OU Blissey


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Defensive (Blissey) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Dark / Water / Fairy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
- Calm Mind / Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock / Flamethrower / Heal Bell

With its staggering special bulk, Blissey is the greatest wall to most special attackers in the tier. Seismic Toss is Blissey's go-to damaging move, but it can opt for Flamethrower to hit Gholdengo, as well as threaten a rare burn against physical attackers looking to switch into Blissey. Another option is Shadow Ball, which allows Blissey to hit both Gholdengo and Dragapult, as well as any Tera Ghost users looking to set up on Blissey. Calm Mind gives Blissey a way to check dangerous setup sweepers like Darkrai and Raging Bolt more reliably, able to match their Special Attack boosts with its own Special Defense boosts, as well as boosting Flamethrower. Alternatively, Protect allows Blissey to safely absorb Future Sight, scout Choice-locked attackers, stall out weather turns, and burn the PP of powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Make It Rain. Stealth Rock gives Blissey another way to wear down the opposing team, as its high Special bulk allows Blissey to set rocks multiple times over the course of a game. Alternatively, Blissey can also choose Flamethrower for the same reasons listed above, not having to drop Seismic Toss this time, or run Heal Bell, allowing Blissey to take a cleric role for the team. With such high HP, Blissey chooses to invest EVs in Defense and Special Defense instead, still bolstering its absurd special bulk while lessening the damage from physical moves that would otherwise chip it down. Tera Dark gives Blissey a crucial Psychic immunity, allowing it to ignore Psyshock, Stored Power, Psychic Noise, and Future Sight from the likes of Hatterene, Latias, Primarina, and Gholdengo. Tera Water offers Blissey a resistance to Water, Fire, and Steel, useful for checking threats like Walking Wake and Heatran. Last but not least, Tera Fairy turns Blissey's Fighting weakness into a resistance, as well as an immunity to Dragon and a resistance to Dark, helping Blissey's matchup against Darkrai and Dragapult.

Blissey’s titanic bulk makes it mandatory on stall teams, which can tolerate its passive nature. Dondozo pairs exceptionally well with Blissey, forming an excellent stalwart defensive core that can wall the vast majority of threats in the metagame. Blissey also enjoys teammates like Alomomola, Gliscor, and Clefable, which can switch into physical threats like Great Tusk and Gouging Fire that Blissey cannot wall, as well as absorb Knock Off that would otherwise cripple Blissey, while Blissey can handle special attackers like Kyurem and Raging Bolt that would threaten Blissey's teammates. Another excellent partner is Clodsire, which can check boosted special threats like Serperior and Gholdengo that Blissey struggles to keep up with, while Blissey can wall Pokemon like Walking Wake and Primarina that can hit Clodsire with powerful super effective moves, as well as absorbing status that might otherwise cripple Clodsire. Furthermore, either Blissey or Clodsire can run Stealth Rock, freeing up the other to run moves like Heal Bell or Flamethrower for Blissey, or Amnesia for Clodsire. Corviknight also works well with Blissey, serving as a Knock Off absorber, entry hazard remover, and a check against dangerous physical threats like Kingambit and Zamazenta.

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Defensive (Blissey) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Dark / Water / Fairy
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
- Calm Mind / Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock / Flamethrower / Heal Bell

