Mystery Dungeon Discussion and Rescues.

The only mystery dungeon game I have is gates to infinity. The plot is unusual and is probably worse than the others. I know my cousin has Explorers of Sky which I believe is better, although there is this discrimitory questionnaire at the start which decides what pokemon you will be. I liked the pokemon friend village you could make in Gates but I think too many of the games allow you to evolve after the main story, meaning that you have basic pokemon fighting legendaries and beating them, which isn't realistic. They should be able to evolve by their normal methods.
I bought super mystery dungeon right when it came out and I played through the main storyline and everything, unlocked a couple of continents, but I can force myself to pick it back up. I think it's the fact that you get handed fully evolved high level Pokemon pretty early in the game. I mean they did try to balance it by only allowing your starter and partner in the main story dungeon and by limiting the amount of consecutive times you could use those high level mons, but it still felt kinda ridiculous when you have tyranitar, charizard, and Alakazam on your team when you're like level 16. In rescue, it was the opposite; instead of being handed op Pokemon on a silver platter, it was essentially impossible to get more than one or two without grinding for literally days. I think they need to find a happy medium between the early games and the new ones if they want pmd to continue to be successful.

It sounds kind of trollish IMO.

"See those great and powerful Pokemon? Well, they will not help you in your main quest hahahahahahahahaha!"
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One of the biggest problems in the series is the lack of powerful bosses. With the exception of the 99 floor-reset-you-to-lvl1 dungeons, you easily become overpowered and are able to obliterate all the bosses once you're a bit into the postgame. They tend to add health to bosses instead of offensive power, which to an extent, makes sense. I mean who wants to get sent all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon after going through 98 floors just to fight the boss. It's just a bit of a shame when you get all hyped up about a boss and then ohko him with flamethrower.
One of the biggest problems in the series is the lack of powerful bosses. With the exception of the 99 floor-reset-you-to-lvl1 dungeons, you easily become overpowered and are able to obliterate all the bosses once you're a bit into the postgame. They tend to add health to bosses instead of offensive power, which to an extent, makes sense. I mean who wants to get sent all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon after going through 98 floors just to fight the boss. It's just a bit of a shame when you get all hyped up about a boss and then ohko him with flamethrower.

This is true for Post-Game but main story bosses can actually be hard. First time playing Explorers the Groudon illusion absolutely destroyed me. Primal Dialga is also quite deadly because screw you Roar of Time. I will admit that PMD bosses tend to be harder than main story Pokemon bosses however.
This is true for Post-Game but main story bosses can actually be hard. First time playing Explorers the Groudon illusion absolutely destroyed me. Primal Dialga is also quite deadly because screw you Roar of Time. I will admit that PMD bosses tend to be harder than main story Pokemon bosses however.

Yeah, I totally agree. Primal dialga with munchlax was a b@&$%, and groudon and rayquaza in rescue were also very difficult. It's pretty difficult until your above level 40 or so. And I'd say that the pmd games are waaaay harder than the main series games.

Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned the amazingly catchy music. It still gets stuck in my head sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere.
This is true for Post-Game but main story bosses can actually be hard. First time playing Explorers the Groudon illusion absolutely destroyed me. Primal Dialga is also quite deadly because screw you Roar of Time. I will admit that PMD bosses tend to be harder than main story Pokemon bosses however.
I agree, though I do think Darkrai and his goons in the post game were pretty difficult, especially since Cresselia was a difficult partner to have with you. She used up most of my reviver seeds.
Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned the amazingly catchy music. It still gets stuck in my head sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere.
The music is so good. I'm so glad you they give you the sky jukebox in EoS, although it does kinda bother me that you only get it post game, and I replay this game a lot. Idk if they do something similar for Gates to Infinity.
Yeah, I totally agree. Primal dialga with munchlax was a b@&$%, and groudon and rayquaza in rescue were also very difficult. It's pretty difficult until your above level 40 or so. And I'd say that the pmd games are waaaay harder than the main series games.

Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned the amazingly catchy music. It still gets stuck in my head sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere.

