CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 4 - Style Bias Poll 1

What should our Style Bias be?

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I was really stuck between somewhat offensive and somewhat defensive, but I chose Somewhat Defensive as my only reason for choosing offensive was the small hope of creating a new move to better utilize skill link or to use mold breaker. Also, what is the point of voting pure defensive? The only difference I could see is that somewhat defensive has poison point and plain defensive does not.
Voted for Somewhat Defensive.

There's an abundance of offensive Dragon-types in the metagame as is. Let's do something different for a change.
Somewhat Defensive. Another sweeper dragon will be boring, but it should be able to deal damage almost as well as it's able to take it.
Somewhat offensive, we're using possibly the best 2 attacking types, and 2 of the worst defensive typings imo. We really won't want to be switching this in, and I'd rather use a fast quick sweeper, opposed to a bulky sweeper who takes neutral from everything. Usually bulky sweepers play off immunities etc, something this guy won't have.
Dude, what is with me, I misclicked again...

Meant for Somewhat Offensive (voted somewhat defensive by mistake, fuck), though the arguments are good on the other end (I'm bitter about more fucking defensive options).
I waited a while to vote on this one, because I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted. After quite a bit of deliberation, I've been convinced.

Tennisace has been backing it up in the #cap, and Deck's made a great post in favour of it in this thread. I voted Somewhat Defensive, along with Tennisace, Deck Knight, cyberzero, and the rest of the bandwagon.

And with that, Somewhat defensive has exactly half the votes. Come on, let's not waste time with a second poll. Just vote Somewhat Defensive to same cyberzero some stress. He's probably got the toughest CAP so far.
I know this typing looks like an interesting combo to go defensive -- but it's weak to the most popular offensive move in the game (Earthquake), the most fearsome offensive type in the game (Dragon, with Outrage and Draco Meteor), and the offensive type that every team packs specifically for handling Dragons (Ice). This pokemon is not going to want to switch in much, because it won't get many chances to come in safely. It's reasonable to believe that this pokemon could have trouble coming in on roughly 4 pokemon on EVERY team. I'm all for a challenge, and bucking convention and all -- but making this pokemon defensive is just too much of an uphill battle.

Let's go Somewhat Offensive with this. We can switch in by taking advantage of a few nifty defensive matchups we get from our unique typing, and then take control of the battle with some good-ole offensive sweepage!
Dude, what is with me, I misclicked again...

Meant for Somewhat Offensive (voted somewhat defensive by mistake, fuck), though the arguments are good on the other end (I'm bitter about more fucking defensive options).
That's actually somewhat Ironic, as Hohahihehu did the exact same think, except reversed. So it's like you actually did vote for the one you wanted. You preformed each others votes for each other. o.o

I know this typing looks like an interesting combo to go defensive -- but it's weak to the most popular offensive move in the game (Earthquake), the most fearsome offensive type in the game (Dragon, with Outrage and Draco Meteor), and the offensive type that every team packs specifically for handling Dragons (Ice).
I guess I can see what your saying, but Electric/Dragon also packs some nice resistances as well (or so is said numerous times. Don't remember them off the top of my head, and too tired to check...), to make up for it in some respects. A great-enough ability can also almost completely make up for it, potentially. Plus, Somewhat Defensive still has the ability to do some okay attacking. It's solid, if you ask me...
And by the looks of it, many people agree...
I guess I can see what your saying, but Electric/Dragon also packs some nice resistances as well (or so is said numerous times. Don't remember them off the top of my head, and too tired to check...)
Resists Water, Fire, Grass, Electric (4x), Steel and Flying, for reference to anyone that wants to know.
That's actually somewhat Ironic, as Hohahihehu did the exact same think, except reversed. So it's like you actually did vote for the one you wanted. You preformed each others votes for each other. o.o

Oh cool, then it all balances out. I'm no longer beating myself up (as bad, but seriously misclicking is so stupid -_-)
i voted somewhat defensive. offensive or defensive doesnt matter since id rather have this thing be balanced.
Somewhat offensive, we're using possibly the best 2 attacking types, and 2 of the worst defensive typings imo. We really won't want to be switching this in, and I'd rather use a fast quick sweeper, opposed to a bulky sweeper who takes neutral from everything. Usually bulky sweepers play off immunities etc, something this guy won't have.

2 of the worst defensive types?! They aren't the best, but certainly not the worst, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that Dragon has the second highest amount of resistances.

I know this typing looks like an interesting combo to go defensive -- but it's weak to the most popular offensive move in the game (Earthquake), the most fearsome offensive type in the game (Dragon, with Outrage and Draco Meteor), and the offensive type that every team packs specifically for handling Dragons (Ice). This pokemon is not going to want to switch in much, because it won't get many chances to come in safely. It's reasonable to believe that this pokemon could have trouble coming in on roughly 4 pokemon on EVERY team. I'm all for a challenge, and bucking convention and all -- but making this pokemon defensive is just too much of an uphill battle.

