SPOILERS! Mysteries and Conspiracies of Pokemon


Ranting & Raving!
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pika pal:
Because had Mega Evolution been a thing in the Colosseum games they'd be throwing it into our faces. :P

Okay, being serious, if Mega Evolution was a thing the leaders and maybe admins of Cipher would probably use a Mega Pokemon (a shadow one at that). Remember they're a global organization, in the original Colosseum we just took down the regional leader while in XD we took down the boss of the entire organization (and even then one of his sons looked to have taken over to be the antagonist of the non-existence third sequel). If I were Cipher I'd actually try to make sure Shadow Pokemon and Mega Evolution were capable with one another, or at least find a way to replicate the process (while Shadow Pokemon are said to be stronger that's only in sense of them not being afraid to attack people and their Shadow attacks doing super effective damage against all types, there's no change in stats. Even Shadow Lugia, who physically changed, didn't become any stronger as its only "boon" was not being able to become purified without a full powered Purification Chamber).

Also, as I'm going to explain below, a Mega Pokemon is a Pokemon who formed a strong bong between it and its trainer to reach its fullest potential. Shadow Pokemon had their hearts closes to ensure they were not afraid to attack people and so their moves would always do damage. Two different goals which sound like they would require two different processes. Like Holon Energy was mentioned previously and it had a strange effect on Pokemon by changing their type. But we know Holon Energy is a special form of electromagnetic radiation.

I don't know, sounds like it goes against what Mega Evolution was said to be. A Mega Pokemon is a Pokemon in a form where its at it fullest potential. Considering that normal Pokemon evolution is often used as a symbolism of growing up Mega Evolution would probably be used as a symbolism of having reached a wanted state of being. Mega Evolution isn't something you pull out only when you're in a desperate situation, you pull out Mega Evolution whenever you take on a challenge you feel serious about. Gym Leader, Villain Admin, Villain Boss, Elite Four, Champion, Battle Facility Trainers, Frontier Brains, they're not going to hold back (especially when they have a Mega Evolution themselves).

If I were to link Mega Evolution with any normal biological function, maybe I'd relate it to a proto-form of a permanent evolution the Pokemon will achieve some time in the future. Right now the Mega Evolution is the Pokemon at its highest peak of power, but what if the Pokemon species keep growing more powerful it some day reaches its Mega Evolution level of strength? It could be it'll instead gain a next stage of evolution looking something like its Mega Evolution... and then that new stage of evolution will someday get a Mega Evolution beginning the cycle over again. So in that respect you can maybe say Mega Evolution is a "sneak peak" to that Pokemon species future, when that untapped power is finally fully tapped into. ;)

A secret so well hidden it will blow your mind.

It's Mr. Dreavus!

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Hmm. Been a while since I played thjs point in the story, but didn't the primal reversion happen because of being exposed to natural infinite energy (I mean natural as in not directed by a human's will), wheras with megas the energy is essentially directed/altered by the trainer's will? (Again on the malleable Poke world various energies). If this is true (again, can't remember much about this game point).

BUT I just realised something else and the first part of the above is possbly wrong. The stones, the red an blue ones. Are they not artificial? Is it possible the ancients could actual design/modify ancient mega stones to bring about specific changes in Pokemon? Perhaps the red and blue stones (orbs?) naturally had a normal "mega effect" on Kyogre/Groudon to begin with, then the stones got modified (they at least have modified patterns on them) thus creating this new primal effect instead of the normal mega?


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Hmm. Been a while since I played thjs point in the story, but didn't the primal reversion happen because of being exposed to natural infinite energy (I mean natural as in not directed by a human's will), wheras with megas the energy is essentially directed/altered by the trainer's will? (Again on the malleable Poke world various energies). If this is true (again, can't remember much about this game point).

