CAP 4 CAP 4 - Concept Submissions

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Concept: Auto Rapid Spinner on Death
Description: Upon fainting, this Pokémon will clear anything on the field, similar to using Rapid Spin. Otherwise, it can be used as a good wall.

This is an add-on to the "Auto Rapid Spinner" concept. It's not that bad, since it has to faint before the automatic spinning kicks in. And you only have one chance... I don't know if this is the best idea, but...
I realized that my idea broke a few rules (suggesting ability).
So here's more or less the same idea remade to fit the rules:
Concept: Item Enhancer
Description: A pokemon that would (somehow) be made so that it can make good use of some one specific hold item, probably one that is rarely used. The pokemon should be able to make use of that item better than most other pokemon, but should also have other options available to it.
Yeah. "Concept" has not been defined, except in negatives, ex. "No Type/Ability discussion"

Although I agree with Poopazing. Wish/Haze, Trick Room, and (imo) the Entry Hazard remover.
Concept: A pressure user
Description: Pressure can be a pretty good ability f used right but i don't think that a suitable pokemon has it yet
Concept: A pressure user
Description: Pressure can be a pretty good ability f used right but i don't think that a suitable pokemon has it yet
Suicune uses it well. Zapdos uses it well (does it have Pressure? I think it does), there's many pokemon that use it well.

Concept: Mirror-based pokemon
Description: Mirror-like pokemon that could be given a "Magic Coat"-ish ability that, when switched in, reflected whatever status it would receive to the attacker.
I liked the idea about having something that could constitute a true garchomp counter as well as the stealth rock remover. Here is my idea:

Concept: Another rapid spinner that can deal with revenankh
Description: Since the only rapid spinner that can actually dent revenankh is psychic starmie, it makes it very easy to switch in something like CB Tyranitar and pursuit kill starmie. Then iit becomes very difficult to impossible to get rid of the spikes/toxic spikes/stealth rocks, not to mention harder to deal with revenakh itself. One more pokemon that revenankh has to worry about makes it so that a team really has to further commit to the concept of getting rocks up and keeping them there in order to have an effective team. This would make these teams (hopefully) a little less able to deal with teams and allow for different team ideas to blossom, creating a more diverse metagame. Any comments/recommendations are welcome.
I'm really warming up to the auto SR remover idea. If he could be able to deal with Revvy and Chomp that would be a heckuva bonus. SR is getting a little too dominant and really limits most teams creativity.
I'm really warming up to the auto SR remover idea. If he could be able to deal with Revvy and Chomp that would be a heckuva bonus. SR is getting a little too dominant and really limits most teams creativity.

I don't see tha point at all to use up a pokemon just to remove Stealth Rock. We already have the move Rapid Spin that does the exact same thing. We have lots of decent rapid spinners such as Tentacruel, Donphan, Forretress, the unexpected Starmie and many more. I think it's just a waste in my opinion.
Here is my contribution to this discussion:

Concept: Charge up utilization

Description: A Pokemon with an ability that would either negate the penalty for moves such as Skull Bash
and Sky Attack in some way, or an ability that would benefit the pokemon when it uses a charge up move.
The Pokemon would be either a sweeper or a tank in order to carry out its primary purpose of using charge
up moves effectivly. Stats should be distrubuted to take advantage of the charge up moves. Pokemon could even
have an special item that would boost its ability to use charge up moves.

Example: The concept of creating a Pokemon that utilizes specific types of moves is not a new one. Pokemon
with the technician ability is an example of this. Also, Hitmonlee has Reckless which boosts the power of
"Jumping" moves such as Hi Jump Kick. Likewise, Hitmonchan has Iron Fist which boosts "punch" moves such as Fire Punch.


CONCEPT: A good insomniac/something good with Vital Spirit.
DESCRIPTION: This is a really great ability, and to be honest it's gone to waste on things that suck. We need an OU that can switch in on sleep and set up, or just force the thing out. This could be anything from some sort of bulky Psychic or a mixed Primeape-like thing, the possibilities are endless.
Re-posting this to conform better to the rules.

Concept: "Its a Critical Hit!"

Description: How many times has this ruined your chance at victory or secured a victory for you? Hax abuse and hax nullifier should be the next CaP This Poke should be able to use a wide variety of high critical hit ratio moves (such as Night Slash and Stone Edge) and have the opponent just expect to be crit'd. Along with being able to abuse crits, this Poke should also be able to nullify them on your team. One of the most frustrating things in a game is when your opponent gets extremely lucky and there is nothing you can do about it. Well, now there is something you can do about.
Concept:A usable beginning bubg, witbh an ability that changes depending on the Pokemon currently out. I was thinking of a good type to go along with it, probably Ground.
Concept: Secondary reflection

there are a lot of secondary effects that make certain pokemon more likely to win than usual especially with luck on their side. Random flinches and lowering of stats, random burns and parahax. Why not create a pokemon that can reflect these secondaries back?
Also, just a random thought:

Concept: Happiness Pokemon
Description: A Pokemon whose appearance and movepool, possibly even type, changes based its happiness value. Imagine the traditional teal Chao from the Sonic series for how appearance can change with happiness.
Concept:A usable beginning bubg, witbh an ability that changes depending on the Pokemon currently out. I was thinking of a good type to go along with it, probably Ground.

Please read about the previous projects before posting.

Also, just a random thought:

Concept: Happiness Pokemon
Description: A Pokemon whose appearance and movepool, possibly even type, changes based its happiness value. Imagine the traditional teal Chao from the Sonic series for how appearance can change with happiness.

How would this be accomplished in Shoddy? Variables such as happiness aren't reflected, Return and Frustration are max power, even when used at the same time.
How would this be accomplished in Shoddy? Variables such as happiness aren't reflected, Return and Frustration are max power, even when used at the same time.
... Well. That's disappointing.


Err... Happy and Abused evolutions of the same base Pokemon? Or something like Wormadam?
Concept: Keep On Attacking!

Description: A ridiculously offensive Pokemon with an ability to balance out its stats. The concept is simple. If the Pokemon fails to do any damage to the opponent, it is struck with a negative side effect. To hinder it, all you need is a keen sense of prediction.
I really like this one ^^

Why?: It follows the rules for one ( I may be new but that doesn't put me in the same place as some of the others who continually throw out ideas that clearly violate the OP), It is very unique ( though i don't really see it adding much to the metagame except a very new and creative strategy)

BUT, I think this woulld be incredibly difficult to actually make as the CAP. If nothing else it would be a bitch to program for shoddy.

Also, I am strongly in favor of the "get rid of stealth rock" pokemon.
I like Skarmbliss' approach the best.
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