CAP 6 CAP 6 - Concept Submissions

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Name: Mega-swap

A pokemon that ensures the safe switching of your team

Explanation: with spikes, SR, toxic spikes, and trappers it's very hard to get a safe switch. But this pokemon will be able to counteract that
Name: Anti Stat-Up
Description: A Pokemon that may punish stat-ups or simply ignore them.
Explanation: Our metagame is currently a very dangerous one in that there are very few reliable responses to stat-upping threats like Salamence. Through ability, typing and other components, this Pokemon will be able to reliably slow or even stop stat-upping threats from wreaking havoc.

My favorite is probably Hyra's, the game seems too unbalanced. >>
Concept: "Ultimate Heatran Counter"
Description: A pokemon specifically designed to be the perfect counter to Heatran (and all its common movesets).

I see Heatran as a major centralising influence in this metagame. If we can create a pokemon whose mere presence reduces Heatran usage, other Fire types including our beloved Pyroak will be needed to fill the gap.
There are several ways we could do this and it doesn't have to rely on one specific method. Suggestions below:
A new Ground Type priority move with STAB or a high enough stat to OHKO.
Magnet Pull or another trapping Ability.
A typing that resists Fire and Ground moves.
Concept: "Ultimate Heatran Counter"
Description: A pokemon specifically designed to be the perfect counter to Heatran (and all its common movesets).

I see Heatran as a major centralising influence in this metagame. If we can create a pokemon whose mere presence reduces Heatran usage, other Fire types including our beloved Pyroak will be needed to fill the gap.
There are several ways we could do this and it doesn't have to rely on one specific method. Suggestions below:
A new Ground Type priority move with STAB or a high enough stat to OHKO.
Magnet Pull or another trapping Ability.
A typing that resists Fire and Ground moves.

Scarf Dugtrio is already a foolproof revenge killer, Tyranitar takes little damage even from Earth Power and OHKOes back with EQ... why would we need something more effective?
Oh, and I forgot... Gyarados resists Fire/Ground, Intimidates an attempt to explode and set up DD...
I'll resubmit my concept from last time because I'm not feeling very imaginative this time.

Concept: Nerf'd
Description: A Pokemon with Uber stats that is made OU because of its Type, Ability, and/or Movepool.

Like Regigigas, but better. Better enough to be in OU, but not Uber. The challenge of the preoject would be to find the right balance between the stats and nerfs to make a viable OU Poke.
Concept: The Great Tank of China
Description: A tank designed to take hits, and dish a lot of them out as well

This Pokemon is the one me and tennisace are basically dying for. AKA Electric/Dragon tank, attacking and walling (most likely specially biased). It would be like Rhyperior in a sense, except it would be aimed for at the special side of the spectrum. The movepool would be able to hit hard, and could probably assist the team with moves such as Spikes / Stealth Rock, as well as status moves such as T-Wave which is a given.

It would be able to counter Heatran (if we add an ability or something, such as Levitate) and it already completely owns Zapdos for the most part (HP Ice may be the only problem). We can make it this fully adapted to the OU environment countering many threats. We can also make it so that it is more like Rhyperior ability-wise being able to actually counter a lot of threats. The typing is really subjective but Electric / Dragon is currently what I am hoping for. The main idea though is a tank, likely special biased so it isn't a mini-Rhyperior.
Concept: The Great Tank of China
Description: A tank designed to take hits, and dish a lot of them out as well

This Pokemon is the one me and tennisace are basically dying for. AKA Electric/Dragon tank, attacking and walling (most likely specially biased). It would be like Rhyperior in a sense, except it would be aimed for at the special side of the spectrum. The movepool would be able to hit hard, and could probably assist the team with moves such as Spikes / Stealth Rock, as well as status moves such as T-Wave which is a given. It would also look very kickass!
you pretty much made the enitire pokemon right there, disobeying the bulk of doug's rules on concept submisison. did you bother reading the op/other submissions?

hopefully something akin to the "top 5 check"+"great wall"+"decent offense" concepts get chosen, i'm not gonna mae my own concept since what i'm looking for has already been defined "well enough" so i don't want to dilute votes

Concept: Comeback King
Description:A pokemon thats capable of bring a close match thats starting running away from you back in your corner without being a unstopable force.
a similar concept has been submitted... read the thread.

edit: i was wrong about this one x)
Concept: Comeback King
Description:A pokemon thats capable of bring a close match thats starting running away from you back in your corner without being a unstopable force.

