CAP 4 CAP 4 - Art Submission Thread

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It seems to me that a lot of the designs around here aren't really taking the stats that people are throwing around into account, so here's mine. Looking at the stat thread, X-Act's stats really fit.

I took the spider concept and played with it. Six of the eight legs make up the two hands, which works with a utility pokemon's flavor, at least for me. It's smaller, and skinner, so the speed everyone keeps talking about fits and looks right. We don't want a Snorlax-like pokemon outrunning Garchomp.

The spider's abdomen-ass thing is placed on its back, to be used as armor or a shield, providing the higher defenses people are looking for. I can also see her lying on her stomach, arms tucked in, running around on her fingertips like a normal spider, with her massive back completely protecting her.

The color scheme is very important. Pokemon look out of place if their colors don't match the color scheme designated for each type. Poison has been given purple, so her shield is purple. Ground pokemon stick to earth tones, mostly brown, but a variety does exist. Since poison is the dominant type, i went with the most "poisonous" of the earth tones, green, and went straight to acid green. The black widow sign is hidden in the center of her chest to emphasise (and make sure it's understood that she's a spider-creature). It'd be on her back as well, if I drew the other side.

The only thing I'm really uncertain about her is her shield-abdomen-back thing. Depending on how big the defences get, it could double in size to be appropriate, if not more.

It seems to me that a lot of the designs around here aren't really taking the stats that people are throwing around into account, so here's mine.

I took the spider concept and played with it. Six of the eight legs make up the two hands, which works with a utility pokemon's flavor, at least for me. It's smaller, and skinner, so the speed everyone keeps talking about fits and looks right. We don't want a Snorlax-like pokemon outrunning Garchomp.

The spider's abdomen-ass thing is placed on its back, to be used as armor or a shield, providing the higher defenses people are looking for. I can also see her lying on her stomach, arms tucked in, running around on her fingertips like a normal spider, with her massive back completely protecting her.

The color scheme is very important. Pokemon look out of place if their colors don't match the color scheme designated for each type. Poison has been given purple, so her shield is purple. Ground pokemon stick to earth tones, mostly brown, but a variety does exist. Since poison is the dominant type, i went with the most "poisonous" of the earth tones, green, and went straight to acid green. The black widow sign is hidden in the center of her chest to emphasise (and make sure it's understood that she's a spider-creature). It'd be on her back as well, if I drew the other side.

The only thing I'm really uncertain about her is her shield-abdomen-back thing. Depending on how big the defences get, it could double in size to be appropriate, if not more.

Looks like a species of alien rather than a species of Pokemon XP. But if people have no problem with an alien inspired Pokemon, than this would look great. (I was kind of hoping for a psychic type alien though.)
Looks like a species of alien rather than a species of Pokemon XP. But if people have no problem with an alien inspired Pokemon, than this would look great. (I was kind of hoping for a psychic type alien though.)

I don't know, I think if it just had some antennae or mandibles or something it would look more like a bug or spider and fit the poison type role.
Heres my image. I warn you, I know I'm a terrible artist, but I wanted to post my idea.

Now that you're done laughing at my pitiful artwork, I'll just summarize it. Loosely based on a komodo dragon/stegosaurus, I added spikes and a "mystical" gem so it could have access to several utility moves. I'll try to come up with a faster looking rapid spinner if I can though.
Lorak, I dont think redrawing other peoples' works is permissable. But if it is, feel free to try to make something out of the crap I drew.
Lorak, I dont think redrawing other peoples' works is permissable. But if it is, feel free to try to make something out of the crap I drew.
Wasn't trying to do anything wrong... Honestly, I really liked it, and just wanted to have a go at rendering it as well... .__.

Also, what's the color scheme on yours supposed to be?
Quick, someone find a motherly type (support) "earthy" myth out there...Spider / Black Widow seems too hostile for this community whore ;D
I don't know, I think if it just had some antennae or mandibles or something it would look more like a bug or spider and fit the poison type role.

Better? I wanted to avoid antennae because its a spider and all, but mandibles are cool.


I have to say, I like the design.

I even tried to give it an additional rendering:
I personally don't mind, but I think this is against the rules. Awesome rendition though. I'm glad you got the idea.

Still, it feels like Deoxys-A or -S; speedy, but not too defensive.
Well, like I said, if the defense stats end up on the higher end, I'd be more than happy to add to the shell/abdomen/thing.

Quick, someone find a motherly type (support) "earthy" myth out there...Spider / Black Widow seems too hostile for this community whore ;D
Don't forget that poison is the dominant type here. I think it should look as such.
Im about to post two more pictures but before i do i wanted to share a little more information about the pokemon i drew. It can clearly use almost all the utilites, the only problem i have is deciding which one should use heal bell, or aroma therapy. So, when i post my new pictures it would help me much if you guys could tell me which of my pictures you prefer
Better? I wanted to avoid antennae because its a spider and all, but mandibles are cool.


I personally don't mind, but I think this is against the rules. Awesome rendition though. I'm glad you got the idea.

Whoops. *rereads rules*
  • No art submissions should be modified by others without the explicit permission of the original artists.
  • Using other submissions as "inspiration" for an original artwork is allowed. However, outright "stealing" of designs is prohibited.
Err... permission to something something something, Absolution?

And, just so I don't get in trouble, Darth Meanie, permission to rerender? And if so, what color scheme?

EDIT: One of these years, I'll learn to read...
Poison Pokemon do not have to look intimidating.

Take Venemoth, Dustox, Roserade.

Can you really picture a Spider Queen Wishing for another teammate =/

(also don't give me examples where Pokemon doesn't make sense in order to counter my argument; just because it doesn't make sense before doesn't mean we shouldn't try now)
Poison Pokemon do not have to look intimidating.

Take Venemoth, Dustox, Roserade.

Can you really picture a Spider Queen Wishing for another teammate =/

(also don't give me examples where Pokemon doesn't make sense in order to counter my argument; just because it doesn't make sense before doesn't mean we shouldn't try now)
And Swalot. Unless nomming an opponent to death is intimidating.
they're usually either gross looking, or sly. the more i think about it, the less i like the spider concept...
Poison Pokemon do not have to look intimidating.

Take Venemoth, Dustox, Roserade.

Can you really picture a Spider Queen Wishing for another teammate =/

I really don't think the first one was very intimidating. I thought the first face was pretty darn cute myself. It was intention for that very reason, but then people felt she wasn't buggy enough.

And if she is a 'Spider Queen,' why couldn't she heal her 'subjects?' Just saying. In fact, the 'Spider Queen' concept really works for me, now that you mention it. She empowers her teammates to use them to win. She's a manipulator. Sounds like a sound concept to me.

I'm really not trying to argue with you or anything. If there's anything you'd like to suggest me try to manipulate her, I'd be more than happy to give it a try.
A spider queen is really the opposite of this, in a colony of insects, the queen lounges around, the soldiers are the ones that SUPPORT the queen =/
Warning: I'm admittedly bad at rendering quadrupeds. With that said, and no color scheme for Darth Meanie's presented, I bring forth...

I got a few sketches done, but I'll have to post them tonight, as I'm still at work. My first design is a spider, but it's a combination of a Trap Door Spider, a Daddy Longlegs (not really a spider though) and a Jumping Spider. My second design is inspired by the Mongolian Worm idea going around the thread.
For anyone that's not interested in the 'Spider Queen,' I threw together this interpretation of the komodo idea. It definitely looks more bulky, still could be pretty fast, and could probably have a higher attack. And yes, I know the legs aren't level. It bothers me too. lol

Color scheme changed a bit. Traded the acid green for a sandy color.

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