Resource SV Ubers Viability Rankings

trick room NDM sets up on it with tera fire as it is slower than skele, and if it uses tera fire unexpectedly and is slower than you, you just gave the free turns, potentially even a plus 4 NDM coming your way. also Bulbasaur<heatran, what happened to the PFP? alluring voice is not too real of a set to me or any other top level players (which neither am I is a part of)
Okay, that is fair, but against other sets it can do well against NDM. But that set specifically does beat skeldirge. I would say that helping against most of the common sets of the top three is something to be proud. It also countering zacian-c and arceus normal is something it did in DLC1, but is still valuable here. I think that's what a B rank mon would be.
Also, smol boi is best boi.
Okay, that is fair, but against other sets it can do well against NDM. But that set specifically does beat skeldirge. I would say that helping against most of the common sets of the top three is something to be proud. It also countering zacian-c and arceus normal is something it did in DLC1, but is still valuable here. I think that's what a B rank mon would be.
Also, smol boi is best boi.
having to switch out against almost all special attacks is quite exploitable, and being setup fodder for one of the top 3 is not exactly great either unless you have many other qualities to make up, like being a great knock absorber, huge passive healing, being able to switch in somewhat to the deadliest special attack in the game, and speed toxic, hazards and more. the number of pokemon that just trashes on it is just not acceptable for b+ and I believe it should stay in b-.
having to switch out against almost all special attacks is quite exploitable, and being setup fodder for one of the top 3 is not exactly great either unless you have many other qualities to make up, like being a great knock absorber, huge passive healing, being able to switch in somewhat to the deadliest special attack in the game, and speed toxic, hazards and more. the number of pokemon that just trashes on it is just not acceptable for b+ and I believe it should stay in b-.
I don't think it should be in B+, I think it should be in B. Dropping it was definetely fair, but B- I think is a bit too harsh. Being able to be decent to good against the top is quite good, and then on top of that being amazing against e-killer and zacian is quite good role compression. Again, B+ was definetely too high, but I think B is a fair place for it to go.
:pmd/Corviknight: -> B-
Been using this mon on a shitty "balanced" structure I built and I am genuinely surprised by how excellent it is defensively. ID + BP owns a lot of the higher tier offensive threats like Necrozma-DM, and Caly-Ice decently well, while also having a great MU vs the Spikes like Gliscor, Clodsire, etc and being able to safely Defog the Spikes away + win the long game with Pressure. Pressure is busted against Caly-Ice since you just PP stall their Glacial Lances until the mon is useless + really helps with Necrozma-DM on a predicted Photon Geyser / Sunsteel Strike (Heat Wave isn't real). Now, this mon mostly loses to Zacian, but you force a shitton of recoil onto that mon since Wild Charge + Helmet Recoil over two turns deals a ton of damage, allowing one of your other guys like Scarf Koraidon to safely revenge kill that mon. Performs solidly against non-Taunt Variants of Ekiller. Being one of the rare Pokemon with Defog is also invaluable this generation when defoggers are sparse. The main weakness of this Pokemon is Taunt and & Tera Ghost Pokemon (as well as Gothitelle), but I feel this level of exploitability is similar to other Pokemon currently ranked in B- like Clodsire, which faces similar issues and is still decent in spite of them.

:pmd/Garganacl: -> B-
Garganacl is one of the strongest Water-types the tier has ever seen. Completely shits on Ho-oh, which is otherwise annoying for balance builds to switch into (even Miraidon hates switching into this mon) & the ID + BP Combo gives this Pokemon similar strong utility as Corviknight in MUs against physical HO mons like Calyrax-I and Zacian. Purifying Salt gives this Pokemon great utility against Bulky arc forms as a wisp switch in, as well as Giratina-O, the aforementioned Ho-Oh, and Last Respects (though that's probably getting the axe soon). While Corv can struggle more against Taunt Users, I find Garg to be useful even in spite of Taunt due to Salt Cure, which lets you get free progress on a ton of mons that switch into it like Miraidon, Arceus-Forms, etc. Overall solid mon.
:pmd/Basculegion: -> A+

Last Respects ban has only made this Pokemon better, as now it can use the actual broken sets utilizing Tera Water Choice Band Wave Crash in rain. The conditions are easier to meet, as you merely need king Kyogre's Rain support, and it does not need a single turn of setup, nor a single ally fainted to begin dishing out the same amount of damage Last Respects Basculegion is dishing out at base.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Water Basculegion Wave Crash vs. 240 HP / 252+ Def Arceus-Fairy in Rain: 372-438 (84.3 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Adaptability Basculegion Last Respects vs. 240 HP / 252+ Def Arceus-Fairy: 374-440 (84.8 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I am hoping the council will look into this Pokemon soon. As a player who does not run Koraidon (and will vote ban whenever it is sussed), I find it quite restricting.
:pmd/Basculegion: -> A+

