CAP 8 CAP 8 - Concept Submissions

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Name: A Stat "Cutback"

General Description: A Pokemon that through moves or perhaps even abilities is able to lower the stats of the foe.

Justification: Stat decreasing is only ever seen as a side-effect to an attack or through Intimidate. It would be very interesting to see us create a Pokemon that fills a unseen niche, and makes it viable at the same time. It would provide a great learning experience into an un-touched upon concept.

Explanation: OK, I was thinking, "hmm, I really want us as a community to explore un-used tactics, and see if we can make them into great things." This strategy isn't ever used as a main tactic so I want to see if we could Create-A-Pokemon who could do such a thing. It could be very good at causing switches and just messing around with the opponent. It could even use things like Burn and Paralysis to "cutback" the foe's stats.
hydrolphin, i'm sorry, but what you are saying is that you don't like innate game mechanics.
these are all very much part of the game and of some poke's strategies and it isn't that a couple of moves this would have an effect on, but instead is all but 30 moves (yes i counted).
there is a specific reason why all the abilities you listed are limited.

No, I am NOT saying that game mechanics are bad. Where did I say they were bad. I never said it wouldn't have a major effect on the game either.

The stradigy of Togekiss may revolve around flinching and Parahax, but that doesn't mean something can be immune to it. Many pokemon are completely ruined by hax. Stradigies can be ruined by an untimely crit. A freeze from an Ice Beam can change the course of a battle. If anything, my concept HELPS many pokemon's stradigies, by helping them with bad luck.

Most of the moves affected aren't used for the added effect. Most people don't use T-Bolt for the 10% para, they use it for coverage. Ground types ruin T-Bolt more than this. Crunch is used for STAB not the SpD drop.

The reason that the abilities I listed are limited is because Nintendo/GF doesn't give them to decent stuff. Dustox may have a great ability, but it is useless in even the New NU. And anyone argueing Battle Armor or Inner Focus are broken is ignorant of the fact that they are mediocre abilities.

My concept doesn't eliminate any innate game mechanics. It cant beat all forms of hax at the same time. I fail to see how it hurts the game in any way.
hydrolphin, i'm sorry, but what you are saying is that you don't like innate game mechanics.
these are all very much part of the game and of some poke's strategies and it isn't that a couple of moves this would have an effect on, but instead is all but 30 moves (yes i counted).
there is a specific reason why all the abilities you listed are limited.
He obviously doesn't mean something that completely removes hax, but what factors we can insert into a Pokemon in order to prevent hax against that particular Pokemon. The abilities are ideal, but there are many other ways that you can strategically avoid hax in an effective Pokemon.
This is a cool idea, but maybe instead it can only preform an act for two-three turns then it becomes useless. This way it could only sweep for two-three turns, making the prediction count. Unlike Regigigas who needs to last five turns in order to sweep. Five seems a little to long for the reverse effect though.

Well, it doesn't HAVE to be the exact opposite of Regigigas. The idea is just that the Pokemon will be immensely powerful, but essentially one-use because of some sort of limitation, i.e. switching won't save it, because it'll still be useless when it switches back in for whatever reason.
Hello... first time posting in CAP, but I became interested after watching Arghonaut's creation.

Concept: Tempest
General Description: A Pokemon which is not amazing on its own, but through use of abilities, moves, typing, etc, could become a serious threat or fantastic supporter for various weather-themed teams.
Justification: Weather based teams are nice, but the only common weather is Sandstorm; Hail based teams are generally limited to stall because of their lack of a "truly offensive"; sweeper; Rain teams are usually hyper offensive, and Sun teams are rare because they lack Pokes to fully abuse or benefit from them.
Explanation: I find any Poke that can use weather to excel at its role (Stallrein, Swift Swim Kingdra) extremely fun to play; it takes prediction and imagination to make a good team to support a certain weather. While creating such a Pokemon would be a bit different, it is a very open and variable concept. There are 4 types of weather currently, each with an empty niche that is screaming to be taken up. (Chlorophyll Fire, Offensive Hail, Stall Rain, Sandstorm abuser). Possible themes could include OU Perma-Sun/Rain, Hydration Tank, Hail Sweeper, Sandstorm Stat Boosts, etc. Moulding multiple themes together would provide a challenging and potentially enjoyable problem to overcome.

