NOC A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - WON BY THE MAFIA AND THE WITCH

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A hypnotist can only implant:

  • You were attacked but someone nursed you back to health! (Doctor)
  • A trap attacked you but someone nursed you back to health! (Trapper)
  • You were attacked but someone protected you! (Crusader)
  • An intimidating figure stopped you at your target's door. You were scared away! (Bouncer, Scarecrow)
  • You were transported to another location. (Transporter)
  • Someone occupied your night. You were role blocked! (Escort, Consort)
  • You felt a mystical power dominating you. You were controlled by a Witch! (Witch)
  • You were attacked but someone fought off your attacker! (Bodyguard)

Jalmont said someone tried to control him, which is diff from being controlled and cant be implanted
i wouldnt jump the gun on this until we hear more from jalmont
Saber investigative result (If I understood it correctly) + lechen list of roles that cant be controlled. That's only if he isnt lying or hypnotist
its possible jalmont was also saying that because he just didnt take any actual as a result of the controlling. if hes a vig he wouldnt have done anything and if hes a psychic then he doesnt go anywhere (though the witch does receive his invest results, another benefit of the witch controlling at every opportunity btw @ lechen)
I believe there is a witch and that he tried to control JALMONT because if that's not true JALMONT is lying. Hypnotist could have been the heal msg though
Why is Jalmont lying so outlandish to you? The information he gave was fairly riskless and didn't reveal his role, very safe stuff to lie about without looking too bad later if there's a reversal of fortune.
its possible jalmont was also saying that because he just didnt take any actual as a result of the controlling. if hes a vig he wouldnt have done anything and if hes a psychic then he doesnt go anywhere (though the witch does receive his invest results, another benefit of the witch controlling at every opportunity btw @ lechen)
Oh I thought that message could only be displayed with uncontrollable roles
Oh I thought that message could only be displayed with uncontrollable roles
Based on what Jalmont said, he has to be targeted by witch considering he wasn't succesfully controlled according to him.
JALMONT lying also makes a lot of sense but no reason to lie about receiving a message only 10 roles in the game can.
Finally, anyone find it suspicious saber only revealed what he found AFTER we suggested that JALMONT was a vet and even then he did it reluctantly?
you're right. he's also just obnoxious anyway
this is NAI for oj btw
Well I could bring up the Generation 3 Mash, but we both know Danny well that would've happened regardless of what alignments we rolled that game.

Also, unrelated, but I'm gonna try (gonna finish this bit later when I'm on a device physically capable of screenshots),
bump. im a little more interested in this after this last batch of discussion
I ignored it the first time but I don't want to ignore you twice: no real reason for me to claim to you in private because I still can't decide on your alignment as I said in my readlist. I will claim to a clean town in private or a townier player at least unless we decide on massclaim.
Based on what Jalmont said, he has to be targeted by witch considering he wasn't succesfully controlled according to him.
JALMONT lying also makes a lot of sense but no reason to lie about receiving a message only 10 roles in the game can.
Finally, anyone find it suspicious saber only revealed what he found AFTER we suggested that JALMONT was a vet and even then he did it reluctantly?

The more I think about it the harder it is for me to find a reason for jalmont lying.

I don't understand what did saber wanted to achieve then. I'd like more of your thoughts on saber if possible. There are 2 players wanting to vote him and it can't be only because of his activity right?
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