DPP Deoxys-S (Uber revamp)


Site Analysis

Deoxys-S was long overdue for an Ubers revamp =/

Changes Made
*Removed all mentions of OU Pokemon, unless said OU Pokemon are common in Ubers
*Added Dual Screen, and "Uber Lead", and added Caelum's "Uber Offensive"
*Uber Lead is first on analysis
*Cosmic Wall and Counter sets removed due to being inferior sets
*Spiker is staying unless others feel it should be removed.

Possible Additions
*Choice Band / Choice Specs? Trick can be an option, of course, to screw up Blissey and Latias/Latios.
*Calm Mind? It's faster and stronger than Deoxys-D, but bulkier than Deoxys-A. Calm Mind / Ice Beam / Grass Knot / Shadow Ball could work, though lack of STAB or Focus Blast hurts =[


name: Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Extremespeed / Superpower
item: Lum Berry / Focus Sash
nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Of all leads who can deploy entry hazards, Deoxys-S is perhaps the single best choice for your team. With its unmatched 504 Speed, getting Stealth Rock up is almost guaranteed, and if you're lucky, a few layers of Spikes. Taunt is a great choice in order to cripple Scarf Darkrai leads trying to sleep you, as you should be able to overcome the status thanks to Lum Berry and Taunt them, leaving them helpless as you deploy the entry hazard of choice. Extremespeed is the primary option, although if you want a more powerful attack, Superpower is an option.</p>

<p>Shadow Ball is an option if you'd like to hit opposing Deoxys-S leads, if you decide to go that route, 252 SpA EVs plus a Timid nature will ensure you 2HKO all Deoxys-S running a similar EV spread. </p>

name: Dual Screen
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Stealth Rock / Spikes
item: Light Clay / Lum Berry
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Deoxys-S makes a fantastic lead thanks to its blistering 504 Speed coupled with a numerous amount of support options, ranging from dual screen to Stealth Rock. Taunt prevents opposing leads from setting up Stealth Rock or Spikes, as well as denying sweepers the chance to set up. </p>

<p>Light Clay is the item of choice on this set due to the fact that Deoxys-S uses both Light Screen and Reflect. Focus Sash could be used, but eight turns of Reflect / Light Screen compared to five can be a deciding factor in any match. With Light Screen up, Deoxys-S can survive many hard hits, even from boosted foes. Even Choice Scarf Kyogre's Water Spout fails OHKO in the rain, letting Deoxys-S set up twice 100% of the time.</p>

<p>The decision between Stealth Rock and Spikes depends on which is needed more. Stealth Rock is generally the preferred option as it only takes one turn of setup. Still, with the highest Speed in the game, Deoxys-S is almost guaranteed to get a layer or two of Spikes up. Most of the time, Deoxys-S will be hard pressed to get three layers of Spikes up due to the power of most Uber sweepers, so it'd be preferable to get a more reliable Spiker, such as Forretress, to complete that task.</p>

<p>Max Speed is essential so that Deoxys-S can outrun Hasty Deoxys-A, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and even Rock Polish Groudon. Max HP is used to maximize both Deoxys-S' defenses. Even without Reflect, an ExtremeSpeed from a Hasty Deoxys-A will never 2HKO.</p>

name: Mixed Offensive
move 1: Superpower
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunder / Grass Knot
move 4: Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
nature: Naive
evs: 100 Atk / 172 SpA / 236 Spe

<p>Offensive Deoxys-S is often cast aside by many Uber players in favor of its much more powerful form, Deoxys-A. While it is true that Deoxys-S won't even come close to hitting as hard as Deoxys-A, its 30 point higher base Speed can make Deoxys-S a more effective revenge killer in a tier where almost nothing outruns it, including many Choice Scarf Pokemon that sit at Speeds lower than 500. Its incredible Speed makes it a great revenge killer and with its impeccable coverage can take out a surprisingly wide variety of threats in the Uber tier.</p>

