The Downfall of Modern Rap Music

You might recognize the faces of these young hoodlums, niggas, and trailer park trash, They are the faces that killed rap shit on its grave and then danced on it. They all had different roles in killing rap and you might not understand how but by the time you're done reading this post you will understand each individuals role in killing rap

Lil Wayne:
Lil wayne was one of the first to stab music with his "hits" he was one of the rappers that started the "Money, Bitches, Weed and Hoes" movement. Which in terms was the first stab at rap music. Then he started his hip hop super duper group known as "Young Money" but translated in hood talk it is "Young MOOHLAAA BABY." Most of his lyrics speak about how he has sexual activities with certain young women and the smokes marijuana. Then later he eats chicken and drinks syrup (that's what makes him sound like hes choking on hash browns). He was also part of the auto tune movement that was equally homosexual to the "Money, Bitches, Weed and Hoes" movement.

Soulja Boy:
Soulja boy came after the other "rappers" where done killing and burying rap. He danced on raps grave with his dance, that would later become extremely popular and would evolve into what is known as "Jerking."(Jerking is when a homesexual(s) dance(s) and masturbates at the same time while wearing extremely gay clothing like brightly colored jeans). He also was also one of the "rappers" that would proceed to replace lyrics with what darkies and wiggers call "swag."

Waka Flocka Flame:
Waka Flocka Flame or as I call him Wack a Cocka Lame, is another "swag rapper." He comes "rapping" equipped with big chains that are owned by his slave masters. Also known as his record label but they basically own him. Some times it gets difficult to understand his "raps" because of his huge pussy lips slapping around, but his lyrics are all made up of "swag" so you don't need to understand them.

Watch out bitch this ghetto ass mother fucker is coming out of the suburbs of Canada reppin' dat maple leaf. Hes coming at you with his wheel chair flow. Coming out of the hood in Canada hes is the hardest black, Jewish, Canadian in a fucking wheel chair bitch, don't hate. Last name walking, first name never. He brings you some ghetto sounds from Canada (if they even have a ghetto). Of courses hes repping that YOUNG MOOHLA BABY.

Wiz Khalifa:
Jizz the queefa is another super duper "swaggin' rapper". He first came out with his hit single "Black and Yellow." In which he raps about his skin color (black) and his teeth (yellow). Most of his songs consist of his love for marijuana and his "gang", Taylor Gang. Taylor Gang is basically made up of a bunch of homosexuals wearing extremely gay camo shorts with everything even if they don't match. Taylor Gang also part takes in smoking grainy marijuana that can be seen in the "Taylor Gang" music video (the weed was obviously bought from a Mexicans shoe). His music is all made up of lyrical masterpieces consisting of marijuana, bitches, and money. He is truly an inspirational rapper.

Another "rapper", but this one is a little different from the others this one actually tried to rap about his life but then soon realized no one gave a fuck. So then he sucked big daddy Dr. Dre's big black cock for a record contract and Dre was so impressed with his head giving skills he said (this is all facts btw) "DAYUMN LITTLE WHITE WOMAN U KNOW HOW TO GIVE A BLACK MAN SUM GUUD HEAD HERE IS A RECORD CONTRACT." Then Eminem realeased a few album talking exclusively about how awesome he is for being the "only white rapper" even do there were plenty of white rappers before him. Also in case you didn't know the only reason he is popular is because he is white. In this picture he can be seen giving Elton John a hand job.

Mac Miller:
King of trailer park trash coming with his bucked teeth and super "swag." There isn't much to say about this as it is still developing, but he is a member of Taylor Gang. I just wanted to include him to point out how extremely ugly he is and how abnormaly large his head is. It looks to be about three feet wide. He reminds me of E.T.

R.I.P Big Pun you were always the greatest and always will be.

Rap was always a bad genre to begin with, and these people don't make it any worse. What these people have done is popularized it with the current generation of idiotic kids so that everywhere you go, they treat any non-rap music like some artifact from the museum. Main point: rap always sucked. Deal with it.
Rap was always a bad genre to begin with, and these people don't make it any worse. What these people have done is popularized it with the current generation of idiotic kids so that everywhere you go, they treat any non-rap music like some artifact from the museum. Main point: rap always sucked. Deal with it.
Lol nothing you said is true.
I needed to grow up quite a bit before I could appreciate some great hip hop out there. Mostly, I listen to it for the text and for the raw emotion that delivers it.
All of this just sounds like a lot of bitching over nothing. There is plenty of good hip hop out there if you go past the radio. It's not like mainstream (insert pretty much any genre here) is doing so well at the moment in terms of quality.
obligatory curtains post:

You forgot chris brown and nikki minaj. Most of what you said was true. I only play it for the beats in my whip. My whip game is proper. Good post

BIG loven

Not so little anymore
eminem is more like the god of rap, also wiz didnt first come up with black and yellow lol... you sound really uneducated about some of this stuff

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