Lets say your down 1 to three you know two of your opp pokes and there at around 50% each this poke with a little luck should be able to give you the match.It should also be able to counter it self to keep matches from coming down to who brought theres out first/last.The challenge would be to make it powerful in those situations without makeing it a true late game sweeper
We need a rapid spinner that doesn't suck against rotom/ghosts.

I'm not pitching the idea though, since there are a few spin submissions already.
you pretty much made the enitire pokemon right there, disobeying the bulk of doug's rules on concept submisison. did you bother reading the op/other submissions?

hopefully something akin to the "top 5 check"+"great wall"+"decent offense" concepts get chosen, i'm not gonna mae my own concept since what i'm looking for has already been defined "well enough" so i don't want to dilute votes

a similar concept has been submitted... read the thread.

Actually, Sikh Assassin's concept is legal. Perhaps YOU should have read the OP more carefully?

Here's a sample of a legal Concept post. This is not an actual submission. I'm just using it to illustrate the Name, Description, and explanation. :

Concept: "Kingdra of the Sun"
Description: A good pokemon with a varied movepool under normal conditions. But, it becomes a dangerous sweeping force in sunny weather.

I think Sunny Day is underutilized in the current metagame and I would like us to make a new pokemon that could make Sunny Day teams playable in OU, much like Kingdra almost single-handedly makes Rain teams viable in OU. Typing could be just about anything, although Fire and/or Grass are the most obvious. Water typing might be interesting to help it stop Heatran from becoming even more of a beast once the Sun goes up, and ruining the fun for this pokemon. Chlorophyll would be an easy way to make a good sweeper, but Solar Power doesn't get the love it should, and might be an interesting option. There are lots of nice abilities that could help this thing do its job. I think fiery art designs are always cool and I can imagine this pokemon having lots of colorful fire effects, if we make it part Fire.
Note that all the "illegal stuff" is in the explanation. The official submission is very carefully worded to not specifically dictate anything in later polls.
As with the example above, Sikh's official submission (Just the name and description) is perfectly legal.

Also, I am not sure what you are talking about regarding the "comeback king" example. If you are implying that LF's is very similar, then you are quite mistaken. A pokemon that is designed to create a comeback is not the same as a pokemon solidifying a victory.. There is a difference.
oof! i guess i don't like the idea of a concept having an inherent typing/movepool/special/stat/function bias even if it's just an explanation. the kingdra of ou concept expands on the a priori aspect of such a pokemon (it is similar to kingdra) and has really no restrictions on the rest of the project. not that the users explanation has any bearing on the project "officially" but it's still "getting us into that mindset". im probably exaggerating though.

without the explanation it's the same concept as sot.
oof! i guess i don't like the idea of a concept having an inherent typing/movepool/special/stat/function bias even if it's just an explanation. the kingdra of ou concept expands on the a priori aspect of such a pokemon (it is similar to kingdra) and has really no restrictions on the rest of the project. not that the users explanation has any bearing on the project "officially" but it's still "getting us into that mindset". im probably exaggerating though.
Sikh's explanation was type-specific, but it (and all other explanations in general) are really just the concept submitter's interpretation of how we should apply the concept. The wording of the description, which does count towards the submission, is perfectly flexible.
Name: The Great Wall

A pokemon who can switch repeatedly into attacks and keep many of the common threats in check.

With the release of Platinum in shoddy, and all these new highly offensive threats on the loose, the metagame seems pretty unbalanced. I think a pokemon who can switch repeatedly into physical attacks, and keep many of the common threats in check, would help bring this metagame back slightly into balance.