Last Respects ban has only made this Pokemon better, as now it can use the actual broken sets utilizing Tera Water Choice Band Wave Crash in rain. The conditions are easier to meet, as you merely need king Kyogre's Rain support, and it does not need a single turn of setup, nor a single ally fainted to begin dishing out the same amount of damage Last Respects Basculegion is dishing out at base.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Water Basculegion Wave Crash vs. 240 HP / 252+ Def Arceus-Fairy in Rain: 372-438 (84.3 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Adaptability Basculegion Last Respects vs. 240 HP / 252+ Def Arceus-Fairy: 374-440 (84.8 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I am hoping the council will look into this Pokemon soon. As a player who does not run Koraidon (and will vote ban whenever it is sussed), I find it quite restricting.

I second this. In fact, I would suggest even higher to S+ because this thing is even a bigger pain in the ass than both bikes put together
I second this. In fact, I would suggest even higher to S+ because this thing is even a bigger pain in the ass than both bikes put together
Nah, it’s not like last respects is legal in this tier, how can something shit like basculegion be S tier in Ubers? It’s an NU mon bruh.
I don't think basculegion is that good without last respect. Losing last respect made it weaker, as it always was able to do that, but didn't because it was not optimal. Koraidon is way to popular, choice band makes it inflexible and susceptible to set up, aka koraidon;. Tera water is a era commitment and it means you become weak to extreme speed. The recoil damage is huge, making it not have much longevity.

Dude, what day is it today?
Some Proposed Post-Last Respects Ban Changes
:basculegion: -> UR
The obvious change. Without Last Respects, Basculegion-M is dead in the water, pun intended. See you in NU.

:arceus_dark: -> C-/D
Arceus-Dark was already very hard to run in the current Koraidon meta, and one of its biggest pros was being able to survive Last Respects. Now, with the exit of Last Respects from Ubers, Arceus-Dark's biggest niche is probably.... A setup sweeper that isn't stopped by Prankster Taunt from Grimmsnarl. Yeah, Darkceus is useless now.

:calyrex_ice: -> A
Calyrex-I is a snowballing monster. Previously, one of the few things that could reliable blow up/check it was Last Respects Basculegion. With Basculegion gone, Calyrex has lost one of its major offensive checks, and can now setup even more unprompted. Calyrex-I is a genuinely scary Mon, as it essentially functions as a more offensive :necrozma_dusk_mane:Necrozma-Dusk, without the versatility.
Some Proposed Post-Last Respects Ban Changes
:basculegion: -> UR
The obvious change. Without Last Respects, Basculegion-M is dead in the water, pun intended. See you in NU.

:arceus_dark: -> C-/D
Arceus-Dark was already very hard to run in the current Koraidon meta, and one of its biggest pros was being able to survive Last Respects. Now, with the exit of Last Respects from Ubers, Arceus-Dark's biggest niche is probably.... A setup sweeper that isn't stopped by Prankster Taunt from Grimmsnarl. Yeah, Darkceus is useless now.

:calyrex_ice: -> A
Calyrex-I is a snowballing monster. Previously, one of the few things that could reliable blow up/check it was Last Respects Basculegion. With Basculegion gone, Calyrex has lost one of its major offensive checks, and can now setup even more unprompted. Calyrex-I is a genuinely scary Mon, as it essentially functions as a more offensive :necrozma_dusk_mane:Necrozma-Dusk, without the versatility.

Darkceus becomes a premiere set on stall now that you don't need to be Normal to stop a rampaging Basculegion. Yes Fairy is probably still more useful with the broken bikes unfortunately at large, but having STAB on Foul Play and beating 100% of viable NDM sets (the hardest Pokemon for most stall teams to face) is a big boon.
Some Proposed Post-Last Respects Ban Changes

:calyrex_ice: -> A
Calyrex-I is a snowballing monster. Previously, one of the few things that could reliable blow up/check it was Last Respects Basculegion. With Basculegion gone, Calyrex has lost one of its major offensive checks, and can now setup even more unprompted. Calyrex-I is a genuinely scary Mon, as it essentially functions as a more offensive :necrozma_dusk_mane:Necrozma-Dusk, without the versatility.