-I feel this may sound similar to Raverist's idea; I support his, but in my mind, I want this to be exclusively centered on the 4 varieties of weather.
I'll dust off this one from the previous CaP.

Name: Turning the tables

Description: A Pokemon that specializes in using the opponent's strengths to its own advantage.

Justification: My justification is twofold. The first is that a Pokemon that plays off its opponents' strengths would be a natural balancing factor. The second is that it could help show what exactly makes a pokemon good. The new UU really showed how bad we are at estimating a Pokemon's power. Perhaps this could give insight as to what strengths really make a Pokemon.

Explanation: There are a lot of things in the game that can punish what would normally be good for an opponent. Leech Seed takes advantage of high HP stats. Gyro Ball and Trick Room punish high speed. Counter, Mirror Coat, Metal Burst, and Bide use your opponent's damage-dealing ability against them. Trace can take any ability and use it against the opponent, and there are many other examples. This pokemon should be able to take advantage of those sorts of things to turn the opponent's greatest strength into its downfall.
Concept: Low BST, Great ability
General Description: A pokemon that generally has low BST and a great move pool and great ability to back-up the low BST it possess.
Justification: We need more uniqueness in CAP and this concept brings a breath of fresh air and lengthy discussions for this kind of concept. It affects the metagame nicely because there hasn't been a decent or "enough" of this concept ever since Wobbufet was banned. It brings a new tactic in the metagame and it is something to watch out for.
Explanation: Someone with a tremendous ability that can back up its lackluster low BST. Someone who utilizes support moves rather than a sweeper.
Name: The [slightly] more reliable Focus Sasher.
General Description: A pokemon that, through ability and/or typing, can get a great use out of the "extra life" aspect of the focus sash by somehow negating the effects that prematurely stop it (weather, entry hazards, bad status).
Justification: This can introduce a positive effect upon the metagame by allowing the user to handle overboosted/powered attacks without resorting to bulk and relying more on speed, power, and trickery. We might also learn a few new things about how powerful an unmitigated focus sash can become if we design around it.
Explanation: It might be interesting picking and choosing what we want to negate and how far we are willing to take the concept. I'd like to see a mid-game Fsasher that isn't immidiatly invalidated due to SR or the ever present SS.
Sorry, I'm not very good at this, I just had a cool idea ^^;

Name: use their power against them
General Description: An offensively weak pokemon that can redirect or absorb damage.
Justification: It introduces the concept of wanting your pokemon to be hit as hard as possible on a switch in, forcing a switch or even becoming a wall.
Explanation: A pokemon who could redirect or absorb a percentage of damage damage could easily make use of other life stealing moves, which are underused in my opinion, and it would be interesting if the percentage or damage used against them changed depending on the attack's strength.
There are so many awsome ideas, I like all of them, especially EM's submition. Also...

Explanation: The are plenty of moves (Double Hit, Double Kick, Fury Attack, Icicle Spear, and even Beat Down) as well as plenty of abilities (Technician, Super Luck, Skill Link, ect.) that could help this work.
Do you mean Beat Up?
Name: Options, options...

General Description: Despite not being presenting an overwhelming offensive threat, this Pokemon's versatility means it can pull off a lot of tricks for its diverse movepool to cripple sweepers, cripple walls and do a little dirty work in a pinch.

Explanation: The Pokemon would have access, both in terms of stats and movepool, to pull off existing combos like the Trick-Scarf (I hate that one :P), stat-reduction moves to force switches, throw out support moves for the team, or just do something completely new. :) As before stated, a versatile movepool and stat distribution is key to this set, permitting the use of much creativity in exercising this CAP's many options.

Justification: I feel that most of the Pokemon in Standard fall into several very specific archetypes: Sweepers, Tanks, would be cool we can, as a community, exercise the fabled creative spirit and make something that handily straddles the archetypal gap. If successful, this CAP Project will possibly allow for increased versatility amongst the Metagame options, and even maybe let us see Pokemon of a specific niche in a more creative light.
Name: Options, options...

General Description: Despite not being presenting an overwhelming offensive threat, this Pokemon's versatility means it can pull off a lot of tricks for its diverse movepool to cripple sweepers, cripple walls and do a little dirty work in a pinch.

