Tournament VGC Spring Seasonal - Round 1 (Accepting Subs)


Lost in a life full of mistakes
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Welcome to Smogon VGC’s Spring Seasonal! This tournament will award points towards the 2024 VGC Circuit, which awards a prize banner and custom avatar to the winner of the entire circuit. If you win the seasonal itself, you will also get the "Seasonal Winner" role in the official Smogon VGC Discord! This year’s hosts are Akeras and LovelyLuna


• This tournament will be played in VGC 2024 Regulation F.

• This tournament will be in Double Elimination.

• Every match will be in Best of Three, please use the built-in bo3 available when challenging. Matches MUST also be played with Open Team Sheets.

• We suggest to play your matches on Pokémon Showdown!, but playing on cartridge is allowed as long as both players agree and replays are provided.

• Replays are required for all matches. If neither player posts replays of the match, both players will suffer an automatic game loss. (If you were in losers' when you played, you are both out. If you were in winners', the winner is in losers' and the loser is out.)

• Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification and additional punishments may be applied if deemed necessary.

• Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

• Ghosting or being ghosted by another player

• Forcing deadgames and activity wins

Standard VGC Rules and Clauses

• Team Lock Clause: Players must use the same team for all battles of a given round. You can switch teams in between rounds, however.

• Item Clause: Players cannot have two of the same item on the same team.

• Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.

• Matches will be played at level 50.

^ watch this if you don't know how
Message your opponent, preferably on their Smogon wall (linked in pairings) publically and work out a time between the two. Please be clear and timely with your scheduling so there is no confusion! Use concrete dates and times (with timezones) for clarity!
Don't say Friday at 5pm, say March 8th 17:00 GMT-4! (Just an example.)


You may find that your opponent will not respond to your attempts to schedule the game. If this happens, make sure these rules happen before calling activity:

• It must be at least halfway through the week. Don't expect people to respond to you and be prepared just as fast.

• If it's later in the week, you've been without a response for 24 hours.

• You should be scheduling on each other's Smogon wall, but if you're scheduling using Smogon PMs, Discord DMs, or Twitter DMs, please either post the scheduling conversation or send it to a host privately.


eShiny  vs  LawrenceVGC
flutterfan  vs  sproutelpanafresco
RK_pocoyo  vs  Solanum
lrodher  vs  Val16
bigguac  vs  raulmaquina01
ProssettiVGC  vs  avarice
volcaronavgc  vs  Ina fable
pokeveteran04  vs  Castorbrown
torterraxx  vs  masa
srvoltmike  vs  vicTTor
DreamPrince  vs  NinjaCrobat
samaniego  vs  BravadoVGC
Kin+ak (✧∇✧)  vs  Shiritu
STLeoch  vs  Azick
Daywalker  vs  @rmn_
Yippie  vs  chuggachuggachooo
AIRedzone  vs  LovelyLuna
CosmicXDD  vs  Chloe
Poppedmon  vs  Pyreon
Daviron  vs  Nowelle
Bouff  vs  viaan
ZekromZeke  vs  Rv100
bierzocea  vs  Magicalarcher57
MrAmbassador  vs  Licenciado Pan
oh the guilt  vs  Etherios
iPetBigfoot  vs  Drud
Remake  vs  Bless
Arvinraj K III C  vs  Finabas
SephVGC  vs  glowbrogang
KeanuVGC  vs  Jay is decent
MrFuzzyFungus  vs  leggysmeggy
Abbehat  vs  z0mOG
Ubo  vs  Ado!
juleocesar  vs  Slip
ppyyy  vs  SvenVGC
Sole Survivor  vs  des121
Flipsicle  vs  teamo
Choruto  vs  ScalonetaPibe
StaxRigatoni  vs  MyStarseiei
4Kuser  vs  <>eq3y
baaaaaat  vs  squidwardKK
ant4456  vs  giove97
Lemurro  vs  Glacier24
ElegantFishVGC  vs  Jdub
Elliotus  vs  Mr.GX
DaviDXrt  vs  christianfinity
TannHauser38  vs  Lucky-Sama
feraligators  vs  shadowtime2000
juancolmenaresb  vs  PokeDestined99
trace  vs  Flarefox_7
Opelucid  vs  Diente_vgc
Wilfredkin  vs  EpsilonRvB
NightLight26  vs  Nkc1201*
Reddo161  vs  MafuSimp
Tr33carrot  vs  DutchTurtle
Shruzz  vs  Bye 1
thacrow  vs  Bye 2
sempra  vs  Bye 3
RogueVGC  vs  Bye 4
RainVGC  vs  Bye 5
Frixel  vs  Bye 6
Carneyasadaa  vs  Bye 7
Oswa923  vs  Bye 8
damsra1507  vs  Bye 9
Slow Homie  vs  Bye 10
yone  vs  Bye 11
veti  vs  Bye 12
drainsushi  vs  @Ryum
nezuko  vs  Bye 14
DiddlySquat  vs  Bye 15
fyfyy  vs  Bye 16
weird mon  vs  gossifleur23
Azulite  vs  Bye 18
Draxolotl  vs  Bye 19
SPAUMBR  vs  Bye 20
Rubyblood  vs  Bye 21
LRCool11  vs  Bye 22
godlyreal  vs  Bye 23
Staraptor  vs  Bye 24
Cao Jie  vs  Bye 25
Sir Aaron07  vs  Bye 26
Drookez  vs  Bye 27
DeMoNPokePro  vs  Bye 28
Kuma249  vs  Bye 29
Jesuuuus  vs  Bye 30
geoshot22  vs  Bye 31
Vinc2612  vs  Bye 32
deathdragon25o  vs  Bye 33
SoulboyVGC  vs  Bye 34
Qing  vs  Bye 35
Chromate  vs  Bye 36
Sensibility  vs  Bye 37
velvet  vs  Bye 38
PokeReplayVGC  vs  Bye 39
Aldrich  vs  Railgun
Arcticblast  vs  Bye 41

You have until March 11th 23:59 GMT-4 to play your matches.
Last edited:
Calling act, opp hasen't been on since Tuesday and hasen't responded to my messages, not sure if I will be free past today anyways.