As someone who's laddered extensively with Caly-I during both suspects (and succeeded very well with it), no way it's that high. It definitely deserves higher than Kyurem-Black but it certainly doesn't deserve A.

It's mostly limited to hyper offense teams cause it's a huge tera hog. w/o it, it's not getting past NDM, at least not without immediately losing 90% of it's ability to sweep or do anything afterwards. Being a tera hog means that you really are not fitting it on balance or even bulky offense, as those really need their tera to stand a chance against super offensive teams.

It's not just NDM that makes it a huge tera hog, without Tera Fire, it's sweeps are getting immediately ended by any sort of defensive arceus with will-o-wisp, and Ho-oh. Running Lum or Rwast Berry helps, but means you only get one chance to pull off a sweep if rocks are up, and barely get a chance at all if tspikes are up.

Even post tera, it's seriously gonna struggle against Kyogre, Arceus Water, Whirlwind Ho-oh, and Tera Fire from Koraidon, Tera Steel from Ting-lu, and Tera Water from Gliscor. The crucial part about the last three pokes is that, unlike Tera Normal or Dark for Basculegion, they are actually good tera types beyond just Clay-I (hell, it's the standard on Koraidon) Not to mention that its sweep simply ends with Trick Room running out, meaning that the likes of Gliscor can just stall it out with protect.

A poke this restricted to hyper offense is usually not gonna make A. The only reason Basculegion made A- was because it was so gamebreakingly good on hyper offense. Caly-I isn't even close to that so it certainly doesn't deserve a higher rank than what Basculegion got.

Caly-I is still like, good and imo, is ranked too low, but putting it higher than what Basculegion used to be is far too much imo.

As for my own nominations, I'd imagine that with the banning of Last Respects, Ribombee drops at least a rank or two. Stick Web teams surely are still good but I'd imagine they lost a good amount of their power from no more Last Respects.
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:basculegion: A- --> UR

farewell my sweet prince.

:arceus-water: A --> A-

I've tried Arc-Water before, never liked it. Giving Miraidon the freest switch-in it can get in the tier is most certainly not ideal, and this doesn't answer Koraidon on its own either, making it a bit inconsistent to fit. All Arceus forms also have the opportunity cost to run, and I would rather run Arc-Fairy or Arc-Ground over this. Not a bad choice by any means, but its propensity to both let Miraidon in as well as be done by hazards a bit too easily for my liking make me think this should drop.
How is caly-I b-rank? It should be A or above. the bulk of it lets it tank any unboosted hit from anything in the meta, save a 62.5% chance to ohko vs. korai (but then there's tera fire...?) and the power lets it ko all but dondozo and some forms of defensive arcs (as well as NDM ig if you're unboosted)
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I'd like to argue for a better ranking of Caly-I too, the increase in HO teams using screens makes it a very good sweeper that can overcome its weaknesses (poor typing, one-dimensional set, hazards, often forced to tera, weak to statuts) and really punch holes in the opponent’s team and forces oppo’s tera as well (NDM, Gliscor, some Arceus). In my opinion it’s also not forced to be boots (even if it’s arguably the best item for Caly) and can be terrifying with WP, especially if the screens are up.
However, it is almost exclusively viable in HO and requires support in the builder (hazards, screens), which is why I think it would be better placed in B+ or even A- since it still does a great job at pressuring the opponent but rarely (if never) get to win on its own.
:scream-tail: should be ranked C- or C.

i was not a believer of this thing until i tried it; turns out that in the select teams it fits on, it is actually really good. its the second most sturdy koraidon check in the tier, bar dachsbun, which only really fits on hard stall. aside from that, scream tail can also annoy certain slow mons like cali-ice with encore, and others like ekiller or slow cm arc. wish pass is invaluable for teammates like darkceus and kyogre, the latter of which can now run more offensive spreads and sets (like scarf!) because scream tail can singlehandedly check koraidon. this mon is better than stuff we currently have ranked in C like alomomola. try it out; you will see the light like i did.

:arceus-dark: should also rise, to B-.

best ndm check in the format alongside waterceus. foul play + wisp checks every single physical attacker in the tier, including would-be annoyances like korai and zacian; they cannot switch in on darkceus unless they do it on a recover, because wisp ruins them and foul play actually does a ton of damage. even stuff like offensive hooh get 2hkoed by foul play. the amount of pressure this mon relieves off teammates like kyogre and hooh in a game to game basis is unmatched.
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:necrozma-dawn-wings: to C or C-

Ok perhaps a very biased take, but I would argue Dawn-Wings has some very real niche options over the obviously superior Dusk-Mane. Meteor Beam Trick Room sweeper is a very real and potent set, and paired with a means of luring out Ting-Lu (I don't know, something like the number one mon in the tier and Ting-Lu's #1 reason for high viability) it's really effective. I got a #6 peak with a Dawn-Wings team which I think is super solid and provides a proof of concept of sorts, I'm by no means saying Dawn-Wings is super insane or the better Necrozma, I do, however, believe it has it's merits over Dusk-Mane.