BUT I just realised something else and the first part of the above is possbly wrong. The stones, the red an blue ones. Are they not artificial? Is it possible the ancients could actual design/modify ancient mega stones to bring about specific changes in Pokemon? Perhaps the red and blue stones (orbs?) naturally had a normal "mega effect" on Kyogre/Groudon to begin with, then the stones got modified (they at least have modified patterns on them) thus creating this new primal effect instead of the normal mega?
It could be that after Rayquaza sealed Groudon and Kyogre away the Red and Blue Orb were created in order to inhibit them absorbing the natural Infinity Energy unless holding the Orb, thus why they instantly Primal Revert when holding it instead of waiting for a trainer's command to (so it's not Mega Evolution since they don't need to form a bond with their trainer). How the ancient people were able to make the stones and got them to do what they do I don't know. Maybe the orbs were originally pieces of meteorite that was able to absorb the remaining primal energy Groudon and Kyogre gave off thus making a connection to them. I suggest they were meteorites due to meteorites role in ORAS story. Rayquaza needs to eat meteorites in order to Mega Evolve and Archie/Maxie were trying to make their own Red/Blue Orb with the meteorite they stole. Obviously meteorites have something to do with the Infinity Energy and the Weather Trio's ability to Primal Revert/Mega Evolve.
Inb4 everything has to do with AZ being there at the right moment, I mean from sundial to ultimate weapon everything looks to be based on rocks, I wouldn't be surprised if the red orb and blue orb of this canon have to do with him.

Remember we have non mega universe RB orbs and mega universe RB orbs.


there like moonlight
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Honestly though, where is your dad in like every game except Emerald? Your mom declines to mention him, and he never appears to you in any of your adventures (again, except Emerald), even as you climb the ranks in the Pokemon world, eventually becoming a master of the elements and the Pokemon League...so what/where/who/why is he?
Inb4 everything has to do with AZ being there at the right moment, I mean from sundial to ultimate weapon everything looks to be based on rocks, I wouldn't be surprised if the red orb and blue orb of this canon have to do with him.

Remember we have non mega universe RB orbs and mega universe RB orbs.
But as far as we know, the GBA/DS (thank you HGSS) orbs can Primal Revert in-universe, but we are unable to due to them being key items in those games.

I think there is more than just the orbs absorbing the power. I think they absorb the power needed in the Cave of Origins. I mostly say this since I actually had both the Red Orb and a Groudon before I caught Kyogre in Alpha Sapphire and it wouldn't Primal Revert.
Yes, this is a case of gameplay mechanics, but this whole thread over-analyzes this sort of stuff anyway.

Honestly though, where is your dad in like every game except Emerald? Your mom declines to mention him, and he never appears to you in any of your adventures (again, except Emerald), even as you climb the ranks in the Pokemon world, eventually becoming a master of the elements and the Pokemon League...so what/where/who/why is he?
We've gone over this and I think I gathered up with all of the likely answers as well as one good snarky one.
Honestly though, where is your dad in like every game except Emerald? Your mom declines to mention him, and he never appears to you in any of your adventures (again, except Emerald), even as you climb the ranks in the Pokemon world, eventually becoming a master of the elements and the Pokemon League...so what/where/who/why is he?
Yeah, Vader's links will put you to the right section of archives discussing it. Unless you feel you've got something new to add we'll just be treading old ground. To give a brief overview if you don't want to archive binge:

In game: Outside of the Hoenn games, you can find a few brief mentions of him. Check all the electronics in your Mother's house at the start, one usually says that it's from him.

Meta-game: Personally I blame the lack of dad's due to a mix of Japanese culture and the original programmers coming from Earthbound. Then once you got a trope going it stuck. Or conservation of detail.

Theories: ...Yeah, just look at Vader's post. He's dead, divorced, far away working, one-night-stand... Of note, XD pretty strongly suggests that he's dead and your Eevee is to remember him by.

Personally I like reversing the question, why are you the player dropping out of school and running away from home just because an old man in a lab coat gave you a pet turtle? We talk about disappearing dads, when's the last time your player character ever visited your mother willingly (when the game didn't force it)? And all the direct sequel games (GSC, HGSS, B2W2) state your former character doesn't visit much. Guess the lifestyle of pokemon trainer doesn't leave much room for family. Like father like son/daughter?