<p>With a Naive nature and 236 Speed EVs Deoxys-S is able to outrun Jolly Choice Scarf Garchomp and anything slower. 100 Attack EVs allow Deoxys-S to OHKO Darkrai, on average; and always with Stealth Rock damage, with Superpower. They also allow Deoxys-S to 2HKO Uber Blissey (Calm, 4 HP / 252 Def) and 120 HP EV Mild Dialga. The remaining EVs were distributed to Special Attack and give Deoxys-S the ability to function as a revenge killer to some dangerous threats in the Uber metagame. Deoxys-S is capable of outrunning once Dragon Danced Rayquaza and Choice Scarf Garchomp, and OHKO with Ice Beam. An interesting note is that Jolly Rayquaza only has a 7.69% chance to OHKO Deoxys-S with ExtremeSpeed, making Deoxys-S a decent check against even those Rayquaza with ExtremeSpeed. Additionally, Deoxys-S is able to 2HKO almost all Groudon with the same Ice Beam. Thunder is for Lugia and Kyogre, both of whom are 2HKOed with Stealth Rock damage. Thunder also can be used to pick off weakened Palkia. Grass Knot is an alternative to Thunder, hitting Groudon harder than Ice Beam and still nailing Kyogre with a 2HKO thanks to Stealth Rock. Finally, Shadow Ball is mostly for Mewtwo and Deoxys-A who are 2HKOedd and OHKOed, respectively, with again the help of Stealth Rock.</p>

name: Spiker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Recover
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off
item: Leftovers
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Unlike the Uber Lead set, the main focus here is to get Spikes up on the field. This set is designed to be an effective Spiker that can also prevent foes from setting up entry hazards or setting up sweeps.</p>

<p>Deoxys-S is often compared to Deoxys-D in terms of team support, and while Deoxys-D is much bulkier, its speedy counterpart claims advantages such as a faster Taunt and the ability to get more Spikes out on the field before the opponent has the chance to attack. Recover is there to enable it to stall out attacks such as Blissey's Seismic Toss, or even Lugia's Ice Beam or Giratina's Dragon Claw thanks to Pressure. Knock Off cripples walls by denying them of their precious Leftovers. Knock Off is also excellent for stripping Latias or Latios of its Soul Dew, as well as messing up Choice-reliant Pokemon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Wow, this thing's movepool is insane. Counter and Mirror Coat can be used on a set, but it is still quite risky due to the hard-hitters in the Ubers environment; Deoxys-S will usually not survive an assault before it can react with a Counter or Miror Coat. To use these moves effectively, Focus Sash is recommended. Pursuit can easily help revenge kill weak Pokemon that attempt to escape with the "can run but can't hide" tactic, however, due to Deoxys-S's relatively low Attack coupled with Pursuit's low base power, Pursuit isn't viable as it cannot deal sufficient damage. Psycho Boost can be used for an insanely powerful STAB attack, but due to the amount of Dark, Psychic, and Steel types in Ubers, very rarely will one find Psycho Boost to be effective. Cosmic Power is a move that Deoxys-S could use effectively, but ultimately, it's outclassed by the bulkier Deoxys-D. Deoxys-S can run a Choice set, as it indeed has the movepool, whether it be physical or special, however, diversity is one of the only reasons one would use Deoxys-S in the first place, and being locked into a single move is unideal for a revenge killer such as Deoxys-S, so Life Orb suits it better. </p>


<p>Maximum Speed is a must on nearly all sets, especially those focusing on sweeping. You could add some EVs to Attack in order to guarantee a 2HKO on Bold Blissey with Superpower, however, outside of that, Deoxys-S utilizes special moves much better.</p>


