CAP 8 CAP 8 Stat Spread Submissions / Discussion

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Our Pokemon so far:
Elevator Music said:
Name: Neglected Ability

Description: This pokemon will have an ability [or two] that is currently undervalued (but possibly very helpful) in the metagame but isn't used because the other pokemon with this ability don't have the stats or movepool to make it work.
Type: Electric / Dragon
Style Bias: Somewhat Defensive
Build Bias: Mixed, Special
Stat Rating: Very Good

The final Stat Spreads submitted for the stat spread poll must conform to the numeric rating limits voted in the various bias and rating polls -- the Offensive/Defensive Balance (ODB), the Physical/Special Balance (PSB) and the overall Base Stats Rating (BSR). Any spread that does not conform to these limits will be disqualified by the TL. As the bias and rating polls unfold, the discussion in the Stat Spread Submission thread should adapt accordingly.

Note: You MUST include Base Stat Ratings in your submissions, otherwise they will be deleted.

For reference when submitting Stat Spreads.
Since the first four replies all lacked Base Stat Ratings with their submissions, I will repeat, your submissions MUST include Base Stat Ratings. Just click the link in the OP.
110 HP / 80 Atk / 95 Def / 100 SpA / 105 SpD / 70 Spe BST: 560

ODB: 11.9 - Moderate bias to Defense.
PSB: 15.1 - Moderate bias to Special.
BSR: 371 - Very good.

Health: With a base stat of 110 HP, this would give our CAP a min. health of 361 and a max. of 424. This gives the CAP the bulkiness it needs to make use of its other defensive stats. It gives you more than enough HP for the 101 Subs, and would be helpful for tanking.

Attack: With 80 base Attack, Outrage wouldn't be extremely threatening which makes it easier to handle. If it gets Volt Tackle, this would also reduce the scariness of it, reaching a max. of 284 and a min. of 259.

Defense: A max. of 317 Defense and min. of 289 allows it to take physical hits to a certain extent. I felt like making this more towards the special side instead of physical, because a specially defensive Dragon would be quite new and interesting.

Special Attack: I didn't want to make the attacking stats of this CAP very high, but I wanted this to lean more towards Special Attack for reasons such as Thunderbolt and Draco Meteor, as there isn't many viable physical Electric attacks outside of Volt Tackle. Base 100 gives it a max. of 328, and a min. of 299.

Special Defense: A 339 max. SpD stat is reasonable for this CAP so it can take special hits easier, such as Earth Power from Heatran and Ice Beam from Starmie. It would be interesting to see a Dragon do this, as most can't.

Speed: Since this CAP is bulky, a low Speed stat seemed best suited for it. It only reaches a max. of 262 and a min. of 239 which is decent enough.

Yes? No?
Base Submission [Quite Good]:

I worked on this with tennisace. Initially it was slower and designed to abuse paralysis, but I've found a medium I'm happy with regarding bulk, offense, and speed.

Currently it is set up for Quite Good with Slight Bias towards Special. A Slight Physical Bias takes a switch in 1 point from Special Defense to Attack.

107/70/101/101/71/70 BST: 520

PSweep: 90, Rank -1: Below Average
PTank: 152, Rank 4: Very Good
SSweep: 123, Rank 2: Moderately Good
STank: 114, Rank 1: Above Average
ODB: -11.8 Moderate Bias to Defense
PSB: -1.0 No Bias (towards Special)
BSR: 299 (Quite Good).


107 Base HP: Your minimum HP is 355 and your maximum is 418. You will not need any investment to get the best economical benefit from Substitutes and Leftovers.

Good Defense:
Bulkier than Celebi/Jirachi on Defensive side, allowing it to switch into resisted physical attacks with great ease and take unresisted ones to good effect.

Competent SA: Not mindblowing, but enough for Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt and the like to be a legitimate concern.

Non-Useless attack:
Although not ideal it could use high-powered moves like Volt Tackle, Focus Punch, and Outrage in a pinch.

Midrange speed:
Since it will have at least thunder Wave for Paralysis induction it should be able to outspeed anything that is paralyzed. Naturally it outspeeds Scizor and Tyranitar assuming the same or similar investment. Can outspeed 0 Speed Arghonaut with 44 EVs.