I was thinking something along the lines of this concept, as well. This has got my support. :D
Name: Status Blocker
Description: A Pokemon that would be able to shield it's partners from harmful status effects. Such a Pokemon should also be able to counter common status-ers such as Blissey, Breloom, and Dusknoir.
Only problem I have is waht is meant by "Exclusive" (for Mag's proposal). Personally, I haven't seen a decline in choice items, so I honestly don't see the need for this. Also, i think that forcing a pokemon to have Choice Items as its most viable options means that we would have to build it weak to begin with. Many pokemon can use choice viably, but few have it is their only viable option. Maybe dugtrio, but it has its own choice problems
Devil's Advocate post coming up!

Concept: "Spin Spin Spin"

Description: A Rapid Spinner able to deal with the majority of rapid spin blockers via moveset, or ability. Ideally this Pokemon will have stats needed to take on most spin blockers one on one.

I know this concept is not new, but I am unsure as to whether or not it has to be brought up again in order to be used for the next CAP.

That's Fidgit in a nutshell, except Fidgit can do that and about 50 other things.

Concept: "Unpredictable"
Description: A Pokemon that can do a lot of different roles to fit into any team.

So this Pokemon could be a wall that hits hard or a supporter. Can go Physical, Special or both. This Pokemon is just hard to counter till you know what it does.

Fidgit, and to an extent Syclant, and Stratagem.

Name: Decentralizer
Description:A Pokemon can check a majority of the current top 5 Pokemon.

This is basically what Gormenghast wanted to do with Camerupt, but broader. I feel that specifically mentioning Scizor, Zapdos, and Heatran makes the concept too restrictive, but ideally this would be able to take at least two of these Pokemon on (Blissey does fthis for certain varients of Zapdos and Heatran). Unfortunately, there are very few type combos that do this, which is why I don't want to mention any specific Pokemon in the description.

I'm liking this submission a lot, its really what we need (A metagame specific CAP.)

Name: Five Finger Discount
Descripition: This Pokemon can support its team with various assist tactics, and works well with different items.


Just to get this out of the way, yes I'm new and am inexperienced with such things. That being said...

Name: Trick Room Leader

Description: A slightly above average Pokemon that shines when Trick Room is thrown down.

Trick Room is cool and has a lot going for it, but it feels too gimmicky to work. Basically, this CAP can change that by becoming a solid addition to the team, possibly altering Trick Room itself.


Name: The Great Wall

A pokemon who can switch repeatedly into attacks and keep many of the common threats in check.

With the release of Platinum in shoddy, and all these new highly offensive threats on the loose, the metagame seems pretty unbalanced. I think a pokemon who can switch repeatedly into physical attacks, and keep many of the common threats in check, would help bring this metagame back slightly into balance.

Pyroak walls anything not named Stratagem.

Concept: Trick or Treat
Description: This pokemon doesn't necessarily rely on moves with the word trick in the name, but basically moves that switch things around. Moves like guard swap, skill swap, psycho shift, trick room, power trick, trick, etc.

Okay, trick room is extremely underrated, so it would be good to support a trick room team. It could be used either to support the team or attempt to sweep by itself with power trick. Or maybe it could be the first ever pokemon to abuse the move skill swap?

Sounds like Fidgit really, once it gets Trick.

Name: Destructor
Description: A pokemon that can destroy most walls, and can set up other pokemon for a sweep.

That sounds a lot like Syclant and Stratagem, and Revenakh.

Concept: The Great Tank of China
Description: A tank designed to take hits, and dish a lot of them out as well

This Pokemon is the one me and tennisace are basically dying for. AKA Electric/Dragon tank, attacking and walling (most likely specially biased). It would be like Rhyperior in a sense, except it would be aimed for at the special side of the spectrum. The movepool would be able to hit hard, and could probably assist the team with moves such as Spikes / Stealth Rock, as well as status moves such as T-Wave which is a given. It would also look very kickass! :naughty:

=D (Why have 2 people beaten me to this?)