Explanation: The Pokemon would have access, both in terms of stats and movepool, to pull off existing combos like the Trick-Scarf (I hate that one :P), stat-reduction moves to force switches, throw out support moves for the team, or just do something completely new. :) As before stated, a versatile movepool and stat distribution is key to this set, permitting the use of much creativity in exercising this CAP's many options.

Justification: I feel that most of the Pokemon in Standard fall into several very specific archetypes: Sweepers, Tanks, would be cool we can, as a community, exercise the fabled creative spirit and make something that handily straddles the archetypal gap. If successful, this CAP Project will possibly allow for increased versatility amongst the Metagame options, and even maybe let us see Pokemon of a specific niche in a more creative light.

Yyyeah, pardon me if that doesn't sound A LOT LIKE FIDGIT.
Name: Stat-Up Counter

Description: A Pokemon that can counter or severely cripple many of the top stat-boosting threats.

Justification: There are many Pokemon that can sweep through most of a team if they get sufficient stat boosts through Calm Mind and Swords Dance. This Pokemon will be a focused counter to Pokemon like SD Scizor, CM Suicune, Etc. The goal of this Pokemon is to discourage such strategies.

Explanation: A supporting Pokemon that can steal, copy, or ignore stat boosts with great success. Should have rather low base stats, but a useful and rare ability like Unaware or Speed Boost and a large movepool with moves like Thunder Wave, Heart Swap, Yawn, Extremespeed etc. It basically nullifies or takes advantage of the many turns an opponent used to set up a perfect Pokemon to sweep a team. It is not completely useless outside of its purpose, however, because despite having low stats it does have a very large support movepool to annoy the enemy.
Name — Switchmaster

Description — A Pokemon that specializes in switching out, and switching other Pokemon in safely. Also, to explore the area of switching in general.

Justification — Stealth Rock is undoubtedly one of the most centralizing move in the metagame. With this Pokemon's hazard-avoiding antics, it could serve to soften that decentralization and help more Pokemon switch in unharmed.

Explanation — Back in RBY, switching was just something you could do. Your Pokemon switched out, another one switched in, and that was the one that took the hit. But even as soon as GSC, it was already starting to get more complicated. Baton Pass allowed a Pokemon to pass on its stat moves! Pursuit could hit a Pokemon before it even switched! Things were starting to get spicy. Spikes, too, added to the mixture, by causing damage to every single Pokemon that switched in without Flying.

In RSE, traits like Natural Cure were added to encourage switching, and everything from Levitate to Shadow Tag added to its dynamics in one way or another. But now by DPPt, switching has really hit its stride. With the amazing utility of U-Turn, Pokemon can "get in a free hit" before switching out. Two more hazards, Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock, add on to the ground layer laid by Spikes, (get it?), and now it seems like there's nothing more that can be added to the aspect.

But isn't there really so much more to explore? In CAP7's development process, a move called Rift Hop was suggested for Kitsunoh. It didn't make it through to win the final poll because it wasn't fit for Kitsunoh's concept, but what it did was strike the opponent, then switch in another Pokemon to take reduced damage from entry hazards. But what if we had a move that made Pokemon come in with no damage at all? What if, even, this Pokemon had an ability that makes Pokemon it switches in, never take any damage from entry hazards? There's so much more we can do.

We started out with switching. Then at first, there were Baton Pass, Spikes and Pursuit. Now we're swimming in entry spikes, switching moves, and switching traits. But we can expand on that even more by introducing mechanics to, say, stat-up a Pokemon before they even switch in. Or have a move that switches a Pokemon in, then has that Pokemon use an attack of its own. And that's not even mentioning Wish and Doom Desire. What if this Pokemon healed a small amount of its health any time it switched out at all?

Those are all just some of the ideas I've come up with off the top of my head over the past few months that I've been mulling this idea over in my head. Think how much we can do as a community! From brining Stealth Rock to its knees, to bringing gimmicky switches beyond the boundary set by U-Turn, Baton Pass and Pursuit, there's no telling just how much we might find out by the end.
Name: Stat-Up Counter

Description: A Pokemon that can counter or severely cripple many of the top stat-boosting threats.

