League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
too bad she's garbage.

I don't remember the last time I saw an akali get over 100 cs and/or win lane, seems like she loses every matchup or can just get ganked pre-6 so the enemy mid can 1 shot her before she's relevant. and unlike kat she isn't big aoe damage so that random teamfight at dragon where kat gets a quadra then carries doesn't happen for akali.
too bad she's garbage.

I don't remember the last time I saw an akali get over 100 cs and/or win lane, seems like she loses every matchup or can just get ganked pre-6 so the enemy mid can 1 shot her before she's relevant. and unlike kat she isn't big aoe damage so that random teamfight at dragon where kat gets a quadra then carries doesn't happen for akali.
Akali is a great pubstomer but not much else. At 6 it's too easy to take advantage of bads and hyper-carry from there. Kat does the same thing but adds significantly more to the team, so there's not really any reason to pick Akali in competitive games (which is why she is never used in ranked).


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
It's just like when Kha'zix was fotm...

Also why are we comparing Kat and Akali. They do two totally different things. Primary difference being that Akali thrives on single target burst damage whereas Kat is a cleanup crew caster.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I never said she's good, I'm just saying people are playing her an absurd amount, in normals at least.


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
It's just like when Kha'zix was fotm...

Also why are we comparing Kat and Akali. They do two totally different things. Primary difference being that Akali thrives on single target burst damage whereas Kat is a cleanup crew caster.
What does fotm mean??


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
Sorry if this is off topic, but does anyone know when we're doing the next League of Legends mafia?? I'm interested in trying this and didn't get to join last time.
Sorry if this is off topic, but does anyone know when we're doing the next League of Legends mafia?? I'm interested in trying this and didn't get to join last time.
Probably never, I doubt anyone will ever make another. Sorry to disappoint you, but people don't like repeating themes a lot, except Metroid. =/
will somebody explain to me how league of legends mafia works

or how smogon mafia works in general

i don't use IRC at all so i've struggled in the past with getting into these things


I KickTehAss
is a Two-Time Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
too bad she's garbage.

I don't remember the last time I saw an akali get over 100 cs and/or win lane, seems like she loses every matchup or can just get ganked pre-6 so the enemy mid can 1 shot her before she's relevant. and unlike kat she isn't big aoe damage so that random teamfight at dragon where kat gets a quadra then carries doesn't happen for akali.


first dude to get challenger tier on NA

guess wat he mainz

not sayin most random akalis dont suck but dont say shes trash lol
Well, I've been playing Annie a lot since the visual remake and I think she's really strong atm. Fast waveclear once you level w, can burst down almost every midlaner with flash+tibbers, and has a teamwide stun with great damage. I usually go dorans+sorc boots into deathfire or zhonyas then deathcap. Warmogs is also good due to +60 free resistances from molten shield.

and lol mafia was fun if a little imbalanced


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
The fact you haven't seen an Akali get 100 CS speaks more to your normal ELO than to the quality of Akali as a champion honestly...

Akali isn't a very good champion all things considered but she is very strong during mid game. She certainly isn't a contender for overall weakest champion, nor does she suck. Mediocre on the whole in my opinion though.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
my normal elo is higher than most non-high-ranked smogoners, plus it is actually positive. it's just the fact akali is so easy to abuse early on also they are really bad akali's but even a good akali can't carry past a certain point in the game. if you don't lose before full build akali can get shut down or cc'ed the second she jumps in and die to ad carry crits.

also I lied I got over 100cs as akali but my botlane lost so hard that their blitz came mid at lv3 or 4 ?? and never left so I was 1v2 against zed/blitz and couldn't do much, especially because bot died 2v1 as well `-`

shaco had one of his highest win rates in platinum in s2, does that mean he is actually a good champion? no, if he doesn't get fed his teamfight potential is weak and his splitpushing is hampered. anyone who mains a champion and plays them enough will understand them and their interactions enough to do well, even a karma/heimer main would probably be able to win in diamond elo if they knew the champion properly and outplayed their opponent. doesn't mean the champ itself isn't outclassed.

I think the only thing akali does better than other assassins is quick single target burst at like 6 but even that depends. there is really no reason to pick akali except you like to play akali.