With its staggering special bulk, Blissey is the greatest wall to any special attacker in the tier. Seismic Toss is Blissey's go-to damaging move, but it can opt for Flamethrower to hit the Ghost types of the tier, Dragapult and especially Gholdengo. (Flamethrower doesn't actually deal much damage to Dragapult. Its only dealing 10% which isn't nearly enough to outdamage the damage Dragapult is dealing back with Dragon Darts. I'd mainly limit the target to Gholdengo + mention the 10% burn chance's ability to cripple physical attackers that may switch into Blissey. I'd also mention Shadow Ball as an alternative option to hit Dragapult while still dealing good damage to Gholdengo. ) Calm Mind gives Blissey a way to check dangerous set-(RH)up sweepers like Volcarona and Raging Bolt more reliably, able to match their Special Attack boosts with its own Special Defense boosts, as well as boosting Flamethrower. Alternatively, Protect allows Blissey to scout its switch-ins, stall out weather turns, and burn the PP of powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Make It Rain. (Protect doesn't let Blissey scout switch ins since the move will fail as the opponent switches in. I would replace this with mentioning how it allows Blissey to safely absorb Future Sight, as well as scout choice locked attackers. ) Stealth Rock gives Blissey another way to wear down the opposing team, but it can also choose Flamethrower for the same reasons listed above, not having to drop Seismic Toss this time. (Mention Blissey will get multiple oppurtunities to setup Stealth Rock due to its great Special Bulk. It may be preferable to have the highlighted part in its own sentence to better explain the point.) Heal Bell is another alternative, allowing Blissey to take a cleric role for the team. With such high HP, Blissey chooses to invest EVs in Defense and Special Defense instead, still bolstering its absurd special bulk while lessening the damage from physical moves that would otherwise chip it down. Tera Dark gives Blissey a crucial Psychic immunity, allowing it to ignore Psyshock, Stored Power, and Psychic Noise from the likes of Hatterene and Gholdengo. (Mention Future Sight as well.) Tera Water offers Blissey a resistance against Water, Fire, and Steel, useful for checking threats like Walking Wake and Heatran. Last but not least, Tera Fairy turns Blissey's Fighting weakness into a resistance, as well as an immunity to Dragon and a resistance to Dark, helping Blissey's matchup against Darkrai and Dragapult.
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Due to Blissey's passive nature, it fits best on stall, pairing well with teammates like Alomamola and Gliscor. They can switch into physical threats like Great Tusk and Zamazenta that Blissey cannot wall, while Blissey can handle special attackers like Kyurem and Raging Bolt that would otherwise threaten Blissey's teammates. (Would also mention that they are decent Knock Off absorbers, which Blissey can sometimes struggle with. Would mention Clefable as a partner for similar reasons. Might also be worth noting that Heal Bell does not have good synergy with Gliscor specifically. ) Blissey pairs exceptionally well with Dondozo, forming an exceptionally stalwart defensive core that can wall the vast majority of threats in the metagame, forming the backbone of most stall teams. (Sentence is a bit repetitive and runs-on, mainly due to using "forming" twice. Would slightly reword. Also it may be worthwhile to mention Dondozo before Alomomola or Gliscor, as it is by far Blissey's best partner.) Another excellent partner is Clodsire, who can check boosted special threats like Serperior and Gholdengo that Blissey struggles to keep up with, while Blissey can wall Pokemon like Walking Wake and Primarina that can hit Clodsire with powerful super-(RH)effective moves, as well as absorbing status that might otherwise cripple Clodsire. (Add Corviknight as a partner. Acts as an alternative Knock Off absorber and keep the field clear of hazards - which is useful against certain Spikes balances lacking Gholdengo. It is also solid against Kingambit and a few other physical attackers Blissey has issues against. )

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Defensive (Blissey) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Dark / Water / Fairy
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
- Calm Mind / Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock / Flamethrower / Heal Bell

