not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
I have a mild grudge against Paralyzer because as a kid I misheard the refrain as "I'm a paralyzer I'm gonna destructify you" and thought it was about this all-powerful entity called the Paralyzer which is way more badass than what the song is actually about
I'd be a little more inclined to main Byakuya if he didn't remind me of Shinji from Fate.

His character design is cool and he's fun to play but I just can't get past the whole "Looks like a dickhead" thing.
I got some vaccines today and there was a little girl before me in the doctor's office

Man I never heard a kid squeal this much. Like you could've probably heard this girl 4 blocks over
You ever have this weird urge to ressurect the Roman Empire and to declare yourself as Imperator?

I was rejected from art school recently and since then I have these ambitious thoughts of, you know, doing exactly that. I think I may draw a flag and write up charter when I have some time


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You ever have this weird urge to ressurect the Roman Empire and to declare yourself as Imperator?

I was rejected from art school recently and since then I have these ambitious thoughts of, you know, doing exactly that. I think I may draw a flag and write up charter when I have some time
Gonna pull a Caligula and make a horse a senator.

Have you ever thought how so many things in our modern life are completely false. Like, in Ancient History, you learn that the Persians (Xerxes and shit) were actually pretty good guys, but Ancient Greeks were a bunch of bitches who thought they were the best and probed into others business. Yet in pop culture, Ancient Greeks are shown as an amazing society, while Persians are the bad guys. Idk, if a view that common is wrong, then what else is?
I think this might be more of a rant about how Ancient Greeks suck and Persians rule, which is true.
Have you ever thought how so many things in our modern life are completely false. Like, in Ancient History, you learn that the Persians (Xerxes and shit) were actually pretty good guys, but Ancient Greeks were a bunch of bitches who thought they were the best and probed into others business. Yet in pop culture, Ancient Greeks are shown as an amazing society, while Persians are the bad guys. Idk, if a view that common is wrong, then what else is?
I think this might be more of a rant about how Ancient Greeks suck and Persians rule, which is true.
Not all ancient Greeks sucked, especially considering how different Greek cultures were throughout ancient times

The Athenians were dickheads, yeah, 100%, but the Spartans were more decent than they're given credit for. They had an absolutely unsustainable and dumb basis for their society, "military with a state" was never a good idea, but they left quite a lot of liberty to people. Women were allowed to perform sports (just not with men) and allowed to educate themselves. Educated women meanwhile were murdered by Athenian law. And the Spartans had some quite decent intellectuals

And despite common perception, they were bad at war, despite massively glorifying it. They lost almost every war they fought in

I also like how different and competing all the philosophers were. Diogenes, some homeless guy that never washed himself and shat in the streets whilst insulting people, being a rival of Plato, a decorated, famous wrestler that filed up rows through his symposiums

Something I dislike about the depiction of ancient persians though is how little their massive cultural exchange with Mediterranean societies is shown. Middle Eastern and North African society were very close with south European societies, much closer than south and north European societies were oftentimes. It becomes very apparent when you compare the cuisines of these societies and it is always interesting how close the bevahiors of these people are
Not all ancient Greeks sucked, especially considering how different Greek cultures were throughout ancient times

The Athenians were dickheads, yeah, 100%, but the Spartans were more decent than they're given credit for. They had an absolutely unsustainable and dumb basis for their society, "military with a state" was never a good idea, but they left quite a lot of liberty to people. Women were allowed to perform sports (just not with men) and allowed to educate themselves. Educated women meanwhile were murdered by Athenian law. And the Spartans had some quite decent intellectuals

And despite common perception, they were bad at war, despite massively glorifying it. They lost almost every war they fought in

I also like how different and competing all the philosophers were. Diogenes, some homeless guy that never washed himself and shat in the streets whilst insulting people, being a rival of Plato, a decorated, famous wrestler that filed up rows through his symposiums

Something I dislike about the depiction of ancient persians though is how little their massive cultural exchange with Mediterranean societies is shown. Middle Eastern and North African society were very close with south European societies, much closer than south and north European societies were oftentimes. It becomes very apparent when you compare the cuisines of these societies and it is always interesting how close the bevahiors of these people are
Yeah, I may have just been a bit salty. Spartans were cool, but they did suck at war. Thermopylae despite being so glorified, was not the best for the Spartans, though it wasn't good for the Persians either.
The Plato thing where he said that humans were 'featherless bipeds' and Diogenes plucked a chicken and said 'Here is Plato's man'. At least the philosphers were cool.
I absolutely agreed. Zoroastrianism is a really interesting culture and the magi are also really cool.
I absolutely agreed. Zoroastrianism is a really interesting culture and the magi are also really cool.
Zoroastrianism is to abrahamic religions what Dune is to Star Wars. It's really interesting to see the origins of so many concepts across these religions in Zoroastrianism

Man I've been nerding out about Mediterranean societies again. Can't help it, I just love this region. I've been watching Vinland Saga recently and got a fixation on northern Europe. They were also really cool. How they went from being the first Europeans in America, having the first modern parliament in the world and being some of the greatest merchants ever to just be seen as some pillaging savages is beyond me

I should read on some Chinese history. I am pretty good in European history, somewhat versed in American and African history, but east Asia is a little elusive to me. I only understand that Korea is like the Poland and south east Asia is like the Balkans

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