CAP 4 CAP 4 - Concept Submissions

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We will be following a slightly different process on the next Create-A-Pokemon, starting with a Concept. The new process is detailed in the CAP Process Guide. Please don't ask questions about the upcoming process without reading the guide.

This is where we define the general goal of the next Create-A-Pokemon project. The Concept will be a guiding force throughout the ensuing project, to ensure the the final result is a cohesive competitive pokemon. Any discussions, suggestions, or submissions in later topics, that do not support the spirit of the Concept, will be moderated by the Topic Leader.

All members of the community are welcome to post ideas and comments in this thread. Feel free to submit a new Concept or discuss a Concept already presented. At the conclusion of the discussion, the CAP Moderator will select several participants from this thread to make formal concept submissions that will be voted on in the Concept Poll.

Concepts should be presented as high-level descriptions of a general idea. They should not be detailed pokemon designs. Since we have polls to determine each aspect of the pokemon, we don't want the entire pokemon determined by the details of the Concept.

For example, this would be an appropriate level of detail for a Concept:

Concept: "Kingdra of the Sun"
Description: A good pokemon with a varied movepool under normal conditions. But, it becomes a dangerous sweeping force in sunny weather.
This would be too specific and restrictive:

Concept: "Kingdra of the Sun"
Description: A big flaming lizard pokemon with 90-100 in all attacking and defensive stats. It's speed will be 80-90, and it will have Chlorophyll for an ability -- so that when Sunny Day is in effect, it will be able to sweep opponents with powered up Fire Blast and Overheat. It should also have Swords Dance and Flame Wheel to take advantage of its decent Attack stat.

The latter description basically eliminates most of the creativity in the typing, art, stats, ability, and movepool polls.

It is hard to provide solid concept descriptions without basically designing the entire pokemon right off the bat. Submissions should be written and chosen carefully, to avoid these problems.

EDIT: Type combos and Typing ideas are NOT a Concept. Concepts should suggest a role the pokemon will play in the metagame. This thread is not for people to get an early jump on cool typing suggestions.

EDIT 2: Ability suggestions are NOT a Concept. Concepts should suggest a role the pokemon will play in the metagame. This thread is not for people to get an early jump on cool ability suggestions.

EDIT 3: In case you don't understand, I'll spell it out -- Do not suggest a specific ability or any typing in a concept submission. If you do so, your submission will be ignored completely.
Concept: "A Defensive Dragon? Blasphemy!"
Description: As opposed to its offensive cousins, this Pokemon would be focused on defensive capabilities. It would have a wide move-pool, but would not focus so much on its attacking options. The stats would be focused not unlike Vaporeon, except more Physically based rather than Special and not as powerful attacking-wise.

Edit: Are we allowed to submit more than one concept?
Finally...CaP 4 has began, I was getting worried that the project just died after the third one. It will be interesting to see what kind of ideas people suggest.
Concept: Anti-Ghost Rapid Spinner
Description: Should be neutral to most standard ghost attacks with balanced-good defenses. Scrappy isn't neccesarily required.

I'm not sure if you want me to expound any further, but I'll share my base level votes. I'd probably start with Poison typing, just because Psychic use on ghosts is so rare. Dark or Steel's primary problems are fighting weak, and Poison otherwise has good resistances.
Concept: Hit-or-Miss
Description: A situational Pokemon with a unique role. Think Shedinja, think Trick Room Clamperl sweeping. Something with a high risk and a high payoff. It would probably require a team to be built around it but wouldn't be so unusable as to scare people away from it.
Concept: Hit-or-Miss
Description: A situational Pokemon with a unique role. Think Shedinja, think Trick Room Clamperl sweeping. Something with a high risk and a high payoff. It would probably require a team to be built around it but wouldn't be so unusable as to scare people away from it.

Without going into too many specifics, could you possibly elaborate a bit more on this idea? It seems interesting at first, but I would like if you could elaborate on the high risk/high pay off. Are you saying that alone this pokemon would be only semi-usable at best, but with set-up would be able to sweep? There are several pokemon that can do this (or have potential to at least), what would make this one unique?

I just feel that you are being aren't being specific enough with the description, but your idea has a lot of potential if you just add a slight bit more detail on how exactly the pokemon is supposed to work..
Concept: Ice-Resisting Dragon
Description: A Dragon typed Pokemon (the other type will have to be Ice, Water, Fire or Steel) that somehow resists Ice through its ability. Since there are already Water and Steel Dragons I suppose a Fire or Ice Dragon type would be most appropriate. Hopefully it would be somewhat defensive, and preferrably its higher attack stat would be Special Attack.

