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The CAP server is becoming known as a noobs paradise.

Every second battle there is some noob with a team full of ubers saying "i am t3h mastr u cannt beet me hahaha".

I myself, was facing a person Called Junaia. I lost 3 times, the third being my uber team, (but I have serious flaws in my team and haven't updated it for over 3 months). It was a rain dance team with Kyogre as the starter.

There is also an increase in the amount of trolling and spamming.

There needs to be something done about this. I'm putting forward to you the notion of a warning/ban system. This will be a one warning once one has broken a rule, then a one hour ban.
Things that would incur this punishment:
Spamming (Mild)
Uber abusing
Flaming (Heavy, we're not that pussy)
Use of another language other than english

Heavy spamming or trolling should also incur a 30 minute ban on the spot. This should incrementally increase if the offender comes back on after the ban.

The next issue i'm putting forth is Mods. When there is one mod on, and they leave, there is a burst of:
I know there is a trial being done with a modbot, but i'm not sure on how it works.
We should allocate more mod positions if the ModBot project does not work.
I am in no way saying that the mods are not doing a currently good job. They are adhering to the rules, and doing a wonderful job of it.. I am saying the rules are a little bit lax.

This is in no way meant to offend anyone except spammers and trollers. I know i, myself, do spam, but i'm willing to turn over a new leaf and cut the shit.

We also need to address the issue of swearing. I say somthing like this:
"Fuck! I haven't EV's my chansey for the tourney. Brb, can you wait?"
Then some 10 year old kid will say:
"o no dats swearing very bad and mean be quiet"
Are we taking a "no shit" attitude, or are we taking the stance made on here: People swear, get over it.

My policy towards annoying people who post how good they are is to battle them. If I win, I kick them. If I lose, they can stay and I don't regulate towards them. I never lose. But I'm a mod, so I guess this strategy doesn't apply to everyone.

The obvious answer is to make more mods, but that could also add to the problem. Splitting power usually doesn't work too well. I think Doug's working on something (am I at liberty to disclose?) that will help out. I'd say be patient.
Unfortunately, this dosen't really help if no mods are on. I think we need Time Zone mods, as it seems that DJD, Mag, KoA and Tennis are always on at the same time, and that's really not helping.

Doug's working on something? Unfortunatly, a Bot can't really distinguish between a nooby, bratty asshole and a spammer. The bot can really only kick spammers =\
DJD is working on the modbot, which can be controlled through previledged users ananymously. This should take the sting out of trolls when they see what they thought was a bot kicking them with 100% acc.

I don't really know what to do about the people using Ubers though. Banning them from the OU find tab perhaps?

EDIT: Banning the Ubers not the people >.>
Here's how I do things (obviously not on the CAP server):

1) Make sure the rules are listed somewhere fairly obvious.
2) If they break the rule, kick them. When they come back, explain what rule they broke and tell them not to do it again.
3) If they do it again, ban them for a day.
4) Serious offenses / repeat offenders skip all of this and get banned for 323423 days or however long I feel like it.
DJD is working on the modbot, which can be controlled through previledged users ananymously. This should take the sting out of trolls when they see what they thought was a bot kicking them with 100% acc.

I don't really know what to do about the people using Ubers though. Banning them from the OU find tab perhaps?

EDIT: Banning the Ubers not the people >.>

I should have access to that =p

The Find tab ain't the problem. People spam the main chat with it and challenge the user partition.

Obi said:
1) Make sure the rules are listed somewhere fairly obvious.
2) If they break the rule, kick them. When they come back, explain what rule they broke and tell them not to do it again.
3) If they do it again, ban them for a day.
4) Serious offenses skip all of this and get banned for 323423 days or however long I feel like it.

People do not read the rules.
Something like this should work. Another good post by Obi.
The kind of person who doesn't read the rules is what I like to call "a lost cause" and shouldn't be catered to. Part of the reason you might be getting a lot of these kind of people is that you are getting all the people banned from the Official Server. This means they obviously aren't going there, so banning apparently has some effect on getting rid of them.
1) Make sure the rules are listed somewhere fairly obvious.
2) If they break the rule, kick them. When they come back, explain what rule they broke and tell them not to do it again.
3) If they do it again, ban them for a day.
4) Serious offenses / repeat offenders skip all of this and get banned for 323423 days or however long I feel like it.

i have got to say this would help with the spam, but it would drive some people away, I prefer this method:

1. Warning and explain what they did wrong.
2. Kick
3. If they come back and do it again its a 1 day ban.
4. If they do it the next day its a week.
i have got to say this would help with the spam, but it would drive some people away, I prefer this method:

1. Warning and explain what they did wrong.
2. Kick
3. If they come back and do it again its a 1 day ban.
4. If they do it the next day its a week.

