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  • The artist formerly known as Atyroki?
    Not Scicky
    Once upon a time yes! Amazed anyone remembers that lmao
    I used to participate in CAP, and I remember seeing some of your artwork over the years. When I searched up Atyroki, I found you.
    Not Scicky
    Ahhh okay, CAP was a fun time, I submitted a design under a different account for the Dragon/Ghost one that I was really proud of but other than that haven't been involved in a long time, maybe I'll contribute again someday who knows.
    Haha no problem, keep up the amazing work. Anyways, I've seen how great your fakemon look, do you think you could draw me a Fire Sheep fakemon as a starter for a fangame? I'd appreciate it a ton x)
    oh man I meant ARTING* it up but I think my computer auto corrected since arting is not a word?? my life is a zillion things at once usually, but lately they are all very nice things, so I can't complain.
    Dude I have a girlfriend (for reals, on facebook and everything)
    her name is Lanturn314
    look her up in the photo album she is HOT
    they are gone now. We could still hang out now that you are 18. You are 18 right? I don't wanna be a creeper.

    no homo
    yeah, sorry about your thread bro, it started out so well

    don't they all
    wanna grab a double down sometime?
    I AM NOT GAY I mean KFC
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