Yeah, PMD hosts some great music. Music tracks such as Through The Sea of Time, Dialga's Fight To The Finish, A Wish For Peace and Planet's Paralysis stand out as my favourites (sorry that they are all PMD:Explorers but when it comes to music I think they beat every other game.

I agree, though I do think Darkrai and his goons in the post game were pretty difficult, especially since Cresselia was a difficult partner to have with you. She used up most of my reviver seeds.

The music is so good. I'm so glad you they give you the sky jukebox in EoS, although it does kinda bother me that you only get it post game, and I replay this game a lot. Idk if they do something similar for Gates to Infinity.

Actually (going off pure memory alone here) Darkrai has two sets I think. At least I think so because on one fight he used Double Team a lot and on the other he didn't. Pretty sure there were some other move differences as well.
One of the biggest problems in the series is the lack of powerful bosses. With the exception of the 99 floor-reset-you-to-lvl1 dungeons, you easily become overpowered and are able to obliterate all the bosses once you're a bit into the postgame. They tend to add health to bosses instead of offensive power, which to an extent, makes sense. I mean who wants to get sent all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon after going through 98 floors just to fight the boss. It's just a bit of a shame when you get all hyped up about a boss and then ohko him with flamethrower.

TBH it's a problem of the whole genre, not just PMD, in that the difficulty is not in beating the boss, but reaching it.

(Sure, I know it's not a pure roguelike, but think of Diablo if you've played it. On Hell, you are much more worried about random uniques than the actual Prime Evils)
TBH it's a problem of the whole genre, not just PMD, in that the difficulty is not in beating the boss, but reaching it.

(Sure, I know it's not a pure roguelike, but think of Diablo if you've played it. On Hell, you are much more worried about random uniques than the actual Prime Evils)

Yeah, I guess you're right. I haven't played Diablo, but I've played a lot of skyrim, and it's much easier to take on a dragon priest than the dungeon full of draugr deathlords that precedes one.
I was playing Super earlier today and I have a story.

Since in Super you connect with Pokemon way stronger than yourself, I barely use me and my partner. I'm level 23 and my partner is 20. I went to a sand continent dungeon to do 3 jobs. 8 of my 10 best Pokemon were unavailable, so I ended up going with a level 56 Alakazam, a level 55 Bisharp and a level 42 Rhyperior. I needed to get through all 11 floors.

Floor 4.
I had used a Scanner Orb earlier that floor, and I could see a room absolutely loaded with items. It had 4 items and 3 emeras on the ground. So, I took control of Bisharp and waltzed in there, and then right as I moved into the room, I remembered something horrible.

"If a room has too many items and looks too good to be true, it's a monster house." I find myself one step out of a corridor, in this cramped room with 4 Klangs, 5 Magnetons, 2 Slurpuff and 3 Porygon2 staring at me. At this point I knew I was buggered, so I decided to go out with a bang. Alakazam behind me using Psybeam and Rhyperior behind him using Rock Wrecker, we were doing damage. We were also taking damage. I noticed my last Oran Berry disappear from my bag. Then a Porygon2 used Agility and suddenly everything else was moving sanic fast. At this point I was at +4 from Defiant boosts because the Slurpuffs spammed Sweet Scent from across the room. Then this Porygon2 used Zap Cannon and it hit.

I stand here, paralysed. Waiting to be beaten. Then the Klang in front of me Gear Grinds me, and I faint. But now I'm even more screwed because it evolved into a Klinklang. Then a Magnetite sneaks a Thunderbolt around the corner and gets my Alakazam. So, I take control of my Rhyperior and run like mad, hoping I can find the stairs. But running through this long corridor, a Porygon2 blocks me. I'm not scared of it, I know Hammer Arm. Then Hammer Arm misses.

AND THE KLINKLANG FOLLOWED ME! IT WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME! Then I tried to hit the Klinklang with Drill Run as it came closer. I KO'ed it. But one space behind it was a Klang, and at this point I have 12 HP. The Porygon2 Psybeams me, it somehow misses and then the Klang grinds my Rhyperior into dust. That probably wasn't the ideal way to come out of a Monster House.

