PS3 or Xbox 360?

PS3 or Xbox360?

  • PS3

    Votes: 27 32.1%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 57 67.9%

  • Total voters


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So my dad said I could get either a PS3 or 360 but I can't decide. 360 has awesome games like Halo 3 and Mass Effect but all my life I've had a Playstation and I think that should continue, plus PS3 has games like Ratchet and Clank. There are lots of things influencing my decision like I hear the 360 will have the Dragonball MMO, fighting games are better on PS3, you have to pay on Xbox Live, the Red Ring of death, and many other things. Which should I go with?

I also hear that they have Ninja Gaiden on PS3 is that true?

And I know someone will say screw both, get the Wii so I am going to say this now. I ALREADY HAVE A WII.
If you plan to buy one now, and get the second one later, I would take the X360. Honestly, it has better games at the time, and PS3 didn't really 'start up' yet, heh. However, if you could only get one of them, I would take PS3.
If you plan to buy one now, and get the second one later, I would take the X360. Honestly, it has better games at the time, and PS3 didn't really 'start up' yet, heh. However, if you could only get one of them, I would take PS3.
That means PS3, I only plan to get one
better fighiting games on ps3? when? where?
I was a Sony fan boy and I'm a mac os user, so I don't like Microsoft at all, still I was for a short time an Xbox user... why?
because ps3 cost a lot more, and doesn't really offer nothing better yet than the rival. Most games infact have becamed multiplatafor since xbox IS the second sold console after the wii.
Actualy Soul Calibur is out for both, tekken 6 will be on both, RE5 is multi, as it's Dead SPace, FFXIII, the various GTA, saint row and ecc...
Even Bioshock and Bioshock 2 are multi...
THe real difference betwen the two console are those:
XBOX 360:
  • It cost less
  • More FPS and some nice Exclusive (mass effect, Gear of war <-- OMG, GoW2...)
  • A better internet service. Faster, with MSN, it's like to use a regular PC.
  • You have to buy the latest released model, since the oldest ones have the RROD problems, you can search the web for how to recognize the falcon or jasper models, that are the safest ones
  • It make a LOT OF NOISE (oldest models)
  • It get HOT LIKE THE HELL SOON, (at least, the models previous the Jasper one)
  • THe Internet service is under payment.
  • Not all the version provides you all the hardware that you need (example, they sell it with or without Hard disk, but in the end you need it...)
PS3 instead:
  • It's more stable, you get all what you need, and I mean really ALL, when you buy it.
  • It doesn't make noise like an airplane when it start reading DVD/BL
  • It's a Blue Ray Reader.
  • It's online service is free
  • There are some EPIC/FAMOUS exclusives, now they are Metal Gear (still... for now...) Gran Turismo (maybe you will play it in 2012...) and... what else? mmm God Of War (again... wait until 2012...) and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
  • Who has got/buy Blue ray disks anyway?
  • his online service and general functions are a little inferior to the Xbox ones
  • many games released in the past month run better on the Xbox, because the ps3 was to complex to menage and they converted them from the Microsoft console version... lame eh?
  • It cost a lot more.
  • his blue ray device and hard drive are suspected to be frail (I've personally seen two cases of broken blue ray disk... it wasn't good at all... of course those aren't common like RROD was on 360)
So, those are the main differences.
I like the idea to have a PS3 more, just because it's more stable and completed, still, it cost too much for me now, and sony has been very stupid with the marketing strategies and with the concept, once again they invested a lot of resources in a super advanced technology like the cell processor, but they didn't calculate that the time aren't ready yet for a such powerfull tool.
Woah, lots of reasons in that post. Price isn't really a concern to me, but I don't want to have to pay for online. Metal Gear is something I completley forgot until you mentioned it but I've heard rumors that MGS4 will be on 360. I am also still wondering if Ninja Gaiden is on PS3.
there is a versiong of ninja gaiden that is xbox only, the sequel is/will be on both if I'm not wrong.
I know there is a Ninja gaiden for ps3, if that make you happy ^^
I have never heard that.