Personally I find that when someone does something wrong and I give them a warning they don't even acknowledge me, making me wonder if they're even paying attention. Sometimes it's better to kick to get their attention and explain why later.
Unfortunately, this dosen't really help if no mods are on. I think we need Time Zone mods, as it seems that DJD, Mag, KoA and Tennis are always on at the same time, and that's really not helping.
We already have mods in different time zones. At least eric and I are on Europe, so that zone is somewhat covered.

My problem is that, when I connect, either it's me alone with only 3 or 4 people, or I'm entering a crowded server, but with 2 or 3 mods already in. I've rarely entered the server with a lot of people and no mod connected, which would be the ideal situation. For example, I connected an hour ago, and I'm alone with an away user, and only other two people have entered the server since then, only to leave immediately.

i have got to say this would help with the spam, but it would drive some people away, I prefer this method:

1. Warning and explain what they did wrong.
2. Kick
3. If they come back and do it again its a 1 day ban.
4. If they do it the next day its a week.

I do find this behavior better. An initial warning explaining the rules is what I do 90% of the time (the remaining 10% is a hard ban against those who are clearly offensive/trolling). Then, a kick, then, if they insist, a ban. From my experience, most posters stop infracting after being kicked. I've rarely banned anyone who didn't deserved it from the beginning.
I've rarely entered the server with a lot of people and no mod connected, which would be the ideal situation.
i agree that this is rare, but i have been in it a few times. mostly if i arrive and the mod who is on leaves.

I do find this behavior better.
thanx. On OS (Ofical server) there is an almost unlimted number of people, we have to be nicer to those who come to our server or they will leave.
Obi said:
Part of the reason you might be getting a lot of these kind of people is that you are getting all the people banned from the Official Server. This means they obviously aren't going there, so banning apparently has some effect on getting rid of them.

I've noticed this too, and while I thought it would be a problem, it really isn't. Most of the people banned from Official were banned for speaking in CAPS
which in my book is not really deserving of a ban in mild cases. Usually just telling them to stop. The serious offenders are the ones who spam Official, CAP, and any other server they can sign up on. The problem with them is they shut up whenever a mod enters the room, and many of the people who see them spamming are the ones who don't chat. We've relied on Doug to read through the logs and retroban them. My suggestion would be to make some mods "undercover," if that's possible. By that I mean take away their stars or make them invisible if they're away. The only people who know I'm a mod are the ones who I regularly talk to, so if I came in invisible and no one said anything, no one would know I was there, and people would blame the bot for getting kicked. Y/N?
We have rules clearly posted now. I finally finished them yesterday. If you haven't seen them, they are here:

That is now the link shown on the logon window to the server.

Yes, I am working on a modbot. I'm not going to cover the details of what it will do. But, it will be more than a bot that prevents flooding. Certain veteran server users will receive detailed information about the bot when it is finished.

Aki, you are very close to being the pot calling the kettle black. I think you know a lot about competitive pokemon and I want to encourage your increased participation in the CAP project. But, your recent behavior on the server is not something I want other users to emulate. I don't think you are a "problem user", but you have not been a model citizen either. In your OP, you mention "turning over a new leaf and cutting the shit". I would very much like to see you do that.

There are rules I expect the server moderators to follow. I have moderator guidelines that I distribute to all the server mods. I review chat logs every day, and I give feedback to the mods on how they are doing. So far, all the mods have done an excellent job of regulating the madness on the server. I think it is particularly commendable, considering that none of us expected this much traffic when we all "signed up" for the job.

I also think our moderators are one of the best aspects of the server. I regularly receive compliments about the quality of the moderators on the CAP server. They are all friendly, knowledgeable, and competent battlers. When I review the chat logs, I love the general tone of discussion. For the most part it is interesting, casual, and enjoyable. Obviously, our users are the biggest part of that. But, I think the mods set the example for everyone else -- and they do a fantastic job in that regard.