Offensive Calculations:

Offensive Spread: 252 HP/252 SA/4 Def, Quiet, Leftovers:

Physical: 176 atk vs x Def & x HP
Special: 331 SAttack vs x SDef & x HP

Draco Meteor:

Naughty/Naive Standard Salamence: 170-201%
Timid Defensive CM Latias: 100-117%
Scarf Flygon: 169-199%

Dragon Pulse:

Naughty/Naive Standard Salamence: 110-130%
Timid Defensive CM Latias: 64-76%
Scarf Flygon: 108-128%

Standard Gyarados: 173-209%
Spinner Starmie: 111-132%
SubPetaya Empoleon: 90-106%
Support Tentacruel: 54-64%
SDefensive Haxkiss:50-59%
Scarf Togekiss: 67-80%
Impish Defensive Arghonaut: 69-81%
Adamant SDefensive Argonaut: 55-65%

Defensive Spread: 252 HP/252 Defense/ 4 SpA, Quiet, Leftovers

Physical: 176 Attack vs x Def & x HP
Special: 263 SAttack vs x SDef & HP

Draco Meteor:

Naughty/Naive Standard Salamence: 133-157%
Timid Defensive CM Latias: 79-94%
Scarf Flygon: 134-158%

Dragon Pulse:

Naughty/Naive Standard Salamence: 86-103%
Timid Defensive CM Latias: 51-60%
Scarf Flygon: 86-102%

Standard Gyarados: 137-162%
Spinner Starmie: 88-104%
SubPetaya Empoleon: 71-85%
Support Tentacruel: 53-63%
SDefensive Haxkiss:40-48%
Scarf Togekiss: 54-64%
Impish Defensive Arghonaut: 55-65%
Adamant SDefensive Argonaut: 43-52%

Naughty/Naive Standard Salamence: 70-83% (w/o Intimidate)
Timid Defensive CM Latias: 62-74%
Scarf Flygon: 77-91%

Volt Tackle:
Standard Gyarados: 93-112% (after Intimidate)
Spinner Starmie: 75-89%
SubPetaya Empoleon: 69-81%
Support Tentacruel: 74-89%
SDefensive Haxkiss:54-64%
Scarf Togekiss: 54-64%
Impish Defensive Arghonaut: 34-41%
Adamant SDefensive Argonaut: 49-57%

Focus Punch:
Cleric Blissey: 48-57%
Standard CBTar: 76-91%

Defensive Calculations:

Offensive Spread: 252 HP/252 SA/4Def, Quiet, Leftovers.

Physical: x vs 239 Def & 418 HP
Special: x vs 178 Def and 418 HP

Adamant CB Scizor:
Bullet Punch: 19-22%
U-Turn: 44-52%
Superpower: 51-60%
Pursuit: 25-30% (33-40% when fleeing)

Adamant Agiligross (Leftovers):
Meteor Mash: 21-25%
Earthquake: 58-68%
Zen Headbutt: 34-41%
Ice Punch: 43-51%
Thunderpunch: 5-6%
Bullet Punch: 7-8%

Adamant Scarf Jirachi:
Iron Head: 14-16%
Zen Headbutt: 22-26%
U-Turn: 16-19%
Ice Punch: 35-42%

CB Tyranitar:
Crunch: 51-61%
Stone Edge: 64-76%
Earthquake: 86-102%
Aqua Tail: 19-22%

Timid LO Zapdos:
Thunderbolt: 15-18%
Heat Wave: 21-25%
HP Grass: 15-18%
HP Ice: 61-72%

Bold Restalk Rotom-A:
Thunderbolt: 8-10%
Shadow Ball: 28-33%
Overheat/Leaf Storm: 16-19%
Hydro Pump: 14-16%
Blizzard: 59-67%

Adamant LO Gyarados:
Waterfall: 21-25%
Earthquake: 71-84%
Stone Edge: 35-42%
Ice Fang: 46-55%

Offensive Spread Summary:

Scores more crucial KO's, but can't switch into boosted attacks that well. Unfortunately that's about the limit of a Quite Good BSR spread.

Defensive Spread: 252 HP/252 Defense/ 4 SpA, Quiet, Leftovers.