<p>Deoxys-S is in no way a bad Pokemon, but must now compete with powerful cleaners such as Deoxys-A and Mewtwo, as well as other team supporters like Deoxys-D. Still, one cannot deny the usefulness of the fastest Stealth Rock and Taunt in the game, and while its offensive stats aren't in any way comparable to powerhouses like Mewtwo or Deoxys-A, its blistering Speed and diverse movepool make it one of the best revenge killers in the game. Deoxys-S can't sweep teams by itself, however, underestimating it is a very dangerous thing to do.</p>


<p>Unlike Deoxys-A or Mewtwo, Deoxys-S doesn't have huge offensive stats. Therefore, countering offensive sets is much more managable. Even though it has Ice Beam, Deoxys-S cannot touch Latias outside of a Choice Banded Ice Punch. Lugia can take most versions thanks to Whirlwind, and is only mildly threatened by a Choice Specs Thunder. Although they risk the rare HP Fire / Fire Punch, Scizor, Metagross, and Forretress can come in and take out Deoxys-S with Bullet Punch and Gyro Ball respectively. Dugtrio, while extremely fragile, can trap Deoxys-S with Arena Trap, giggling as it Sucker Punches it for the OHKO. Anything with Pursuit that isn't OHKOed by one of Deoxys-S's moves can be defined as a "check" as well.</p>

<p>Support sets are a bit trickier to handle, the Uber Lead set being impossible to stop without having a faster Pokemon who can OHKO or cripple it (Scarf Darkrai, Scarf Gengar, etc...). Rapid Spinners such as Forretress also shut down all attempts of Spikes or Stealth Rock, as well as being able to beat Deoxys-S 1 vs. 1.</p>
I'll read this over more carefully later but I dug this up from my deleted posts. Also, don't reference Deoxys-S past in OU. Just pretend like its always existed in ubers and talk about it like that.

name: Uber Offensive
move 1: Superpower
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunder
move 4: Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
nature: Naive
evs: 100 Atk / 172 SpA / 236 Spe

<p>Offensive Deoxys-S is often cast aside by many uber players in favor of its much more powerful form, Deoxys-A. While it is true that Deoxys-S won't even come close to hitting as hard as Deoxys-A, its 30 point higher base Speed can make Deoxys-S a more effective revenge killer in a tier where almost nothing outruns it, including many Choice Scarf Pokemon that sit at Speeds lower than 500. Its incredible Speed makes it a great revenge killer and with its impeccable coverage can take out a surprisingly wide variety of threats in the uber tier.</p>

<p>With a Naive nature and 236 Speed EVs Deoxys-S is able to outrun Jolly Choice Scarf Garchomp and anything slower. 100 Attack EVs allow Deoxys-S to OHKO Darkrai, on average; and always with Stealth Rock damage, with Superpower. They also allow Deoxys-S to 2HKO uber Blissey (Calm, 4 HP / 252 Def) and 120 HP EV Mild Dialga. The remaining EVs were distributed to Special Attack and give Deoxys-S the ability to function as a revenge killer to some dangerous threats in the uber metagame. Deoxys-S is capable of outrunning once Dragon Danced Rayquaza and Choice Scarf Garchomp, and OHKO with Ice Beam. An interesting note is that Jolly Rayquaza only has a 7.69% chance to OHKO Deoxys-S with Extremespeed, making Deoxys-S a decent check against even those Rayquaza with Extremespeed. Additionally, Deoxys-S is able to 2HKO almost all Groudon with the same Ice Beam. Thunder is for Lugia and Kyogre, both of whom are 2HKO'd with Stealth Rock damage. Thunder also can be used to pick off weakened Palkia. Finally, Shadow Ball is mostly for Mewtwo and Deoxys-A who are 2HKO'd and OHKO'd, respectively, with again the help of Stealth Rock.</p>

It's probably a bit outdated but I can update it if people prefer my EVs.
I actually really like that set, it guarantees the 2HKO on Dialga, which is something I forgot about -__- I'll add that over the current Revenge Killer (although I'll slash GK next to Thunder since it hits Groudon harder than Ice Beam)

EDIT: Thanks diinbong ;) I removed the repetitive parts and changed part of the Spiker set comments.

