not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… PEOPLE'S MODERATOR ELECTION 2024: CAMPAIGNING STARTS NOW (about time...)

No word from BIG ASHLEY has been given yet as rebels press closer into Smogoff land.

BP has been indicted on 2,394 counts of tax fraud.

CaffeineBoost has been charged with corruption by antemortem and their investigative team.

Your best candidate for Smogoff president is the one who is writing this post.
  • Haha
Reactions: BP
No word from BIG ASHLEY has been given yet as rebels press closer into Smogoff land.

BP has been indicted on 2,394 counts of tax fraud.

CaffeineBoost has been charged with corruption by antemortem and their investigative team.

Your best candidate for Smogoff president is the one who is writing this post.
You are fake news.

The corrupt investigation by antemortem, the Congunist Gestapost, they have no jurisdiction in our beautiful subforum. They're a foreign entity with no jurisdiction. None whatsoever. We cannot let them push their Congunist agenda. We cannot.

In the eyes of the laws of Smogoff, I did nothing wrong.
In the eyes of the people, the tremendous people of Smogoff, I did nothing wrong.

This is a fake news outlet using their fake journalism to push their walking wake agenda. It's sad quite frankly. Sad. Dead by Daylight, they're manipulating the news, they're brainwashing the subforum for their sad, pathetic gains. They call him Dead by Daylight because that's what his 2024 campaign will be. Announced at dusk, gone before dawn. Terrible!

Stop. Run like hell. Go cry to your mother. Escape to the beach of the Cong subforum whose ass you're kissing so much. Have a cigar. Send us a "wish you were here" postcard. We don't. Get out of this election with your terrible journalism. Your time is up and it wasn't a long time. Bye bye!
You are fake news.

The corrupt investigation by antemortem, the Congunist Gestapost, they have no jurisdiction in our beautiful subforum. They're a foreign entity with no jurisdiction. None whatsoever. We cannot let them push their Congunist agenda. We cannot.

In the eyes of the laws of Smogoff, I did nothing wrong.
In the eyes of the people, the tremendous people of Smogoff, I did nothing wrong.

This is a fake news outlet using their fake journalism to push their walking wake agenda. It's sad quite frankly. Sad. Dead by Daylight, they're manipulating the news, they're brainwashing the subforum for their sad, pathetic gains. They call him Dead by Daylight because that's what his 2024 campaign will be. Announced at dusk, gone before dawn. Terrible!

Stop. Run like hell. Go cry to your mother. Escape to the beach of the Cong subforum whose ass you're kissing so much. Have a cigar. Send us a "wish you were here" postcard. We don't. Get out of this election with your terrible journalism. Your time is up and it wasn't a long time. Bye bye!
Screenshot 2024-03-18 213312.png

what is this in my inbox?
We come to you with breaking news that we ARE the new news.
The Smogoff National Broadcasting Corporation (SNBC) is proud to present itself as the NEW, UNBIASED NEWS SOURCE (funded by the NBC). Remember, the badgeless represent 90% of Smogoff (source: I made it the fuck up). WE CAN WIN BROTHERS! STAND STRONG!
We come to you with breaking news that we ARE the new news.
The Smogoff National Broadcasting Corporation (SNBC) is proud to present itself as the NEW, UNBIASED NEWS SOURCE (funded by the NBC). Remember, the badgeless represent 90% of Smogoff (source: I made it the fuck up). WE CAN WIN BROTHERS! STAND STRONG!
You are fake news.
The Smogoff Times, run by DBD Media, is doing well and good, and traitors like you will be punished.

Rest assured, your name is on a list.

Sleep well tonight, for tonight may be your last night.
You are fake news.
The Smogoff Times, run by DBD Media, is doing well and good, and traitors like you will be punished.

Rest assured, your name is on a list.

Sleep well tonight, for tonight may be your last night.
Why thank you!
Magic Mayhem Maiden Look, the news is wishing you a good night's sleep!
how am I supposed to sleep, there's a new Dragon Ball D. Media!?!? hell yeah
wait I'm supposed to do an official post

As the running mate for BestDatrix, these are my qualifications as a weather forecaster.
Other inquiries will be acknowledged. We hope that through our actions, Smogoff becomes Smogoff.

We're gonna have a beautiful election folks.

