CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 10.5.1 (Movepool Spillover)

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1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam No
-Aromatherapy Yes
-Howl Yes
-Dragon Dance No
-Curse No
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Y/N)
-Aromatherapy?* (Y/N)
-Howl? (Y/N)
-Dragon Dance? (Y/N)
-Curse? (Y/N)
Let's see:

1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

I'm very undecided about this, really. On one hand, Cresselia, a pokémon with better defenses and the same "counter" (Tyranitar) doesn't get much use out of Moonlight, which works exactly the same as Synthesis. On the other, this one is much more threatening to Tyranitar than Cressy will ever be, with 20 more base SAtt and STAB on Grass Knot.

I've voted for it, but I won't cry if it doesn't get it, and I will be very critical about it when we start the playtesting.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? No.
-Aromatherapy?* No.
-Howl? No.
-Dragon Dance? No.
-Curse? No.

First, no physical buffs. I have that very clear. So that means no Howl, no DD, no Curse. Aromatherapy no only doesn't seem to fit this pokémon (yes, I'm aware of the "incense" argument), but it can be used along with Synthesis to stall very well if there's no Hail or Sandstorm. However, like Synthesis, this is a decision I'm not adamant with, and I wouldn't mind that much if it ended getting it. Finally, Charge Beam. I voted for it in the previous poll and... I'm voting against it in this? Yes, and that's again because of the comparison to Cresselia. Cresselia can get a respectable damage output if she gets two or three CB boosts, and this one will be really dangerous if allowed the same. Plus, it serves to counter flyers, who are among its "counters".
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Y/N)
-Aromatherapy?* (Y/N)
-Howl? (Y/N)
-Dragon Dance? (Y/N)
-Curse? Maybe, aka no vote.
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

Test it first, break it later. Sand Stream is common as it is even if the Pokemon bringing it don't want to switch into this thing 24/7, and I still see some Hail/Syclant teams. And beyond that, even when it restores 50% HP, there's still the low PP.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam?

-Dragon Dance?

I was gonna vote Charge Beam, but if this thing gets a SpA boost its checks are kind of gone, and it's also safe to use against most Fliers, so I'm tempted to say nah.
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Y)
-Aromatherapy?* (
-Howl? (
-Dragon Dance? (N)
-Curse? (N)
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??

-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? No
-Aromatherapy? No
-Howl? Yes
-Dragon Dance? No
-Curse? Yes
First absolutly no to lava plume imo, this thing is bulky enough to stay around and get the burn easily. I don't want it doing damage as well, it doesn't even fit flavorwise either

1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:

-Charge Beam? No

Ok half this guys so called counters get hit super effective by this, and woodmn has the bulk to actually get a boost in.There is no reason for this.

-Aromatherapy? Yes

-Howl? No

This is mainly a flavor aspect, wolfs, dogs etc howl not fucking lizards.

-Dragon Dance? No

I know its attack is lower then its special but the 120 base power moves make up for this. Therfore i don't see how this is any better then giving it solare power or clorophyll which so many people claimed was broken.

-Curse? No This thing is too bulky has recovery moves and would be able to boost 180 base power moves no thanks.
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (N)
-Aromatherapy?* (N)
-Howl? (N)
-Dragon Dance? (N)
-Curse? (N)
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

Come on guys, what the thing all the long lasting walls need? RECOVERY, this is Skarm+Togekiss with less weaknesses, it really does not need it.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (?)
no vote as of now, I cant deicide.
-Aromatherapy?* (N)
-Howl? (Y)
-Dragon Dance? (Y)
-Curse? (Y)

And Lava Plume is fine IMO.
Lava Plume is more than fine it is exactly what this Pokemon was made for.
Yes Lava Plume
No Dragon Dance
No Curse
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Y/N)
-Aromatherapy?* (Y/N)
-Howl? (Y/N)
-Dragon Dance? (Y/N)
-Curse? (Y/N)
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Y/N)
-Aromatherapy?* (Y/N)
-Howl? (Y/N)
-Dragon Dance? (Y/N)
-Curse? (Y/N)
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? Yes
-Aromatherapy? No
-Howl? Yes
-Dragon Dance? Yes
-Curse? Yes
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
I'd say Yes, mainly because what with those weather changes (Sandstorm you fucking dinosaur and hippo!) and shitload of weaknesses he has (Grass is weak to Flying, Poison, fire weak to RAWK), Leech Seed would be slighty less effective. However, Synthesis should be made an Egg Move.
2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Yes, because it just seems damned logical.)
-Aromatherapy?* (Yes, because it turns it into a Mini-Blissey, and should be an Egg Move as well.)
-Howl? (Yes, and likely naturally)
-Dragon Dance? (No. Fuck no. Why? Because it'd be utterly fucking dirty. WH, FB, DD and Seeds? Hello Gyarados and Breloom bastard child.)
-Curse? (Yes, since it seems like this is actually better. What with the shitload of weaknesses Grass has, as well as it being SR weak, having Curse can really help it survive and puts that dismal Attack to good use. This should be an Egg Move, though.)