I also saw a high elo featured game (before diamond so platinum) akali top go like 0/8 or 9 vs top skarner, he got 0 ganks as well. so if you are VERY VERY GOOD at akali you can do work to a certain degree. otherwise she is outclassed and not worth it to pick. I think she is fun but meh she eats dick vs bruisers mid and if your botlane (not naming names.) is getting 2v1'd so you have to 1v2 and hide under your turret then get dove all day as blitz tanks it while you try to run in your shroud, well, why not just pick morgana and shield his cc while hitting w to farm.
shaco had one of his highest win rates in platinum in s2, does that mean he is actually a good champion? no, if he doesn't get fed his teamfight potential is weak and his splitpushing is hampered.
whoa whoa whoa what da fuq is you talkin about nigga shaco's ganks at level 2 during season 2 (a little weaker now thanks to the nerf) were literally the strongest thing ever. like, fucking seriously. a good shaco deceives onto your ass and you just die. instantly. there's no chance. Shaco was mega-picked and mega-successful because basically no one is stronger early game. it doesn't even matter if you don't get fed, because you probably fucked the other team up so bad that the REST of your team is fed so it's k. No one picked him for his team fighting or split pushing lol, people picked him because for the first ten minutes of the game the entire enemy team is constantly shitting themselves at the thought of you ganking.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
or you can just level your cc at 1 instead of your usual damage spell and play back instead of pushing/start a ward (now more viable than ever) and then shaco does nothing??

again, you need to actually be GOOD at shaco to gank properly. if you play him like shyvana/mundo just farming jungle the whole time you will be useless. if you try to gank wrong you will be useless because you need to execute your gank properly.

shaco's win/pick rate is high at platinum because of Korean shacos and shaco mains and high at sub-1000 because nobody knows how to spell 'ward' much less buy one and place it. actually I think his pick rate sucks no matter what elo it is. once you hit the elo where shaco mains still aren't 2500elo-level and mid/top players ward on their own then he's bad.

shaco isn't a free win picking him, you have to actually execute the ganks right. he is a strong solo queue jungler this is true because solo queue is not organized play. he is bad in 5s usually and bad in competitive play (half the time their supports start like 5 wards) and bad where people have more awareness of him and what he does. shaco takes advantage of solo q disorganization and lack of cooperation but only if he is properly played.


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Um Shaco is probably the best split pusher in the game apart from teleport Master Yi and it is his only viable late game strategy unless his team is much stronger than the opposing team. Good Shaco players will not generally pick Shaco if the rest of their team is a team fight, late game comp (then again in solo q no one cares that much anyway). Honestly at higher ELOs where people don't die to ganks nearly as often (in fact plats are less likely to die to Shaco than they are to other junglers because he causes hyper awareness due to the fear he instills early game). Shaco is a great solo q pick due to his ability to totally shut down the enemy jungler through counterjungling, as in solo q teams are slower and less likely to respond to help their junglers. The reason Shaco has a higher win rate in platinum is not because platinum Shacos get four kills in the first ten minutes every game like they do in bronze (that's not feasible at higher levels) but because they know how to counterjungle and split push--these are where Shaco's true strengths lie. Having strong ganks is just a cherry on top.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
http://www.lolking.net/champions/ - it actually does seem that Akali has randomly risen in popularity, more popular than kat as of this post. Funny that rumble has highest winrate yet no one plays him

Also, it took people a while to realize how broken xin zhao is. I have been saying it since s2 when diamondprox used him a few times. Also jungle Vi is getting pretty popular as a jungler, pretty happy about it since it seems that the pool for good non-gimmick junglers isnt that big
I don't look at win rates that often, but...jesus, what happened to Gragas? What happened to the good ol' days when he was like a top tier mid laner? I mean good lord, I see him about as often as I see Trundle nowadays (I can honestly only remember seeing like one in the past two months).
i remember him seeing no play then suddenly becoming fotm and then he dropped off. I've been playing for about a year so not sure if played enough to experience "the good ol' days" but hes a pretty unpopular champ for the most part. His default skin may have something to do with it but he has some amazing skins, so i dont mind too much.

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