Official Smogon Tournament XI - Round 2

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My opponent did not reply to me at our scheduled time. I have logs that they were active just before I got on the server but they left just more than half an hour after I messaged them. I'll try to get it done by the deadline but they aren't making it easy, just an activity post in case.
Expect you to run away and I have gone to the carnival to come after me? For God's sake stop being john
You were behind me one time, I was a week and you always are off
Expect you to run away and I have gone to the carnival to come after me? For God's sake stop being john
You were behind me one time, I was a week and you always are off
You being active just before I got on:
Me messaging you:
You leaving half an hour later:

We were scheduled to play at 9 in the morning, which normally speaking would be way outside my bounds for scheduling this sort of thing, especially during a weekday given I'd otherwise be busy. I'm certainly not going to be able to battle you at the times you've been messaging me at 5 in the morning telling me you can play now when I'm not even on if that's what you think, especially given how as shown here you probably wouldn't even show up. Either try to play at an hour which is decent or play me during the weekend where I'll be more flexible. But first and foremost actually pick a time you can actually play like I've been trying to get you to do instead of thinking you can get an easy activity win when you're clearly the one dodging me.
activity; i've tried to schedule over a week ago but haven't gotten a reply since
also, my opponent hasn't been on since last wednesday
Me and Typhlito were initially scheduled to play the 15th. I let him know a good 3 days before that day that I had to pull out. We rescheduled for today and he even agreed saying that today would be his "free day". I messaged him early this morning to get a confirmation that he would show up for the match at 7:00 pm EST, but no response. His status says he was last seen today at 12:57pm. I posted the message 45 minutes prior so he had to have seen it. I scoured PS and Smogtours and couldnt find him. I will stick around until 8:00pm to see if he shows late.
Activity Win Request, my opponent keeps johning me and not replying to my messages despite my efforts to contact him. he also doesnt seem to come on often.
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Typhlito never showed for our match today. Considering how rarely he shows on the forums its looking like this wont get done.

Opponent is being difficult, gave me a time for today, i suggested more times, no response until today. He then posted a message to my profile saying he could "play now" I then replied 5 mins later and he's gone. He has given me no other times to play, I'm struggling here. I will try my hardest to play but yeah, activity.
Deadline is in a few days and CTAHEAHaAEAHEahe has not given me a time to play. He said he would get back to me when i VM'd him, but when he did not i asked him when he could play within my constraints but he hasn't responded. I will contact him with my timings and will make a more detailed activity win request if we are unable to play.
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