*applauds the Blue Team*
We have rules clearly posted now. I finally finished them yesterday. If you haven't seen them, they are here:

That is now the link shown on the logon window to the server.

Yes, I am working on a modbot. I'm not going to cover the details of what it will do. But, it will be more than a bot that prevents flooding. Certain veteran server users will receive detailed information about the bot when it is finished.


Aki, you are very close to being the pot calling the kettle black.
Aware of that >.<
I think you know a lot about competitive pokemon and I want to encourage your increased participation in the CAP project. But, your recent behavior on the server is not something I want other users to emulate. I don't think you are a "problem user", but you have not been a model citizen either.
That'd be right.
In your OP, you mention "turning over a new leaf and cutting the shit". I would very much like to see you do that.

There are rules I expect the server moderators to follow. I have moderator guidelines that I distribute to all the server mods. I review chat logs every day, and I give feedback to the mods on how they are doing. So far, all the mods have done an excellent job of regulating the madness on the server. I think it is particularly commendable, considering that none of us expected this much traffic when we all "signed up" for the job.

I also think our moderators are one of the best aspects of the server. I regularly receive compliments about the quality of the moderators on the CAP server. They are all friendly, knowledgeable, and competent battlers. When I review the chat logs, I love the general tone of discussion. For the most part it is interesting, casual, and enjoyable. Obviously, our users are the biggest part of that. But, I think the mods set the example for everyone else -- and they do a fantastic job in that regard.

I'm not saying that the mods are not doing a fantastic job, i'm saying that they were being a bit lax because there was no "book" to read from. This should help clear this up.

*applauds the Blue Team*
I'm not saying that the mods are not doing a fantastic job, i'm saying that they were being a bit lax because there was no "book" to read from. This should help clear this up.
There was. DJD PM'ed us mods a set of rules to abide by quite some time ago. I am probably the most "lax" mod and the one you are talking about, I dont like kickng people its a fact, i try to save kicks and bans for people who try to get them and am nice to total n00bs. maybe i should stop but then i remember my first team (total crap) and think "That n00b could be a good player given the time and support" even the ones that dont know about ubers and think charizard/pikachu is god are like this.
i also dont like kicking those who cant speak english I cant explain it to them and kicking them makes me feel a bit... well.... racist. I do kick if they are cloging up the chat, but i try to tolerate them.
doug did pm us the rules, and it is well known that i am the proverbial "bad cop" to eric's "good cop". However, i dont like having to kick people either, because me kicking people means that they're doing something wrong. i have cracked down as of late, and now i warn, kick, and ban all the time. the problem isn't a lack of mods, its the kids who think that the internet is anonymous and they can say and do whatever they want. i was recently infracted by max, and he was quite right about doing it, i knew i was wrong. i was thinking irrationally at the time, and i payed for it. the problem is that the people you are reffering to dont think rationally ever. what can we do? warn kick ban. the situation is not going to change unless we all get a little stricter. once the people see that we aren't going to back down, then we'll start getting respect. until then, the modbot can only help, along with a "punch" and "muzzle" option and "vet" class, which was floated around recently but wont be out for a while. now i must get back to watching the server.
the problem is that the people you are reffering to dont think rationally ever. what can we do? warn kick ban.
Welcome to the moderators' club. It's something you'll get used to.

Whatever you do, there will always be morons that simply join a channel, forum, or what have you just to troll and make life difficult for whoever made the sacrifices of setting up things. Don't let this discourage you.
Yesterday I was alone for 3 hours with a bunch of bored teens. It wasn't fun. Thankfully, at the moment of the most stress, I challenged SSAJ and had an awesome battle with him. I swear that battle saved some people from a ban.
ahhhh 2 in the morning for me. i wont be staying up till then moding. are there many people on at that time? if so and there are no mods often we will look into it.
Having a chat with ssss earlier this night, it makes it clear that we are needing some sort of modbot/hidden mods/more mods. Is there any clarification on the ModBot?
I am actively working on the modbot. I have been testing it with several people on the server over the last few days. Many users have seen it. In fact, I did a "dry run" on the CAP server just last night. I still have more work to do before it will be available on a regular basis. When it is done, I think it will solve many of the issues being discussed in this thread.

For those of you that do not know what the modbot will do -- please don't make assumptions and post your worries, fears, and complaints about it here. I'm not going to post all the details now. Just wait until it is done, and we'll go from there.
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