the winning team thread

i am curious what OU teams have succeded in landing my fellow smogon users large winning streaks and why. Ill start with a quick note about the team that won for me: Sweepers didnt matter as i changed them between games, but two walls that would win match after match (landing me a 10 game winning streak) even when outnumbered by double were snorlax and weezing (together). Those two can form a defense that is rock solid and long lasting if you kill the enemy's pokemon in the right order at the beggining. I wont go into a full team or war story since those are for other forums, but i am still curious to hear quick notes on what makes your teams go great distances in battle and why. Hopefully this thread will have a good response (i sometimes land myself heaps of trouble for posting the wrong stuff). thanks for the input - matt
with a LMFAO! Anyway, most people at the top of the ladder either won't share their team or post a huge "I got to position X on the ladder using this" in the RMT. So, as mentioned before, do you homework.
Here is my winning team:

So, here's my team. Rate away. It has no pictures because I am sure everyone has seen all of these pokemon... oh, between 31 thousand and 48 thousand times this month.

Lead: Gengar @ choice scarf
modest nature, because I am not a chump.
255 satk, 255 spe

shadow ball
sludge bomb
Focus blast

sludge bomb for hitting chumps hard, thundabol for gyarados, and... well, I may get HP ice on there, but you know, you know

Blissey @ leftovers
252 def 252 satk
bold nature

Seismic toss
Hidden Power bug
ice beam

This is my special wall. I <3 bliss. It won't change, because nothing outclasses it. ^_^ Hidden power bug nails celebi because they think they can stay in and leech seed her.

Garchomp @ yache berry
jolly nature
252 atk 252 speed

swords dance
fire fang

Well, here's garchomp! The best attacker in the game. I totally fell in love with this thing after I 6-0d a team with him. It absolutely destroys everything in it's wake. Jolly for outrunning all the other chomps.

Tyranitar @ brightpowder
Jolly nature
252 atk 252 spe

Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

This is TTar, and he looks cool. He's shiney, too. He dds, outspeeds threats, after a DD, it hits past +nature base 100s. It survives gengar's focus blast, and DDs, then it DDs again as it misses. Then, it DDs a third time, and OHKOs skarm. Crunch for cress. Actually, it DDs as thunderwave misses. It sets up SS for my chomp.

Bronzong @ leftovers
Relaxed nature
252 HP, 152 atk, 100 def

Gyro ball
Stealth Rock

Ok, this dude is my physical tank, because it walls enemy chomps to no end, and it sets up rocks. Since bliss is the only special tank anyone could ever need, here is zong. I was opting for SD luke, but then I would have no physicall wall.

Gyarados @ leftovers
-bulky taunt spread-
adamant nature

Dragon dance

This dude could be my lead, but since gengar is the most popular lead, he isn't. It 6-0s teams.

Well, there's my team. I think it is pretty solid. It can take on any threat. It is also very original IMO. I have a 30-1 win/lose ratio.
Let's compare a Pokemon team to a penis.

Anyone can have a big penis, but does it matter if you can use it right?
I'm sigging this, do you mind? XD

From my own experience, my winning teams are the ones that have an overall theme or strategy (usually weather, in my case). However, when I use a team for a while, then switch to another (not a new team, just using my Hail team instead of Rain, for instance), my performance drops for a couple of battles. So I'd say from my own experience that a team with an overarching strategy/theme that you use on a regular basis to keep the strategy "fresh" in your mind would yield the best results.
All the trolling and joking aside, I too would like to know what the succesfull teams have been in the past. Sure it depends on how one plays it, but nomatter how one plays it, one will never get a top 100 shoddy rank using 6 magikarps.
I know know... I made a team for fun, with the top 6 OU guys. I thought we were supposed to post winning teams. OBVIOSLY the top 6 are the best, right?

I don't have this team on shoddy OR in-game. I use BL.
My alt is in the late 50's of the shoddy ladder (and rising). Heh I couldn't resist. Anyway, the main thing in common with all my successful teams is having a great overarching strategy; my teams usually don't work quite as well even when I throw together 6 pokemon but without an actual team goal.
My alt is in the late 50's of the shoddy ladder (and rising). Heh I couldn't resist. Anyway, the main thing in common with all my successful teams is having a great overarching strategy; my teams usually don't work quite as well even when I throw together 6 pokemon but without an actual team goal.

Probably the centrepoint of any winning team.

Try not to think "sweep hard and fast" is an excellent underlying strategy.
You and Bologo are the two users recently I am disagreeing with the most.

I shall elaborate. When you run 6 pokemon which have been labeled "___th best ______ sweeper", and then just getting enough to work with your resistances, it's so dumb. And I do mean a "strategy", not just the classic sweep. Something slightly more intelligent.
Women do not have penises FYI.

Let's compare a Pokemon team to breasts.

Anyone can have huge breasts, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the most attractive.

Anyone can have a good team, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will always win.

Sounds about right.
Oh, wait, that's me... whoops I automatically have no strategy because I use BST600s!

Hey, if you have a useful and effective strategy then go for it. If you don't, then I don't approve. Some people don't use blissey. I don't use boring, generic, utterly predictable strategies with boring, generic, predictable pokemon. Sue me.

Use max stat 450, then you're really hardcore. Yeah man.

Whatever works for you.
Let's compare a Pokemon team to breasts.

Anyone can have huge breasts, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the most attractive.

Anyone can have a good team, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will always win.

Sounds about right.

Am I the only one who actually noticed this post?
discussing fast sweep vs long stalling its ok, but i think the main purpose of this thread is posting the pokes that work better for you in the OU battles and the explain how you use them more specifically than just "fast sweep".