name: Uber Lead
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 4: Taunt
item: Light Clay
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe


<p>The decision between Stealth Rock and Spikes depends on which is needed more. Stealth Rock is generally the preferred option as it only takes one turn of setup. Still, with the highest Speed in the game, Deoxys-S is almost guaranteed to get a layer or two of Spikes up. Most of the time, Deoxys-S will be hard pressed to get three layers of Spikes up due to the power of most uber sweepers, so it'd be preferable to get a more reliable Spiker, such as Forretress, to complete that task.</p>


name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Grass Knot / Thunder
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
nature: Naive
EVs: 6 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Ice Beam lets Deoxys-S revenge kill Rayquaza even after a single Dragon Dance. Unlike Deoxys-A, Rayquaza cannot outrun Deoxys-S with a beneficial nature after a single Dance, meaning Rayquaza's only hope is if it packs Extremespeed (which is sometimes passed over for Overheat or Stone Edge). Grass Knot 2HKOs 4 HP / 0 SpD Kyogre 100% of the time, and even 252 HP / 0 SpD Kyogre gets 2HKOed with Stealth Rock on the field. Superpower deals 66% minimum to 0 HP / 252 Def Calm Blissey the first time it hits, and 33% minimum the second time; with Stealth Rock on the field, you're golden. It also OHKOs Tyranitar, and deals around 50% to 252 HP / 0 Def Dialga. Shadow Ball is mainly used to hit foe Deoxys-S, as well as Mewtwo, Deoxys-A, Deoxys-D to name a few.</p>


name: Spiker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Recover
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off
item: Leftovers
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe


<p>Spikes is the main selling point of the set, and while Deoxys-D is much bulkier, its speedy counterpart claims advantages such as a faster Taunt and the ability to get more Spikes out on the field before the opponent has the chance to attack (just a suggestion, but the origional sentence was repetitive). Recover is there to enable it to stall out attacks such as Blissey's Seismic Toss, or even Lugia's Ice Beam or Giratina's Dragon Claw thanks to Pressure. Knock Off cripples walls by denying them of their precious Leftovers. Knock Off is also excellent for stripping Latias or Latios of its Soul Dew, as well as messing up Choice-reliant Pokemon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Wow, this thing's movepool is insane. Counter and Mirror Coat can be used on a set, but it is still quite risky due to the hard-hitters in the Ubers environment; Deoxys-S will usually not survive an assault before it can react with a Counter or Miror Coat. To use these moves effectively, Focus Sash is recommended. Pursuit can easily help revenge kill weak Pokemon that attempt to escape with the "can run but can't hide" tactic, however, due to Deoxys-S's relatively low Attack coupled with Pursuit's low base power, Pursuit isn't viable as it cannot deal sufficient damage. Psycho Boost can be used for an insanely powerful STAB attack, but due to the amount of Dark, Psychic, and Steel types in ubers, very rarely will one find Psycho Boost to be effective. Cosmic Power is a move that Deoxys-S could use effectively, but ultimately, it's outclassed by the bulkier Deoxys-D. Deoxys-S can run a Choice set, as it indeed has the movepool, whether it be physical or special, however, diversity is one of the only reasons one would use Deoxys-S in the first place, and being locked into a single move is unideal for a revenge killer such as Deoxys-S, so Life Orb suits it better. </p>


<p>Maximum Speed is a must on nearly all sets, especially those focusing on sweeping. You could add some EVs to Attack in order to guarantee a 2HKO on Bold Blissey (with what move?) , however, outside of that, Deoxys-S utilizes special moves much better.</p>


<p>Sadly, Deoxys-S's time in OU has come to a close, and it's back to Ubers for good. Deoxys-S is in no way a bad Pokemon, but must now compete with powerful cleaners as well as other team supporters. Still, one cannot deny the usefulness of the fastest Stealth Rock and Taunt in the game, and while its offensive stats aren't in any way comparable to powerhouses like Mewtwo or Deoxys-A, its blistering Speed and diverse movepool make it one of the best revenge killers in the game. Deoxys-S won't be causing as big (removed "as") an uproar as it did in OU, however, underestimating it is a very dangerous thing to do.</p>