With its staggering special bulk, Blissey is the greatest wall to any special attacker in the tier. Seismic Toss is Blissey's go-to damaging move, but it can opt for Flamethrower to hit the Ghost types of the tier, Dragapult and especially Gholdengo. (Flamethrower doesn't actually deal much damage to Dragapult. Its only dealing 10% which isn't nearly enough to outdamage the damage Dragapult is dealing back with Dragon Darts. I'd mainly limit the target to Gholdengo + mention the 10% burn chance's ability to cripple physical attackers that may switch into Blissey. I'd also mention Shadow Ball as an alternative option to hit Dragapult while still dealing good damage to Gholdengo. ) Calm Mind gives Blissey a way to check dangerous set-(RH)up sweepers like Volcarona and Raging Bolt more reliably, able to match their Special Attack boosts with its own Special Defense boosts, as well as boosting Flamethrower. Alternatively, Protect allows Blissey to scout its switch-ins, stall out weather turns, and burn the PP of powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Make It Rain. (Protect doesn't let Blissey scout switch ins since the move will fail as the opponent switches in. I would replace this with mentioning how it allows Blissey to safely absorb Future Sight, as well as scout choice locked attackers. ) Stealth Rock gives Blissey another way to wear down the opposing team, but it can also choose Flamethrower for the same reasons listed above, not having to drop Seismic Toss this time. (Mention Blissey will get multiple oppurtunities to setup Stealth Rock due to its great Special Bulk. It may be preferable to have the highlighted part in its own sentence to better explain the point.) Heal Bell is another alternative, allowing Blissey to take a cleric role for the team. With such high HP, Blissey chooses to invest EVs in Defense and Special Defense instead, still bolstering its absurd special bulk while lessening the damage from physical moves that would otherwise chip it down. Tera Dark gives Blissey a crucial Psychic immunity, allowing it to ignore Psyshock, Stored Power, and Psychic Noise from the likes of Hatterene and Gholdengo. (Mention Future Sight as well.) Tera Water offers Blissey a resistance against Water, Fire, and Steel, useful for checking threats like Walking Wake and Heatran. Last but not least, Tera Fairy turns Blissey's Fighting weakness into a resistance, as well as an immunity to Dragon and a resistance to Dark, helping Blissey's matchup against Darkrai and Dragapult.
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Due to Blissey's passive nature, it fits best on stall, pairing well with teammates like Alomamola and Gliscor. They can switch into physical threats like Great Tusk and Zamazenta that Blissey cannot wall, while Blissey can handle special attackers like Kyurem and Raging Bolt that would otherwise threaten Blissey's teammates. (Would also mention that they are decent Knock Off absorbers, which Blissey can sometimes struggle with. Would mention Clefable as a partner for similar reasons. Might also be worth noting that Heal Bell does not have good synergy with Gliscor specifically. ) Blissey pairs exceptionally well with Dondozo, forming an exceptionally stalwart defensive core that can wall the vast majority of threats in the metagame, forming the backbone of most stall teams. (Sentence is a bit repetitive and runs-on, mainly due to using "forming" twice. Would slightly reword. Also it may be worthwhile to mention Dondozo before Alomomola or Gliscor, as it is by far Blissey's best partner.) Another excellent partner is Clodsire, who can check boosted special threats like Serperior and Gholdengo that Blissey struggles to keep up with, while Blissey can wall Pokemon like Walking Wake and Primarina that can hit Clodsire with powerful super-(RH)effective moves, as well as absorbing status that might otherwise cripple Clodsire. (Add Corviknight as a partner. Acts as an alternative Knock Off absorber and keep the field clear of hazards - which is useful against certain Spikes balances lacking Gholdengo. It is also solid against Kingambit and a few other physical attackers Blissey has issues against. )

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Good job. QC 1/2 when implemented.
Implemented! Thanks
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Defensive (Blissey) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Dark / Water / Fairy
EVs: 4 AtkHP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
- Calm Mind / Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock / Flamethrower / Heal Bell

With its staggering special bulk, Blissey is the greatest wall to any special attacker in the tier. Seismic Toss is Blissey's go-to damaging move, but it can opt for Flamethrower to hit Gholdengo, as well as threaten the rare burn against physical attackers looking to switch into Blissey. Another option is Shadow Ball, which allows Blissey to hit both Gholdengo and Dragapult, as well as any Tera Ghost users looking to setup on Blissey. Calm Mind gives Blissey a way to check dangerous setup sweepers like Volcarona and Raging Bolt more reliably, able to match their Special Attack boosts with its own Special Defense boosts, as well as boosting Flamethrower. Alternatively, Protect allows Blissey to safely absorb Future Sight, scout choice locked attackers, stall out weather turns, and burn the PP of powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Make It Rain. Stealth Rock gives Blissey another way to wear down the opposing team, as its high Special bulk allows Blissey to set rocks multiple times over the course of a game. Alternatively, Blissey can also choose Flamethrower for the same reasons listed above, not having to drop Seismic Toss this time, or run Heal Bell, allowing Blissey to take a cleric role for the team. With such high HP, Blissey chooses to invest EVs in Defense and Special Defense instead, still bolstering its absurd special bulk while lessening the damage from physical moves that would otherwise chip it down. Tera Dark gives Blissey a crucial Psychic immunity, allowing it to ignore Psyshock, Stored Power, Psychic Noise, and Future Sight from the likes of Hatterene and Gholdengo Psyshock Gholdengo is absolutely a good mention here, since that set can give Blissey a really hard time, but I feel like you could add some other FSight/Stored Power/Psychic Noise users here. You could mention Glowking's FSight and add Latias as one of those Stored Power mentions, or Primarina as a PsyNoise user (a lot of its sample sets run Torrent+PsyNoise); I'll let you decide which of these you want to include, but definitely include some of them. Tera Water offers Blissey a resistance against Water, Fire, and Steel, useful for checking threats like Walking Wake and Heatran. Last but not least, Tera Fairy turns Blissey's Fighting weakness into a resistance, as well as an immunity to Dragon and a resistance to Dark, helping Blissey's matchup against Darkrai and Dragapult.