Justification: There are many Pokemon that can sweep through most of a team if they get sufficient stat boosts through Calm Mind and Swords Dance. This Pokemon will be a focused counter to Pokemon like SD Scizor, CM Suicune, Etc. The goal of this Pokemon is to discourage such strategies.

Explanation: A supporting Pokemon that can steal, copy, or ignore stat boosts with great success. Should have rather low base stats, but a useful and rare ability like Unaware or Speed Boost and a large movepool with moves like Thunder Wave, Heart Swap, Yawn, Extremespeed etc. It basically nullifies or takes advantage of the many turns an opponent used to set up a perfect Pokemon to sweep a team. It is not completely useless outside of its purpose,
however, because despite having low stats it does have a very large support movepool to annoy the enemy.

Arghonaut 2? New guys, please look at the previous CAP's before posting a pokemon that will be very similar.
Maybe it's just the fact that misfortune always falls upon me when I battle (Gambler's Fallacy is not kind to me... once ate three criticals in a row), but I really do enjoy hydro's concept. I was pretty much set on Deck Knight's idea (the Para-busing Tank is a really nice concept IMO), but hydro's got me rethinking things.

Also, he's not trying to eliminate hax from the metagame for good. It's basically just keeping certain Pokemon that rely on hax in check as well as protection from random criticals and freezing, which completely turn the tables if they hit at the right time.
Name: Ultimate Annoyer
Description: A pokemon, by utilizing its versatility, ability, moves, or speed to annoy the opposing team. This pokemon should not be a huge threat to the opponent however.
Justification: The new pokemon will balance out the matagame by creating a whole new niche and create the need for a variety of pokemon in the opponent's team.
Explanation: The current metagame does not have much variation. The new CAP should require different pokes to counter it, similar to Lucario. It should have some annoying ability like pressure, magic gaurd, or even shadow tag with the stats and a movepool to back it up.
For what it's worth:

Name: Sun Abuser

General Description: A Pokemon that complements a Sunny Day team

Explanation: The Pokemon would make Sunny Day teams a threat due to its ability, typing, offensive, or defensive benefits from Sun

Justification: Sun teams are rather limited when compared to the other weathers. Rain teams have a wide variety of Water types and even some non-Water types that benefits, such as Thunder users and ones with Dry Skin. Sand teams have the instant 50% Special Defense boost for Rock types, Leftovers negation, Sand Veil, and a variety of Rock, Ground, and Steel types to use. Even Hail has stalling Walrein and a Blizzard accuracy boost. Pokemon that benefit from Sun are mostly Grass and Fire types, and Solarbeam runs into the problem of Tyranitar and Abomasnow (or even a Rain Dance). This concept would be of a Pokemon that would benefit either defensively from Sun (due to the weakening of Water moves), could easily set up Sun, or be an offensive threat in Sun to make Sunny Day a more viable playstyle.
You didn't include a justification. Read the OP, and hell... the rest of the concept submissions so far. Your submission will not be accepted without a justification. In the future, it is your responsibility, not ours, to find out why your concept was illegal. If anyone asks about why their concept submission was deleted from now on, harsher moderation will take place.
I decided to change my submission because a thought struck me when I was at school.

Name: Can't Touch This
General Description: A pokemon that utilizes moves, abilities, stats, and/or type combos that make it difficult for the opponent to touch/damage the pokemon.

Justification: There is currently no usable pokemon that makes the opponent having trouble dealing damage to it. So, this would introduce a new kind of role I guess you could say when it comes to competitive battling.
Explanation: Ambipom would be considered an "untouchable" pokemon with the Flinch and Flee set, but sadly, Ambipom isn't very viable in the OU metagame due to it's weak defenses and small movepool. So I think that this would be very fun to use and frustrate the opponent trying to get something to hit a pokemon with this type of concept. I havn't seen any pokemon do this kind of thing in OU, so I think this would add extra "spice" to battling when coming across one of these.
Isn't this rather like para-flinch Jirachi / Togekiss?

No, Jirachi and Togekiss arn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something more along the lines of Ambipom. Like, Fake Out and U-turn for example. Sure, it can use a little bit of para-flinching if people want it to, but I just want something more "can't touch this" to the extreme.
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