Honestly I though it was quite well written. I have no opinions, by the way, as I don't play Ubers.
I've played Ubers, and I can attest that Double Spikes (Stealth Rock / Spikes / Taunt / Filler) is a fantastic set for a lead. Excluding Darkrai, you're nearly guarunteed at least Stealth Rock and one or two layers of Spikes. Worth mentioning IMO.
I've played Ubers, and I can attest that Double Spikes (Stealth Rock / Spikes / Taunt / Filler) is a fantastic set for a lead. Excluding Darkrai, you're nearly guarunteed at least Stealth Rock and one or two layers of Spikes. Worth mentioning IMO.

Seems like the same thing as Uber Lead, just with both Spikes and Stealth Rock. Is there any difference in EV spread? I could add it over a Screen, or just split the two.
This lead is arguably much more common that the dual screener and was the lead of choice before all this Choice Scarf Darkrai shit

Deoxys-S @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- ExtremeSpeed

EVs are arbitrary but allow for a guaranteed 2HKO on Deoxys-A (more HP might be useful to avoid a 2HKO from opposing Deoxys-A ExtremeSpeed).
The Uber lead should have Lum Berry sashed as an option with Light Clay. The ability to Taunt a Choice locked Darkrai and gain a free turn is incredible.

Extremespeed isn't the best option, as Deoxys-A isn't as common as what it used to be. Have Superpower for Darkrai and Blissey as the main option, with Shadow Ball as an alternative for Deoxys-S.
This lead is arguably much more common that the dual screener and was the lead of choice before all this Choice Scarf Darkrai shit

Deoxys-S @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- ExtremeSpeed

EVs are arbitrary but allow for a guaranteed 2HKO on Deoxys-A (more HP might be useful to avoid a 2HKO from opposing Deoxys-A ExtremeSpeed).

Alright, I'll make the Dual Screen and this different sets, this being the first on the list. Thank you

The Uber lead should have Lum Berry sashed as an option with Light Clay. The ability to Taunt a Choice locked Darkrai and gain a free turn is incredible.

Extremespeed isn't the best option, as Deoxys-A isn't as common as what it used to be. Have Superpower for Darkrai and Blissey as the main option, with Shadow Ball as an alternative for Deoxys-S.


Site Analysis

Deoxys-S was long overdue for an Ubers revamp =/

Changes Made
*Removed all mentions of OU Pokemon, unless said OU Pokemon are common in Ubers
*Added Dual Screen, and "Uber Lead", and added Caelum's "Uber Offensive"
*Uber Lead is first on analysis
*Cosmic Wall and Counter sets removed due to being inferior sets
*Spiker is staying unless others feel it should be removed.

Possible Additions
*Choice Band / Choice Specs? Trick can be an option, of course, to screw up Blissey and Latias/Latios.
*Calm Mind? It's faster and stronger than Deoxys-D, but bulkier than Deoxys-A. Calm Mind / Ice Beam / Grass Knot / Shadow Ball could work, though lack of STAB or Focus Blast hurts =[


name: Uber Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Superpower
item: Lum Berry / Focus Sash
nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Of all leads who can deploy entry hazards, Deoxys-S is perhaps the single best choice for your team. With its unmatched 504 Speed, getting up Stealth Rock is almost guaranteed, and if you're lucky, a few layers of Spikes. Taunt is a great choice in order to cripple Scarf Darkrai leads trying to sleep you, as you should be able to overcome the status thanks to Lum Berry and Taunt them, leaving them helpless as you deploy the entry hazard of choice. Or, if you're feeling a little lucky, you could hit them with a Superpower, which does a minimum of 82%, though misses out on an OHKO.</p>

