I can not stay mentally focus.

Ok so I just recently got a my membership at Lifetime Fitness like 2 weeks ago and I am doing cool working out and all, but when it comes to food I can not stay mentally focus and I just give in and pig out, and a lot of the reason is I am not hungry, its that I need something to pass time of not being bored. Does anyone here have good tips to stay on a diet and not break it and give in easily cheating yourself?
I had the same issue (kind of) to a lesser extent when I first started running competitively. I found myself eating the wrong foods, not so much junk but stuff like white bread and red meats. What I do now is that I just simply set my self up to eat healthy foods. During school what I would do is that I pack my lunch, so I have no other choice but to eat the food there. What I did at the beginning of vacation was that I would leave the food that I would eat trough out the day in a plate inside the fridge. And I only ate from that plate. I think it's hard to make choice when it's right there, but if you set it up earlier in the day it becomes second nature after a month.
Thanks for the help a lot of the reason for this working out and dieting stuff I am doing is to try my hand at pro wrestling if I ever get the chance.
Go to bodybuilding.com and look around the nutrition center.

It's possible that you're not eating foods that are controlling your hunger.

Refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white bread and pasta will elevate your blood sugar rapidly then make it crash, thus wanting to eat more. I suggest whole grains, lots of proteins like tuna, turkey, and chicken, drink as much water as you can and SLEEP REGULARLY. Fuck, I got like 100 things to share...

Look at bodybuilding.com for an informative nutrition center. They're lifesavers.
I only eat organic food, watch my vitamin and calorie intake, work out, and don't consume animal products. So the first thing I'll says is man the fuck up and just stop giving in to your cravings. If you can't even do that what the hell can you do?

To make life easier make sure you

1) Cook your own kick ass meal once a day.
Weather it's lunch, dinner or breakfast I always cook my self a long rewarding meal once a day. The mean should take at least 45 minuets to make and of course be healthy. This is great because the satisfaction of making your own flavor blasting meal will fight off hunger. I like to make Satian stir fry, Vegan pancakes, Tofu scramble, Vegan pizza (from scratch) or these really cool corn, peper and tofu potato pankcakes recently.

2) Do your own food shopping.
Go pick out your own food. Look at its nutrients facts. Compare it to other products. If you don't need something don't fucking buy it. Then you can't eat junk food because it won't be around you. Also make sure your getting vitamis like Calcium and B12. I mean really make sure you get 100% of your daily intake of those. I get 50% of each at the start of my day with a blow of Silk and Organic Hemp Granola with Apple Jacks.

3) Reward your self.
For ever day 7 you don't go over 2000 calories or what ever your goal is, reward your self. I do this all the time. I really needed a mic stand for my pro tools rig but I also wanted to gain 5lb of muscle. 2 weeks later I'm now 167lb and I have a mic stand to show for it and every time I use it I can think of how much better looking my body is than my fat room mates.

4)Go Vegan
Vegans live 8 years longer on average than Omnivores. Or you can go with death.

I'm dyslexic so I'm sure there are a plethora of typo's and words that don't belong in the above but yeah, you get the point.
don't consume animal products.

I'm sorry but please explain yourself more thoroughly, because I don't believe a single word of the supposed benefits of Veganism and think it is utter hype.

If that living thing was true then everyone would be at least 90 years of age on average. I'm not surprised that .25% of UKers and 1.3% of Americans -at max- would choose to do this. The research needs to be good enough, and if it was I'd really hope the numbers would have been bigger.
Go tell that to the guys in the vegan guys competing in the Olympics every year doing the Olympic lift and win.

When compared to a meat based diet.

Vegan's have a lower cancer rate.
Vegan's live longer.
Vegan's don't consume colesteral.
Vegans' have lower osteoparosis, heart disease, and morbidity rate than meat eaters.
Vegan's have lower blood pressure.
Vegan's consume less saturated fats.
Vegan's sped less on there medical bills.
Vegan's absorb Calsum better.

Yeah I can source all of these if you want. Most of these facts come form Michigan State, Dr. Dean Ornish, Health Canada, National Cattlemen's Beef Association,
No because I have gotten every single infraction since my being here at smogon in abortion or veganisum threads and I'll just quit now.

EDIT: Leonard, 70% of Americans get there food facts form ads. Kellogs spent $40,000,000 advertising frosted flakes last year alone. How could a bunch of blacklisted doctors compete with that?

And just so ya know some vegan athletes.

Chris Campbell- Olympic wrestling champion
Sixto Linares- World record holder 24 hour triathlon
Bill Manetti- Power Lifting Champion
Stan Price- World record holder for bench press
Dave Scott- Six time iron man
Andreas Cahling- Champion body builder and Olympic ski jump gold medallist
Ridgely Abele- 8 time world Karate Champion.

Think Vegans are week?
Haha, after reading the title I was almost expecting the OP to be one line long and then trail off...
My only advice would be not to try and go completly without treating yourself, once in a while is fine, and just try and distract yourself whenever you find yourself eating out of boredom.
Chris Campbell- Olympic wrestling champion
Sixto Linares- World record holder 24 hour triathlon
Bill Manetti- Power Lifting Champion
Stan Price- World record holder for bench press
Dave Scott- Six time iron man
Andreas Cahling- Champion body builder and Olympic ski jump gold medallist
Ridgely Abele- 8 time world Karate Champion.

Think Vegans are week?





Okay, first of all, STOP thinking of food as something good to eat. STOP thinking of it as a reward. Think of food as material. If food is the material, then weight lifting is the tool. Use the tools of weight lifting (working out) along with the material of food and proper supplementation to build your body. Start taking a multi-vitamin everyday. Mega-Men from GNC is good. Also, agreeing with an earlier poster, BUY YOUR OWN FOOD. If you don't buy a bag of OREO's, you can't EAT a bag of OREO's, RIGHT? Here should be your grocery list:

Eggs (egg whites if your cutting)
Chicken (breast is best; white meat = High protein, low fat/calories)
Tuna (any fish as well, but tuna has the highest protein : lowest fat/cal)
Peanut butter (High carbs, protein - perfect for pre workout nutrition)

It is VERY important to incorporate a Protein shake at least post w/o. I like the EAS protein powder it's like $30. If that's too much they have protein at wal-mart for cheap that tastes decent. Rewarding yourself OCCATIONALLY (once a week/twice a month) is OK as well.
Ok so I just recently got a my membership at Lifetime Fitness like 2 weeks ago and I am doing cool working out and all, but when it comes to food I can not stay mentally focus and I just give in and pig out, and a lot of the reason is I am not hungry, its that I need something to pass time of not being bored. Does anyone here have good tips to stay on a diet and not break it and give in easily cheating yourself?

Get some sugar free gum, chew. Seriously, it really helps a lot of people I know, they chew gum all day so they don't think of eating unless they're hungry. Plus you get fresh breath out of the deal, win/win.
I was in a similar situation once; no matter how much I tried to eat healthy I would always end up pigging out on shit. My best advice would be to calory-count and exercise accordingly. Feel free to eat that slice of chocolate cake or that pizza but counteract it by going for a run later or doing 20 minutes of weight training etc. Stick to it and there's two possible outcomes...your body will say "Okay, fuck that chocolate cake, I can't be arsed to go for another run" or you'll end up training 10 times a day and be super-duper fit. ^_^

That's how I got through it anyway...I doubt there's any medical or psychological backing for it though. I'd also be careful that you don't end up slipping into Exercise Bulimia like I did a few years back as a result of this method. :x