itt post things you dislike but other people love


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Hey, How to Train Your Dragon had good 3D effects too. Mainly the flying scenes though...
My turn.

- Adventure Time. Don't think this has been mentioned yet. I saw a few episodes and wasn't amused by it at all.
- Any CoD game
- Dubstep (it deserves it's own thread at this point)
- Hipster glasses
- Twitter, especially when using a phone to receive Tweets (DON'T DO IT)
- Sweet potatoes
- Country music (agreeing with whoever made the comment about playing guitar and singing about babies and beer and whatever)

That said, acoustic guitar with soloist singing. I may be biased, but most people who do this seem like huge tools to me. Classical acoustic guitar sounds amazing though.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
those straws you get at the movie theaters that have a little spoon at the end for slushies? ugh, it just makes things more complicated. does anyone like those?


Believer, going on a journey...
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Watching football just doesn't do it for me. I don't feel the adrenalin rush unless I'm out there sweating with the boys and making these plays happen. The best I can do is turn it on and look up every now and then while the '9ers play. And only the '9ers. I may like football as a sport, but I'm not going to hold a conversation with you about the season or your favorite team, sorry.

Can't think of much else really. I suck at hating things.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
-Beer. It is absolutely disgusting. Why would you drink that when there are things like wine and champagne and mixed drinks that taste better and look classier?

-Frat parties. I just don't get it. Why would anyone want to get drunk on shitty beer in a smelly frat basement where you're rubbing up against everyone's sweat? Clubs and house parties are wayyyy better, and there's generally better alcohol there.

-Rap/country music/Justin Bieber-type pop- I will never understand how this sort of shit ever got popular. Apparently, the world is full of dumbasses

-Smoking anything in general. I have trouble breathing whenever I breathe in second-hand smoke, so I have no idea why anyone would actually willingly put that shit into their body. Then again, I have asthma, so that probably explains why I have a stronger aversion to it than most people.
I see we are an even match...

-Hamburgers. I'm a vegetarian now, but even before becoming a vegetarian, I used to hate burgers. They taste awful, especially with onions (I really hate onions).. I guess this makes me weird, but whatever

-Vanilla ice cream. It's just too bland for me. I need flavor in my ice cream, like chocolate or strawberry or mint or SOMETHING

-coffee. I just hate it.

-Athletes. Why are they paid millions of dollars for doing something that contributes literally nothing to society? Why do HS and college athletes get to behave like douchebags but get all sorts of perks such as easier admission to college, lighter course loads?

-Reality TV- another example of people being paid millions of dollars for being douchebags
Aside from me not really disliking any foods but baked beans (and not drinking coffee since I couldn't get used to the taste), these are largely also points of agreement. Professional sports are an outlet that continuously raises the premium on entertainment, though many charities do get in on the action and do good work with some of the proceeds. At least you get The Jimmy Fund with your Bread and Circuses.

-Babies. This one probably makes me a horrible person, but... why do so many people think babies are so adorable? All they really do is cry and puke and shit their pants-- disgusting liquid pretty much spews from every orifice at some point, and they don't even clean up after themselves. Once they get to be toddlers, I find them more tolerable since they say cute things, but infants are disgusting, not cute. Obviously, I'm never going to be a stay-at-home mom... and I will probably never be a mom, period. I just can't stand the idea.
But this is where I win.

You see, I dislike not playing the long game :D Victory goes to those who wait for the right time to strike!

Prepare to be out-bred, thespian!

Stepping back a bit, in general I'm not a big alcohol drinker and don't really even drink socially. I hate the thought of developing a dependence on an inanimate substance that blunts the senses and dulls the wit.

I still don't get Twitter. 140 characters seems a bit too limiting for me and it's difficult to be thorough. I might try it though simply because it might aid me in being more pithy.


Have a nice day
is a Community Contributoris a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Four-Time Past WCoP Champion
I expect the beer haters in this thread are not going to be the sort of people who are gonna go for an ipa.

Just editing to clarify that in spite of superficial similarities between Myzozoa's and my posts, I disagree with him entirely.

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
i can't stand tequila, i mean it's barely tolerable with salt and a lemon but why bother with that when i can just drink other liquors.

fashion / high fashion the latter of which is basically hipster fashion and the former of which is just a terrible industry. i can understand the want to look good and all, but shows such as antm make me despise it.

grammar nazi's / nitpickers, not exactly something other people like, per se, and i don't think that having bad grammar is a good thing by any means, but people who post purely for the sake of correcting one minor detail in someone else's post (not in C&C obviously) without contributing anything else irks me slightly, although i may have been guilty of it in the past.