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man in the moon
Personally I like reversing the question, why are you the player dropping out of school and running away from home just because an old man in a lab coat gave you a pet turtle? We talk about disappearing dads, when's the last time your player character ever visited your mother willingly (when the game didn't force it)? And all the direct sequel games (GSC, HGSS, B2W2) state your former character doesn't visit much. Guess the lifestyle of pokemon trainer doesn't leave much room for family. Like father like son/daughter?
I actually have a weird thing I do in my playthroughs. As soon as I get the ability to Fly, the first thing I do (before healing, even!) is Fly home and say hi to Mom. I think that's because it's what I would actually do in real life if I were in such circumstances.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Personally I like reversing the question, why are you the player dropping out of school and running away from home just because an old man in a lab coat gave you a pet turtle? We talk about disappearing dads, when's the last time your player character ever visited your mother willingly (when the game didn't force it)? And all the direct sequel games (GSC, HGSS, B2W2) state your former character doesn't visit much. Guess the lifestyle of pokemon trainer doesn't leave much room for family. Like father like son/daughter?
Well I think in Gen I it was sort of implied you were doing this all over a few weeks so it could have happened during Summer Vacation (ah, I remember my Summer Vacations. Playing video games non-stop, staying up late, going on trips, stopping villain organizations and becoming a champion, seeing lots of movies...). But as the games went on they did seem to drop that implication and you are just a wondering kid who for some reason doesn't go to school. I suppose we can write it off as a fantasy though if we must force some logic into it then maybe we keep up with our studies via the Pokemon Center's PC. Or, since we are doing this as a favor for the Professor, we're given permission for a short leave of absence from school though expected to go back when the new semester starts. Or a third (and most unlikely) option is that kids in the Pokemon World are taught like up to high school level stuff and then given a choice to either continue with their education, start getting a mentorship/internship/apprenticing/whatever for a job, or go on a personal journey like becoming a Pokemon Trainer.
Well I think in Gen I it was sort of implied you were doing this all over a few weeks so it could have happened during Summer Vacation (ah, I remember my Summer Vacations. Playing video games non-stop, staying up late, going on trips, stopping villain organizations and becoming a champion, seeing lots of movies...). But as the games went on they did seem to drop that implication and you are just a wondering kid who for some reason doesn't go to school. I suppose we can write it off as a fantasy though if we must force some logic into it then maybe we keep up with our studies via the Pokemon Center's PC. Or, since we are doing this as a favor for the Professor, we're given permission for a short leave of absence from school though expected to go back when the new semester starts. Or a third (and most unlikely) option is that kids in the Pokemon World are taught like up to high school level stuff and then given a choice to either continue with their education, start getting a mentorship/internship/apprenticing/whatever for a job, or go on a personal journey like becoming a Pokemon Trainer.
Or all the protagonists are home-schooled.
Hey. Just some some of the subjects I wrote down as I read all the pages since this seems to have slowed down (umm, as I try and make sense of the random sentences I made weeks and weeks ago…gulp). Hopefully try and keep the topic alive a bit.

Hoopa/Giratina Relations: They have powers you could say fit together as well as other things. Well Giratina has six legs and six wings. What is it missing? HANDS. Hoopa has six hands. What do you get if you put them together? Six hands, six legs and six wings (a complete being). 666. We all know what that means. Hoopa's ability is something you would assume Giratina to have…but it doesn't. Is Hoopa somehow created from Giratina, a part of Giratina stripped away from him (by the PTB) which is what sealed him in the distortion zone (since the ability to leave is gone, that Hoopa now has) has been stripped away? Then from there Hoopa was sort of evolved/got its own intelligence? Or did Giratina literally give his arms/powers to create portals away to Hoopa (or possibly create Hoopa) so one day Hoopa could help him escape? Just one possibility that I figured was at least interesting, regardless of any truth to it.

Glass Pidgeot: The glass Pidgeot at the art museum. It's referenced as an ancient Pokemon as if it was some sort of fossil Pokemon. That's a bit weird. It doesn't actually say it's a Pidgeot (from what I remember). The detail is bad, but could it be some sort of ancient Penguin Mon that just looks like a Pidgeot? (Go look, it'll only take a minute). I know it is almost likely a Pidgeot, but WHY the ancient thing? It's clearly a modern Pokemon. Did they originally have a different statue and forget to change the text?

B/W Parallel Worlds: How do we think B/W's parallel worlds fit into the grand scheme of things? You have to remember this isn't just some "player made different choices in the game" style timeline split. The world itself is literally different. One has a city that's hi-tech while its opposite is much less advanced (Opelucid is it?). One area has been flooded with lava and the other not and more etc. The split has clearly already occurred BEFORE the player even makes a decision.