<p>Shadow Ball is an option if you'd like to hit opposing Deoxys-S leads, if you decide to go that route, 252 SpA EVs plus a Timid nature will ensure you 2HKO all Deoxys-S running a similar EV spread.</p>

name: Dual Screen
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Stealth Rock / Spikes
item: Light Clay / Lum Berry
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Deoxys-S makes a fantastic lead thanks to its blistering 504 Speed coupled with a numerous amount of support options, ranging from dual screen to Stealth Rock. Taunt prevents opposing leads from setting up Stealth Rock or Spikes, as well as denying sweepers the chance to set up. </p>

<p>Light Clay is the item of choice on this set due to the fact that Deoxys-S uses both Light Screen and Reflect. Focus Sash could be used, but eight turns of Reflect / Light Screen compared to five can be a deciding factor in any match. With Light Screen up, Deoxys-S can survive many hard hits, even from boosted foes. Even Choice Scarf Kyogre's Water Spout fails OHKO in the rain, letting Deoxys-S set up twice 100% of the time.</p>

<p>The decision between Stealth Rock and Spikes depends on which is needed more. Stealth Rock is generally the preferred option as it only takes one turn of setup. Still, with the highest Speed in the game, Deoxys-S is almost guaranteed to get a layer or two of Spikes up. Most of the time, Deoxys-S will be hard pressed to get three layers of Spikes up due to the power of most Uber sweepers, so it'd be preferable to get a more reliable Spiker, such as Forretress, to complete that task.</p>

<p>Max Speed is essential so that Deoxys-S can outrun Hasty Deoxys-A, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and even Rock Polish Groudon. Max HP is used to maximize both Deoxys-S' defenses. Even without Reflect, an ExtremeSpeed from a Hasty Deoxys-A will never 2HKO.</p>

name: Uber Offensive
move 1: Superpower
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunder / Grass Knot
move 4: Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
nature: Naive
evs: 100 Atk / 172 SpA / 236 Spe

<p>Offensive Deoxys-S is often cast aside by many Uber players in favor of its much more powerful form, Deoxys-A. While it is true that Deoxys-S won't even come close to hitting as hard as Deoxys-A, its 30 point higher base Speed can make Deoxys-S a more effective revenge killer in a tier where almost nothing outruns it, including many Choice Scarf Pokemon that sit at Speeds lower than 500. Its incredible Speed makes it a great revenge killer and with its impeccable coverage can take out a surprisingly wide variety of threats in the Uber tier.</p>

<p>With a Naive nature and 236 Speed EVs Deoxys-S is able to outrun Jolly Choice Scarf Garchomp and anything slower. 100 Attack EVs allow Deoxys-S to OHKO Darkrai, on average; and always with Stealth Rock damage, with Superpower. They also allow Deoxys-S to 2HKO Uber Blissey (Calm, 4 HP / 252 Def) and 120 HP EV Mild Dialga. The remaining EVs were distributed to Special Attack and give Deoxys-S the ability to function as a revenge killer to some dangerous threats in the Uber metagame. Deoxys-S is capable of outrunning once Dragon Danced Rayquaza and Choice Scarf Garchomp, and OHKO with Ice Beam. An interesting note is that Jolly Rayquaza only has a 7.69% chance to OHKO Deoxys-S with ExtremeSpeed, making Deoxys-S a decent check against even those Rayquaza with ExtremeSpeed. Additionally, Deoxys-S is able to 2HKO almost all Groudon with the same Ice Beam. Thunder is for Lugia and Kyogre, both of whom are 2HKOed with Stealth Rock damage. Thunder also can be used to pick off weakened Palkia. Grass Knot is an alternative to Thunder, hitting Groudon harder than Ice Beam and still nailing Kyogre with a 2HKO thanks to Stealth Rock. Finally, Shadow Ball is mostly for Mewtwo and Deoxys-A who are 2HKOed and OHKOed, respectively, with again the help of Stealth Rock.</p>

name: Spiker
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Recover
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off
item: Leftovers
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Unlike the Uber Lead set, the main focus here is to get Spikes up on the field. This set is designed to be an effective Spiker that can also prevent foes from setting up entry hazards or setting up sweeps.</p>