Hopefully this isn't too restrictive :pirate: I italicised the last line because it might not be necessary.
Something with a unique strategy that's fun to use, not necessarily sweeping. Like how Perish-trapping was, hard to pull off but effective. Reminds me of that Assist team I used to run; Forry set up maximum spikes and Persian called on WW/Roar from the rest of the team. Something like that, but far less gimmicky.

Above anything else, it would be fun, which is why I gave Sheddy and Clamperl as examples. Sure you can use Garchomp or something but that's boring.
Concept: Ice-Resisting Dragon
Description: A Dragon typed Pokemon (the other type will have to be Ice, Water, Fire or Steel) that somehow resists Ice through its ability. Since there are already Water and Steel Dragons I suppose a Fire or Ice Dragon type would be most appropriate. Hopefully it would be somewhat defensive, and preferrably its higher attack stat would be Special Attack.

Hopefully this isn't too restrictive :pirate: I italicised the last line because it might not be necessary.

Thick Fat Dragon/Ice yum.

sanjay120 said:
Something with a unique strategy that's fun to use, not necessarily sweeping. Like how Perish-trapping was, hard to pull off but effective. Reminds me of that Assist team I used to run; Forry set up maximum spikes and Persian called on WW/Roar from the rest of the team. Something like that, but far less gimmicky.

Above anything else, it would be fun, which is why I gave Sheddy and Clamperl as examples. Sure you can use Garchomp or something but that's boring.

"Fun" is a rather difficult thing to define. To be honest the first thing I thought about when I read your concept was "Rampardos ftw." Although perhaps it could be return of the guarenteed 5 turn partial trapping move >_>
Concept: Ice-Resisting Dragon
Description: A Dragon typed Pokemon (the other type will have to be Ice, Water, Fire or Steel) that somehow resists Ice through its ability. Since there are already Water and Steel Dragons I suppose a Fire or Ice Dragon type would be most appropriate. Hopefully it would be somewhat defensive, and preferrably its higher attack stat would be Special Attack.

Hopefully this isn't too restrictive :pirate: I italicized the last line because it might not be necessary.

Based on the latest edit to the OP regarding type suggestions, this concept is not really appropriate. However, there might be a good Concept underneath this, it just needs a little more work to find it.

Let me ask some questions --
"What role would an ice-resisting dragon play in the metagame?"
"Why do we need it, other than to be a cool typing?"

The answers to those questions might lead you to the real "Concept" -- not just the typing idea. In the end -- a good Concept should not require explicit typing mandates.

Deck Knight's idea is nice, besides that fact that Ghost resists Poison, its not fun to have a Spinning with the Stab attack resisted by the blocker.

I can't think of a idea that really works right now... Electric seems to be the most popular typing left. Hm.... Flying counter sounds like some thing nice to do.

Flying-type counter:
A defensive pokemon that can take on the duel threats of Togekiss and Staraptor. Preferably resists Flying and cannot be weak to Flying (duh) or Fighting (due to Aura Sphere/Close Combat). Should have a consistent way to punish said Flying types, either by laying Stealth Rock or by having an Super Effective STAB attack.

To Doug: this does sound like type description, but I tried to add enough to make it a general strategy.

Deck Knight's idea is nice, besides that fact that Ghost resists Poison, its not fun to have a Spinning with the Stab attack resisted by the blocker.

Currently the anti-Ghost spinner I use is Blastoise with Surf/Toxic/Rapid Spin/Mirror Coat. It does decently as far as it goes and actually fits my current concept statwise to a T, but the only reason it is "anti-ghost" is because it can MC Gengar TBolts and Toxic the other Ghosts. It doesn't really provide an offensive threat like I envision this would, likely with things like Shadow Ball/Claw and Dark Pulse/Payback/Pursuit.

Really, to pin down the idea currently floating in my head, it combines the best elements of Blastoise and Muk together.
Hmm, I'm quite new to the process, are we allowed to post concepts for only the OU Tier? I had an idea for Ubers...
Concept: Weather Clearer
Description: A balanced Pokemon, perhaps leaning defensively, with an ability that clears all weather effects upon entry into battle until the weather effects are used again. Every time I've built both fully offensive and fully defensive teams I've wished a Pokemon existed that could permanently rid the field of weather effects. I think it would be something neat for the CaP project.
Concept: Special Dragon
Description: A dragon type pokemon (gasp!), but is actually focused in special attacking rather than the physical attacks of pretty much every other dragon. Offensivly based pokemon, possibly a split of evo from Dragonair, keeping the serpant form? That's what I think of but hey, anything can go.
Concept: Zangoose Evo
Description: A fantasy evo for the cat-ferret thing, but more meanacing and intimidating. Offensive based, possibly getting new typing to help fit in OU. Problem is, Seviper would need a evo, too.