Timeline of Games In-World: Just a note; I've noticed when some have been doing timelines they're only taking into account the time between games to show how much time has passed. Some seem to be missing the fact that actual time passes during the story of the game, too. I know it never states how much (though some may). But if we look at them as fully functioning worlds and not just the small game world gameplay mechanic, you have to assume at least several months, maybe even a year has passed during their journey. Which is a sizeable chunk of time missing from the timeline guides.

Alright, I have more, but I'll leave it at this for now. Have a good day, peoples.
Hey. Just some some of the subjects I wrote down as I read all the pages since this seems to have slowed down (umm, as I try and make sense of the random sentences I made weeks and weeks ago…gulp). Hopefully try and keep the topic alive a bit.

Hoopa/Giratina Relations: They have powers you could say fit together as well as other things. Well Giratina has six legs and six wings. What is it missing? HANDS. Hoopa has six hands. What do you get if you put them together? Six hands, six legs and six wings (a complete being). 666. We all know what that means. Hoopa's ability is something you would assume Giratina to have…but it doesn't. Is Hoopa somehow created from Giratina, a part of Giratina stripped away from him (by the PTB) which is what sealed him in the distortion zone (since the ability to leave is gone, that Hoopa now has) has been stripped away? Then from there Hoopa was sort of evolved/got its own intelligence? Or did Giratina literally give his arms/powers to create portals away to Hoopa (or possibly create Hoopa) so one day Hoopa could help him escape? Just one possibility that I figured was at least interesting, regardless of any truth to it.

Glass Pidgeot: The glass Pidgeot at the art museum. It's referenced as an ancient Pokemon as if it was some sort of fossil Pokemon. That's a bit weird. It doesn't actually say it's a Pidgeot (from what I remember). The detail is bad, but could it be some sort of ancient Penguin Mon that just looks like a Pidgeot? (Go look, it'll only take a minute). I know it is almost likely a Pidgeot, but WHY the ancient thing? It's clearly a modern Pokemon. Did they originally have a different statue and forget to change the text?

B/W Parallel Worlds: How do we think B/W's parallel worlds fit into the grand scheme of things? You have to remember this isn't just some "player made different choices in the game" style timeline split. The world itself is literally different. One has a city that's hi-tech while its opposite is much less advanced (Opelucid is it?). One area has been flooded with lava and the other not and more etc. The split has clearly already occurred BEFORE the player even makes a decision.

Timeline of Games In-World: Just a note; I've noticed when some have been doing timelines they're only taking into account the time between games to show how much time has passed. Some seem to be missing the fact that actual time passes during the story of the game, too. I know it never states how much (though some may). But if we look at them as fully functioning worlds and not just the small game world gameplay mechanic, you have to assume at least several months, maybe even a year has passed during their journey. Which is a sizeable chunk of time missing from the timeline guides.

Alright, I have more, but I'll leave it at this for now. Have a good day, peoples.
Hoo boy... Well, in order:

Hoopa and Giratina: sorry, but I don't think they have much relationship with each other. And using limb counts as evidence is definitely grasping at straws, and that's saying something on this board. For one it would imbalance the trio Giratina has with it's brothers Palkia and Dialga. Another is that Hoopa and Giratina really aren't as satanic as people ascribe to them. Giratina represents antimatter (contrasting space and time), while Hoopa seems to be based on Persian legends of Ifrits (Afrits?) and Jin (Genies), especially since you open a bottle to release it's power.

The Glass statue: I always thought it looked like an Articuno
, but that distinction was more clear before they remade it. See image below for both the old and new statues in the same shot:

Still, I'm not entirely certain it's supposed to be a Pidgeot. For one, the crest is too short
for Pidgeot's Fabio hair. The plaque does say that this is a statue depicting "an ancient bird pokemon" so it could be an undiscovered pokemon, an extinct one, or an Articuno statue under artistic license (it is an art project after all, not a science display). Or it's a Pidgeotto statue? I dunno.