I'm a 360 owner, couldn't be happier with it. Some tell me this is one of the most balanced console generations so far. The PS3 as far as I've seen is just trying to get momentum and constantly failing. The 360 library is much more impressive, and most multiplatformers actually have sharper images on the 360.
MGS4 will never be able to be played on Miscrosoft or another name brand other than Playstation. I can't really pick one or the other either, Xbox is fun because of Halo 3, that's the only thing I like about the Xbox. PS3 has MGS4, which is amazing, and has the same games as 360, such as GTA 4, so I'd probably go with PS3.
This looks like fanboy bait imo, go with the console with the better exclusives in YOUR OPTION, you may also want to aim for the one your friends have, just in case you want to play online with them.

Speaking of online... Xbox Live was the biggest reason for me choosing the box over Sony. Yes, it may cost money, but it's also much better then PSN in basically every way! Expect for the cost... Achivements is also a pretty cool gimmick if you ask me.
I'd just like to point out that the Xbox isn't that much cheaper than a PS3, like everyone likes to claim. Nah, add in the hard drive, wireless network adapter, live, and any other extra stuff you have to add on separately. Also, most games are going multiplatform anyway, and I know my wallet's been suffering lately; just bought Rock Band 2 and LittleBigPlanet, definitely going to buy Resistance 2. If I had the time (bah school), I would have bought Dead Space, Bioshock, and maybe Valkyria Chronicles. Wipeout HD on the PSN is awesome, have that too, and Call of Duty 4, but haven't played either lately just 'cause I don't really have that much time.

Edit: How could I forget, MGS4 was awesome, played it 3 times, still need to try out The Boss Extreme difficulty.
i voted for the 360, but the PS3 is good too.

if i were you just research them to find which has the games your most interested in since cost doesn't matter
Make a list of games you want to play. See what system has it. Get that system. In 9 cases out of 10, I'd recommend a 360. It's got the largest variety of games. It's the closest thing we've got to a PS2 this generation. By that I mean a system with most of the games worth playing and the best third party support. Do not play to brand loyalty. Do NOT. Not the reason you want to buy a PS3. Look at what games you liked on the PSX and PS2. See what systems they're on. The original Xbox was (IMO) a pile of crap. There were maybe 2 or 3 games I wanted to play on it and half of thsoe were on different systems anyway. The 360 on the other hand is phenomenal.

MGS4 will never be able to be played on Miscrosoft or another name brand other than Playstation. I can't really pick one or the other either, Xbox is fun because of Halo 3, that's the only thing I like about the Xbox. PS3 has MGS4, which is amazing, and has the same games as 360, such as GTA 4, so I'd probably go with PS3.
I wouldn't say that. MGS isn't a series known to have only one version and on one console. But yes, most likely going to stay PS3 exclusive. There is no word on a 360 version except for multiple denials.

there is a versiong of ninja gaiden that is xbox only, the sequel is/will be on both if I'm not wrong.
I know there is a Ninja gaiden for ps3, if that make you happy ^^
Ninja Gaiden Sigma (remake of Ninja Gaiden) is on PS3. Ninja Gaiden II is 360 exclusive. Now that Itagaki is gone (good riddance), it might get ported to PS3. No word on that though.

I'd just like to point out that the Xbox isn't that much cheaper than a PS3, like everyone likes to claim. Nah, add in the hard drive, wireless network adapter, live, and any other extra stuff you have to add on separately. Also, most games are going multiplatform anyway, and I know my wallet's been suffering lately; just bought Rock Band 2 and LittleBigPlanet, definitely going to buy Resistance 2. If I had the time (bah school), I would have bought Dead Space, Bioshock, and maybe Valkyria Chronicles. Wipeout HD on the PSN is awesome, have that too, and Call of Duty 4, but haven't played either lately just 'cause I don't really have that much time.

Edit: How could I forget, MGS4 was awesome, played it 3 times, still need to try out The Boss Extreme difficulty.
I wouldn't say that about the 360 cost.

$200 = Arcade unit
$30 = 20GB HDD + 3 months of Live
Wireless Adapter = not needed (I just use wired)
Say 2.5 years left on the 360 lifespan = 2x 13 month Live cards = $100


I'm buying a PS3 soon, but I honestly thing the 360 is the best system for most people. Again. MAKE A LIST OF GAMES YOU WANT TO PLAY. It's the only way to choose the system right for you. A system is only as good as the games it plays.
Not owning either of them, but loving both, I'd probably say a XBox :S

XBox has fable, gears of war, halo, tales of vesperia, and many other high quality exclusives

PS3's exclusives are pretty sweet too, MGS4, Little Big Planet, and Lost Planet are all good (or look really good)

I guess it really comes down to which system has the exclusives you want the most :S
I own both and I spend a lot more time with my xbox 360 and Sony has lost some of their exclusives recently like Final Fantasy and GTA and makes me wonder if more will happen in the future.
So I own a Wii and a 360, but no series will ever complete me like MGS. So I am getting a PS3, which will cost less for me then my 360 did, but that is just because I'm lazy.