Physical: x vs 301 Def & 418 HP
Special: x vs 178 Def and 418 HP

Adamant CB Scizor:
Bullet Punch: 15-17%
U-Turn: 35-41%
Superpower: 40-47%
Pursuit: 20-23% (27-31% when fleeing)

Adamant Agiligross (Leftovers):

Meteor Mash: 17-20%
Earthquake: 46-55%
Zen Headbutt: 26-30%
Ice Punch: 34-41%
Thunderpunch: 4-5%
Bullet Punch: 8-10%

Adamant Scarf Jirachi:
Iron Head: 11-13%
Zen Headbutt: 22-26%
U-Turn: 13-15%
Ice Punch: 28-33%

CB Tyranitar:
Crunch: 41-49%
Stone Edge: 51-61%
Earthquake: 68-81%
Aqua Tail: 15-18%

Timid LO Zapdos:
Thunderbolt: 15-18%
Heat Wave: 21-25%
HP Grass: 15-18%
HP Ice: 61-72%

Bold Restalk Rotom-A:

Thunderbolt: 8-10%
Shadow Ball: 28-33%
Overheat/Leaf Storm: 16-19%
Hydro Pump: 14-16%
Blizzard: 59-67%

Adamant LO Gyarados:
Waterfall: 17-20%
Earthquake: 57-67%
Stone Edge: 28-33%
Ice Fang: 37-44%

Defensive Spread Summary:

The defensive spread doesn't really have enough power to OHKO threats, however it scores a multitude of 2HKOs. I'll have an offensive build with calcs later.

[Very Good] Variant:

107/80/112/105/86/70 BST: 560

PSweep: 101, Rank 0: Average
PTank: 166, Rank 5: Extremely Good
PSweep: 127, Rank 2: Moderately Good
PTank: 133, Rank 3: Good
ODB: -14.8, Moderate Bias to Defense
PSB: -0.5, No Bias (leans special)
BSR: 419 (Very Good)


Basically see above, only with improvements across the board, generally towards defenses.
I'm aiming for a more mixed defensive pokemon, with some speed, and enough SpA to utilize Draco Meteor and Thunderbolt enough to scare some things away.

100 HP/ 60 ATK/ 100 DEF/ 89 SpA/ 90 SpA/ 84 SPE

Offensive/Defensive Balance: -10.0 Slight Bias to Defense.
Physical/Special Balance: -14.1 Moderate Bias to Special
Overall Rating: 311 Very Good

Do we have a ballpark of what BSR we should be in? Excellent, Very Good, Quite Good, Good, Average?

Very Good
and Quite Good have between them won every single CAP, so gear them towards those benchmarks. I somehow doubt anything part Dragon is going to be CAP's first trek into Excellent territory...
90 HP / 60 Atk/ 95 Def / 95 SpA / 115 SpD / 70 Spe

Physical Sweepiness: 80 Rank -2: Moderately Bad (Meh, not what I'm really looking at)
Physical Tankiness: 131 Rank 2: Moderately Good (Again, meh, not what I'm really looking at, although I won't say that I see no value in it.)
Special Sweepiness: 116 Rank 1: Above Average (I'm afraid to ask what average is)
Special Tankiness: 154 Rank 4: Very Good (I'm new to stat spreads, but is this a good stopping point?)
O/D Balance: -15.3 Moderate Bias to defense
P/S Balance: -29.8 Bias to Special
Overall Rating: 311 Very Good

I'm willing to drop some points in other stats to raise my SpD if it seems necessary.

EDIT: An extra 36 points to my Overall Rating and it's only gone up from a 530 BST to 540. It's now a bit more defensive than I originally planned, but at the same time, I rather like this spread.

Edit 2: Its 90/95/115 defenses means it can take most hits well, while still remaining true to its job as a special tank (as far as my spread goes.) The fact that its max HP reaches 384 for optimal Leftovers usage is also quite nice.

Edit 2.5: I've managed to bring it down to a 525 BST, at the expense of a few OR points. This does, however, seem a little less broken in my eyes.
Here's the first draft of my submission, to definitely be changed when I get feedback, and polls are completed.

100 HP/60 Atk/110 Def/90 SP.Atk/100 SP. Def/70 Speed

Physical Sweepiness: 80: Rank -2: Moderately Bad
Physical Tankiness: 157: Rank 4: Very Good
Special Sweepiness: 111: Rank 1: Above Average
Special Tankiness: 145: Rank 4: Very Good
O/D Bias: -19.1: Moderate Bias to Defense
P/S Bias: -13.8: Moderate Bias to Special
Rating: 345: Very Good
BST: 530


HP: 100, aside from being a nice round number, gives the CAP a maximum HP of 404, which allows it to take a hit from Seismic toss without breaking its Sub.

