I now have a reason to get the Kinect!

Colonel M

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"I guess it was only a matter of time." That's how adult-game maker ThriXXX sums up its latest project, a sex game that uses the Xbox 360's motion-sensing camera to let users fondle virtual females. Viewable via a risque YouTube video, a demonstration of the game--still in its early stages--shows a user controlling the onscreen action with just his hand. The control scheme was set up by attaching a Kinect to a Windows 7 computer with an open-source Kinect driver installed. Similar drivers have been used for more scientific pursuits using Kinect. Open-source drivers are allowing sex-game creators to use Kinect in ways Microsoft did not intend.

"The Kinect interface provides another exciting interface option for users of the sex simulation software to control the experience in extraordinary new ways," ThriXXX said in a statement provided to GameSpot sister site CNET. "Controller free is the next generation of game user interfaces, allowing users to use gestures, spoken commands, or objects to control in-game action that creates a completely new sex game activity and magical experience."

According to the YouTube page, ThriXXX is "currently in development of adult-themed Kinect games for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and or PC." How such a game could ever come to the Xbox 360 is unclear, as Microsoft does not allow Adults Only-rated games to be distributed on its console.
In a statement, Microsoft said the following: "This isn't the first example of a technology being used in ways not intended by its manufacturer, and it won't be the last. Microsoft did not authorize or license its technology for this use and will take appropriate action against violations of its intellectual property. Xbox is a family-friendly games and entertainment console and does not allow Adults Only (AO) content to be certified for use on its platform and would not condone this type of game for Kinect."
So yeah, this isn't really the reason I'd get a Kinect, but in all honesty, I think this brings an odd point.

For those that don't know, something like an Adult Only game has been done before. The best example I can give was done on the Atari, which ripped off some of the games and made them into "sex games". Yes, just imagine little pixels of random crap put together and made into an adult game. Hell it even came in a special case from what it seemed.

But the real question that I have (and well, maybe this will be taken as a Firebot-ish post) is "should video games ever step into the 'Adult Only' territory?" It seems like odd to ever step that far with a video game. I mean, it is true that video games are supposed to be a form of entertainment, but I don't really believe that it should've ever been something like this. Ah hell, just throw your opinions or laugh it up. It's up to you guys.
@Iron Kenyan - For someone such as yourself the size of a headphone plug in should suffice? No?

Anyways, Adult only does exist in video games, they're rated 18+ for a reason.

Should a game theme'd around sex come to a console such as Xbox? Well Leisure Suit Larry is as close as we've came... so far, and yeah there is a demand for sex themed games, so why not supply it?
When Kinect is officially released for the PC, then I'll have a reason to buy it. What hackers are doing with Kinect is infinitely more impressive than what Microsoft has been trying to do.
Doesn't Japan have a market for adult-only games? I'm asking that as honest question, not as a stab at Japan's society.
yeah but then you won't be able to play the game properly

or maybe it will be able to sense when you're masturbating and pause the game automatically for you
now that's progressive technology
Why not? AO movies and books aren't even remarked on by the news anymore as being child corrupting etc. If you ask me this limits the 360 by not catering to an adult audience.

And its not like its hurting anyone or anything. Just make the games be sold like porn DVDs: only in adult book stores that require ID. I don't see anything wrong with that.
When Kinect is officially released for the PC, then I'll have a reason to buy it. What hackers are doing with Kinect is infinitely more impressive than what Microsoft has been trying to do.
You're going to have to explain this one to me. Why would an "official" release of Kinect for PC make it more desirable, considering it'll function all the same as it can now? Is it an issue with the makeshift drivers?

May or may not comment more on the Ao stuff later, but it's been said there won't be any Ao titles on the 360. Game consoles do a whole lot more with a game than simply read it like in previous generations, and the games themselves are completely integrated into both the 360 and PS3 networks in multiple ways. It's not like a DVD that you can hide and nobody will find out; when you play a game in the modern age, there's nothing discreet about it. There is no way explicit sex games will ever be endorsed on consoles, and Ao games in general (see: Manhunt 2) will be changed to meet M criteria because an Ao rating can destroy sales.

Yes this is a serious post, I really dislike the open troll season attitude associated with this board.

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