PS3 or Xbox 360?

PS3 or Xbox360?

  • PS3

    Votes: 27 32.1%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 57 67.9%

  • Total voters
Read the topic before posting. The MGS4 on 360 is completely false. I'm not saying it can't happen but just because you see it on some blog which needed hits on a slow Sunday doesn't mean it's true.
I have a PS3, and I'll be honest. At first, I thought I "gimped" myself game-wise. But now, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Most of the good multi-plats are on both consoles (GTA IV, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, BioShock, Fallout 3, etc.). So you need to look into the PS3's exclusives. Here is the PS3's "Big 3", the absolute must-haves:

-Metal Gear Solid 4: An extremely awesome game. Graphics are insane, gameplay is solid (no pun intended), and replay value is insane. Seriously. When I'm bored I just love to do the game's epic final boss battle. It also has an online multiplayer with expansion packs, which offer new characters from the story or new character customization options. A must have for any MGS fan or PS3 user in general.

-LittleBigPlanet: What may look like a very kiddy game, is one of the PlayStation's finest. LBP is a platformer with a twist. You make the levels. With a plethora of options to customize your character, Sackboy, you can have a very unique look. You also get many options to create your own level. Also instead of using the game's preset options, you can upload saved images from your PS3's hard drive. The possibilities are endless. You can then upload your levels online for others to play, co-op or online. Awesome.

-Resistance 2: The PS3's premier FPS. Seriously. Amazing single-player campaign, with a story that picks up from the first Resistance. Online is absolutely awesome. 8-player online co-op that uses a great 3 class system (Soldier, Medic, Spec Ops), all of which need each other to succeed, which in turn encourages teamwork. Also, 60 players online 'Nuff said.
You've played Resistance 2's full game already? I thought it was out later this month and the beta didn't have single player...
No I haven't played the full game yet, I'll be getting it Tuesday during Election Day. The game is already getting high scores on many gaming sites. It's being praised for having a solid campaign, so I'm just assuming the SP is as awesome as they say it is.
Just wondering as the last thing I heard (was on 1up Yours) was that Resistance 2's single player campaign was really lacking compared to other shooters. Very linear with bosses that were basically a "shoot with this weapon at this time at this part to damage or do no damage at all". Also some other stuff. However, I've heard the class-based co-op campaign is phenomenal which has me very interested in it.
LittleBigPlanet is pretty exceptional as its one of the few games that have delivered on their hype. Especially with such big-name failures lately (Spore).

What other games have managed to do that lately? All I can think of is Fallout 3.
360 man. it is self organizing honestly, the internet may cost but it runs better than my hp. the graphics may not be blue ray, but they are still awsome and look realistic. way better games, not many system problemslike over heating (unless you get an old version in which case pray to god you dont kill yourself). it has bundels often and achievments are fun. halo 3 is just spectacular. it is really cheap, especialy the arcade(which i find ironic considering it comes with some games). it is dependable. its froze once, MAYBE, and has never shut down on me. i dont see why people ore so paranoid about the red ring, but best of all in my opinion is that the commercials for it werent phsycotic. i vowed to made a ps3 the last system i get after seeing those commercials.
Well, if your going for a system that has the best hardware, exclusives, and doesn't red-ring and explode on you every week, I'd say the PS3. In reality, the PS3 is actually the most affordable system, considering the technology, free online, rechargeable controllers, and plus you don't have to worry about paying to ship it due to hardware failure*cough 360 cough*

And yes, God of War 3 and Killzone 2 FTW!!!

btw halo pretty much died after the first one...sorry
Dependable? The 360 is seriously the least dependable mainstream console ever released.
Well, he is correct that the new ones are fairly dependable. It's really just the 2005, 2006 and early 2007 models that are breakdowns waiting to happen. Much like the PS2. The PS2slims are fine, just stay away from the ones manufactured in the first year or two.

Do not buy a freaking 360 used or refurbished though. NEVER refurbished. I kept my box that it came back in because I know it's gonna go back.