Let's go Somewhat Offensive with this. We can switch in by taking advantage of a few nifty defensive matchups we get from our unique typing, and then take control of the battle with some good-ole offensive sweepage!

I think that the main reason that people do want to go defensive is that we want to make something different, as we already have enough offensive Dragons.
I think that the main reason that people do want to go defensive is that we want to make something different, as we already have enough offensive Dragons.

I would think we have enough defensive CAPs :P

I don't think we specifically need to go defensive to use the resists. They look really nice on Latias because she has the stat to abuse the hell out of them, and call me crazy but I feel we won't quite reach that level.
I know this typing looks like an interesting combo to go defensive -- but it's weak to the most popular offensive move in the game (Earthquake), the most fearsome offensive type in the game (Dragon, with Outrage and Draco Meteor), and the offensive type that every team packs specifically for handling Dragons (Ice). This pokemon is not going to want to switch in much, because it won't get many chances to come in safely. It's reasonable to believe that this pokemon could have trouble coming in on roughly 4 pokemon on EVERY team. I'm all for a challenge, and bucking convention and all -- but making this pokemon defensive is just too much of an uphill battle.

Let's go Somewhat Offensive with this. We can switch in by taking advantage of a few nifty defensive matchups we get from our unique typing, and then take control of the battle with some good-ole offensive sweepage!

If you replace Earthquake with Pursuit (TTar/Weavile) and U-Turn(Jirachi/Scizor), exactly what in your first paragraph does not apply to Latias to an even greater extent? Dragon is a double-edged sword, and Dragons tend not to switch into other Dragons. Defensive does not mean its offense must be impotent, as no Dragon bar perhaps Max/Max Latias would enjoy eating a potential Draco Meteor, and only Flygon relishes the prospect of coming in on Discharge or Thunder Wave.

I can already think of one pokemon a defensive Elec/Dragon can switch into that Latias can't: The omnipresent Scizor. It can also switch into 4 out of 5 Rotom Appliance types and take pitiful damage from both their special move and Thunderbolt/Discharge, leaving Shadow Ball as the most viable option. It also laughs at Zapdos, whose best recourse is Hidden Power Ice or Toxic. While similar things can be said vis-a-vis Latias and Zapdos, 4x resistance to Thunderbolt means Zapdos can't even hope to power through it with Specs.

Movepool wise, this also has the potential to possess Magnet Rise, in which case much like Magnezone an MR on the switch can compromise a large swath of would-be counters, not the least of which being Swampert, whose water moves are resisted. I can very easily see a support Elec/Dragon with Magnet Rise/Light Screen/Thunder Wave/Dragon Pulse coming into existence, and these are all, just so none believe me to inventing moves of whole cloth, moves that currently exist on every single electric pokemon (DP from Dragons, obviously), not to mention all TMs/Tutor Moves.
Voted for Defensive because

A) OU doesn't need another pokemon that abuses the brokenness of the Dragon attacking type, further exagerrating the trend of 4/6 team slots being Dragon or Steel, and
B) CAP has 3 offensive pokes, 2 Defensive pokes, and 2 balanced pokes, so Defensive would even things out nicely.
I know this typing looks like an interesting combo to go defensive -- but it's weak to the most popular offensive move in the game (Earthquake), the most fearsome offensive type in the game (Dragon, with Outrage and Draco Meteor), and the offensive type that every team packs specifically for handling Dragons (Ice). This pokemon is not going to want to switch in much, because it won't get many chances to come in safely. It's reasonable to believe that this pokemon could have trouble coming in on roughly 4 pokemon on EVERY team. I'm all for a challenge, and bucking convention and all -- but making this pokemon defensive is just too much of an uphill battle.

Let's go Somewhat Offensive with this. We can switch in by taking advantage of a few nifty defensive matchups we get from our unique typing, and then take control of the battle with some good-ole offensive sweepage!

Fidget has a somewhat defensive build and is weak to both EQ and Ice. I wouldn't worry about dragon because I'd assume a dragon type wouldn't want to switch into a dragon type. Exactly what ice moves are popular anyway, is it HP Ice or Ice Punch? I'd only worry about it getting ruined by ice if it was getting hit by Ice Beam because of how weak the former moves are. Also, as far as carrying ice to handle dragons it's all to hit for dual weakness, not a regular one. The only weakness I can see here that could be seriously bothersome is EQ, but I know it's not impossible to get over.
Based on the stuff that's winning now, we have a choice between these abilities (assuming the op for the discussion thread was updated):

Somewhat Offensive: 0 to 20
Mold Breaker
Quick Feet
Skill Link
Solar Power
Tangled Feet
Tinted Lens

Somewhat Defensive: -20 to 0
Marvel Scale
Poison Point
Rough Skin

Personally prefer the selection under Somewhat Offensive. However, since Suction Cups and Early Bird are up regardless, I'm fine with Somewhat Defensive.

Also, frankly I'm surprised ability choice isn't much of an issue at all?
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