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  • I cant blame you man it has been a while. nd yea man lifting irc crew checking in. How is lifting and fitness going for you? it has been a while so mad gainz must have been acquired ya know?
    Hey pm me on Pokemon ShowdownI want to ask you about something :), like if you see me on
    whats up dude its stratos, ive been using this novelty account i made years ago to read firebot

    i've been having a ton of trouble w/ my overhead press. i'm doing the push presses you recommended and it is helping but progress is damn slow. i mentioned this to a buddy i made at the gym and he suggested doing ohp 20 lbs lighter on my bench/row days. do you think this is a good idea?
    for the last two times (i'm OHPing 70 atm) it was on set 4, at the second and then the fourth press. I haven't tried de/reloading since the spring (i took a coerced break over summer) but after failing a set, i do the next set 10 lb lighter so i can finish it. is that a good idea? it's seemed to be working for me.
    I would usually stay at the heavier weight but just do less reps...I think 4 reps at 70 would be more beneficial than 5 at 60 at this stage. Something that helped me break through a plateau once was to deload and then do the sets really slowly and with an obsessive focus on form, particularly during the eccentric phase...almost lowering it as slowly as you can. That might be worth a crack, let me know how you get on dude.
    we need you in the fitness thread for inspiration Lee!
    yo i've been reading some of your posts in the health thread, was just wondering how tall you are
    5 foot 7 (170cm). only ickle!

    you should post that picture in the physical fitness thread y/n

    something about the incredible quad definition/feathering + the beer in hand at the gym makes it my favorite fitness picture of you, no homo

    a little homo

    i think the others will get a kick out of it
    If 27 is the hottest you've ever experienced I'd probably freeze to death if I visited you :-(
    Since you tagged me in the post asking for replays: my team is really shitty right now (and most of the time) because I'm so used to Doubles and because it's also built more around Mega Gengar's Perish Trap set than it is around a sweeper, but if I have any battles that really showcase Perish Trap I'll post them.
    hey dude, i've seen you post around the do you even lift thread and i take it that you're likely the foremost expert on lifting on these forums (and i've seen your posts in the photo album so you can't deny it xD). do you think you could look over the regimen i have and make suggestions? i posted it on page 30 i believe

    if not it's cool, i understand that you're a busy guy. thanks in advance n_n
    Hey Lee, tell me, which set/spread do you recommend on Goodra? I like Modest and three attacks, but I'm not sure. Also, would Assault Vest Milotic work in a similar vein with better physical bulk OR is it simply better to use Recover? I'm hoping it gets Dazzling Gleam or another coverage move to try Hydro Pump/Ice Beam/Dragon Tail/Coverage Modest Assault Vest!
    Lee, I read an old post of yours... Do you have a set/spread for Charm Blissey that I could try out? Is it like 252 HP/252, Bold Nature with Flamethrower, Charm, Toxic, Softboiled?
    Are you still looking for a test booster? I was a bit skeptical of the stuff that was sold over the counter because it doesn't seem to work.

    look up clomid (clomiphene citrate). You usually need a prescription but I think you can get it without one in the UK. btw it's a serm, not sure if you're allowed to use any if you are going to compete competitively in anything. this shit 100% proven to work and is cheap as fuck
    so today the physical fitness junkies group caught my eye and i wondered why it has taken me this long to request to join it. anyways, request sent

    Edit: LOL i just noticed that there is no approval required to join the group. i am already in. Guess when it comes to fitness, the only approval you need is your own. only yourself is ultimately responsible for any success in fitness after all
    i mean.....bump it if you want but it's just going to be a lot of disappointment / lack of response =/. you're right about the resolutioners though, they really hopped on the bandwagon and then jumped right back off again.
    22 year olds don't just die of massive heart attacks normally, especially those that appear to be in that kind of shape. Sure you could blame it on a freak medical condition, but other young people have died from heart attacks after steroid use, so it's reasonable to assume the two are related.
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