:corviknight: to C+

Vouching for another low viability warrior, but god damn is Corviknight -- played well -- one of the most annoying mons in the tier. It outright beats Necrozma-Dusk-Mane with it's IronPress antics and often times forces a Tera out of E-Killer, stalls out one of the scariest physical threats in the tiers -- Calyrex-Ice -- by virtue of Pressure and being able to boost alongside it. With Tera, it can beat and set up on Koraidon, can inconsitently beat Dragon Dance Arceus-Ground by playing around Taunt as well too. It's a great measure against the common offense teams which stack up on cores like Miraidon, Koraidon, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Calyrex-Ice and Arceus. This is not to mention the utility of Defog and how sparce it is in the tier, and how great it can be in certain match ups.
i think iron treads could stand to rise out of the C ranks to maybe somewhere in the middle or the bottom of the B ranks. it's been sighted more and more on teams in both upl and wcop as a solid miraidon check and entry hazard remover in the one slot that crucially enables teammates like your own miraidon and kyogre to run items that aren't boots. of those two examples, miraidon is freer to run things like life orb + solar beam (goodbye ting-lu) whereas kyogre gets to run its choiced sets of days gone by. the mere presence of iron treads on a team often deters miraidon from using either of its STAB moves, lest it potentially let iron treads in for free, so it is instead forced to pretend it is bw ubers genesect and click u-turn all the time. definitely something that is ranked far too low at the moment.
I personally Don't think waterceus should be placed in the A rank, and instead should be in somewhere like A-.
sure, :pmd/arceus-water: is a great check to many boosting threats in the tier like groundceus, NDM and sometimes koraidon, but letting in miraidon for free is a huge pain in the ass for me whenever I try to use it. maybe its just because I'm a bad player.
also, alternatives such as Kyogre are also there for you to use, which can allow you to free up a slot for a different arc, like ground.
But I gotta say being able to threaten wisp immunities is a great trait, so I think it would be ranked higher if you can use more than 1 arc...
Calyrex Ice should be higher while Eternatus should drop, Calyrex just sweeps in any moment in comes on a good spot, Eternatus just set tspikes or toxic, Meteor Beam Agility not that effective anymore and Scarf set I havent seen a single one, I propose Calyrex to A while Eternatus to B+ or B
Another VR update happened, slate is here to see individual votes.

Kyogre :kyogre:: A --> A+ (5)
Calyrex-Ice :calyrex-ice:: B --> A- (3)
Landorus-Therian :landorus-therian:: B --> A- (5)
Deoxys-Speed :deoxys-Speed:: B --> B+
Iron Bundle :iron-bundle:: B --> B+
Kingambit :kingambit:: B- --> B+
Grimmsnarl :grimmsnarl:: B- --> B
Orthworm :orthworm:: C --> B
Arceus-Dark :arceus-dark:: C+ --> B-
Iron Treads :iron-treads:: C --> B-
Arceus-Grass :arceus-grass:: C --> C+
Sneasler :sneasler:: C- --> C
Zamazenta-Crowned :zamazenta-crowned:: D --> C
Necrozma-Dawn-Wings :necrozma-dawn-wings:: D --> C-


Eternatus :eternatus:: A --> A-(4)
Flutter Mane :flutter-mane:: B+ --> B
Giratina-Origin :giratina-origin:: B+ --> B
Ribombee :ribombee:: B+ --> B
Groudon :groudon:: B- --> C+
Lunala :lunala:: B- --> C
Skeledirge :skeledirge:: B- --> C
Zekrom :zekrom:: B- --> C
Mewtwo :mewtwo:: C+ --> C
Toxapex :toxapex:: C+ --> C
Arceus-Poison :arceus-poison:: C --> C-
Giratina :giratina:: C- --> D
Ursaluna-Bloodmoon :ursaluna-bloodmoon:: C- --> D
Walking Wake :walking-wake:: C --> UR
Gothitelle :gothitelle:: C- --> UR
Pecharunt :pecharunt:: C- --> UR