League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Recently started playing this game though I've only played as 4 characters: Cho'Gath, Ashe, Ryze, and Brand. It definitely has a steep learning curve so I'm only doing co-op vs ai right now.
Recently started playing this game though I've only played as 4 characters: Cho'Gath, Ashe, Ryze, and Brand. It definitely has a steep learning curve so I'm only doing co-op vs ai right now.
You shouldn't be playing against bots for too much longer - they only teach you the absolute basics of playing the game.

You'll get a lot better playing against other people.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
i caught every main stream game from fanatic vs epik gaming to counter logic gaming vs gamed!de. very nice games, i loved, loved LOVED westrice's akali - i don't see why people don't ban akali against EG...

salce was dominant with vladimir too - he has 46 wins and 1 loss as vladimir in ranked solo, so i don't really understand why they didn't ban vlad against EG.
Westrice's Akali was INSANE, and it allowed Vlad to shine in the same game as well. By the way, Salce's one loss in Ranked as Vlad was an internet crash.

or being carried by thorns and mtr like so many smogoners new to league of legends have been
I've played with you (hopefuly played well, can't remember) but I've never played with mtr. I feel left out of the cool kids.
still at level 23 or 24.. I've kinda stopped playing because my pc goes into sleep/standby mode whenever I'm ingame


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I'm surprised it hasn't been brought up yet, but almost every game had no tanks and two ap carries. Alistar and Amumu were used for a jungle slot when not banned, but always double ap.
that's the EU metagame in full force - NA players are realising that the EU metagame is much more healthy in terms of promoting individual skill and teamwork at the same time so they're adapting to it

my premade teams don't run 'tanks' like malphite or shen anymore, we have been rolling ad carry/tanky support/ap nuke/ap tanky/tanky jungler for a while


is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
It makes sense that if you can fit your tank into another role such as support or jungler, then it's a good thing to do.

Did anyone just watch AaA vs TSM? That was so intense.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I'm mostly just super-psyched to see so much Sona and Soraka. Still not played as much as Janna, but I'm happy to see them in high level tournament play with all the shit-talk they take.
I've started using shaco like one or two days ago and at first I completely sucked, best case scenario I was 0/0/0 until around mid game then i'd just start feeding though I was still winning like 80% of those games.

Now though I kinda know what im doing and im 100x better at ganking. He's really fun to play, and if u do get those kills/assists that Shaco absolutely needs he becomes pretty damn good.

p.s. I was kinda shocked that EG lost
I play league of legends and I am sitting around level 27. recently ive been getitng banned everytime I get unbanned because of my internet.the only thing I can really complain about is their autoban system and riot's subpar support team.
out of curiosity what is everyone's 'best' character? We all have a character we rely on if we want to win, a character that you aim to perfect the most, a character that you read multiple guides and watched those spotlights on...

Right now my best and favourite is Caitlyn. I like how she can pseudo support teammates with snares and slows and I love her killer range. Her ultimate punishes those who try to stay in lane too long at low health and her passive makes her a decent harasser. I even bought her resistance skin when it was on sale since she is so badass. Underated as far as I know


is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I play Singed mainly in solo queue since everyone likes to lock in 4 carries and pay no attention to team comp. Singed brings a lot to a team: split push ability, huge team fight presence, fun ganks etc.
A farmed Singed is hell to play against. A few days ago I entered a solo queue game and ended up playing with a 4-man premade who put me in a 2v1 lane. I ended up going 9-0-17 and we crushed the other team.

On the off chance I do get to play a mage, Ryze is a safe bet for me. Since his abilities scale with mana, you can build him especially bulky with Frozen Heart, Banshee's Veil etc. Very fun to play and somewhat underrated. I'll also play Veigar for fun, but he's not as reliable as a Ryze or Annie.

If I'm Jungling, I'll take Warwick or Nunu, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm not the best Jungler atm as I still don't have a full rune page.

Other than that, champions that I don't own but I'm saving for are Rumble and Blitzcrank. I love Blitzcrank's game changing pull, roam ability, everything about him is fun and exciting to play. Rumble is OP.

If I find myself somehow playing AD, Teemo or Corki when he's free.

That's pretty much everybody I play seriously.
Right now it's Vlad, but that's more because Vlad's OP, not because I'm good. Probably going to have to swap Vlad out for Singed as my "potential force-win" guy.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Mine's Malphite. I always do well with him.

As for the Champs I love playing, add Maokai, Jarvan, and Galio. I'm also really starting to like Nidalee and Mordekaiser.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumble and singed

I always do well with them but i haven't played singed that much recently because whenever i play with singed i lag like a fucker.

I'm also in the process of attempting to learn how to play a metric fuckton of champs (including TF/Tryn/Malph/Olaf/Janna/Jax) and sucking at all of them ~_~. I'm (attempting) to save up for Pantheon, Renekton, Vlad and Akali too, but it'll prolly end up with me getting fed up with it and buying some other crap.


is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Congrats to Fnatic for winning season one. You guys should come over to the EU server, we have the best players (which is weird because I never see them).
since we're bolding our favourite characters:

mordekaiser - if i want to play a mage, it's annie, veigar or this guy. he doesn't have the best damage output but he is very, very consistent and a farmed morde is very, very difficult to bring down. plus there's the whole 6v4 thing and the aesthetics

singed - in order to play singed at his peak you are effectively trolling the shit out of the entire enemy team. flinging people into towers at lvl 1, making them chase you and die from your poison trail, and standing in the middle of the entire enemy team with your ult on and not dying.

jax - lonelyness might say i'm not the best jax in the world. he's right, but jax is so much fun to play that i really don't give a shit about that.
i've found the secret to jax and feel a bit retarded for not finding it before:

ninja tabi/guinsoo's rageblade/hextech gunblade/hextech gunblade/hextech gunblade/hextech gunblade
personally i prefer more defense on jax. gunblade+rageblade is pretty much core and from there you can branch to banshee's veil, frozen heart, force of nature, atma's impaler, trinity force, etc, etc.

also caitlyn+karthus combo is stupid as FUCK

i played caitlyn mid, a friend of mine screwed around with jungle karthus

enemy mid is at half health

i land one Q

i ult, karthus ults

*an enemy has been slain*

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