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  • Please don't ref TLR yet. I gotta make an edit.
    Ok, waiting for your reply here to get on with it
    Why'd you leave the weeb chat?
    Well, I felt like the chat was somewhat dead and I overall I preferred spending my time on another weeb discord chat I am on (mostly made of MALers) - I'm sorry, you're actually the only person I kinda miss^^
    I'm afraid your request isn't fit for the Workshop, since from what I can gather, it's a highly personal request and thus something you need to request or commission from an artist personally. Read the first post in the thread for more clarification.
    Sorry my bad, I must have mixed it up - but wasn't there a thread for personal requests, as well? I'm pretty sure there used to be one, even just a few months ago
    Could have been one of the artist threads that displayed that they took requests. If you find an artist you like, I'd suggest to leave a message on their profile and ask if they're available or not.
    Ok, will do, thank you
    I think I should have 1000 rep with Bright Hope instead of 800, I got 200 from completing The Taint of Stormrage, 300 from CPHM, and 500 from Taking on the Programmer's Job?
    Zara, Laser Focus is something that seems a little OP atm. 7+40(8*5) * 3 = 141 damage from one action.

    Although it doesn't affect HoTs as much as prior Raids. I was thinking of doing FVHM and it would be OP there.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Heavy Rain: All Ground-type Pokemon are affected by Soak for the duration of the encounter o_0

    You face Thundurus, god of storms! You have sealed your doom! *Epic*

    This is the "serious" version of the pre-Kyogre dialogue^^
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Zarator, I may require some more time before the next update in your TLR. Please subref me if you would like. I wouldn't mind.

    You forgot to equip an item in Dragon Eggs (vs Agender Nerd). I'll post my reffing after you equip one :P
    I pre-equipped, didn't you see in my PM? It's even in the battle OP - I equipped a Heart Scale
    Vanillish Wafer
    Vanillish Wafer
    Oh god I'm stupid.
    Is there any chance I could swap Froslass' Glyph of Light Screen for my Glyph of Icy Wind in the FPHM raid? We are only one round in and the glyph has made zero difference so far, and I've suddenly realised how important the secondary effect of Glyph of Icy Wind is for us.
    Unfortunately not, sorry
    Yo I rated your gsc team in case for some reason you didn't notice. Always up for testing as well :x
    mind testing with me on ps some time?
    Eh I'm quite busy these days, sadly
    Question about Curse of Blades. It's been rolled out of 7 for the target in all instances I've seen despite there being 8 active raiders. This lead me to believe it couldn't go onto Registeel's current target but this round Gallade was given it. Wondered if you could clear this up for me, especially if Gallade should not be a legal target for it. Since it definitely effects our ongoing plan.
    You are correct, my bad. Fixed it.
    So Regirock is going to Petrify someone action 1 next round, this is for certain. I would like Tomohawk to sub to Dispell whomever this is on action 2. Since it has Prankster this will increase the priority over its normal move, but it will know who to Dispell at the end of action 1. Is there a particular way I should word this sub to make it legal? Or do I need to Dispell with a non prankster user?
    1) It is NOT certain. Petrify's action timer is a bit more random than you may think; 2) At the moment, such a sub would be illegal - although I promise I'll try to review sub rules to account for future actions (as in, "if something happens A1 please do X on A2")
    so what you're saying is that due to Prankster it is impossible for Tomohawk to have a legal sub of "IF you ally is under a magic effect THEN Dispell (that ally)"?
    At the moment yes, unfortunately
    I just saw my name being said wrt to a maxdog (or maxfish or dogim or fishim or maximus dogimus... I like the latter) raid. I am willing to do it if you allow me to. The only thing I should mention is that I never bothered to fight any of the dogs (I don't know if I should to be able to ref them) and that isn't on my to-do list for the forseeable future.
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