Concept: Comeback King
Description:A pokemon thats capable of bring a close match thats starting running away from you back in your corner without being a unstopable force.

Lets say your down 1 to three you know two of your opp pokes and there at around 50% each this poke with a little luck should be able to give you the match.It should also be able to counter it self to keep matches from coming down to who brought theres out first/last.The challenge would be to make it powerful in those situations without makeing it a true late game sweeper

Yep Stratagem.

I think more people should read up on the previous CAPs and refrain from suggesting concepts that are like previous CAPs.
Only problem I have is waht is meant by "Exclusive".

Generally, the best options for this Pokemon would be the Choice items.

Personally, I haven't seen a decline in choice items, so I honestly don't see the need for this.

It may just be me, then. Outside of things like Trick-leads and Heatran, I really haven't seen much in the way of Choice items.

Also, i think that forcing a pokemon to have Choice Items as its most viable options means that we would have to build it weak to begin with.

Not necessarily so. In fact, making a Pokemon with weak offensive stats would probably discourage the use of Scarf... unless it had a great ability to compensate. There are a lot of ways the stats could go, but I'd kinda forsee it being average with a slight tendency in either direction if it was chosen.

Many pokemon can use choice viably, but few have it is their only viable option.

Which is why it'd be interesting to see if a Pokemon could be built for Choice items.
Only problem I have is waht is meant by "Exclusive" (for Mag's proposal). Personally, I haven't seen a decline in choice items, so I honestly don't see the need for this. Also, i think that forcing a pokemon to have Choice Items as its most viable options means that we would have to build it weak to begin with. Many pokemon can use choice viably, but few have it is their only viable option. Maybe dugtrio, but it has its own choice problems

Probably Mag thinks - shut me down if i mistake lol - that we could give him an ability which could improve greatly the use of choice items. And, probably, we would not give him any setup move.

EDIT: lol, beaten on time^^ at least I guessed right
Concept: Anti-Trick
Desc: Besides complaints about Scizor, Heatran, Skymin and Stealth Rock, the most common whining right now consists of "Trick is gay". With the current Pokemon with anti-Trick traits (Sticky Hold, Klutz, etc) all being UU (or in Arceus' case, banned even from ubers), I think it would be good to get a Pokemon that can switch into common Trick threats (Celebi, Starmie, Rotoms, Alakazam) without risking its life out there. Preferably it should be able to ward them off, while not caring about being Tricked.
Encore Rev's attempts to stat up/Rotom's attempts to do whatever. Then you force them to switch and you spin.
Encore Rev's attempts to stat up/Rotom's attempts to do whatever. Then you force them to switch and you spin.

I'm not really sure you can just write off their attacking power though, if you encore an attack, you're getting hurt -- then what?

You're either going to have to predict a switch while getting beat up, or outright shut them down.
I'm not really sure you can just write off their attacking power though, if you encore an attack, you're getting hurt -- then what?

You're either going to have to predict a switch while getting beat up, or outright shut them down.

Or you could take the hit and wish off the damage, since you resist Hammer Arm, take shit from Shadow Sneak / Shadow Ball, and are immune to Thunderbolt.
Or you could take the hit and wish off the damage, since you resist Hammer Arm, take shit from Shadow Sneak / Shadow Ball, and are immune to Thunderbolt.

Yeah, you have a point -- do you think any of the platinum rotom forms put any pressure on him though? They do pack some super effective hits with high BP.
Name: Immunity Abuser
Description: A fairly bulky pokemon that, through its typing and ability, would have the maximum amount of immunities possible.

Explanation: Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind is Spiritomb, but thats not what I'm suggesting. Spiritomb has no weaknesses, I'm going for something will a bunch of immunities. No pokemon really has the maximum immunities, and those that do aren't super bulky (Gengar and Mismagius). For example, Ghost/Steel with Levitate.
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