I have been selected by the will of the people to run for president of Smogoff.

The other candidates, let me tell you about the other candidates. I've spent a lot of time with the other candidates folks, a lot of time.

BP, fx, what are we electing letters now? If you let letters into people's moderator positions, they won't be able to string a sentence together! They're like 1st graders folks. The only letters we should be talking about are U, S, and A.

But folks, let me tell you something about the Publican Party... the Publican party folks.

BP is a very nasty man, a very nasty man. His favourite Pokemon is Vaporeon, I mean, I'm not saying anything folks, I'm not saying anything but his favourite Pokemon is Vaporeon.

And PokeKids2, folks I don't know about you but I don't think PokeKids2 knows anything about anything. You could probably ask PokeKids2 all about teddy bears, and I'm sure they'll tell you all about teddy bears. Maybe they need to leave running the subforum to the adults folks.

fx. What can I say about fx folks? Seriously! What is there to say?! Who is this guy?! Nobody knows who you are fx. You're an abandoned account, your supporters have already abandoned their hope in you. You're nobody here fx, nobody.

Big Ashley... Big Ashley folks, we in the discord call her Big Assley because she is ass folks, Big Assley has led this subforum into depression. Crooked Ashley brought us into a posting point debt of trillions. A tremendous posting point debt.

You give me the people's moderator position, give me a day, beautiful posting points. We'll be flooded with posting points. We'll have to hire people's subforum cleaners to sweep the posting points off the streets folks.

Another thing, Big Ashley... Big- not even her real name, she's actually just Total Clefairy in disguise. Total Clefairy, a people's moderator so bad. So bad folks, that she had to change her name. She had to change her name to Big Ashley folks. Not very big of you.

So it is with great pleasure that I, Caffeine J. Boost, am announcing my presidency run. I don't need a running mate folks, I'm worth more than these 4 people combined. Together we can make Smog off again.
from the first sentence, I could tell you were imitating trump.

anyways, I will be running for moderator, as soon as I figure out how to do that. I also will be voting for big ashley.
Listen. I might be a literal child. I might have posted some of the worst takes imaginable. I might mainly play just one format. I may also have joined the site about a year ago. I might not have read most of the pages in this thread before posting this. I might be so informal that I didn't initially use capitalization in my campaign speech. And I might have a memory so bad that I forgot where I was going with this. But I will listen to you. I am kind of smart. And I am not afraid to speak my mind, even when It is obvious that I very much should not do so. If you want honesty, then vote for me.

My running mate is Just A Shroom God, someone I barely know and have not consulted on this decision.

I promise to
>crack down on stall
>mainly just that
>add Murkrow to the gen 9 National Dex Ubers viability rankings
>get impeached in a day

(Note, that when I say I will listen to you, this means that I am willing to hear what you have to say. In terms of actually listening to you, I will almost certainly fail at that)
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I come to you at a time of crisis folks. The subforum has seen candidates drop like flies and pop up like moles. Time's are changing folks and this election is a mess. Okay? It's a mess. Sleepy BP's been put in jail where he belongs, Ashley who for some reason can organise this election while voting, has not organised this election. DBD and whoever that other kid is have popped up claiming they're gonna run but they'll be announcing their resignation within days...

Folks... the only consistent thing about this election is me. I am the only candidate you can have faith in. I am. I am the only candidate you can trust... the only candidate you can vote for. It's true folks, it's true. As a result folks, I am calling for an end to this election. I am calling for it to stop. We all know that I'm the only choice, we all know that if you keep this up longer nothing will change. We all know that I'm going to win so let's win already.

I am calling for BIG ASHLEY to step down from her PM campaign and start the election within a week. I am calling for calling an election folks. We're gonna go to the polls within a week and we're gonna get our ballots folks. We're gonna get our ballots and we're gonna tick the box next to Caffeine J. Boost because it might as well be the only box. We're gonna win an election and we're gonna do it now.

If BIG ASHLEY does not start the election within a week, we the people of Smogoff will interpret it as a no contest victory for myself.
If BIG ASHLEY does not step down from her post before starting the election, then we the citizens of Smogoff shall perform a citizen's arrest. We're gonna arrest CROOKED ASHLEY and put her in Trou. We're gonna investigate her DM's folks.
Together people we're gonna make Smog Off again.​
