Exploring UU in a rather off the path way

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This is the team I've been using in UU for a while now and, to be honest, its had a fairly decent win/loss ratio. However, I felt it needs to be updated to cover the new UU threats and just to make it better in general.

@ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/82 Atk/104 Def/72 SDef
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Explosion
- Earthquake
- Shadow Ball
- Trick Room

My lead. Since this is a TR team, getting off TR is a priority. So I chose Claydol, which has impressive enough defences to set it up and it packs Explosion, which is a key aspect for TR teams. Lump is pretty much so Sleep leads don't stop my setup. Shadow Ball is mainly for ghosts. And yes, the evs are fairly random since I kinda made this team without an indepth knowledge of the pokemon I'd need to kill off with explosion (and the analysis spread was too offensive for my liking, so I didn't use that). However, it actually works, allowing Claydol to survive from all kinds of assaults and set up TR.
(M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Crabhammer
- X-Scissor
- Return
- Rock Slide

Kingler's high attack has the potenial to deal some high amounts of damage in TR. X Scissor is mainly there for Meganuims who tend to want to switch into this guy. Return is my attack for when I can't afford to miss. Everything else is strandard though, to a degree. Probablly the most replaceable member of the squad.
(F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 252 HP/6 Def/252 SAtk
Quiet nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Ice Beam
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Fake Tears

Glaceon is one of my favourite pokemon and finds a niche in UU TR with the highest base Special Attack (I think the next highest is Cacturne) while still having decent defences, so she's not dead weight out of TR (cough Clamperl Cough). She's my first pick most of the time, as her she can freely switch between attacks which opens up holes for my Choiced pokemon to capitalize on. Ice Beam is for Stab, Shadow Ball and Hp Fighting give unparalled coverage and lastly, Fake Tears is to avoid getting stalled by special walls. It also doesn't hurt that most people tend to underestimate her ;).
(M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Fake Out
- Stone Edge
- Mach Punch

Most TR teams include a fast revenge killer to prevent the team from getting swept when TR is down. And there's nothing faster than priority moves :toast:. The only major change is Stone Edge over CC. I find the added coverage (and that Rock is an outrageously good attack typing in UU more) vauable than CC.
(M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Destiny Bond
- Shadow Claw
- Taunt

Banette is a bit of an odd choice, so I'll explain. To be frank, UU has a shortage of decent Trick Roomers. Most of them lack ways of getting a TR pokemon safely. Lunatone/Solrock was considered but since they shared alot of weaks with Claydol, that was a bit of a turn off. Banette here, brings a useful fighting Immunity while being slow itself which is good for TR. The old combination of Destiny Bond + Focus Sash works very well, especially since TR can help this strategy to work as it messes with the speed of pokemon. Taunt makes them attack Banette and stops any set ups. I invested into HP Evs because 1). Banette has nothing else worthwhile to invest into anyways and 2). Banette is so fragile it can be 2KOed by decent attacks regardless 3). It's actually better for it to get 2KOed rather than OHKOed to help stop some priorit moves and SR from rendering the Destiny Bond strat useless.
(M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Stone Edge
- Focus Punch

At the time, I thought I had a massive Swellow weak once TR was down so I needed to stop the sweep. Aggron fits this role perfectly, stopping Swellow while providing a surprising yet powerful attacker. With STAB on Stone Edge ( The best attacking Type in UU IMO), it can demolish teams in late game. Ice Punch can deal with the rare Gligar while EQ forms the rockquake combo of old. Focus Punch is filler TBH. Pretty solid member of the team.


Since the team doesn't really have a threat list since it rarely counters a pokemon defensivly, I thought I would list pokemon/ strats that I have had trouble with in the past.

Stall Teams/ Getting stalled in general: This teams has massive problems due to my sweepers being oreintated on one side of the spectrum. Toxic Spikes really annoy this team as well. Hell, even a random pokemon spamming Subs while TR is up is very troublesome since with unstable TRs, I can't keep setting it up again and again.