FreakShizzle, do your research before spouting out misinformation.
Well, if your going for a system that has the best hardware, exclusives, and doesn't red-ring and explode on you every week, I'd say the PS3. In reality, the PS3 is actually the most affordable system, considering the technology, free online, rechargeable controllers, and plus you don't have to worry about paying to ship it due to hardware failure*cough 360 cough*

And yes, God of War 3 and Killzone 2 FTW!!!

btw halo pretty much died after the first one...sorry
halo died after the first one? are you serious man? um Halo 2= multiplayer revolution on consoles
Well, he is correct that the new ones are fairly dependable. It's really just the 2005, 2006 and early 2007 models that are breakdowns waiting to happen. Much like the PS2. The PS2slims are fine, just stay away from the ones manufactured in the first year or two.

Do not buy a freaking 360 used or refurbished though. NEVER refurbished. I kept my box that it came back in because I know it's gonna go back.

FreakShizzle, do your research before spouting out misinformation.

Considering I bought my PS2 the first week it came out and it runs better than any console on the market, including the PS3.
Firestorm, Freak may be right, as depending on what your habits/needs are, the PS3 may cost less overall (for the same features) than the 360.

For instance, let's say I want a console. I intend to play online, I don't have my console set up close to my computer/modem, and I want to use a wireless headset when I game:

360 Pro- $299
Wireless adapter- $99
Wireless headset- $69-$79 (I'll be honest, I forget the exact price)
Xbox LIVE Gold Card- $59.99
1400 live point card- $19.99

Total: $545+taxes

80 GB PS3 (Current)- $399
Wireless adapter- Built in $0
Wireless headset- $49.00 ($59.99 with the SOCOM package, which has the game)
PSN account- $0
$19.99 spent on PSN store via Credit card- $19.99

Total: $467 + taxes

That, in my opinion (Plus general experience when talking to people at Best Buy when they're buying a system and I'm telling them what accessories they need), is the usual setup, and PS3 comes out the overall winner in terms of costs.

Edit: Freak, shut the fuck up, personal experiences with consoles mean nothing if the overall statistic goes against you. PS2's were incredibly unreliable with their goddamn disk read errors that plagued a good majority of launch (and beyond) units, and Sony didn't even offer replacements under the manufacturer's guarantee half the time.
i meen no disrespect yoshi, but your calculations are considering you got a 360 pro. i got an arcade and it works great plus it only cost $199. its got 20 gig man, even if your an online gamer that should be plenty, and if its not get more memory. there are a thousand ways to do it

and boy dont start insulting halo 3 freak shizzle! you dont know what your talking about, infact i highly doubt you even played halo 3!
i meen no disrespect yoshi, but your calculations are considering you got a 360 pro. i got an arcade and it works great plus it only cost $199. its got 20 gig man, even if your an online gamer that should be plenty, and if its not get more memory. there are a thousand ways to do it

and boy dont be dissin on halo 3 freak shizzle! you dont know what you talkin bout', infact i highly doubt you even played halo 3!
yeah i for one used to talk about halo like that once in the day thats when i hadnt played it yet so yeah
Scarface and One Winged Angel, your grammar and spelling are making this thread difficult for me to want to read.

Overall I agree that in most of the situations that you are put in, the PS3 will be cheaper overall, but just because something is cheaper does not mean it is the right choice.

In the end it truly does come down to the exclusive games. If you are a MGS fan or love LBP, then the PS3 is for you. If you can't miss out on Halo, Gears, etc, then the 360 is for you.

Figure that out and make the choice depending on that.

EDIT: Regarding technical problems with systems, they shouldn't matter unless you really don't have a particular favorite among the two console.
i meen no disrespect yoshi, but your calculations are considering you got a 360 pro. i got an arcade and it works great plus it only cost $199. its got 20 gig man, even if your an online gamer that should be plenty, and if its not get more memory. there are a thousand ways to do it

That's correct, but most people get a Pro. The Arcade, while less gimped than it used to be, is lacking quite a bit without the precious hard drive it needs to utilize downloads from Xbox Live, etc etc... just because someone like yourself is intelligent enough to get a hard drive (refurbished or otherwise, which would cost at least $20) for your arcade, doesn't mean that most people are going to be. Why do you think Microsoft upped the Hard Drive space on the Pro? 20 gigs certainly isn't enough if you're a core user.