Parallel Worlds: Delta Episode hit the head on a theory many had for a while, that there are thousands upon thousands of parallel pokemon worlds. Essentially, every pokemon game is canon (even remakes/third verions vs the originals) and in addition each game card/cartridge is it's own parallel world. So every time you trade with your friends, essentially you are sending a pokemon to a parallel timeline, based on your friend's adventure. So in a way, the pokemon world has always been splintered, just it took us until Gen 6 to flat out state it.

I do want to get back to this topic though. The Entree and Dream World haven't been discussed much on this board and I'd really like to. A mysterious garden you can warp to from anywhere in Unova, where the dreams of pokemon take physical shape? There's so much the 5th gen games left open about that place.

In-game timeline: Since this is based on personal experience and therefore impossible to predict, there really isn't much to say. The adventure could have been done by a speedrunner and finished in an afternoon, or took years because the player stopped playing for a while only to return later. And what about if I replayed my Emerald game where the battery ran out so time is stuck? O_O

Developers play this fast and loose, so we can assume any official length of each game in real time was "long enough." Either that or the adventure happened at the speed of plot!


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Adding in my two cents:

Giratina/Hoopa: I wouldn't say for Giratina there isn't any satanic symbology going on. 6 wing spikes, 6 neck neck spine points, and 6 legs seems sort of on purpose (though Origin Forme kind of breaks the theme with replacing its legs with body spikes and then adding two in the back giving it 10). It's also called the Renegade Pokemon. However for Hoopa I don't think there's anything really satanic about it aside from the horns. Bulbapedia goes deep into possible origins here and its mainly draws from Arabian mythology of djinns though also coming up with reasons Hoopa Unbound has 6 arms. But overall these Pokemon don't really have any connection, also Giratina can create portals (or rather rifts) between the real and the Distortion World any time it wants (Giratina is the guardian of the the Distortion World, not a prisoner of it).

Glass Statue: Looks like a Pidgeotto but I think it's nothing to think deeply about. It's just a decoration and they don't really point it out as anything special. The Strange Souvenir had some lore given to it with the NPC noting it's apparently based on a Pokemon not found in the 6 main regions (and I'm going to assume this also extends to site regions too). But the Glass Ornament is more like "congrats on completing 5 paintings of your Pokemon hung for each Contest category! Here's something from the museum you can use in your base as a reward".

Parallel Worlds: Actually they were confirmed in Gen V with a random NPC in Opelucid City wanting to see a Pokemon with Charge from the other version (as well with those games in general messing with the concept of parallel dimensions). The games never make any specific mention of events that happened in other games aside that something did happen in the broadest sense. Like for the Hoenn games they'd probably just mention that both Team Aqua and Team Magma were causing trouble by trying to awaken super ancient Pokemon but a child who later became the Champion calmed the super ancient Pokemon thus saving the world. Thus any version could have happened in the place in its respective timeline it belongs, the only restriction being whether the game took place in the Non-Mega Timeline (Gen I through V) or Mega Timeline (Gen VI and probably all future games to come). However just because the Non-Mega Timeline doesn't have a Kalos game or the Mega Timeline don't have a Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, or Unova game that doesn't mean the events that happened in those games don't exist, just happened differently (not that we'd probably ever see the Non-Mega Timeline Kalos).

In-Game Timeline: Honestly I don't see why our adventures couldn't have taken just a few weeks of months in-game to do. Seasonal changes is just for the player's benefit, in the game time might as well not move as nothing ages drastically from the start of our journey to the end of it. Also the villain's plans seem to almost happen directly one after the other so there's really not much time you can say has passed.
I honestly think Vivillon has more of a Satanic theme than Hoopa. Think about it, its Pokedex Number is literally 666. It also comes in many different forms, which draws you into collecting the Vivillon forms - while this isn't viewed as a serious problem, it causes you to hoard the Vivilon forms and make you unable to enjoy life without them (in other words, making you obsessed). This also opens an opportunity for scammers from all over the world to operate by deceiving people of their beloved hard-trained Pokemon just to get their hands on some rare or obscure Vivilion form. In case you haven't noticed, this is the Trainer's Start of Darkness as Vivillon starts to mess with the Darkness in his soul.

