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Need a clarification. Belly Drum raises your Attack stat by six stages. x0.5 for each stage. 6x0.5=3. 3 Attack (from Belly Drum) + 1 Attack (original) = 4 Attack. So I multiply by 4 to get the attack stat after a Belly Drum correct?
For future reference if I am ever lucky enough to get a shiny egg, how do you know if its a shiny egg and how do you soft reset on it?
you save in front of the old man before you pick up the egg and if is shiny, you can reset on it to get better IVs and it will still be shiny. i pretty sure thats how it works. Also the ability, nature, and gender remains the same as well
you save in front of the old man before you pick up the egg and if it is shiny, you can reset on it to get better IVs and it will still be shiny. i pretty sure thats how it works. Also the ability, nature, and gender remains the same as well

What he said, except to check ivs you need an AR, or you will have to hatch the egg each time, and use rare candies. The ability nature gender and shininess are all in the PID, which is already decided before you get the egg. The ivs aren't so that makes the ivs resetable.
If you use Mean Look on a pokemon that knows Roar will you still be roared away, also want to know if it works with Magnet Pull and steel pokemon?
If you use Mean Look on a pokemon that knows Roar will you still be roared away, also want to know if it works with Magnet Pull and steel pokemon?
If he uses mean look, then he can still switch, so roaring away in any of those situations works, I think(But in case of Magnet pull, Your Skarm will get T-bolted to death before he can roar/WW away)

EDIT: You are asking becouze, you chain Aron right?
When using EV-reducing berries (kelpsy, pomeg, et cetera) they lower ten EV's, right? What if you have something like eight EV's there? Will it take away those, or would you need to up it to ten to make it effective?
it will drop down to zero EV's

Really? I think I read something about it dropping down to 100 or something or other, but when I used the berries I was able to use several on a stat before it said it would have no more effect. I posted earlier on page 33 about my adventures attempting to EV-train my Garchomp but my secondary question wasn't answered, I'm still pretty confused.
If your EV's are over 100 the first berry drops it to 100. Then you only need 10 more to bring them to 0. So the max you will ever need for one stat is 11.

As for your question before, she will still say that ribbon looks good on your garchomp/whatever since you don't lose the ribbon when you give it a berry.
If its is 100 or less it will remove 10 evs, if it is more than 100 evs it will reduce it to 100. I.E

252 HP evs + pomeg=100
102 HP evs + pomeg = 100
99 HP evs + pomeg =89
8 HP evs + pomeg =0

Can someone explains how the ability Solid Rock works?

For example, if I use a 2x Super Effective move, what is it reduced to?
And how about 4x Super Effective?
Does Brave Breloom need Thunder Punch or will Seed Bomb/Brick Break/Stone Edge/Swords Dance be good enough??
If he uses mean look, then he can still switch, so roaring away in any of those situations works, I think(But in case of Magnet pull, Your Skarm will get T-bolted to death before he can roar/WW away)

EDIT: You are asking becouze, you chain Aron right?

Yes it's because I'm chaining Arons.
Does Brave Breloom need Thunder Punch or will Seed Bomb/Brick Break/Stone Edge/Swords Dance be good enough??
ThunderPunch can only be used with the ability Effect Spore because it's an ADV tutor move I think?
But if you're willing to forego better HP recovery and status immunity, you can use it for Gyarados coverage I guess.
was in battle tower the other night, and find alsorts there to try, salac milotic (meh maybe) but the thing i had my eye on was gastro acid on shuckle probably any thoughts on gastro acid?
Well I was thinking more for Skarmory, since Stone Edge is probally good enough for Gyarados but Since Id want it for wifi, I hae to breed it and I dont have Emerald..
I was just nicknaming my Shedinja and in the nicknaming screen, it had a female gender. Is this a glitch or does it happen to everyone?
Need a clarification. Belly Drum raises your Attack stat by six stages. x0.5 for each stage. 6x0.5=3. 3 Attack (from Belly Drum) + 1 Attack (original) = 4 Attack. So I multiply by 4 to get the attack stat after a Belly Drum correct?

Sorry this is a bit late, but I was at school.

Raising your attack works by raising it by a fraction of your original attack.

The easiest way to visualise this is the following:

2 / 2 ... your normal attack level

3 / 2 ... +1 boost (Howl), effectively 1.5 times strength

4 / 2 ... +2 boost (Swords Dance), effectively 2 times strength

5 / 2 ... +3 boost, 2.5 times strength

6 / 2 ... +4 boost, 3 times strength

7 / 2 ... +5 boost, 3.5 times strength

8 / 2 ... +6 boost (Belly Drum), 4 times strength

--> Hope that helped.
On the strategy dex pinser is in the BL now. Was he changed to UU the put back into BL? Because I could have sworn he was UU after the update with articuno, Aerodactyl,Weezing and such.

Or am I just horribly mistaken and he was never UU at all?
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