Forgive me for my gross ignorance regarding this subject, but can you even play on Xbox Live without a hard drive?
Firestorm, Freak may be right, as depending on what your habits/needs are, the PS3 may cost less overall (for the same features) than the 360.
Well, I'm talking about a smarter consumer than your average Best Buy person. There's no way in hell ANYONE should ever be spending $60 on Live Gold. $40 max for 13 months. Or better yet, get PGR4+12 months+messenger chat pad for $51 at

Wireless Adapter is a sink yes. It's a dumb pricing. Of course, I'd rather buy a $50 adapter or something, but that $100 is fine for those who need wireless.

The headset is a complete waste of money. The headset is wired to the controller, not the console. I don't think that should be factored in.

However, all this is moot as this is what I was referring to:
considering the technology - doesn't make the system any cheaper which is what affordable is all about.
free online - only valid point
rechargeable controllers - use rechargeable batteries like me
and plus you don't have to worry about paying to ship it due to hardware failure - they pay for shipping. So does Sony I assume.

By the way, this is completley off topic, but what's the little black thing for in the SOCOM headset >_>;; I bought the bundle ($35 at Toys R Us) for the headset for whenever I get a PS3. Gonna trade in SOCOM. However, it feels really uncomfortable so I think I'm doing something wrong.

That's correct, but most people get a Pro. The Arcade, while less gimped than it used to be, is lacking quite a bit without the precious hard drive it needs to utilize downloads from Xbox Live, etc etc... just because someone like yourself is intelligent enough to get a hard drive (refurbished or otherwise, which would cost at least $20) for your arcade, doesn't mean that most people are going to be. Why do you think Microsoft upped the Hard Drive space on the Pro? 20 gigs certainly isn't enough if you're a core user.

Forgive me for my gross ignorance regarding this subject, but can you even play on Xbox Live without a hard drive?
Remember, we're talking to someone on Smogon, not at Best Buy!

Yep, you can play on XBL without a hard drive. Just can't download anything larger than your memory card. And you won't be able to use NXE unless you have 128MB or more on your memory card or hard drive.
Well, I'm talking about a smarter consumer than your average Best Buy person. There's no way in hell ANYONE should ever be spending $60 on Live Gold. $40 max for 13 months. Or better yet, get PGR4+12 months+messenger chat pad for $51 at

Wireless Adapter is a sink yes. It's a dumb pricing. Of course, I'd rather buy a $50 adapter or something, but that $100 is fine for those who need wireless.

The headset is a complete waste of money. The headset is wired to the controller, not the console. I don't think that should be factored in.

However, all this is moot as this is what I was referring to:
considering the technology - doesn't make the system any cheaper which is what affordable is all about.
free online - only valid point
rechargeable controllers - use rechargeable batteries like me
and plus you don't have to worry about paying to ship it due to hardware failure - they pay for shipping. So does Sony I assume.

By the way, this is completley off topic, but what's the little black thing for in the SOCOM headset >_>;; I bought the bundle ($35 at Toys R Us) for the headset for whenever I get a PS3. Gonna trade in SOCOM. However, it feels really uncomfortable so I think I'm doing something wrong.

Remember, we're talking to someone on Smogon, not at Best Buy!

Yep, you can play on XBL without a hard drive. Just can't download anything larger than your memory card. And you won't be able to use NXE unless you have 128MB or more on your memory card or hard drive.

Yeah, for the purposes of your argument, you're correct. Let's assume everyone at Smogon is smart.

Ack, you do have a point with that new PGR bundle. Completely forgot about that one. Regarding the wireless adapter though, isn't the official Microsoft one the only one that really works? I've heard you can have other receivers work with the 360, but you have to do quite a dance to get such things working properly. But yeah, Microsoft makes quite a killing on those things. We buy them from Microsoft at $79.99...

I'm not sure where you're coming from with the "that headset is useless" argument. Are you meaning to say that the wireless one is useless?

Sadly I don't use the SOCOM headset (I use another Bluetooth headset that's generally used for cellphones), so I can't help out there.
Yeah, the wireless headset is pretty useless. I don't know anyone who uses one. A headset comes with every Pro 360. Also comes with the 60 GB hard drive + 3 months Live combo for $99.99. It plugs into the controller itself so it's not wired to the console at all.

Accessories are the only thing that retailers and console manufacturers make a good profit on really. Although it's ridiculous in Microsoft's case. The other wireless adapters work fairly easily, it just doesn't look all nice like the official one. If you wanted to get really cheap, you can use your laptop as a bridge!