Due to Blissey's passive nature, it fits best on stall. I think this wording sells Blissey's importance to stall a bit short; this could be reworded in such a way that it emphasizes both that Blissey only really functions on stall (unless there's some Blissey balance squads out there) and that Blissey is pretty much mandatory on stall; Blissey is the face of stall, after all. I'm leaving it a little open-ended, though, since there are a few ways you can word this. Dondozo pairs exceptionally well with Blissey, forming an exceptionally stalwart defensive core that can wall the vast majority of threats in the metagame. Blissey also enjoys teammates like Alomaomola, Gliscor, and Clefable, which can switch into physical threats like Great Tusk and Gouging Fire that Blissey cannot wall, as well as absorb Knock Offs that would otherwise cripple Blissey, while Blissey can handle special attackers like Kyurem and Raging Bolt that would otherwise threaten Blissey's teammates. Another excellent partner is Clodsire, who can check boosted special threats like Serperior and Gholdengo that Blissey struggles to keep up with, while Blissey can wall Pokemon like Walking Wake and Primarina that can hit Clodsire with powerful super effective moves, as well as absorbing status that might otherwise cripple Clodsire. Is it worth mentioning Clod as an alternative Stealth Rock setter as well? More specifically, one of Clod or Blissey could run Stealth Rock so the other can afford to run a different option, I.E. Clod being able to slot Amnesia or Blissey being able to slot Heal Bell or run both Flamethrower and Seismic Toss on the same set. Corviknight also works well with Blissey, serving as a Knock Off absorber, hazard remover, and a check against dangerous physical threats like Kingambit and Zamazenta. Do you think Hydrapple and Muk are worth mentioning here too? They're not necessarily common, but Sticky Hold users can be really useful Knock Off absorbers on stall and both Hydrapple and Muk are on the VR and seen on stall here and there.

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Let me know when you've implemented all this so I can take a second look before stamping; this is still really good work, though!
Defensive (Blissey) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Dark / Water / Fairy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
- Calm Mind / Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock / Flamethrower / Heal Bell

With its staggering special bulk, Blissey is the greatest wall to most special attackers in the tier. Seismic Toss is Blissey's go-to damaging move, but it can opt for Flamethrower to hit Gholdengo, as well as threaten the a rare burn against physical attackers looking to switch into Blissey. Another option is Shadow Ball, which allows Blissey to hit both Gholdengo and Dragapult, as well as any Tera Ghost users looking to set(space)up on Blissey. Calm Mind gives Blissey a way to check dangerous setup sweepers like Volcarona and Raging Bolt more reliably, able to match their Special Attack boosts with its own Special Defense boosts, as well as boosting Flamethrower. Alternatively, Protect allows Blissey to safely absorb Future Sight, scout Choice-(AH)locked attackers, stall out weather turns, and burn the PP of powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Make It Rain. Stealth Rock gives Blissey another way to wear down the opposing team, as its high Special bulk allows Blissey to set rocks multiple times over the course of a game. Alternatively, Blissey can also choose Flamethrower for the same reasons listed above, not having to drop Seismic Toss this time, or run Heal Bell, allowing Blissey to take a cleric role for the team. With such high HP, Blissey chooses to invest EVs in Defense and Special Defense instead, still bolstering its absurd special bulk while lessening the damage from physical moves that would otherwise chip it down. Tera Dark gives Blissey a crucial Psychic immunity, allowing it to ignore Psyshock, Stored Power, Psychic Noise, and Future Sight from the likes of Hatterene, Latias, Primarina, and Gholdengo. Tera Water offers Blissey a resistance against to Water, Fire, and Steel, useful for checking threats like Walking Wake and Heatran. Last but not least, Tera Fairy turns Blissey's Fighting weakness into a resistance, as well as an immunity to Dragon and a resistance to Dark, helping Blissey's matchup against Darkrai and Dragapult.