Noting to say that "anti-ghost Rapid Spinner" idea can be pulled off with types other than (or in addition to) Poison, such as Normal/Ghost (I do have a design in mind, as anyone who has heard enough of me would probably know, though Spiritomb is a problem. ) and Poison/Electric (Watch as every other ghost starts packing HPGround), so Poison being unable to properly hit Ghosts is not a large concern.
Something with a unique strategy that's fun to use, not necessarily sweeping. Like how Perish-trapping was, hard to pull off but effective. Reminds me of that Assist team I used to run; Forry set up maximum spikes and Persian called on WW/Roar from the rest of the team. Something like that, but far less gimmicky.

This reminds me of Magic: the Gathering. Think of the current metagame as Yu-Gi-Oh (I played a lot of card games as a child); that is, everything is centered around the strongest monsters in the game, with little room for variability. Basically it's whose Garchomp can SD first. What I believe sanjay is suggesting is a split from that, where we create a pokemon who requires a lot of support, but can be devastating when given room to work.

Think a Trick Room team. It takes time to perform the move, switch out, and perhaps get a Curse or Bulk Up in, but once you have, you're set. If this is truly the case, I am in full support of sanjay's idea.
This reminds me of Magic: the Gathering. Think of the current metagame as Yu-Gi-Oh (I played a lot of card games as a child); that is, everything is centered around the strongest monsters in the game, with little room for variability. Basically it's whose Garchomp can SD first. What I believe sanjay is suggesting is a split from that, where we create a pokemon who requires a lot of support, but can be devastating when given room to work.

Think a Trick Room team. It takes time to perform the move, switch out, and perhaps get a Curse or Bulk Up in, but once you have, you're set. If this is truly the case, I am in full support of sanjay's idea.

Reminds me of my Pressuredactyl team where I run Toxic Spikes and BP Aqua Ring to Aerodactyl in Sandstorm. He then Pressurestalls the opponent as they succumb to TS, Taunts walls that try to heal, and finishes off the weak with Rock Slide.

I think the problem with the "Hit-or-Miss" Concept is it has the opposite problem as "Kingdra in Sun Ex. II" in that it is not specific enough. Already it has run the gamut of inspirations in my mind from Rampardos-esque to Pressuredactyl-esque, while the original concept went from Ninjask to Clamperl under Trick Room, and others mentioned Perish Trapping. It's kind of all over the place.
Concept: Crazy Weather
Description: Something with an ability that summons a random weather effect, making a team based around it sort of difficult. It can also either help or hinder both sides so it may not exactly be of benefit to the user.
Concept: True Garchomp Counter
Description: A Pokemon designed solely to counter Garchomp. It would be able to take Dragon, Ground and Fire moves well.

Well, I couldn't have been more categoric than that!
Concept: The Anti-Sweeper
Description: A Pokemon that is immune to attacks that would score an OHKO. Sort of like in the pokemon tcg Mr. Mime was unaffected by attacks with 30 or more power.
Concept: Trick Room/Gravity Supporter
Description: It should have a choice of abilitys one that summons Trick Room and one that summons Gravity, for however many turns is deemed appropriate (it would be voted on). It could be offensive or defensive, but with a not too high BSR. It will help to make the metagame less centered on speed make less popular "Psudo-Weather teams" more viable.

Well its an idea, anyway I like many of the Dragon concepts (Sp. and Defensive especially) but I am hoping for a Dragon trio for the next CaP, so don't want it this time or no one will want dragons next time.

Right now I would put my support behind ether Jrrrrrr's or X-Act's idea, though Deck Knights could be nice.

Concept: The Anti-Sweeper
Description: A Pokemon that is immune to attacks that would score an OHKO. Sort of like in the pokemon tcg Mr. Mime was unaffected by attacks with 30 or more power.
Like Ledian on AA's server?
Ok, with the new edit I have come up with this to inadvertedly suggest my old concept!

Concept: Anti-Ice Dragon
Description: Almost all usable OU Dragon types share a common weakness - Ice. This weakness creates monotony in the methods used to counter these unique Pokemon (Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp). Introducing a Dragon which resists or otherwise prevents Ice moves from beating it would create what I feel is needed variety in the methods used to beat at least one competitive Dragon (sorry Kingdra, you die too easily), which will probably benefit the metagame.

Also, this isn't really part of the concept but I am posting it anyway in white text:
Possible Outcomes: Ice/Fire Dragon type with Thick Fat and possibly Mountaineer. Functions as a bulky sweeper that attacks primarily from the special side of the spectrum with moves like Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast. Moves that could be used to help it sweep include Calm Mind and possibly Dragon Dance which might function similarly to the novelty set Latios can use.
Concept: A boon to weather teams
Description: A probably normal type poke which has an ability which makes his own weather moves last for 8 turns instead of 5, and which also transforms him in the same ways as Castform. This would be a great way to help out rain/sun teams without breaking them, as eternal weather pokes do.
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