<p>Deoxys-S is often compared to Deoxys-D in terms of team support, and while Deoxys-D is much bulkier, its speedy counterpart claims advantages such as a faster Taunt and the ability to get more Spikes out on the field before the opponent has the chance to attack. Recover is there to enable it to stall out attacks such as Blissey's Seismic Toss, or even Lugia's Ice Beam or Giratina's Dragon Claw thanks to Pressure. Knock Off cripples walls by denying them of their precious Leftovers. Knock Off is also excellent for stripping Latias or Latios of its Soul Dew, as well as messing up Choice-reliant Pokemon.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Wow, this thing's movepool is insane. Counter and Mirror Coat can be used on a set, but it is still quite risky due to the hard-hitters in the Ubers environment; Deoxys-S will usually not survive an assault before it can react with a Counter or Miror Coat. To use these moves effectively, Focus Sash is recommended. Pursuit can easily help revenge kill weak Pokemon that attempt to escape with the "can run but can't hide" tactic, however, due to Deoxys-S's relatively low Attack coupled with Pursuit's low base power, Pursuit isn't viable as it cannot deal sufficient damage. Psycho Boost can be used for an insanely powerful STAB attack, but due to the amount of Dark, Psychic, and Steel types in Ubers, very rarely will one find Psycho Boost to be effective. Cosmic Power is a move that Deoxys-S could use effectively, but ultimately, it's outclassed by the bulkier Deoxys-D. Deoxys-S can run a Choice set, as it indeed has the movepool, whether it be physical or special, however, diversity is one of the only reasons one would use Deoxys-S in the first place, and being locked into a single move is unideal for a revenge killer such as Deoxys-S, so Life Orb suits it better. </p>


<p>Maximum Speed is a must on nearly all sets, especially those focusing on sweeping. You could add some EVs to Attack in order to guarantee a 2HKO on Bold Blissey with Superpower, however, outside of that, Deoxys-S utilizes special moves much better.</p>


<p>Deoxys-S is in no way a bad Pokemon, but must now compete with powerful cleaners such as Deoxys-A and Mewtwo, as well as other team supporters like Deoxys-D. Still, one cannot deny the usefulness of the fastest Stealth Rock and Taunt in the game, and while its offensive stats aren't in any way comparable to powerhouses like Mewtwo or Deoxys-A, its blistering Speed and diverse movepool make it one of the best revenge killers in the game. Deoxys-S can't sweep teams by itself, however, underestimating it is a very dangerous thing to do.</p>


<p>Unlike Deoxys-A or Mewtwo, Deoxys-S doesn't have huge offensive stats. Therefore, countering offensive sets is much more managable. Even though it has Ice Beam, Deoxys-S cannot touch Latias outside of a Choice Banded Ice Punch. Lugia can take most versions thanks to Whirlwind, and is only mildly threatened by a Choice Specs Thunder. Although they risk the rare HP Fire / Fire Punch, Scizor, Metagross, and Forretress can come in and take out Deoxys-S with Bullet Punch and Gyro Ball respectively. Dugtrio, while extremely fragile, can trap Deoxys-S with Arena Trap, giggling as it Sucker Punches it for the OHKO. Anything with Pursuit that isn't OHKOed by one of Deoxys-S's moves can be defined as a "check" as well.</p>

<p>Support sets are a bit trickier to handle, the Uber Lead set being impossible to stop without having a faster Pokemon who can OHKO or cripple it (Scarf Darkrai, Scarf Gengar, etc...). Rapid Spinners such as Forretress also shut down all attempts of Spikes or Stealth Rock, as well as being able to beat Deoxys-S 1 vs. 1.</p>

Just some minor spelling changes (Ubers is capitalized, etc)
I'm not sure about using Grass Knot at all on the offensive set.