Atk: Not entirely unusable, could be a CB Sweeper, but there has to be 1 stat that's bad.

Def: This makes it bulkier than Swampert, Jirachi, Celebi, everything that will combat it as a bulky... thing.

SP. Atk: Pretty good, not enough to give it an offensive bias, but good enough to actually dish something out.

SP. Def: Although it has awesome physical bulk, it still needs to be able to not get destroyed by something like Alakazam, Heatran, or Porygon-Z.

Spe: Yeah... not the greatest, but not terrible either. Can outspeed something like CBRhyperior that can OHKO through the defenses, but is outsped by most major threats, giving it a 'not-broken' status.

Damage Calcs:
Max Atk. Tyranitar's Earthquake vs. Max/Max CAP8: 252-296 (62%-73%)
SpecsTran's Earth Power vs. Max/Max CAP8: 174-204 (43%-50%)
CBMamo's Earthquake vs. Max/Max CAP8: 271-319 (67%-78%)
Max Atk. Deoxys-A's Extremespeed vs. Max/Max CAP8: 89-105 (22%-26%)
Max SP. Atk CAP8's Draco Meteor vs. Min/Min Salamence: 328-386 (109%-129%)
Max Atk +2 Scizor's Superpower vs. Max/Max CAP8: 214-252 (52%-62%)
Max Atk +2 Rhyperior's EQ vs. Max/Max CAP8: 377-444 (93%-110%)

More to come
I'm surprised that so many people are keen to submit spreads right away. I haven't even read your spreads - I'm sure they're very good but surely they'll have to be tweaked to fit the various polls between now and the Stat Spread Poll.

I'm much more interested in knowing Why you think a particular stat/bias is good for CAP8 so reasoning is more important than the stats themselves.

Look at this way - stats are easily changeable and are subject to change with poll outcomes anyway.
Reasoning however, what will get your submission noticed and will also be the reason that people speak out in support of it. So write lots about Why you want particular stats people. And Damage calcs are your friend.

Regarding specific stats, I'm liking the 70 Speed alot. CAP8 resists practically all the STABs in the base 70 and 65 groups in OU and both the base 60s too. 70 is also faster enough to go before pretty much anything that's been paralysed but doesn't take up any extra BST thereby leaving it to be allocated to other stats.
110 HP / 75 Atk / 92 Def / 97 SpA / 101 SpD / 80 Spe / 555 total

Physical Sweepiness: 100 (Average)
Physical Tankiness: 143 (Good)
Special Sweepiness: 126 (Moderately Good)
Special Tankiness: 155 (Very Good)

O/D Balance: -11.2 (Moderate bias to Defense)
P/S Balance: -16.9 (Moderate bias to Special)

Overall Rating: 406 (Very Good)

110HP/101 SpD is because this thing will be switching into a lot of special attacks. With a double electric resist, a water resist, a fire resist, and a grass resist (and possibly a double fire resist should Thick Fat be its ability), it'll want to use its resistances to come in on special attacks. Steel attacks are mainly physical, so it has good enough defense to come in on Jirachi or Scizor, but it has no business coming in on Metagross that's not locked into a steel move.

On the offensive side, it's SpA is good enough to wield Thunderbolt or Draco Meteor effectively. Its Atk is poor, but could usee Outrage, Volt Tackle, Focus Punch, or Explosion if necessary (or if it gets them). 80 Speed lets it outspeed Arghonaut, who it can counter quite well this way.

EDIT: changed the spread around a bit, to match the "Mixed Special" P/S balance.

In the meantime, damage caculations! Calcs will be given for 252/0; Calm 252/188/70, which maximizes overall bulkiness; and Max/Max+

EDIT2: Added to sp. attack. it needs at least 94 base to OHKO 252/4 gyarados with no sp.A investment, so I decided to bump SpA up by 5. Bumped speed up to 80, to outspeed Arghonaut, to whom this Pokemon should serve as a counter. Lastly, added 5 to attack, to bring it to the round total of 555, and because I don't want the attack to be totally wasted. BSR is still within range.

