Smogon Brawl Tournament #3 - Round 6

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Ahaha Chompy I have no idea who Miamisportsfan is, but if you've ever played Bigman40 (Sometimes I think he goes by "Tehscatman") then you'll have a good idea of how good my Yoshi is, as Bigman and I are on par with one another. More than likely I'll disappoint, though. I rarely play Brawl, it's a wonder I can keep up with anyone.
I think it's the fact that you probly don't break while beating the tar out of us. You really need to quit being modest and accept the fact that your awesome at this game, like a lot of the people around here. You too Escal.

Hehe, well, I do try to keep particular emotions under wraps (ratio of losses to wins). I'll say this much, I believe I am kick-ass at this game, but I don't want to shove that thought in other people's faces! I choose to remain humble...for that's just me. =/

(I'm fu-weind-wy) =3

Maku is just Maku, but at this point, it's very much likely that he's surpassed Dunk as best smasher on Smogon, since Dunk is becoming noob.

(also kidding <3. Maku and Dunk both have some of the most amazing defensive games I've seen, Dunk an expert with the shield and Maku an expert with dodges).

Hmm, I appreciate this TH, but please...surpassing Dunk is quite a feat...and I don't believe I'm quite there yet. I battled Dunk this past weekend, and the ratio of losses to wins were far in his favor! =O

But I can never feel bad losing to Dunk.....c''s Dunk! O_O

Also, my aggressive and impulsive battle style can get me into a heap of I've learned to balance it out with a flurry of (mostly) well-timed dodges. ^-^

I'm good at pew pew and cheap chaingrab tricks :P.

Of course, whatever skill I have can't compare to the immaculate fine-tuning of Maku's and Dunk's.

Or just Maku being unbelievably impossible to hit because when you fight him. It's like there's no vulnerability frames between dodges: he seems like he could just infinitely string dodges and you'd never be able to hit him.

...immaculate....woah! Um....let's tone it down a bit. O_O

Also, your "pew pewing" is something that I can't really get around (so hitting me is no where near impossible lol). I honestly have issues dodging your lasers which is a critical weakness of mine in your defense...also...I can't judge when you'll stop or continue...thus making it rather hard for me to pull out my Psi Magnet.

TH, you have good judgment....I'd say that's your strength! =3

I've opened up dialogue with another website that has some competitive Brawlers, we'll see what happens.

YESH!!!! X3

=) I mainly use Ness now. But I'll probably switch between him and Oli quite a bit

Ness, eh? Cools! That's still PK representin in my book! =O

We'll have to PK Brawl again soon yosh! ;P
*Discusses the actual tourney :P*

yeah though, sorry esc, I'm predicting roger to win the loser finals match. Since, you know, he beat me, and to beat me you've gotta be pretty freaking godly. :P
<HotGarbage> massive disclaimer: I'm drugged up right now to the extreme, so take everything I say with a gain of salt or whatnot
<MrEsc> None gives a shit HotGarbage
<HotGarbage> errr, because I had an endoscapy (sp) this morning, narcotics and all
<HotGarbage> screw yew

HotGarbage is drugged up so ignore his previous post. I'm OBVIOUSLY going to win because am the best.

Thunderhorse is all talk and pew pew. Cheap chaingrab tactics dont win tournies, fairness and just G&W's do.
well being able to jump around Olimar should be an easy task. Just have to watch out from Olimars Up Smash if your in the air. If Olimar is in the air and you use the smoke pipe (Up air) its all over because Olimar cant do anything really. Plus hes not an aerial fighter. I would say that G@W has the advantage.
Spam the Back Air (Turtle). When Olimar tries to get back on the stage. Use the Dsmash because that could send Olimar flying downwards.
*Discusses the actual tourney :P*

yeah though, sorry esc, I'm predicting roger to win the loser finals match. Since, you know, he beat me, and to beat me you've gotta be pretty freaking godly. :P
oh you silly drugged up goose you

Now that I am (somewhat) in my my right mind I would like to change my prediction: I predict that lag will win.

Seriously though, we're talking an over 1 second; 60+ frames (I timed it) delay. Good luck messing with your connection roger :X.
*Discusses the actual tourney :P*

yeah though, sorry esc, I'm predicting lag to win the loser finals match. Since, you know, it beat me, and to beat me you've gotta be pretty freaking godly like Thunderhorse, who's the best Falco player I've ever seen. He makes Sethlon look like a noob with all his cheap chaingrab and phantasm tricks and pew pew.

fixed it.
My prediction on this tourney is that Chompy will win this. I feel he has the most rape skills of anyone here. And with that, we have 1000. :happybrain:
oh you silly drugged up goose you

Now that I am (somewhat) in my my right mind I would like to change my prediction: I predict that lag will win.

Seriously though, we're talking an over 1 second; 60+ frames (I timed it) delay. Good luck messing with your connection roger :X.

I fixed my connection, now it works better than before
anyways i pm'd esc yesterday, still waiting for a response.
Huh, as for another suggestion for a website to ask in terms of a tournament, why not ask the Zelda Universe forums? They have a lot of people and they're open to site vs. site tourneys I believe. But thats only a suggestion I guess.
As expected? Shut up. Both matches were close. You win by not much on FD, and then on Rainbow Cruise, WHILE YOU WERE MK, I destroy you. I end up falling through the pendulum while you were in the red percentage and I was at nothing because of it being a fresh stock. Gloating because of a suicide is really bad form, so don't.

Chompy, I know you can win, and you will. Kick his ass for all of those who were lagged to death. Dunk, HG, and TH.
As expected? Shut up. Both matches were close. You win by not much on FD, and then on Rainbow Cruise, WHILE YOU WERE MK, I destroy you. I end up falling through the pendulum while you were in the red percentage and I was at nothing because of it being a fresh stock. Gloating because of a suicide is really bad form, so don't.

Chompy, I know you can win, and you will. Kick his ass for all of those who were lagged to death. Dunk, HG, and TH.

Hehehe, thanks for the support buddy now i know im going to win this
ahaha, nope. Chompy >>> Kuaz. Didnt you learn this when he kicked you into losers? Also you have to win 2 sets while he only has to win one. Also I forgot to mention Dbolt, who you knocked out (he's better than you as well).
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