Hobbies What's your secret talent?


pikablu is real
is a Battle Simulator Moderator
Do you have a secret talent? Maybe something you're really good at and wanna share? I think it's interesting to find out what people from around the world do, maybe not specifically just as a hobby or for work.

I'll start - I can play a lot of instruments, and I do voice overs/voice acting.

I've always loved playing instruments. Specifically: Woodwinds. I love saxophone a lot, but I started on clarinet. My school was pretty broke at the time and only had so many to go around to play with, so I started on clarinet. Got really good at it, and eventually when I made state, my director let me take up saxophone too! I love both those instruments a lot. I can also play flute/oboe to a degree, not great though.

I also love to do voice work! In my home office where I work from home taking call center calls, I also have a small little sound booth setup. I have a Shure SM7B and an Elgato Wave. I use both, but usually the Shure SM7B if it's for something I am submitting that I want to be high quality! I've done work in a small indie game, an audiobook, and a voiceover for a short manga!

What do you guys do? Anything fun or interesting you wanna share? I'd love to hear it!
I have a really good memory.
I'm not joking. When I was in school, we had this entire textbook that had questions in it, and we had to answer them WORD FOR WORD, out loud, as it was written in it. I was one of the few that actually completed, but I was the ONLY ONE WHO DID IT IN ONE SITTING. ONLY.
I’m a 21 year-old dude at the time of typing this and I’m flexible enough to put my legs behind my head and crawl around. I can also play on Pokémon Showdown and win six or seven straight Random Battles on low ladder before going on to lose 13 of my last 15.
Despite not talking about it much, I play ALOT of instruments. I play Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Baritone, Piano, Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Drums, and Recorder. (lol) I play all of them to varying degrees of being good at them, but I can play all of them. I'm much more confident with the brass instruments than anything else though.

My other secret talent is that I can remember miniscule details about the prices of things I bought or my family bought with their dates. For example.
September 16th, 2023. In New York City, me and my dad got shawarma for lunch with cokes for both of us. It was 14.37 after tax.

November 18th, 2022. My and my mom went to the local Walmart to do some quick shopping for 12 eggs, 2 Walmart brand sodas, a new bouncy ball. total cost came out to 11.29.

February 4th, 2015. A new Latino food market opened up in town, so me and my dad and my sisters went to it. I dont remember exactly what we bought anymore, but total cost came out to 88.53.
Despite not talking about it much, I play ALOT of instruments. I play Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Baritone, Piano, Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Drums, and Recorder. (lol) I play all of them to varying degrees of being good at them, but I can play all of them. I'm much more confident with the brass instruments than anything else though.

My other secret talent is that I can remember miniscule details about the prices of things I bought or my family bought with their dates. For example.
September 16th, 2023. In New York City, me and my dad got shawarma for lunch with cokes for both of us. It was 14.37 after tax.

November 18th, 2022. My and my mom went to the local Walmart to do some quick shopping for 12 eggs, 2 Walmart brand sodas, a new bouncy ball. total cost came out to 11.29.

February 4th, 2015. A new Latino food market opened up in town, so me and my dad and my sisters went to it. I dont remember exactly what we bought anymore, but total cost came out to 88.53.
ayyy! clarinet gang! What was your first instrument?

Also, my memory is horrible, so that's really cool. Thank you for sharing!
ayyy! clarinet gang! What was your first instrument?

Also, my memory is horrible, so that's really cool. Thank you for sharing!
I started with Trombone. I think its an easy instrument to learn and pick up and play. I learned Piano after (Asian) and then Drums (My dad has a drum set because he used to play in a band)

After that i learned the other brass instruments. Flute and Clarinet came from my sisters also playing those instruments, so i learned to play those too.

We bought a violin at the thrift store for 20 bucks one time, and i learned how to play it. Its still in my room in its little case.

Recorder came from 4th grade lol.

As for memory, i think thats a sign of my autism LOL
I started with Trombone. I think its an easy instrument to learn and pick up and play. I learned Piano after (Asian) and then Drums (My dad has a drum set because he used to play in a band)

After that i learned the other brass instruments. Flute and Clarinet came from my sisters also playing those instruments, so i learned to play those too.

We bought a violin at the thrift store for 20 bucks one time, and i learned how to play it. Its still in my room in its little case.

Recorder came from 4th grade lol.

As for memory, i think thats a sign of my autism LOL
Going from brass -> woodwinds is impressive! I can only partly play the trumpet. I am WAY better at woodwinds than brass, by a longshot.

I have no idea how, but I have never lost a single game of Jenga in my entire life. It may be conceited, but I don't think there's any non pro who could beat me in Jenga

My hands aren't particularly steady or anything, but no matter how risky or unstable the move I commit, it always, somehow, balances out

I have no idea how, but I have never lost a single game of Jenga in my entire life. It may be conceited, but I don't think there's any non pro who could beat me in Jenga

My hands aren't particularly steady or anything, but no matter how risky or unstable the move I commit, it always, somehow, balances out
Amazing, that's the only thing I gotta say
It's a weird flex no pun intended but I have a crazy bench press strength for my size, like I haven't worked out in years and I went to the gym recently and did 185 lbs for reps and my friend was like damn wtf...like I said I haven't been to a gym for over 1200 days..
It's a weird flex no pun intended but I have a crazy bench press strength for my size, like I haven't worked out in years and I went to the gym recently and did 185 lbs for reps and my friend was like damn wtf...like I said I haven't been to a gym for over 1200 days..
We don't know your size....not to be rude or anything
I am incredibly disciplined. When I have a long-term goal, I stick to it (i.e., I have a workout routine I follow every day, and I eat right). When I want to learn something, I have an obsession that leads me to figure everything out to fully understand it (i.e., credit card/bank bonuses, chess, and stocks are recent things I have learned much about). I found that having discipline is the best way to progress in life.