! Let me know when you can trade, remembering that I'm GMT +11 so I may or may not be asleep when I see your reply (that happens a lot since most people are -5)
Once you've finished with Dream Ball Ralts I'd be interested in one (with HA ofc). Let me know if that's cool and I'll get to breeding :)
Sure I'd be happy too (believe its already a flawed 5iv you looking for female modest I'd imagine?

Your lil' sweetie is ready!


Please let me know if you would like a nickname before we trade!

Notes: Att should be very low as i was using a 0 att parent
I would love if you could nickname Chansey Madam for me :)​
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Sure I'd be happy too (believe its already a flawed 5iv you looking for female modest I'd imagine?

Your lil' sweetie is ready!


Please let me know if you would like a nickname before we trade!

Notes: Att should be very low as i was using a 0 att parent
I would love if you could nickname Chansey Madam for me :)​

Awesome! I'm just getting around to the Chansey now that I have some free time, I'm assuming you wanted Natural Cure? I don't need a nickname either as I'll be using it as a parent anyway (you can surprise me with one though if you want haha)
Awesome! I'm just getting around to the Chansey now that I have some free time, I'm assuming you wanted Natural Cure? I don't need a nickname either as I'll be using it as a parent anyway (you can surprise me with one though if you want haha)
Lol sounds good yeah natural cure ^^

Pretty happy I ended up with a 5iv male ha ralts too so now I can have a dragqueen-evoir xD
toshady4ladies your Chansey is ready. I'll be on for at least another 6 hours from posting this so let me know when you can trade.

Also tagging Rodo to see that I'm around for the Heracross trade
you interested in this? im interested in the flawless dream ball hp ground pidgey,with HA, one male and one female.
hoppip (dream ball)
31/31/31/xx/31/31 |31/xx/31/31/31/31
seed bomb | aromatherapy | encore | cotton guard

Diancie - Naive
31 | 31 | 22 | 30 | 26 | 31
OT: NOV2014 ID: 11064
Clear Body > Magic Bounce
Diamond Storm / Moonblast / Reflect / Return

Hello yes, cant say. I would be very interested in abusing my whitelist privileges to acquire a clone of this fantastic SR from you at some point, no nickname necessary. I'm currently breeding up some OR/AS megas so I'll happily pass you a spitback Weedle/Buneary/Sableye should you want one. n_n
Hello yes, cant say. I would be very interested in abusing my whitelist privileges to acquire a clone of this fantastic SR from you at some point, no nickname necessary. I'm currently breeding up some OR/AS megas so I'll happily pass you a spitback Weedle/Buneary/Sableye should you want one. n_n

that should be no problem, let me get in contact with user: EnGarde in regards to getting it cloned for you ;)
that should be no problem, let me get in contact with user: EnGarde in regards to getting it cloned for you ;)

I have this lined up for you as payment:


252 Atk/252 Spd/4 Sp. Def
-Poison Jab
-Protect/Knock Off/Drill Run

I have some BP to spare so if you want a tutor move just let me know. Otherwise, the fourth move will be Protect. Hope to line up a trade soon! n_n
I have this lined up for you as payment:


252 Atk/252 Spd/4 Sp. Def
-Poison Jab
-Protect/Knock Off/Drill Run

I have some BP to spare so if you want a tutor move just let me know. Otherwise, the fourth move will be Protect. Hope to line up a trade soon! n_n

I've already got a shiny Beedrill ready to go, thanks for the offer though. You really don't need to give me anything (unless you have something else, by all means offer ;) )

you interested in this? im interested in the flawless dream ball hp ground pidgey,with HA, one male and one female.
hoppip (dream ball)
31/31/31/xx/31/31 |31/xx/31/31/31/31
seed bomb | aromatherapy | encore | cotton guard

Sorry, I just noticed I never replied to this. I won't be trading two pokemon for your one so please choose between a male or female Pidgey and get back to me


Also, been busy SRing and updated my Trophy Case. ethan06 already found the Diancie, now I've just added this:


Rayquaza - Naive
31 | 30 | 31 | 28 | 31 | 31
OT: Jake ID: 60500
Air Lock > Delta Stream
Extremespeed / Dragon Pulse / Dragon Dance / Dragon Ascent

SR by me on my current (first) playthrough of Alpha Sapphire. Available UT at level 70 (but is 1,542 exp. points from levelling due to the Delta Episode), also nicknameable (for a very limited time)

Waiting to get it (and the Diancie) cloned but will accept offers in the meantime​
I can do the Timid Gengar with Counter ^_^
(although it's gonna be in a plain pokeball because FRLG RNG is too difficult so I'll have to breed it in Emerald, but you said you were fine with that)
I'll chime in once I have it ready.
I can do the Timid Gengar with Counter ^_^
(although it's gonna be in a plain pokeball because FRLG RNG is too difficult so I'll have to breed it in Emerald, but you said you were fine with that)
I'll chime in once I have it ready.

That sounds awesome! You'll have to let me know what you want in return :)
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