Jedi! Hey! Hey! Listen! (Get Your Kyurem Forms Ready...)

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Minior update:

Hitmontop: Adamant ♂ Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Bullet Punch] [Mach Punch] [Fake Out] [Sucker Punch]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: Available as
in HG; EM: Bullet Punch, Mach Punch)

Larvitar: Quiet ♀ Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Bite] [Leer] [Stealth Rock] [-]

[OT: +Jedi]

Also, updated VGC section with two new Pokemon to give away to VGC goers. In addition, now taking suggestions for VGC stuff to breed for people!
Added to the DW list. Also, minor update:

Larvitar: Brave ♂ Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/0
EVs: (none)
[Bite] [Leer] [Curse] [-]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: VGC12 Project for nachocheese999)

Sableye: Bold ♀ Lv. 1
IVs: 31/19/31/31/31/30
EVs: (none)
[Scratch] [Recover] [Trick] [Flash]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: Breeding Project for Joel)
Responding to your CMT. I don't see anything that I'm interested in atm. However Diabolico does have redis rights to that Heatran as well so you can try to ask him for it if you haven't already. That is if he is offering it for trade.

Edit: Bah he's not listing it in his thread. :/
CMT for

Hitmontop: Adamant ♂ Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Bullet Punch] [Mach Punch] [Fake Out] [Sucker Punch]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: Available as
in HG; EM: Bullet Punch, Mach Punch)

I need the Tyrogue in 4th Gen for breeding purposes.
Um can you do a bps for this

pokemon name:Gible
ability:sand veil
iv's: 31l31l31lXl31l31
shiny:if possible yes
reason for: Gibles evo garchomp is part of a combo made in 09(or 08?) known as zap-chomp, which basically has zapdos spam discharge, and garchomp spam earthquake. I am trying to make a bulky version of this combo, and garchomp is maim earthquaker.

also on your rmt I forgot to say protect is a vital move in vgc, allowing you to predict a SE attack coming in, and using protect can stop him, and your partner can score some damage.
CMT for


Skuntank: Adamant ♀ Lv. 45
IVs: 30/30/30/31/31/31
EVs: 24 HP / 252 Atk/ 232 Spe
[Rock Smash] [Night Slash] [Explosion] [Poison Jab]

[OT: Rylee]
@Jedi; is it allright if I use a credit ortwo for that bold MB Xatu?
Trying to redeem, as I did EV train 9 pokemon for you a couple months ago for three credits.

Growlithe: Adamant ♂ Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Roar] [Wild Charge] [Close Combat] [Flare Blitz]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: VGC Project)

Banette: Lonely ♀ Lv. 37
*Cursed Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
[Faint Attack] [Hex] [Shadow Ball] [Cotton Guard]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: Dream World Event)

Shieldon: Sassy ♀ Lv. 1
IVs: 31/31/31/8/31/0
EVs: (none)
[Protect] [Wide Guard] [Earthquake] [Curse]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: Breeding Project for Joel)

Gible: Adamant ♀ Lv. 1
*Sand Veil
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Tackle] [Rock Slide] [Earthquake] [-]

[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: VGC Project)

Cryognal: Hasty Lv. 1
IVs: 31/30/31/30/30/31
EVs: (none)
[Bind] [-] [-] [-]
[OT: +Jedi]
(Notes: Breeding Project for Joel)
Banette: Lonely ♀ Lv. 37
*Cursed Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
[Faint Attack] [Hex] [Shadow Ball] [Cotton Guard]


EDIT: I do - non-RNG, they take a while. Normally they're worth 3 credits each but if you do my VGC mon I guess its quits.
@ jedi - CMT for your Quiet Shiny F Solosis. If nothing interests you, I'd be happy if you post a CP (IV/V Gen) or a BP (IV Gen only)
If it's something I offer, you say something like Jedi. If it's something Navimeister offers, you ask him by addressing him.

In any case, nothing of interest.

Hitmontop: Adamant ♂ Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Bullet Punch] [Mach Punch] [Fake Out] [Sucker Punch]
[OT: +Jedi]​

I need this for VGC in Doswell. Hitmontop seems like the best Wide Guard option for my team, but I'm having trouble finding one with Sucker Punch. Please PM me, or I'll try to find you on IRC. Thank you so much!!!

(P.S I'm willing to trade for it if I can't get Hitmon for free. I need this thing, and I don't have the BP to teach it Sucker Punch.)

Hitmontop: Adamant ♂ Lv. 20
IVs: 31/31/31/17/31/31
EVs: (none)
[Bullet Punch] [Mach Punch] [Fake Out] [Sucker Punch]
[OT: +Jedi]​

I need this for VGC in Doswell. Hitmontop seems like the best Wide Guard option for my team, but I'm having trouble finding one with Sucker Punch. Please PM me, or I'll try to find you on IRC. Thank you so much!!!

(P.S I'm willing to trade for it if I can't get Hitmon for free. I need this thing, and I don't have the BP to teach it Sucker Punch.)

I'm only giving it away as a Tyrogue for VGC goers. Otherwise, you'll need to trade for it. The good news is that I'm sending it over in 4th Gen, so you can teach it Sucker Punch yourself.
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