Life Orb Ice Beam to 4 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 64.91% - 76.61%
Life Orb Ice Beam to 252 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 54.95% - 64.85%
Life Orb Grass Knot to 4 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 82.46% - 97.08% (20% OHKO with SR)
Life Orb Grass Knot to 252 HP / 0 SpD Groudon 69.80% - 82.18%

Personally I would never use Grass Knot over Ice Beam. Thunder hits Kyogre for the same power so that needn't be an issue. The only place I can see it being beneficial against 4 HP / 0 SpD Groudon...and most people just maximise HP.
I agree with Twash, Thunder beam is generally the better option.
Another thing, on the Dual screen set, Lum isn't needed, and Light Clay should be the only option, since it is after all a dual screener, and it has taunt to stop status inflicter's.
I agree with Twash, Thunder beam is generally the better option.
Another thing, on the Dual screen set, Lum isn't needed, and Light Clay should be the only option, since it is after all a dual screener, and it has taunt to stop status inflicter's.

Lum Berry is an option thanks to Scarf Darkai's massive popularity as a lead. Without it, it uses Dark Void and renders Deoxys-E useless. Lum Berry is the superior option over Light Clay for lead Deoxys-E for this reason alone. If, however, Deoxys-E isn't a lead, then Light Clay is the superior choice.

And it's Thunder, not Thunder Beam.
I'm not sure about using Grass Knot at all on the offensive set.

Life Orb Ice Beam to 4 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 64.91% - 76.61%
Life Orb Ice Beam to 252 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 54.95% - 64.85%
Life Orb Grass Knot to 4 HP / 0 SpD Groudon: 82.46% - 97.08% (20% OHKO with SR)
Life Orb Grass Knot to 252 HP / 0 SpD Groudon 69.80% - 82.18%

Personally I would never use Grass Knot over Ice Beam. Thunder hits Kyogre for the same power so that needn't be an issue. The only place I can see it being beneficial against 4 HP / 0 SpD Groudon...and most people just maximise HP.

The reason one would want to run Grass Knot over Thunder is to hit both Kyogre and Groudon for 120 Base damage. Thunder is nice for the paralysis chance, but doesn't offer much outside of that, and maybe hitting Palkia harder.

I agree with Twash, Thunder beam is generally the better option.
Another thing, on the Dual screen set, Lum isn't needed, and Light Clay should be the only option, since it is after all a dual screener, and it has taunt to stop status inflicter's.

Lum is for the ever present Scarf Darkrai, as darknessmalice said. Once you take the Dark Void, you can Taunt and proceed to screen up.
Now I look at the set, ExtremeSpeed should in fact be used over SuperPower as the main option, in my opinion.
Checked and it looks pretty good, nice job.

Uploaded to SCMS, can be cached and this thread moved now, merci beaucoup.

name: Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Extremespeed / Superpower
item: Lum Berry / Focus Sash
nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe

<p>Of all leads who can deploy entry hazards, Deoxys-S is perhaps the single best choice for your team. With its unmatched 504 Speed, getting Stealth Rock up is almost guaranteed, and if you're lucky, a few layers of Spikes. Taunt is a great choice in order to cripple Scarf Darkrai leads trying to sleep you, as you should be able to overcome the status thanks to Lum Berry and Taunt them, leaving them helpless as you deploy the entry hazard of choice. Extremespeed is the primary option, though if you want a more powerful attack, Superpower is an option.</p>

<p>Shadow Ball is an option if you'd like to hit opposing Deoxys-S leads. If you decide to go that route, 252 SpA EVs plus a Timid nature will ensure you 2HKO all Deoxys-S running a similar EV spread. </p>

Just some things I noticed.
Stuff on site can always be changed, so there's no need to delete your post if the analysis has been uploaded. I fixed those changes, diinbong.