Post your searing hot takes

you say that like recover is useless now. it is still an ecelent move. in no world should you be able to click recover the same amount of times as earthquake.

also, all of your teams are for ballenced hackmons. have you tried playing an actual format instead of playing pretend?
As a person who has played multiple different formats holy shit is the recovery nerf cringe, there was absolutely no problem with 16 it was fine no one actually complained except for ppl who have TikTok brain and can't handle a game more than ten turns
you say that like recover is useless now. it is still an ecelent move. in no world should you be able to click recover the same amount of times as earthquake.

also, all of your teams are for ballenced hackmons. have you tried playing an actual format instead of playing pretend?
Recover may not be *useless* but it still can be chronically easy to wear down walls which is not very healthy for the metagame, I think walls having a chance at outlasting what their actually meant to wall is healthy actually, like if your garchomp is sitting there clicking eq on a wall 16 times you’re probably walled anyway.

Also what
you say that like recover is useless now. it is still an ecelent move. in no world should you be able to click recover the same amount of times as earthquake.

also, all of your teams are for ballenced hackmons. have you tried playing an actual format instead of playing pretend?

Before Gen 4 it used to have 32 PP. Celebi is banned from GSC OU, not because of its power (base 100 attacking stats in a meta where everything has maxed out EVs doesn't dish out much damage, it also didn't have SD in GSC) but because it just doesn't die.
Nuking The Fridge in Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is not that bad of a scene. If you're gonna say "it's too goofy for the series", consider the Raft Scene from Temple of Doom, and how the movies were never intended to be art, but instead movies that are just enjoyable to watch.
popcorn is the ninja of all foods, perfectly designed to make you enjoy it in the moment, then hate it later.
%$#%$ kernals lol.

also to us cold climate folks feel:
snow > rain when it's winter type cold, i rather the snow fall on me and melt than be wet and cold cus rain soaking me.

cleaning car/digging out > being soggy & freezy.
I think the age limits for most things should be 25, as that is when your brain fully develops. this also gives people a good amount of time to find out if they are going to have a future worth investing in, or if becoming an alcoholic would barely lower their expected lifespan.
Although that is true it isn't profitable for the government as they get more money from taxing them. Though if I could I would do the opposite and raise the gun age to 21 and grandfather people in.