Blissey’s titanic bulk makes it mandatory on stall teams, which can tolerate for its passive nature. Dondozo pairs exceptionally well with Blissey, forming an excellent stalwart defensive core that can wall the vast majority of threats in the metagame. Blissey also enjoys teammates like Alomomola, Gliscor, and Clefable, which can switch into physical threats like Great Tusk and Gouging Fire that Blissey cannot wall, as well as absorb Knock Offs that would otherwise cripple Blissey, while Blissey can handle special attackers like Kyurem and Raging Bolt that would otherwise threaten Blissey's teammates. Another excellent partner is Clodsire, who which can check boosted special threats like Serperior and Gholdengo that Blissey struggles to keep up with, while Blissey can wall Pokemon like Walking Wake and Primarina that can hit Clodsire with powerful super effective moves, as well as absorbing status that might otherwise cripple Clodsire. Furthermore, either Blissey or Clodsire can run Stealth Rock, freeing up the other to run moves like Heal Bell or Flamethrower for Blissey, or Amnesia for Clodsire. Corviknight also works well with Blissey, serving as a Knock Off absorber, entry hazard remover, and a check against dangerous physical threats like Kingambit and Zamazenta.

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GP Team done
Defensive (Blissey) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Dark / Water / Fairy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower
- Calm Mind / Protect
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock / Flamethrower / Heal Bell

With its staggering special bulk, Blissey is the greatest wall to most special attackers in the tier. Seismic Toss is Blissey's go-to damaging move, but it can opt for Flamethrower to hit Gholdengo, as well as threaten the a rare burn against physical attackers looking to switch into Blissey. Another option is Shadow Ball, which allows Blissey to hit both Gholdengo and Dragapult, as well as any Tera Ghost users looking to set(space)up on Blissey. Calm Mind gives Blissey a way to check dangerous setup sweepers like Volcarona and Raging Bolt more reliably, able to match their Special Attack boosts with its own Special Defense boosts, as well as boosting Flamethrower. Alternatively, Protect allows Blissey to safely absorb Future Sight, scout Choice-(AH)locked attackers, stall out weather turns, and burn the PP of powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Make It Rain. Stealth Rock gives Blissey another way to wear down the opposing team, as its high Special bulk allows Blissey to set rocks multiple times over the course of a game. Alternatively, Blissey can also choose Flamethrower for the same reasons listed above, not having to drop Seismic Toss this time, or run Heal Bell, allowing Blissey to take a cleric role for the team. With such high HP, Blissey chooses to invest EVs in Defense and Special Defense instead, still bolstering its absurd special bulk while lessening the damage from physical moves that would otherwise chip it down. Tera Dark gives Blissey a crucial Psychic immunity, allowing it to ignore Psyshock, Stored Power, Psychic Noise, and Future Sight from the likes of Hatterene, Latias, Primarina, and Gholdengo. Tera Water offers Blissey a resistance against to Water, Fire, and Steel, useful for checking threats like Walking Wake and Heatran. Last but not least, Tera Fairy turns Blissey's Fighting weakness into a resistance, as well as an immunity to Dragon and a resistance to Dark, helping Blissey's matchup against Darkrai and Dragapult.

Blissey’s titanic bulk makes it mandatory on stall teams, which can tolerate for its passive nature. Dondozo pairs exceptionally well with Blissey, forming an excellent stalwart defensive core that can wall the vast majority of threats in the metagame. Blissey also enjoys teammates like Alomomola, Gliscor, and Clefable, which can switch into physical threats like Great Tusk and Gouging Fire that Blissey cannot wall, as well as absorb Knock Offs that would otherwise cripple Blissey, while Blissey can handle special attackers like Kyurem and Raging Bolt that would otherwise threaten Blissey's teammates. Another excellent partner is Clodsire, who which can check boosted special threats like Serperior and Gholdengo that Blissey struggles to keep up with, while Blissey can wall Pokemon like Walking Wake and Primarina that can hit Clodsire with powerful super effective moves, as well as absorbing status that might otherwise cripple Clodsire. Furthermore, either Blissey or Clodsire can run Stealth Rock, freeing up the other to run moves like Heal Bell or Flamethrower for Blissey, or Amnesia for Clodsire. Corviknight also works well with Blissey, serving as a Knock Off absorber, entry hazard remover, and a check against dangerous physical threats like Kingambit and Zamazenta.

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GP Team done
Implemented, this is now done! Ty!