CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 8 (Art Poll 2)

Which Art should we use for this Pokemon

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True, but you can also say that for the majority of the polls, however I think unless there is a drastic change in artistic opinion, Cartoons seems he is the winner.
True, but you can also say that for the majority of the polls, however I think unless there is a drastic change in artistic opinion, Cartoons seems he is the winner.
Only the ones in which all votes are worth the same amount, hence we never end on that kind of poll. We've seen drastic changes in this CAP before, remember. Dragon was the #1 choice in the first typing poll, but in the end lost out to Ground type.
Some people seem to have trouble with voting for Cartoons! daddy-long-legs because he doesn't look like a special attacker.

However, there's only a 14 point difference in attack and defense. I mean it's not a very small amount, but with 76 base attack, there is NO reason his pokemon couldn't run Earthquake and Hidden Power or another special move on the same set. Several pokemon do this. Claydol, for instance. Swampert also splices Ice Beam into it's movepool fairly often. So it's not unheard of, and there are good reasons to use earthquake over earth power. And if you're scared of earth power as a special attack, didn't cartoons already demonstrate that?

Smogimp looks a whole lot like sneasel in facial features, and I could see it getting nasty plot, but not wish. It doesn't look benevolent, it looks mischevious, tricky, and playful. However, to be fair, we could describe how it would learn wish, maybe through breeding with something from the fairy group. I believe we can give the daddy-long-legs the same chance.
Daddy Big Hands strangely could fit into the Fairy/Bug group. It's based an a spider and it has this cute factor via body. Smog Imp could go into Fairy/Ground or just plain Fairy based on it's appearance.

BTW, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Daddy Big Hand shooting beam based attack like a cowboy shoots his gun.
Some people seem to have trouble with voting for Cartoons! daddy-long-legs because he doesn't look like a special attacker.

However, there's only a 14 point difference in attack and defense. I mean it's not a very small amount, but with 76 base attack, there is NO reason his pokemon couldn't run Earthquake and Hidden Power or another special move on the same set. Several pokemon do this. Claydol, for instance. Swampert also splices Ice Beam into it's movepool fairly often. So it's not unheard of, and there are good reasons to use earthquake over earth power. And if you're scared of earth power as a special attack, didn't cartoons already demonstrate that?
Also I can think of plenty other pokes with higher special attack that don't look very "special" , Lucario and Cacturne come to mind.
Actually, Lucario is a great example, considering it uses Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse a similar way Cartoon's design could use special attacks.
The following pokemon don't really 'look' special oriented/ Monferno, Zard, Salamence has base 110 SA and looks like he will eat your face, Blaziken, Houndoom, Rayquaza, Octillary.
to anyone who thinks it looks like a dragon, cartoons! design looks MUCH more like a steel type OR a bug type than a ground type. Though I do love it. It's just not a valid argument against Elagune if that's all you have to say.
One could say its a valid argument against both of them, actually.

However, to be fair, we could describe how it would learn wish, maybe through breeding with something from the fairy group. I believe we can give the daddy-long-legs the same chance.
The SmogImp obviously fits into the Fairy egg group, which would give it access to a ton of the moves we're looking at.

Daddy Long Legs on the other hand would be a major stretch to put into the same egg group. And the other egg groups don't have as many of the same attacks.
Arctic~ Both Cacturne's attack and special attack stat are the same. Luke's special attack is about 5 point above his attack, not a big different. A better example would be Sceptile

The following pokemon don't really 'look' special oriented/ Monferno, Zard, Salamence has base 110 SA and looks like he will eat your face, Blaziken, Houndoom, Rayquaza, Octillary.
These are better example of what's Arctic is saying...well excuse for Octillary, Rayquaza, and maybe Houndoom.
Arctic~ Both Cacturne's attack and special attack stat are the same. Luke's special attack is about 5 point above his attack, not a big different. A better example would be Sceptile

These are better example of what's Arctic is saying...well excuse for Octillary, Rayquaza, and maybe Houndoom.
I meant higher than 90 spa, but yeah those were just off the top of my head.
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