
Sky's Art

Who is FellFromtheSky?

So... I'm a university student studying Mathematics, Ancient Languages (I specialize in Koine Greek), and Art History/Criticism. (To be honest, I wish that last bit was a bit more helpful in the applied part of visual art.) I'm also an amateur digital artist who recently started contributing art to Smogon. While my interests are wide and varied (just look at the degrees I'm pursuing) and I flit from subject to subject (right now I'm on eco-friendly landscape architecture), one thing that's always remained a constant interest for me is Pokémon. While I don't play the games as often as I used to, I still make a point to play at least one of them each generation. My favorite games thus far have been Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness and Pokémon X. I think I also should mention that I think that the fairy type may have been one of the best things to ever happen to the Pokémon franchise. Anyway, moving on...

Smogon Biography

I've been ridiculously obsessed with Pokémon since Gen III and at some point stumbled upon Smogon. I recognized it at first because of the whole "competetive thing," but quickly realized I had neither the talent nor patience-to-learn for competitive battling. I continued to lurk, however, and eventually stumbled upon Smeargle's Studio. If we fast forward through more lurking... My close friend encourages my to post some doodles I've done here as an art thread, despite my feelings about how easily overlooked my images would be for those of the countless amazing artists here. I did this in early 2016 and while my art recieved positive and helpful feedback, my activity on Smogon dropped off until the Summer of that same year. If we fast forward a little more, I somehow start contributing art and, to my surprise, somehow earn an art badge on August 4th, 2016. As of now, I'm still contributing art to Smogon and hope to continue to do so.

Art Preferences

In terms of medium, I do mostly digital art, though I have, on occasion, done a few pencil sketches and studies. My ancient Wacom Bamboo MTE-450A is my partner in crime and I rely mostly on Corel Painter and GIMP (to remove backgrounds if the image calls for it, I will never understand what Corel has against transparent backgrounds). In terms of style, I like to experiment a lot and frequently try to mimic others style (though it rarely matches up to the original). I usually paint lineless or spend very little time on lines (I have zero patience for vectoring or pen tools) and, at least lately, have been trying to focus my attention on adding depth to my works by studying light and colour.


  • My Art Thread — All my Smogon related art, and a lot of my non-Smogon related art, is featured here.


Smogon's Flying Press


Sky's Art Sky's Art Sky's Art