WoW, i dunno, i guess i could never really get into it because it took too long to get anywhere and get anything done; of the two hours i spent playing 80% of that time was crossing a lake and traversing landscapes (maybe i was just shit at it).
I can't stand tequila; I mean it's barely tolerable with salt and a lemon but why bother with that when I can just drink other liquors?

Fashion / high fashion the latter of which is basically hipster fashion and the former of which is just a terrible industry. I can understand the want to look good and all, but shows such as America's Next Top Model make me despise it.

Grammar nazis / nitpickers - not exactly something other people like, per se, and I don't think that having bad grammar is a good thing by any means, but people who post purely for the sake of correcting one minor detail in someone else's post (not in C&C obviously) without contributing anything else irks me slightly, although I may have been guilty of it in the past.

World of Warcraft, I dunno, I guess I could never really get into it because it took too long to get anywhere and get anything done; of the two hours I spent playing, 80% of that time was crossing a lake and traversing landscapes (maybe I was just shit at it).
the only things that really bother me are arbitrary apostrophes, especially when used to describe the plural of an item

i just twinge a little bit inside every time i see them


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
cant blame all the beer haters since i'm assuming y'all are mostly from the other side of the pond. every american beer i've ever tried has been carbonated flavourless shite. i'm sure you have good stuff over there too though so try some of that before you judge the entire genre based on a bottle of budweiser you had once. Lager in general is shit, drink some ale.

and myzozoa, very interested to hear what a real beer is iyo

Cooky said:
cheryl cole
watch it!
those straws you get at the movie theaters that have a little spoon at the end for slushies? ugh, it just makes things more complicated. does anyone like those?
Yes yes so unnecessary!

I do not get along with a lot of sci-fi shows, never saw the appeal in Star Trek or Doctor Who...

Also I'm sure most people can relate to the "this guy seems really popular but I personally think he is a bit of a douche" thing


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
the only things that really bother me are arbitrary apostrophes, especially when used to describe the plural of an item

i just twinge a little bit inside every time i see them
moot there are too many O's in your name -___-

i hate whipped cream. it makes me gag. it is disgusting. you people who just shove the nozzle in your mouth and GO make me wanna bblleegleh


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
wearing leggings as pants and leaving the house thinking it's perfectly aight



also hate 10 year olds wearing booty shorts that say "juicy" on the butt, and young children with iPhones/iPads/other advanced electronic equipment they don't need.

@popemobile - I second. Thank goodness someone else appreciates the awesomeness that is Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA. Also a fan of Yuengling.

@Lee - try some darker American beers like Yuengling or Sam Adams, they are far better than your lighter lagers.

6A9 Ace Matador

veni, vidi, vici, VERSACE, VERSACE VERSACE


yeah this

pork sausages, the kind you have for breakfast not the kind you have in hotdogs.

music snobbing? is that a word
@popemobile - I second. Thank goodness someone else appreciates the awesomeness that is Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA. Also a fan of Yuengling.
I've never had their 120 min IPA because I've never been able to find it. If I ever came across it I would buy it in a second though. That said, the 90 min IPA is still the best beer I've ever had, although admittedly I wouldn't really consider myself an expert in the field of beer.

wearing leggings as pants and leaving the house thinking it's perfectly aight
it is perfectly alright and in fact encouraged
I can't stand tequila; I mean it's barely tolerable with salt and a lemon, but why bother with that when I can just drink other liquors?

Fashion / high fashion - the latter of which is basically hipster fashion, and the former of which is just a terrible industry. I can understand the want to look good and all, but shows such as America's Next Top Model make me despise it.

Grammar nazis / nitpickers; not exactly something other people like, per se, and I don't think that having bad grammar is a good thing by any means, but people who post purely for the sake of correcting one minor detail in someone else's post (not in C&C, obviously) without contributing anything else irks me slightly. However, I may have been guilty of it in the past.

World of Warcraft; I don't know, I guess I could never really get into it because it took too long to get anywhere and get anything done; of the two hours I spent playing, 80% of that time was crossing a lake, and traversing landscapes (maybe I was just shit at it).

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