400$ Halo edition + 100$ wireless router+50$ live = ouch, although my parents paid for the router and the live.

Still unless you are madly in love with LBP or MGS4, your better off with the 360. Still I feel that this generation, more than any other, is balanced in a way that can only be truly enjoyed through all three consoles.

On the topic of MGS4 coming to the 360,I hope its not going to happen. Still MGS4 is not living up to sales expectations, and since most people don't mind boat loads of money, there is a possibility of them wanting to release on the 360.
Firestorm wins the thread.

Chaser, make a list of games and features you want. Do you want free online? Do you want a Blu-Ray player? And of course, what games do you really feel you'll be playing the most? Etc etc, those are some good starters.

I got a PS3 because half of what the 360 offers is shit in my eyes; Halo is overhyped crap and most FPS's are available on the PS3 as well, and so on and so forth. PS Network is a free online system that offers the same core service as Live. The future list of games (MAG, FF 13 Versus, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, and so on) are looking spectacular. I wanted a sturdy system that wouldn't fail on me. I wanted to continue to be able to play PS2 games, but not on a crappy resolution.

Those are reasons I got a PS3, just to name a few. If cost isn't really an issue, ask yourself the same questions Firestorm and I listed. That's what will help you ultimately decide.
I think we're all forgetting something very important, Viva Pinata.

I'm a nintendo fanboy with a 360, and I'm a little lost as to how that came about, but I really enjoy the huge choice of rpgs I have at my disposal, I have to fight my way through Tales of Vesparia, then my friend is letting me borrow endless odyssey and maybe enchanted arms. Call of Duty is pretty kickass, but Halo got really boring fast for me.
Viva Pinata is certainly important, but don't forget the PS3's trump card: Little Big Planet.
Honestly it depends on what you want.

For a gamer the Xbox360 is really the way to go.

As Negator posted Xbox360 has a wide variety of games, and with games being multiplatform the PS3 is left with MGS, Gran Turismo and God of War.

Honestly you'll be spending around the same amount of money as a ps3, except you'll be getting more for your 500 Dollars. (I recently bought mine for 500 dollars, including a game, another controller with Recharge cable, and the 60gb version) Although Xbox live requires payment, the month to month is 9 dollars, 3 months is 6.66 per month, and the 13 month is around 4.20 per month.

If you more of a home entertainment system then the PS3 is the way to go.

Cheapest blu-ray player on the market, an average line up of games, and free online. Which should satisfy you if your an average gamer.

Just so you know on average you will pay more for your PS3. Although this sorta contradicts what I said earlier, 500 for PS3 + 59,99 for game + (optional) 20.00 for headset + (optional) 54.99 for another controller which will end up being around 650+. Equivalent of getting what I bought, along with 29 months of xbox live or 2 additional games.
no ones mentioned how the 360 connects to your Windows comp, and will stream music directly from you computer as long as it isnt copyright protected,

if your computer and 360 use the same connection to get to the internet/LIVE you can get music straight from there

and if you have windows vista, i think it also streams videos, pics etc

im dont really know what windows media center is

but it has that
no ones mentioned how the 360 connects to your Windows comp, and will stream music directly from you computer as long as it isnt copyright protected,

if your computer and 360 use the same connection to get to the internet/LIVE you can get music straight from there

and if you have windows vista, i think it also streams videos, pics etc

im dont really know what windows media center is

but it has that
And so does the PlayStation 3.
MGS4 will never be able to be played on Miscrosoft or another name brand other than Playstation. I can't really pick one or the other either, Xbox is fun because of Halo 3, that's the only thing I like about the Xbox. PS3 has MGS4, which is amazing, and has the same games as 360, such as GTA 4, so I'd probably go with PS3.
How can you say that when SNAKE main character of MGS is on SSBB -NONSENSE btw i did hear there was going to be MGS on 360 just dont know when