Also, on the subject of bosses not being hard enough, while I agree that you should be able to experience the thrill of going blow for blow in an epic battle against someone much stronger than you, I don't think it really fits Mystery Dungeon. By the time you get to a boss, you've already gone through several floors of hell and used several of your items. You're not really in any shape to battle an overpowered boss once you get to it.
I was playing Super earlier today and I have a story.

Since in Super you connect with Pokemon way stronger than yourself, I barely use me and my partner. I'm level 23 and my partner is 20. I went to a sand continent dungeon to do 3 jobs. 8 of my 10 best Pokemon were unavailable, so I ended up going with a level 56 Alakazam, a level 55 Bisharp and a level 42 Rhyperior. I needed to get through all 11 floors.

Floor 4.
I had used a Scanner Orb earlier that floor, and I could see a room absolutely loaded with items. It had 4 items and 3 emeras on the ground. So, I took control of Bisharp and waltzed in there, and then right as I moved into the room, I remembered something horrible.

"If a room has too many items and looks too good to be true, it's a monster house." I find myself one step out of a corridor, in this cramped room with 4 Klangs, 5 Magnetons, 2 Slurpuff and 3 Porygon2 staring at me. At this point I knew I was buggered, so I decided to go out with a bang. Alakazam behind me using Psybeam and Rhyperior behind him using Rock Wrecker, we were doing damage. We were also taking damage. I noticed my last Oran Berry disappear from my bag. Then a Porygon2 used Agility and suddenly everything else was moving sanic fast. At this point I was at +4 from Defiant boosts because the Slurpuffs spammed Sweet Scent from across the room. Then this Porygon2 used Zap Cannon and it hit.

I stand here, paralysed. Waiting to be beaten. Then the Klang in front of me Gear Grinds me, and I faint. But now I'm even more screwed because it evolved into a Klinklang. Then a Magnetite sneaks a Thunderbolt around the corner and gets my Alakazam. So, I take control of my Rhyperior and run like mad, hoping I can find the stairs. But running through this long corridor, a Porygon2 blocks me. I'm not scared of it, I know Hammer Arm. Then Hammer Arm misses.

AND THE KLINKLANG FOLLOWED ME! IT WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME! Then I tried to hit the Klinklang with Drill Run as it came closer. I KO'ed it. But one space behind it was a Klang, and at this point I have 12 HP. The Porygon2 Psybeams me, it somehow misses and then the Klang grinds my Rhyperior into dust. That probably wasn't the ideal way to come out of a Monster House.

Also, on the subject of bosses not being hard enough, while I agree that you should be able to experience the thrill of going blow for blow in an epic battle against someone much stronger than you, I don't think it really fits Mystery Dungeon. By the time you get to a boss, you've already gone through several floors of hell and used several of your items. You're not really in any shape to battle an overpowered boss once you get to it.

Haha, that's why you always gotta keep a Pokemon with a room damaging move. Also, agility and the like are broken in pmd, especially in a monster house. Sky pillar monster house aerodactyl was the absolute worst.

On another note, I haven't heard anyone complain about the whole belly mechanic in pmd. I personally don't mind it, bit a majority of the people I know can't stand it. The only time it really causes me strife is when walking through walls (which I rarely do) and that dang deoxys dungeon. It's so deceptive. You're basically screwed unless you have that hunger band thingy
Haha, that's why you always gotta keep a Pokemon with a room damaging move. Also, agility and the like are broken in pmd, especially in a monster house. Sky pillar monster house aerodactyl was the absolute worst.

On another note, I haven't heard anyone complain about the whole belly mechanic in pmd. I personally don't mind it, bit a majority of the people I know can't stand it. The only time it really causes me strife is when walking through walls (which I rarely do) and that dang deoxys dungeon. It's so deceptive. You're basically screwed unless you have that hunger band thingy

Also Charge + Discharge *cue member of the Rhyhorn line*

The food mechanic is basically standard in roguelikes, so there's not much of an issue if they keep it. That is, Belly becomes trivial in Rescue Team as you can switch leaders, and as long as their Belly is not fully empty or don't have Belly-draining equipped objects or linked moves, Belly extremely long-lasting.
Thanks for making this thread!

