CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 9 (Ability Poll 1)

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Persistent so Trick Room and co. can (hopefully) be used more, and Unaware so it can switch into statted-up Pokemon without fear and do its thing.
it was more a case of you can freely switch in on speed boosting pokemon and still encore them which is kinda bullshit.
You're right, it is bullshit, because unaware doesn't do anything to speed boosts.

In an attack used on or by this Pokemon, all stat modifier stages are temporarily set to 0 (except Speed). If an Unaware Pokemon hits itself in its confusion, however, it still keeps its altered Attack and Defense stats. A multi-target attack in 2v2 only ignores stat modifiers for the part of the damage with which the Unaware Pokemon is involved.
Vital Spirit

Persistent is a personality trait, not an ability. Tons of pokemon can be persistent, and this pokemon could be "persistent" but also "quick to flee" in it's characteristics. Silly.
I hate the flavor the name carries, and that's good enough for me. With a different name, my vote would be there.

Quick Edit: Yeah, I meant to put vital spirit. Unaware doesn't fit this pokemon either.

Vital spirit

fit this pokemon best for supporting role none of the the options i see are intresting except for unaware but i'd rather not take away one of bibarel's few standout points
Frisk - I've been for this from the start. It fits 100% flavor-wise and gives our Pokemon great lead potential as well as the ability to provide very valuable "support" in the form of information gathering, which is something very few other Pokemon can claim.
Persistent - It doesn't fit flavor-wise as much as Frisk (unless we change the name to something that fits the daddy long-legs theme better; any ideas?), but it does fit the concept perfectly, and gives new life to a whole slew of moves that are almost never used in the regular metagame.
Vital Spirit


This guy is supposed to be fast, and as tiny as he is I can see this guy going all day. A high metabolism, coupled with I'd imagine he'd be shifting around on those hands from one to another all the time so they wouldn't get stiff/sore I don't see him taking a break any time soon.

While the options like Klutz and Tangled Feet do seem appropriate, I don't think they're right for this pokemon. If I were a skinny-limbed 8-legged small-bodied creature I'd imagine I'd have to develop a looot of grace to move around and not get tangled up in my own arms/legs. And since these legs can move underground at whim, I can totally see this curious guy interested in what his opponent is carrying.
Forewarn, Frisk

I don't like the idea of a new ability tbh.

Quick question, just to clarify: Forewarn only warns against SE attacks?

I want to hurl an Iron Ball at something for 130 Base Damage. This is one of the most awesome abilities in the game, in my opinion.


I don't really like custom abilities, and for all his posts, LonelyNess never really swayed me in my belief that this ability is awesome. More than anything, I think that Overtime (I refuse to call it Persistent) has enough votes already.
1. Persistant
2. Vital Spirit

Persistant seems to work best on this thing considering its role of helping the team. I was seriously thinking of voting unaware on the second slot but I heard it does nothing against speed boosts. Vital Spirit works well with it's typing, so it'll be immune to poison, thunderwave, and sleep.

Two wonderful strategies that this pokemon could implement as a Utility. IMO Klutz is the best thing flavor wise, right after tangled feet, and it is actually useful. Also, due to to tennis' explanation, I see how unaware would fit.

I also support Persistent, but it has alot of votes already, and I really would like to implement the strategies of Klutz and Unaware NOT IN UU.

nothing else fits him, really, and i really like those two abilities.

OP, we aren't allowed to submit an ability for voting?
Poison Point

Poison Point basically lays down the fact that it's a Poison-type Pokémon, even though it doesn't look like one. An average ability fits in well, considering the second one will probably be a better one. The only downside to this is that it's not going to help for Tentacruel/Breloom/other poison abusers.

I like the idea of Unaware because it helps to switch in and not faint automatically due to stat boosts. Sure, it doesn't take speed into account, but Trick Room can take care of that (even though it has fairly moderate speed already).

I didn't choose Persistent because of the fact that with its fairly moderate speed, it might turn out attacking last for some walls or tanks after using Trick Room. I'm not sure both Reflect and Light Screen would be put on the same moveset in a battle. You can have one barrier and Trick Room, which already fills in two move slots, and in my opinion, I am not a fan of any of those moves. (Wish/Heal Bell/Tailwind/etc. is what I prefer.)
Tangled Feet

'Real' abilities FTW. I would say wait for a an Item that actually grants more time for Tailwind, Gravity, and Trick Room before giving a poke that Auto-Item Ability... at virtually no cost.
'Real' abilities FTW. I would say wait for a an Item that actually grants more time for Tailwind, Gravity, and Trick Room before giving a poke that Auto-Item Ability... at virtually no cost.


This is so antithetical to the entire CAP process.

I would say to you, wait for Nintendo to create their OWN Poison/Ground type Daddy Long Legs before you go and make one yourself...

*rolls eyes*

/small rant
Poison Point

I do not want to see persistant, as it would require a good deal of testing, and in the end looks broken to me. Imagine five turns of tail wind in doubles (if shoddy ever gets doubles functionality).
Vital Spirit


Just the threat of having vital spirit on him makes the other team think twice about trying to use hypnosis and risk wasting a turn, giving him a bit of a pseudo-immunity even if one was to use persistent.
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