(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

Why is the person who lets you rename your Pokemon a name "rater"?

Why is this functionality locked behind an NPC at all?
Because if the name rater arbitrarily determines that the nickname fits the pokemon perfectly then you will no longer be able to change it no matter what you do

Thankfully all of this is gone in S/V where you just have to press a button when on the summary screen
And aside from flavor it was probably locked behind a NPC at the time since it might have been more of a technical limit. I feel like if RPGs at the time ever let you rename anyone you typically had to go to someone else, so not being something they could shove into a menu wouldn't surprise me.

Then after that, like many things, it was just kept as tradition until the recent games where you can finally just do it at any time.
Because if the name rater arbitrarily determines that the nickname fits the pokemon perfectly then you will no longer be able to change it no matter what you do

Thankfully all of this is gone in S/V where you just have to press a button when on the summary screen

Perfect names only happened to traded pokémon. Game Freak didn't want the player to change traded pokémon's names so they created the name rater to have an in-game reason, at least I've always assumed that.
Yes, this is obviously the functional reason for it.

But what's, like, the in-universe reason? Why have this locked behind the whim of a stranger? Even as a kid this came off weird.
Social pressure is big in the Pokemon world, see the trendy phrase phenomenon where something said in a tiny island would quickly spread to all Hoenn, so a name rater is trained to assess the naming capabilities of all trainers and help the less fortunate avoid the social stigma of a badly named Pokémon.

Serious answer, I'm right there with you and I too thought it was weird even as a child. It introduces weird and confusing lore and a name changer npc would be fuctionally the same but it wouldn't be as head scratching.
Everything about Cubone seems like it was originally written for a single one-off creature and not for an entire species.

"It always wears the skull of its dead mother. No one has ever seen its real face." Even before breeding was added in gen 2 and made this even sillier for newly-hatched ones, this was already weird. Never? It's like the Pokedex entry was written specifically for the single Cubone who was orphaned when Team Rocket killed that specific Marowak in Lavender Town, with no consideration for how strange this comes off when you factor in the existence of literally one more of the damn things.

Yes, I've basically been live-journaling my 3rd gen revisits in this thread. How could you tell.
"Pokkén" as a game title annoys me on three levels. First, it's just a clunky portmanteau. Second, it really doesn't need to reference Tekken at all because the game is nothing like Tekken. Third, "Poken" as in "Poké Yen" is a much better name for money than "Pokédollar" or "Pokémon Dollar".
The mistranslations of the Gen IV evolution stones. In Japanese they are called Dark Stone, Light Stone, , and Awakening Stone.

Dark Stone was translated to Dusk Stone
Light Stone was translated to Shiny Stone
Awakening Stone was translated to Dawn Stone

I'm sure you can see the problem here.

Yeah I definitely agree because it gives off the wrong impression about which two of those three are supposed to be counterparts. "Dawn Stone" and "Dusk Stone" sound like counterparts but they're not actually counterparts or parallels to each other.

When you look at the way they're implemented in-game and their descriptions it's obvious the Shiny Stone and Dusk Stone are actually counterparts with each other, especially with their Japanese names being Light Stone and Dark Stone, since they are a stone of light and a stone of darkness and evolve different kinds of Pokemon. Shiny Stone evolves Roselia into Roserade while the Dusk Stone evolves Misdreavus and Murkrow into Mismagius and Honchkrow. And both were used again in later generations with Shiny Stone being applicable to Cinccino and Florges, and Dusk Stone for Chandelure and Aegislash.

The "Awakening Stone" is clearly its own separate thing that is very isolated from the other two and in-game it only evolves two Pokemon, Snorunt and Kirlia, into Froslass and Gallade, and only one gender. It's pretty clearly designed for them specifically especially seeing as how unlike the Shiny and Dark Stones, it was never made usable for anything else ever since.
What the hell is Bulbapedia doing with its colors and why

What the hell is Bulbapedia doing with its colors and why

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They're moving to match the official terms for most things instead of the terms fans use, I assume the color changes are for the same reason.

And it makes sense from the perspective of a wiki that has to track a LOT of detailed info, but also those colors suck and the official terms are ones no one uses(for good reason) so I expect to see a LOT of drama about this in the coming weeks.

Anyways, I uploaded that image into a colorblindness simulator and figured out that SpDef and Speed are basically indistinguishable under the new colors for MANY colorblind users, which matches with my stance that the colors are washed out and not very distinguished from each other, if you want an argument to use that has teeth.
And it makes sense from the perspective of a wiki that has to track a LOT of detailed info, but also those colors suck and the official terms are ones no one uses(for good reason) so I expect to see a LOT of drama about this in the coming weeks.

You "expect"?

I'll tell you this much, there's been quite the uproar about Bulbapedia's decision to rename the Starter Pokemon page to "first partner Pokemon" for the past week or so in all sorts of places.