Venomoth: When TR is down, this team is very vunerable to Specs Venomoth as my team lacks a way of asorbing Bug Buzzes and Hitmontop doesn't to enough damage to kill it outright with a Fake out and Bullet Punch Combo. Any ideas on how to solve this?

Manlix: Since this team was built before Steelix was UU, the combo of Steelix + Mantine stops everyone of my sweepers. Plus, none of my sweepers can really safely switch in to incoming attacks from both of them (though Kingler may be able to take the odd surf, with his awful special defence he may not be able to asorb too many). Any suggestions on this?

My suggestion is instead of using aggron as a second choice bander, use probopass to stop swellow. I've been trying one out ever since steelix became UU to stop anyone who relies on steelix as their sole physical wall. Give it magnet rise for earthquakes, taunt for the occasional roar and then earth power to 2-3kho it and it can't do anything except explode which does nothing. You can also give it around 84 speed EVs and it will outspeed all other no speed steel types (3 of which are rock/steel, the other being steelix) and ohko with earth power.
I'd really suggest finding some room somewhere for Stealth Rock on Claydol, you may as well leave a present if you're going to go boom. Also make sure you use a 0 IV for speed, Claydol is actually not as slow as most would think.

You do NOT want two Life Orb users on the same team, its just bad practice in general. Try a different item on either Hitmontop or Glaceon, Muscle Band works decently on TechnicianTop. Ever considered LO might be one reason why Stall teams are beating you?

I'd also agree a 2nd Choice Bander is a very bad idea and you really don't want to be using Focus Punch without Substitute.

Probopass actually would be a good idea, it can trap Steelix and is fast enough to Magnet Rise and can Taunt any Roar's. After which it proceeds to rape it with Earth Power and its still slow enough to create a good synergy with a Trick Room team. It deals with Swellow too since it learns Thunderbolt/Discharge and resists Flying/Normal 4x as well. Technically also has a 2x resist to Venomoth since its 4x resistant to Bug.

With specific problems out of the way overall team suggestions I'd say...

Maybe try out Gorebyss, its pure water with good defense so always good for switches. Has the 2nd highest special attack of a water type in the entire game. Offers a good deal of support and it has Swift Swim. So if you haven't got a Trick Room up it can still Rain Dance get a bonus and sweep.

Relicanth is also another suggestion with its massively powerful STAB Head Smash and it can be EV'd to be Bulky.

Armaldo offers very high defenses all round and an incredibly powerful STAB X-Scissor/Stone Edge off 125 attack. Also with 40 speed only it enjoys Trick Room.

Camerupt's name is almost synomonous with Trick Room, dual Ground makes it neutral to Stealth Rock and Solid Rock gives it protection from Ground attacks. and STAB Eruption will murder most things quite easily. Gets a STAB Earthquake OR Earth Power and can Explode when all things are done with and Rock Slide should still hurt a weakened Mantine quite abit.
My suggestion is instead of using aggron as a second choice bander, use probopass to stop swellow. I've been trying one out ever since steelix became UU to stop anyone who relies on steelix as their sole physical wall. Give it magnet rise for earthquakes, taunt for the occasional roar and then earth power to 2-3kho it and it can't do anything except explode which does nothing. You can also give it around 84 speed EVs and it will outspeed all other no speed steel types (3 of which are rock/steel, the other being steelix) and ohko with earth power.

I really like that suggestion. I'll keep it in mind when I'll change my team around.

I'd really suggest finding some room somewhere for Stealth Rock on Claydol, you may as well leave a present if you're going to go boom. Also make sure you use a 0 IV for speed, Claydol is actually not as slow as most would think.

I think I'd be hard pressed to find time to SR TBH. I'll test it over the mostly useless Shadow Ball though. All of my pokes have 0 Speed IVs except for Glaceon who has 2IVs to get HP Fighting 70.

You do NOT want two Life Orb users on the same team, its just bad practice in general. Try a different item on either Hitmontop or Glaceon, Muscle Band works decently on TechnicianTop. Ever considered LO might be one reason why Stall teams are beating you?