From a competitive standpoint, Vivillon too stands out as an example of Satan. How so? First, take a look at this set:

Vivillon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Sleep Powder
- Hurricane
- Endeavor

With a Focus Sash equipped, Vivillon is able to survive any non-multi hitting move and cripple your Pokemon with a 91% accurate Sleep Powder. Its decently Speed of 89 also allows it to outrun some threats such as Mega Heracross, Clefable, Mamoswine and Bisharp which means it can put them to Sleep and preserve its Sash. Hurricane with Compound Eyes is boosted to 91% accuracy and has a 30% chance of causing Confusion so users will be selling their soul to the RNG God for such a thing to happen. With Quiver Dance, Vivillon is able to boost its SpA and Spe, which means it can repeat the above process several times if the opponent did not switch out (if they did, they risk their switch-in being crippled by Hurricane or Endeavor). As mentioned, Endeavor allows Vivillon to cripple an opposing mon after it has used up its Sash. Quiver Dance allows Vivillon to do this to faster Pokemon while Sleep Powder allows it to bypass Sucker Punch users. As seen, the user pretty much has to offer sacrifices to the RNG God to guess correctly in order to not lose Pokemon to this demon in insect form. Even worse, both newbie and veterans who face this monster will be annoyed and therefore start trying to make use of Vivillon's haxing abilities, creating a chain reaction and make Vivillon the #1 Pokemon in OU. Do none of this cause you to tremble in fear? Please do not allow your soul to be tainted by Vivillon any longer.

Disclaimer: OK, I have no idea why I wrote this long-paragraph but whatever.
IEven worse, both newbie and veterans who face this monster will be annoyed and therefore start trying to make use of Vivillon's haxing abilities, creating a chain reaction and make Vivillon the #1 Pokemon in OU. Do none of this cause you to tremble in fear? Please do not allow your soul to be tainted by Vivillon any longer.
And then you remember Volcarona exists. Nevertheless, for an early-game bug, Vivillion is still surprisingly competent, not only on the competitive scene, but in-game as well. You know the QD/STABs/Sleep Powder set most people use? It learns all of that by level-up.

In any case, the evidence for Vivillion being any sort of evil is sparse--there's pretty much nothing beyond its National Pokedex number and the patterns, which themselves aren't inherently evil. The Dex only notes its patterns and its ability to spread colorful scales.

But maybe that's exactly why it's scary--nothing would ever give any indication that this sweet, innocent, beautiful early-game butterfly would in fact be the epitome of terror.
And then you remember Volcarona exists. Nevertheless, for an early-game bug, Vivillion is still surprisingly competent, not only on the competitive scene, but in-game as well. You know the QD/STABs/Sleep Powder set most people use? It learns all of that by level-up.

In any case, the evidence for Vivillion being any sort of evil is sparse--there's pretty much nothing beyond its National Pokedex number and the patterns, which themselves aren't inherently evil. The Dex only notes its patterns and its ability to spread colorful scales.

But maybe that's exactly why it's scary--nothing would ever give any indication that this sweet, innocent, beautiful early-game butterfly would in fact be the epitome of terror.
But but Volcarona can't use Sleep Powder or Endeavor.

Remember the patterns? It's there to entice you, captivate you and make you forget your bonds as you chase after them. Much like Mega Man Battle Network's Dark Chip, the patterns will corrupt you while offering you something good, in this case being pretty to look at and having bragging rights as a collector.

(Disclaimer: Just joking at this point. Bad joke)


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I honestly think Vivillon has more of a Satanic theme than Hoopa. Think about it, its Pokedex Number is literally 666. It also comes in many different forms, which draws you into collecting the Vivillon forms - while this isn't viewed as a serious problem, it causes you to hoard the Vivilon forms and make you unable to enjoy life without them (in other words, making you obsessed). This also opens an opportunity for scammers from all over the world to operate by deceiving people of their beloved hard-trained Pokemon just to get their hands on some rare or obscure Vivilion form. In case you haven't noticed, this is the Trainer's Start of Darkness as Vivillon starts to mess with the Darkness in his soul.