Just my two hundredths of a dollar on the opinion.
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? Yes
-Aromatherapy? Yes
-Howl? Yes
-Dragon Dance? Yes
-Curse? Yes
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-Yes, Synthesis
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? No
-Aromatherapy? Yes
-Howl? Yes
-Dragon Dance? No
-Curse? No
I don't quite understand why Synthesis and Curse are getting "no" from people when Cresselia has Moonlight and Snorlax has Curse and both aren't broken, just very good.
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
-No, Rest and Leech Seed sapping is more than enough for him to survive.

2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? No
-Aromatherapy? Yes
-Howl? No
-Dragon Dance? Yes
-Curse? No
I don't quite understand why Synthesis and Curse are getting "no" from people when Cresselia has Moonlight and Snorlax has Curse and both aren't broken, just very good.

Why do you people insist on comparing other Pokemon, with Leonin, when they lack offensive typing. Snorlax has Curse because he is weak to Fighting, 120 Base Power Close Combat right in the face. Also doesn't have the base defense that Leonin has. Lets no forget as well, that Snorlax has Normal type moves to go for STAB. While Leonin has Fire and Grass. Cresselia's Calm Mind isn't broken because it lacks a lot of special moves to go along with its boost. Sure if Cresslia used a more offensive spread Calm Mind would be more effective on it, but it doesn't fit the current metgame Cresslia is in. Leonin has offensive STAB to go along with its offensive and defensive boost, which in turn makes overpowering and broken.
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
I'd say Yes, mainly because what with those weather changes (Sandstorm you fucking dinosaur and hippo!) and shitload of weaknesses he has (Grass is weak to Flying, Poison, fire weak to RAWK), Leech Seed would be slighty less effective. However, Synthesis should be made an Egg Move.
2. Should "Pass the Kutchie" be able to learn:
-Charge Beam? (Yes, because it just seems damned logical.)
-Aromatherapy?* (Yes, because it turns it into a Mini-Blissey, and should be an Egg Move as well.)
-Howl? (Yes, and likely naturally)
-Dragon Dance? (No. Fuck no. Why? Because it'd be utterly fucking dirty. WH, FB, DD and Seeds? Hello Gyarados and Breloom bastard child.)
-Curse? (Yes, since it seems like this is actually better. What with the shitload of weaknesses Grass has, as well as it being SR weak, having Curse can really help it survive and puts that dismal Attack to good use. This should be an Egg Move, though.)

Just my two hundredths of a dollar on the opinion.

Wow your reasoning seems very silly, and i'm not trying to insult you, it just seems uttlerly wierd. You chose Charge Beam because it seems logical? What logic does Charge Beam have? If you base it off his cannons, then i guess Hydro Cannon also is logical?

Dragon Dance is dirty? How is the move dirty man. First off Flare Blitz and Wood Hammer wouldn't be able to be used on the same set if DD was chosen. Grass has a lot of weakness, but the dual typing this Grass Pokemon is accompanied with, makes most of it's weakness nuetral. Raising its defense over its speed is a argument you could makes, but for the argument you made about Dragon Dance you just made it seem like defense would be more broken than speed. Seeing how you 120 base power moves to work with and Leech Seed, with the added DEFENSE, it makes it seem like the Pokemon will never go down. Which i have created arguments for plenty of times.
Dragon Dance is dirty? How is the move dirty man. First off Flare Blitz and Wood Hammer wouldn't be able to be used on the same set if DD was chosen.
Actually, they would. People voted for them to be heart scale moves instead of egg moves. =/
1. Should this Pokémon get Recovery outside of Rest??
I'd say Yes, mainly because what with those weather changes (Sandstorm you fucking dinosaur and hippo!) and shitload of weaknesses he has (Grass is weak to Flying, Poison, fire weak to RAWK)

I agree, three weaknesses is a shitload. How can we expect this thing to be able to wall anything without Synthesis when it has so many weakpoints?? I mean, seriously, weak to both Flying AND Poison?!? What were we thinking when we came up with this guy's typing???? Those are two of the most frequently seen attack types in the game!! I suppose we expected to give this both Leech Seed and Synthesis, because otherwise there's no way this guy will ever be able to stand up to attackers without them.
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