The most memorable moment for me was playing Explorers of Time (first PMD game) with my post-game team comprised of some weak mons and a Level 100 Dusknoir. Anyway, I once had the bright idea of stealing from a Kecleon shop.

Instant bad idea. Even at Level 100, my attacks still did 3-5 damage, and the Kecleon finished off my other team members quickly. I was able to defeat it by throwing Gravelerocks at it for a while, though.

I tried to leave the room, and across the hallway, something stood out to me. The stairs! But there were several Kecleons between me and them.

This is when I walked into the wall by virtue of my Ghost typing. Walking through walls uses 5 Belly per turn, so within a few steps, I got the "Oh no! Your Belly's empty!" message. No Apples were in my bag. Suddenly, a space opened in the sea of Kecleons. I stepped on the stairs... and a Kecleon hit me with Sucker Punch, leaving me at 8 HP! Luckily for me, I was able to heal next floor with an Oran Berry.

Anyway, I think I'll be able to rescue people in my Explorers game (on Blizzard Island currently) but I haven't beaten Super yet.
One feature of PMD I love is the Personality Quiz at the start. PMD1 holds these gems of a question...

"Do you like groan-inducing puns?"

"You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?"
Kick the door
Clean it

"There is an alien invasion! What will you do?"
Ignore it

"You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?"

"A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?"
Scream and run
Close the lid without a word
Shake hands with it

"Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?"
Speak calmly
Speak nervously
WHATEVER!! (Yes it actually comes with two !s)
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One feature of PMD I love is the Personality Quiz at the start. PMD1 holds these gems of a question...

"Do you like groan-inducing puns?"

"You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?"
Kick the door
Clean it

"There is an alien invasion! What will you do?"
Ignore it

"You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?"

"A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?"
Scream and run
Close the lid without a word
Shake hands with it

"Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?"
Speak calmly
Speak nervously
WHATEVER!! (Yes it actually comes with two !s)

I love the personality quiz! I always take it and stick with who I've got. Just another little thing that makes pmd great. All the questions are so creative and funny. Pmd just seems to have so much personality as a game than any of the other Pokemon games I've ever played.
I love the personality quiz! I always take it and stick with who I've got. Just another little thing that makes pmd great. All the questions are so creative and funny. Pmd just seems to have so much personality as a game than any of the other Pokemon games I've ever played.

Seconding this, I feel like the PMD games (PMD: Rescue and Explorers) in particular had a lot of small neat touches that improve the game experience as a whole. The story is also miles better. One particular detail that really stood out to me was

The future. Let's take a step back, this is a cute little dungeon crawler you've been playing. Dusknoir wishes to say goodbye to you, standard stuff and then HELP! Into the future you go. The future is such a contrast to the present day. Instead of the happy music and cheerful characters you have deserted wastelands, evil Pokemon and many more things. The future is post-apocalyptic using the extremely depressing colour scheme of grey for everything. In this future, the world has collapsed, ruled by Primal Dialga, who is uncontrollable with primal rage. Scenes such as when your character look out to see grey rocks suspended in time against a grey sky is truly depressing. There is no morning, day or night. Just darkness. The contrast here is amazing and not to mention the major plot twist of Dusknoir actually being an agent for Primal Dialga and Grovyle actually being good. I feel like the whole future section is done quite well and is one of the most depressing things in the entire Pokemon franchise.
The future. Let's take a step back, this is a cute little dungeon crawler you've been playing. Dusknoir wishes to say goodbye to you, standard stuff and then HELP! Into the future you go. The future is such a contrast to the present day. Instead of the happy music and cheerful characters you have deserted wastelands, evil Pokemon and many more things. The future is post-apocalyptic using the extremely depressing colour scheme of grey for everything. In this future, the world has collapsed, ruled by Primal Dialga, who is uncontrollable with primal rage. Scenes such as when your character look out to see grey rocks suspended in time against a grey sky is truly depressing. There is no morning, day or night. Just darkness. The contrast here is amazing and not to mention the major plot twist of Dusknoir actually being an agent for Primal Dialga and Grovyle actually being good. I feel like the whole future section is done quite well and is one of the most depressing things in the entire Pokemon franchise.
The future chapters are actually my least favorite chapters to get through. Not because I think they're bad, not at all. But because they're just so bleak. It's such a drastic tone shift and I'm always like "take me back to Wigglytuff's Guild please."
So whatever I think about PMD is gonna be clouded by blind nostalgia for the first two installments (I mean they're good games, but sky is my favorite game etc etc love those). However, I played through super mystery dungeon recently and I can't help but feel that so many of its flaws are directly related to some really conflicting design choices. I've seen several people here call it their favorite of the franchise, so maybe you guys have some thoughts?