From a competitive standpoint, Vivillon too stands out as an example of Satan. How so? First, take a look at this set:

Vivillon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Sleep Powder
- Hurricane
- Endeavor

With a Focus Sash equipped, Vivillon is able to survive any non-multi hitting move and cripple your Pokemon with a 91% accurate Sleep Powder. Its decently Speed of 89 also allows it to outrun some threats such as Mega Heracross, Clefable, Mamoswine and Bisharp which means it can put them to Sleep and preserve its Sash. Hurricane with Compound Eyes is boosted to 91% accuracy and has a 30% chance of causing Confusion so users will be selling their soul to the RNG God for such a thing to happen. With Quiver Dance, Vivillon is able to boost its SpA and Spe, which means it can repeat the above process several times if the opponent did not switch out (if they did, they risk their switch-in being crippled by Hurricane or Endeavor). As mentioned, Endeavor allows Vivillon to cripple an opposing mon after it has used up its Sash. Quiver Dance allows Vivillon to do this to faster Pokemon while Sleep Powder allows it to bypass Sucker Punch users. As seen, the user pretty much has to offer sacrifices to the RNG God to guess correctly in order to not lose Pokemon to this demon in insect form. Even worse, both newbie and veterans who face this monster will be annoyed and therefore start trying to make use of Vivillon's haxing abilities, creating a chain reaction and make Vivillon the #1 Pokemon in OU. Do none of this cause you to tremble in fear? Please do not allow your soul to be tainted by Vivillon any longer.

Disclaimer: OK, I have no idea why I wrote this long-paragraph but whatever.

Let's see I'm sure I can odd some more nonsense satanical parallels to Vivillon:

1. Look at Vivillon. Unlike the other butterfly Pokemon Vivillon doesn't look natural. It has square components to its design which aren't usually natural occurances. And as we all know anything not natural was not made by god and if not created by humans it means only one thing: SATAN!
2. Vivillon's signature Move is Powder. Powder is pretty much black powder as it sprays it on the opponent and if they use a Fire-type attack it ignites and blows up on the opponent causing them to lose HP. Black powder is made up of highly flammable substances most notably sulfur which in the Bible is referred to as brimstone which is what Hell is said to smell like. And on top of that there's a type of butterfly called the brimstone, the Gonepteryx. SATAN!


Junichi Masuda likes this!!

Let's see I'm sure I can odd some more nonsense satanical parallels to Vivillon:

1. Look at Vivillon. Unlike the other butterfly Pokemon Vivillon doesn't look natural. It has square components to its design which aren't usually natural occurances. And as we all know anything not natural was not made by god and if not created by humans it means only one thing: SATAN!
2. Vivillon's signature Move is Powder. Powder is pretty much black powder as it sprays it on the opponent and if they use a Fire-type attack it ignites and blows up on the opponent causing them to lose HP. Black powder is made up of highly flammable substances most notably sulfur which in the Bible is referred to as brimstone which is what Hell is said to smell like. And on top of that there's a type of butterfly called the brimstone, the Gonepteryx. SATAN!

This moth (Utetheisa lotrix) has square components though, and it's natural.
But not like Vivillon's blockiness which you can essentially make pixel art with:

You know maybe they should release a Vivillon pixel art template for Pokemon Art Academy or something to see what designs players could come up with.
I would buy Art Acadamy if they gave us a "paint the numbers" style Vivillon template, so we can either recreate existing patterns or make new ones to submit as part of a contest.
I would buy Art Acadamy if they gave us a "paint the numbers" style Vivillon template, so we can either recreate existing patterns or make new ones to submit as part of a contest.
There was a contest a while back where if you entered, you could have your Pokemon art made into real cards. c:
...I didn't participate because I'm that person who just turns on the line art and then copies everything.
While I understand that this "mark of the beast" Vivillion thing is just a long joke, it wouldn't make much sense for a Japanese developer to use 666 as a demon sign. You'd think it would be 444...

...well, I guess it's evolution Garchomp is the Scrub Devil of sorts (although I'd think that would also be Stealth Rock) but still not that imposing. Maybe drop a digit to 44.

Ehh. Well, what about just 4?

Whoose the cutest fire demon? You are! Yes yoo are!

Well, how about the combos? 24, 42, and 49 are supposed to be really bad juju (double death, to the death, and suffer until death respectively). What's that group got?

Marginally better than the last three for sure, especially getting Arbok in there, but I still feel like something's missing.

108 is another bad number in the East, maybe that's our demon-

Oh. Guys, I think this is a dead-end.
Edit*:Can't believe I forgot about Spiritomb. Thanks Detective Barricade.
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