Eh, it works. Both pokemon need as much power as possible to kill stuff while still maintaining versitality. Since Wise Glasses/ Muscle Band offer a tiny attack increase, I'd probablly be better off with Leftovers with Glaceon.
It's actaully those retarded Toxic Spikes that are doing the damage so I'm currently trying to find a poison to splash in. I was heartbroken when I found out Skuntank actaully has decent speed. I've been looking into a mixed Serviper to help break walls down since I don't need to invest any speed EVs so I can concentrate on both attack stats but w/e.

I'd also agree a 2nd Choice Bander is a very bad idea and you really don't want to be using Focus Punch without Substitute.

I already stated FP was filler and Astro never actaully said 2 CBs was a bad idea. All choice teams have been that work well, so I don't see the problem TBH. Remember, these guys are my late game sweepers since Glaceon should have ripped some holes in the oppenent's team already.

Probopass actually would be a good idea, it can trap Steelix and is fast enough to Magnet Rise and can Taunt any Roar's. After which it proceeds to rape it with Earth Power and its still slow enough to create a good synergy with a Trick Room team. It deals with Swellow too since it learns Thunderbolt/Discharge and resists Flying/Normal 4x as well. Technically also has a 2x resist to Venomoth since its 4x resistant to Bug.

With specific problems out of the way overall team suggestions I'd say...

Maybe try out Gorebyss, its pure water with good defense so always good for switches. Has the 2nd highest special attack of a water type in the entire game. Offers a good deal of support and it has Swift Swim. So if you haven't got a Trick Room up it can still Rain Dance get a bonus and sweep.

Relicanth is also another suggestion with its massively powerful STAB Head Smash and it can be EV'd to be Bulky.

Armaldo offers very high defenses all round and an incredibly powerful STAB X-Scissor/Stone Edge off 125 attack. Also with 40 speed only it enjoys Trick Room.

Camerupt's name is almost synomonous with Trick Room, dual Ground makes it neutral to Stealth Rock and Solid Rock gives it protection from Ground attacks. and STAB Eruption will murder most things quite easily. Gets a STAB Earthquake OR Earth Power and can Explode when all things are done with and Rock Slide should still hurt a weakened Mantine quite abit.

I like the Gorebyss suggestion (though I might replace Kingler with a Huntail since Kingler isn't too crash hot), though the other suggestions won't really work in this team since I am a big fan of covering my weaknesses

Thanks for the rates guys! Keep it up!
A litle nitpick but when you said "Lump is pretty much so Sleep..." i think you mean "Lum is pretty much so Sleep..." Also Gardevoir can set up trick room, and heal bell to remove the poision from the toxic spikes
This is such a spot rate it's not funny, but I've noticed that Claydol is your only Trick Room user. You might want to find a spot for Slowbro or another bulky Trick Room user so you can keep your momentum going.
Stealth R are needed getting rid of which move is hard to decide. SR are needed as fires and fightings will be trouble. Fighting are a real problem as nothing is super effective against them so psychic on a pokemon (don't know if glaceon learns it but she should have it) will work better
Nameless, he's got Banette. Seconding Probopass over Aggron, and Stealth Rock over Earthquake on Claydol (so Ghosts don't wall you). If you keep Aggron, Head Smash. It's legitimate with all the Gen 4 moves you have, and has no drawback etc. plus better power by far. Probopass is definitely an incredible counter to Manlix with Magnet Rise, mammoth Special Defense and access to Earth Power, Electric attacks and Taunt/TWave or other support move. Muscle Band on Top OR any non-damaging and beneficial item on Glaceon; something like Lefties or Sash even (against Magmortar for example) to increase longevity after Fake Tears. You definitely need another Specially based member, and either the aforementioned Gorebyss or Probopass are prime candidates. If you want a more mixed angle,you could try Huntail, but meh...also Relicanth if going physical.
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