Basically it feels like they tried to go two ways. There's a huge epic plot that's supposed to be amazing and magical and draw in all the kids, and then there's being able to collect literally every mon relatively easily and without needing to search up where they all hided and use hordes and all that complicated stuff. Both of those are fine on their own but the way they did it really conflicts. For example, starters kinda suck. They give you an overlevelled salamence really early which spells out pretty clearly that you're gonna rely on other mons to do shit for you. IQ gave the mons you used more actual buffs, but anything can hold a looplet and pick up emeras so clearly there's a change of tone. But then there's this whole plot epic that makes you more invested in using those starters to the point where they've got [redacted] legendary doing [redacted] and telling you you're the only one who can save the planet. There's a whole emphasis on your connection, like there always is because it isn't PMD if someone go bye-bye and someone feels sad. Even afterward there's the mechanic where mons can't get used for a few days after you take them... except for the starters. Which you weren't supposed to need so much. It's your starters who wake up on their own in the society and are special members so it makes sense from a plot angle, but the mechanics conflict when you want to use your starters less in actual explorations. Even in this thread people are telling stories specifically mentioning not using starters. There's other conflicting things like constantly tossing out mons stronger than the super special starters when their specialness ostensibly is completely transferrable to, say, any legendary nearby, or how shoehorned in and low stakes the boss battles feel compared to previous installment's skill at slowly building anticipation, sometimes over multiple dungeons, before slamming you with the Groudon you've been waiting for, but the other thing for me is the plot and that's more rantable.
Then there's the plot that throws out contrived gimmick like the scarves and keeps trying to emulate the older ones with copy pasting an ostensibly nuts but secretly incredible explorer, adding in double crosses except this time they're terribly executed, and even shoehorning in the Jirachi fight, which is the point where I kind of lost faith in the makers. In Bidoof's wish there's a massive buildup with a character I'm invested in before we get to touch Jirachi, not to mention it certainly wasn't the easiest fight. Did they really need to throw in a Jirachi boss battle just to meet the requirement on the lower screen when there's already so few and they really aren't that challenging at all? It's not interesting or funny, there's no buildup, there's no challenge other than oh man I wasted a reviver seed or two maybe. I mean yeah mons is never gonna be hard but I really disagree with people who thought this was harder than rescue and it feels on par with the easiest ones in explorers. To play the game I had to get through the plot, which was a great driving force in the first two but just feels obnoxious and out of the way with all the retreads and characters you can't give a shit about. The point where you jumped up the tree was truly the low point because the characters are being told by everybody they can do it and they're the best and all these legendaries are here for them and I was just sitting there not really giving a shit about the world they created. And back to sky (sigh), they proved that we can become way more invested in characters without cool graphics n shit, even before the extra missions the guild was way more identifiable and likable so why have to rely on giving us massive cutscenes to try to create impact? Style over substance much?
Even if you find that biased because I like sky and super is dumb therefore better plot, the plot mechanics really get in the way of the game in a fundamental level. The game wants you to explore a world larger than ever before with way more dungeons... which are all samey retreads. Without actually going to all of the plot dungeons that are given emphasis and feel unique like in past titles, I don't get a sense that anything is different. I'm sure I'm not the only one who can name like, all of Sky's dungeons in order because they felt unique and I love them. This game I remember that one cool looking cliffy thing, the haunted place with the absolutely trash giratina thread that was handled so poorly, plot mountain, and the final dungeon. I even went back to one of the important plot dungeons and seriously played halfway through wondering why it felt so familiar before I googled it and realized I was here before to stop [redacted] from doing
. I only notice dungeon uniqueness when I accidentally wander into something 3 stars stronger than I wanted to and get sent home early. Even the music doesn't help, I'm pretty sure they just shuffle a bunch of tracks and it's random what you get or something? As opposed to individual themes you knew for each dungeon (mostly, anyway, for sky etc) there's no marker to really suggest that anything is different. Also personally I think the music is mostly way worse other than remakes of past game music and also dungeon_02 is amazing but nothing has the same kind of personality as drenched bluff or spinda cafe or anything like that because it's forced to be generic stuff, not specific and awesome like amp plains. The plot can't take me through any of these dungeons therefore they aren't made unique therefore why do I give a shit about going through them? Oh yeah, recruiting all the mons. It starts to turn the one thing the game did incredibly, really well done, into more of a grind because it's not supported by anything else the game does.

