Megapants' Art Thread

I seem to have misplaced my tablet pen haha. Sorry for the lack of pictures. Once I find it, I shall get right back to drawing.
Hah I was first to rate this beauty.

Your pikachu is absolutely hilarious. I like how you don't have one set style, it seems to be a little bit of everything (in the best possible way).

EDIT- do you mind if I temporarily use your pikachu as an avatar? I'd be more than willing to credit of course ^_^
Go for it! It really is a compliment to my work. :)

If anyone else ever wants to avatar one of my drawings, feel free to ask as long as you give me credit.
Hey there everyone! I found my tablet pen, so I got right to drawing! These two new drawings are both character concepts for a story that I have just started writing recently.

As of now, they are pretty plain looking characters, but I have some pretty good ideas as to how their appearances will progress as the story starts coming along.

The girl started as a warm-up, but I really liked it so I decided to color it. That's why it's a little messy. I spent a lot of time on the guy though, and I really like the result. Clean lines and very good coloring.

Anyway, sorry for the delay, so enjoy these pictures!



I'll get to doing any requests that I may have missed. :)
As you said that the girl was a warm up the neck is unporportional and is too long and stretched out so is the chin a little, but pretty good other wise.

As for the guy GO ASIANS!!! other than that i can't really find any thing wrong except for the hand/fingers which are too rigid and a little unpoportional (fingers) the position is also a little akward it should be more towards the body the palm (especially the edge) needs to be rotated a bit.
As you said that the girl was a warm up the neck is unporportional and is too long and stretched out so is the chin a little, but pretty good other wise.

As for the guy GO ASIANS!!! other than that i can't really find any thing wrong except for the hand/fingers which are too rigid and a little unpoportional (fingers) the position is also a little akward it should be more towards the body the palm (especially the edge) needs to be rotated a bit.
Haha, man you hit the nail on the head here. I noticed most of these things while drawing, but if you haven't already noticed, I lack motivation at times. :P

Thanks a lot though! Your critique was like, right on the freakin' dot haha.
Haha, man you hit the nail on the head here. I noticed most of these things while drawing, but if you haven't already noticed, I lack motivation at times. :P

Thanks a lot though! Your critique was like, right on the freakin' dot haha.
Hey i try my best :) also to give you some motivation if you can draw a togekiss (yes it's my fave pokemon) you'll get a cookie!
I like your character concept art, sir. As you said, the girl is a little rough, but thats not that big of a deal, especially with your cartoon-like style. So, what is this story you are writing? A graphic novel, or was the concept art just to help you visualize? Are you going to be sharing this story?

As you can see I am already interested, haha. I never turn down a good story.
Haha, It's good that someone is already interested. I'm planning on making it into a webcomic. I probably won't have the website up until next year, minimum. But it's definitely going to happen at some point.

And I'm not 100% on the story yet. All I know is that it will involve those two characters having to deal with both the apocolypse and the aftermath. It's getting there, though. :)

Also, here is something I've been drawing for the last like, 4 hours. It's a scene that I'm guaranteeing to be in the final story, where the male character is standing on the balcony and something horrid occurs. Why is he standing there? I don't want to say. :P

Anyway it's coming along really nicely. I just need to make the background and then do some overtones to make it look like night time. But enjoy looking at the half finished product for now.

EDIT: I finished the picture. Here is a link. Beware, it's somewhat large. But it is better that way, fo sho.

Yea man, that scene is pretty cool. Its cool to see the dude being thrown into a situation already. I like the perspective you took for it too. I'm looking forward to your webcomic, Mega. Please continue to produce awesome arts.
This is a fan art I did for a really good webcomic called The Meek. (Link) I promise I'll start drawing Pokemon related stuff again soon, haha. In the meantime, bare with me. Oh yeah, I forgot. There's boobies, fyi.


EDIT: I did the Togekiss that was requested by monkeyz. Togekiss is boring as hell, design-wise, so I tried to make it a bit more interesting. Seems like a kamikaze or Red Baron sort of scene to me. Anywho, enjoy.

Wow togekiss is awesome do you mind if i incorporate it into my avatar? I promise to give credit also how come everytime when someone draws a togekiss they always add a pair of aviator glasses just check out my avy and you'll know.
Sorry for double post.

Anywho, here's a picchur of Pinsir I drew today. Pinsir be crazy trippin', mang.


EDIT: I've decided that from this point on, I will be putting links to my DevArt page instead of putting the pictures directly here, so I can feed myself some page views. I have a goal of 10k page views to reach in less than 6 months, and it would help pick up the pace. Besides, you still see the art. All you have to do is wait for one more page to load. Hope nobody minds. Thanks in advanced. :D

Also, if you're on DeviantArt, send me a watch! That way you won't have to keep checking back to this thread to see my art. And it'll make me feel good about myself. :P
I don't really see anything wrong with pincir except the arms are too thin and rubbery. The shoulder is also too large in porportion in comparison to the tiny arms. The gorns also look too small but that could just be the perspective of this image due to it looking upwards. I suppose that the teeth can remain that way because it's also angry and it's supposed to look manical and violent. Also the last and bottomess "segment" is protruding a little too much. Overall it's still good, but if you look closer you can see some errors.
I appreciate the critique, but when doing so, sometimes you have to consider the picture stylistically along with accuracy. I sorta did the things you listed on purpose, to give it a more cartoony look and feel. I understand what you're saying, but please take that into consideration every now and then. :)