And I can totally understand it, as personally speaking, I'd never call them that ever. The term "starter" is so deeply ingrained in my head for that archetype of Pokemon and is much easier to use than "first partner" in my mind.
You "expect"?

I'll tell you this much, there's been quite the uproar about Bulbapedia's decision to rename the Starter Pokemon page to "first partner Pokemon" for the past week or so in all sorts of places.

And I can totally understand it, as personally speaking, I'd never call them that ever. The term "starter" is so deeply ingrained in my head for that archetype of Pokemon and is much easier to use than "first partner" in my mind.
I try to avoid TOO MUCH internet drama, which means avoiding a lot of the places where it ferments.

Also apparently they link your Smogon account and your Bulbapedia account if you use the same username on both forums, since it snagged my avatar for there when I created an account to complain about this.
They're moving to match the official terms for most things instead of the terms fans use, I assume the color changes are for the same reason.

And it makes sense from the perspective of a wiki that has to track a LOT of detailed info, but also those colors suck and the official terms are ones no one uses(for good reason) so I expect to see a LOT of drama about this in the coming weeks.

Anyways, I uploaded that image into a colorblindness simulator and figured out that SpDef and Speed are basically indistinguishable under the new colors for MANY colorblind users, which matches with my stance that the colors are washed out and not very distinguished from each other, if you want an argument to use that has teeth.
Wait so the two stats that can potentially be abbreviated as "spd" look the same? Wonderful decision.
Huh, that makes sense. How bad can it be?

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ok I actually have some issue here

Species strengths, commonly referred to by fans as base stats (Japanese: 種族値 species values), are the inherent values of a species or form of a species that are used to the stats of a Pokémon. While the remainder of this article refers to these stats as base stats, this should not be confused with the official use of base stats, which are what fans refer to as effort values (EVs).

I mean first off they're going to use "base stat" for the remainder of the article anyway so you should just still keep it named Base Stat and then have a "official referred to as blahblahblah"

but secondly when they speak about Vitamins they speak about them increasing the base stats which ....that's not talking about the EVs that's talking about the....... base stat. That they're increasing. They're just not talking about it in the language we speak about it where we treat Base Stat as a static thing with Nature, EV and IV as three separate additional functions that give us the Final Stat

If they ever use "Species Strengths" it feels less "this is what it is called" and more "we're using flavorful language for this write up"
I was just gonna say, "base stats" is the phrase that the games always use to refer to what are more commonly called EVs. So good luck trying to swim against the current on that.

Look, I'm an absurd enough pedant to actually appreciate what they're trying to do, but at a certain point you just gotta recognize that you're ultimately not doing much more than creating more ambiguity and confusion.
ok I actually have some issue here

I mean first off they're going to use "base stat" for the remainder of the article anyway so you should just still keep it named Base Stat and then have a "official referred to as blahblahblah"

but secondly when they speak about Vitamins they speak about them increasing the base stats which ....that's not talking about the EVs that's talking about the....... base stat. That they're increasing. They're just not talking about it in the language we speak about it where we treat Base Stat as a static thing with Nature, EV and IV as three separate additional functions that give us the Final Stat

If they ever use "Species Strengths" it feels less "this is what it is called" and more "we're using flavorful language for this write up"
It's also grossly misleading. Seriously, talk about a generic, non-descriptive name.

I swear some people forget that they're supposed to have common sense. The idea of a wiki is to document and explain things in detail. What purpose does a term that nobody uses and is extremely unclear serve? That's the kind of thing that goes into a footnote.
Also apparently they link your Smogon account and your Bulbapedia account if you use the same username on both forums, since it snagged my avatar for there when I created an account to complain about this.
They probably just took your Gravatar if you used the same email.

but secondly when they speak about Vitamins they speak about them increasing the base stats which ....that's not talking about the EVs that's talking about the....... base stat. That they're increasing. They're just not talking about it in the language we speak about it where we treat Base Stat as a static thing with Nature, EV and IV as three separate additional functions that give us the Final Stat
The other thing is that the Pokemon.com glossary refers to EVs as "base points" but the actual stats obtained from EVs as "base stats", which the latter doesn't even have an equivalent existing term for in the community.
They probably just took your Gravatar if you used the same email.

The other thing is that the Pokemon.com glossary refers to EVs as "base points" but the actual stats obtained from EVs as "base stats", which the latter doesn't even have an equivalent existing term for in the community.
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I will say "base points" as the official equivalent for our "EVs" makes sense, but also this is a great example how sometimes, after a certain point, as a community you just gotta stick to the ultra-ingrained fan terminology.

like imagine if they didnt just throw their hands up and go "fine they're shiny pokemon, officially" and they stuck to one of the other terms they floated over the years. "Differently Colored Pokemon" is not getting the article title I'm sorry.