Anyway I like ranting on too long about this but I really see super mystery dungeon as something that they put out flawed, enjoyable but hurts to play when you can see these basic design contradictions. The game does a lot right but these things sorta kill it for me. However, since people here seem to love it over the games I follow blindly into nostalgic bliss, I thought I'd drop my 2 cents (more than that tbh, I really didn't mean to write so much) and see how people feel about the game so maybe I'll appreciate it enough to finish getting every mon.
The future chapters are actually my least favorite chapters to get through. Not because I think they're bad, not at all. But because they're just so bleak. It's such a drastic tone shift and I'm always like "take me back to Wigglytuff's Guild please."

Eh, I enjoyed the change of tone. It really highlighted how important saving the world would be later down the line, and made me feel motivated to do it other than "End of world generic plotline I have to get through to reach the post-game"
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Eh, I enjoyed the change of tone. It really highlighted how important saving the world would be later down the line, and made me feel motivated to do it other than "End of world generic plotline I have to get through to reach the post-game"
Oh, I wasn't trying to say I outright dislike it, it just makes me sad lol
Ahh mystery dungeon. What an awesome series. I'm not super familiar with the category of rogue-like games, but I must say that Pokemon really fits the genre well. I think the first two entries in the series are really solid games and would highly recommend them to anyone who has yet to play them but is interested in the series.

I think what the mystery dungeon world is so good at doing is creating an amazing world with characters that you can really get to know and care about. I don't it's necessarily fair to criticize the main pokemon games for being not as good at this because of the fact that the game itself is a lot different, but I think it's truthful to claim that mystery dungeon does an amazing job at presenting stories that you can really get into, with characters that you can't help but become attached too. The first two games were really good at this I felt - both did so in different ways, with the first game feeling more "open" in the sense that you as the player got to build your own rescue team with your partner and go from there. Explorers really shined in integrating you more so with other characters - the guild was a really great way I thought to introduce more characters and allowed them to create what I think many people feel is the best plot of the series. In any case, at least for the first two games, it was basically impossible to put the games down. And even after you finished the main story, there was just so much to do and explore.

The series itself is kinda in a weird state though. The rescue team games were such a good initial entry and Explorers did a great job on expanding on that base in terms of the mechanics. But it seems like gates took a step back from that and even SMD doesn't seem to be as heralded as the first two? That said, I'm wondering what people's thoughts are on Gates to Infinity? Honestly, it was a game that pretty much slid under the radar for me, considering I didn't hear much hype about it and a lot of the reviews were pretty negative (in comparison to the previous 2). That said, I feel like I won't mind some of the changes (such as party EXP - leveling mons up was such a pain). My sister has SMD and it seemed to me to be sorta underwhelming, although not necessarily bad. I agree with a lot of Megazard's points on the game, even having not played it. It's weird that in terms of game mechanics, it almost feels like they've gone backwards. Explorers did a good job at expanding stuff, but then they took a lot of the complexity away after that for whatever reason.

The only thing I really hate about the overall series? Goddamn traps and monster houses. Those things scare the shit out of me. I know I'm just a big puss, but man, younger me those things scared me way too bad. It's not even like they were too hard for me or anything, it's just I've never liked sudden scares. I'm interested in buying gates, so if I do buy it, I guess it'll be an opportunity to redeem myself and fight my fear haha...