League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Et, you really shouldn't concern yourself with teammates at that level of play. My suggestion to you is to mute every one of them the instant the game starts. It makes you less angry, more focused on your own play, and overall puts you in a better mood.

Learn to play carry roles. Junglers like Hecarim, Darius and Nocturne. Mid Powerhouses like Diana, Jayce and Zed. Top laners like Ryze, Rumble and Jax. All these champions in their specific lanes (and many of whom can double up roles eg. Ryze mid, Jax jungle) excel in carrying games due to their high mobility, damage, gambling potential, utility or any combination of the four.

To tell the truth, if you are unable to solo queue yourself out of Bronze, 99 cases out of a 100 you deserve to be there.

Just keep calm, ignore trolls, and smash your way out of there.
Sigh failed my Gold Promo. Everything went wrong, including me being forced to top for 3 games, a role I've play 5% of the time.

Was playing Malzahar and I dced for the first 10 minutes, got bug splat and there was a patch. Started playing and we were getting mauled, 11 to 27. They had all the Dragons and Baron buff. They dived us 5v5 mid and we won the fight, we had a much better AoE comp after we killed their ADC instantly. Fast forward to about 45mins, we still had our inhibitor turrets up while we had their mid inhib. We catch their Nunu, I ult him and he flashes with about 200 HP left. I told my team "50 seconds till ult". 30 seconds later, our stupid ****ing Vlad goes in and ults, pools on no HP then dies. 4v5 and we get picked off as we run back. Jesus Christ. GG waste of 50mins.
ill help u promote once i fix my lag issues :)
Appreciate it but for the time being I have so many issues... Telstra giving me congestion at non peak hours and I still randomly get +60 ping...

As for solo queue, been playing Soraka top. Great fun up until I got level 1d last game and lost all motivation for it. Ryalis on Soraka is ridiculously good, kite everything. Hardest counter to Singed in lane too, you can even farm behind his tower lol.


Banned deucer.
Appreciate it but for the time being I have so many issues... Telstra giving me congestion at non peak hours and I still randomly get +60 ping...

I'm on telstra and I'm stuck on a constant 250+ ping >_>. Not to mention weekends when tourists visit and I can't even play because of 1k+ pings being caused from 20X the normal amount of people being in the area
Who's playing on the Oceania server?

I know Thorns and ginga are, and some of the rest of us have transferred smurfs over too. I get 24 ping on there, which is incredible. Makes it really hard to go back and play on 160-200+ ping on NA, but that's where all of Smogon is.
Hey, that has nothing to do with LoL!! Don't make me punish you!! I'm still an smod even though you can't tell because there's like nothing visible that distinguishes us from other users atm.
Who's playing on the Oceania server?

I know Thorns and ginga are, and some of the rest of us have transferred smurfs over too. I get 24 ping on there, which is incredible. Makes it really hard to go back and play on 160-200+ ping on NA, but that's where all of Smogon is.

I have. I was hesitant to but I transferred my smurf first, then went back to play with 210 ping and it was unplayable for me. I can't believe how much of a difference 50-60 ping (Adelaide) makes. Playing Orianna is like playing a new champion.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
You have no power over me now! Muhahahaha

Anyway, a few months ago I tried playing on the Chinese server just for fun to see what it was like with 200+ ping and all I have to say is it's hilarious so maybe I'll make a smurf on the oce server just to do random stuff with Australianers on shitty ping.

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