Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

hi ..
iv'e done it
the problem was from the iv's
serebii ivs were wrong so i had to use an ***emulator***
because i still didn't get the english version and i cant find the iv check code for the japanese version.
so ii tried and i got a shiny magikarp
thanks for everybody that made this
Figured that would be the case :) How do the delays look for the initial seed when you find it in Diamond? I am going to guess hat they are much much higher there.

Offset should be similar (0-250 range) to Platinum.

Good work, BTW, I have been wanting to test this out for some time now.
Hrm that's surprising to me. From all I have read these sorts of exploits (mainly related to soft resetting legends) were not possible because the "delay" part of the seed ran at a MUCH higher frequency than the one in Platinum. This probably needs some investigation to see if there are any differences at all not.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but is it right that all of my "happiness tap" amounts are all like 4000,5600 etc.
In thetorsoboy's vid, he only had to press it 106 times :)
apologies once again if this is the wrong place to ask about this in-particular.:heart:
Not sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but is it right that all of my "happiness tap" amounts are all like 4000,5600 etc.
In thetorsoboy's vid, he only had to press it 106 times :)
apologies once again if this is the wrong place to ask about this in-particular.:heart:

You can tap it 4000 times, but you don't have to. Sometimes it's better to restart and look for a shiny in the list that doesn't take nearly so many taps.

Also, are you sure you are right-clicking on the entry and clicking "Calculate Poketech taps"?
You can tap it 4000 times, but you don't have to. Sometimes it's better to restart and look for a shiny in the list that doesn't take nearly so many taps.

Also, are you sure you are right-clicking on the entry and clicking "Calculate Poketech taps"?

Ahh well thankyou both for that, was me being silly :)

Picking out any nature that I wanted and not looking at the frames :)
To use this for diamond and pearl, do you use Method 1 or method 2 on the rng reporter?

Neither; Methods 1 and 2 are only for wild Pokemon (and 2 is only used in 3rd gen). Choose "Plat Egg PID" or the international variant if both parents have different nationalities. I know it says Platinum, but at the time we didn't know this worked for Diamond\Pearl as well.
Just a quick test in diamond since I don't have happiness app yet, I did the same thing for platinum and went for frame 10, with adamant as the nature and got it. Going to try later for a shiny.
I can confirm that it works! So now we can SR without having Platinum! Well I will start tomorrow right away!

EDIT: The ability isn't correct, RNG says Ability 2, and I got Ability one with the Same PID =S
Nature was Sassy, and offset 39. And RNG said ability 2 and got ability 1,

But it works the same as platium, right?
2*amount pokemon in party?
EDIT: I messed it up forgot tha ability could be 0 or 1
Okay, I still a bit confused about something:

So a double click is equal to one click? Or were you just showing us?
A double tap on the Happiness checker makes the pokemon icons 'jump'.

So if I had to double click the happiness checker 65 times, for example, it would mean making the icons 'jump' 65 times.

I know what I mean anyway :D
Something I noticed. If you breed a Pokemon that's gender is not 50/50 (Like Cradily) does the gender part of the spreads fail?

Because this Cradily was supposed to be female, but it's male, and I think it's because of it's weird gender ratio.
Wow... Diamond/Pearl's RNG is cracked... this rocks and sucks at the same time.

Questions: Does the EXACT same procedure work on Diamond, or are there any adjustments that need to be made?

Is there any progress on IV manipulation? I wouldn't use it for finals on BP's, but it'd be nice to get some nice parents instead of resorting to others for Emerald RNG parents (which I haven't done yet).

Commentary (for those of you who don't want to hear me bitch, skip this):
Not everyone on this forum has Platinum yet, which kinda made me feel better about this shiny RNG cracking. However, I'd bet 95% of people on Smogon have Diamond/Pearl and now know that they can crack the RNG and produce shinies like a Ford assembly line. Now flawless pokemon aren't good enough. Now it's going to be " OCTUPLE FLAWLESS AND SHINY NAO!!!1!". It's massive inflation. No one is going to be settling for regular colored pokemon now. Those of us that did get a shiny by chance (I have about 4, 2 of which are somewhat competitively viable), feel a little worse about it. My green Salamence has now shed a tear, knowing that all the local kids will be getting their own shinies and he's not special anymore.

I'm not telling you guys that you shouldn't have done it, but this RNG cracking isn't having me feel good. I suppose this has one good effect though. There are a handful of kids on my block that use the all shiny AR code because they want shinies desperately. I have a feeling that if they knew there was a way to get (semi) legit shinies, they'd do that rather than using the AR code.

There's a school of people that don't accept Emerald RNG breeds as finals. I predict there will be those of us that won't accept 4th gen RNG breeds.
Rant ends here.

On a happier note, I'd like to congratulate you guys on your hard work. Takes some smart cookies, and I'm glad to say we have the best at Smogon.
A note.

The delay doesn't have to be near 600. The lowest delay works. I had a delay of about 1600 (With rushing through the continue screen) and still got a shiny. :P
bearsfan092 - we didn't crack it really, we just had a good translator who found everything we needed and then a good programmer who made it possible to be done.
This is really starting to annoy me. I have done this 20 times, everytime I enter the IVs and nature into the RNG Reporter thing it gives me no results. It has worked 3 times before and I did that exact things as I am doing now. I am using the IV check code so I know it is right. Why wont it work?
This is really starting to annoy me. I have done this 20 times, everytime I enter the IVs and nature into the RNG Reporter thing it gives me no results. It has worked 3 times before and I did that exact things as I am doing now. I am using the IV check code so I know it is right. Why wont it work?
Which code are you using? The one that changes the TMs? If so remember that the IVs are listed HP/Atk/Def/Spe/SpA/SpD. I had that problem too, and it was because I was entering the IVs in the wrong order.