Calculations now include CAP threats, specifically Stratagem, Arghonaut, Pyroak, and Kitsunoh. Also fixed the special attack calcs, as I accidentally used physical defense while running them, skewing them all downward.

[b]Modest Specs Magnezone[/b]

252/0: 15.0-17.7%
Calm: 12.8-15.1%
Max: 10.9-12.8%

[u]HP Ice[/u]
252/0: 59.3-69.8%
Calm: 50.6-59.5%
Max: 42.9-50.5%

OK, so as long as you don't switch in on HP Ice, you should be fine.
Even if you do, non-Specs versions will still be threatened by EQ.

[b]Timid Specs Jolteon[/b]
252/0: 12.2-14.4%
Calm: 10.4-12.2%
Max: 8.8-10.4%

[u]HP Ice[/u]
252/0: 48.2-56.6%
Calm: 41.0-48.3%
Max: 34.8-41.0%

Again, stay away from HP Ice and you'll be fine.

[u]252 spA, Fire Blast[/u]
252/0: 23.2-27.2%
Calm: 19.7-23.2%
Max: 16.7-19.7%

[u]252 spA, Earth Power/Dragon Pulse[/u]
252/0: 46.5-54.7%
Calm: 39.7-46.7%
Max: 33.7-39.6%

[u]Specs, +SpA, Fire Blast[/u]
252/0: 37.9-44.6%
Calm: 32.3-38.0%
Max: 27.4-32.2%

[u]Specs, +Spa, Earth Power/Dragon Pulse[/u]
252/0: 76.1-89.5%
Calm: 64.8-76.2%
Max: 54.9-64.6%

[u]0 EV, Explosion[/u]
252/0: 83.1-97.8%
Calm: 68.5-80.6%
Max: 58.9-69.3%

So, don't come in on EP unless you're running sdef EVs,
and don't come in on Specs EP at all.


[u]0 spA, HP Ice[/u]
252/0: 29.1-34.3%
Calm: 24.9-29.3%
Max: 21.2-24.9%

[u]252 spA, LO, HP Ice[/u]
252/0: 46.0-54.1%
Calm: 39.2-46.2%
Max: 33.4-39.2%

This is the best Zapdos can throw at you.  Everything else does laughable
damage.  Defensive Zapdos that lack HP Ice can't even do 10% to this guy.


[u]Specs, 252+ spA, Shadow Ball[/u]
252/0: 43.7-51.5%
Calm: 37.3-43.8%
Max: 31.6-37.2%

[u]252 spA, Shadow Ball[/u]
252/0: 26.8-31.6%
Calm: 22.9-26.9%
Max: 19.5-22.9%

I don't know what Rotom usually runs, but this shows it's really only a threat
if it invests heavily in sp. attack.  Its status conditions are far more worrisome.

[u]252 atk Iron Head[/u]
252/0: 14.0-16.5%
Calm: 11.6-13.7%
Max: 10.0-11.8%

[u]252 spA +1 Psychic[/u]
252/0: 43.4-51.1%
Calm: 37.0-43.5%
Max: 31.4-36.9%

Scarf Jirachi shouldn't pose much of a threat.  With leftovers recovery,
it's doing ~8% per turn, meaning it needs to flinch hax you about 10 times.

[u]+2 Adamant LO Superpower/X-scissor[/u]
252/0: 94.6%-111.3%
Calm: 78.1%-91.8%
Max: 78.9%-67.1%

[u]+2 LO Adamant Bullet Punch[/u]
252/0: 35.7-42.0%
Calm: 29.5-34.7%
Max: 25.4-29.8%

[u]CB Adamant Bullet Punch[/u]
252/0: 20.7-24.3
Calm: 17.1-20.1
Max: 14.7-17.3

[u]CB Adamant U-Turn[/u]
252/0: 48.1%-56.6%
Calm: 39.7%-46.8%
Max: 34.2%-40.2%

Well, you can take his steel attacks, but watch out if it SDs up.

[b]Adamant LOGyarados[/b]
[u]+1 Waterfall[/u]
252/0: 34.7-40.8%
Calm: 28.6-33.7%
Max: 24.6-29.0%

[u]Ice Fang[/u]
252/0: 50.6-59.5%
Calm: 36.1-42.5%
Max: 41.9-49.3%

252/0: 77.3-90.9%
Calm: 63.8-75.1%
Max: 55.0-64.7%

It certainly fears EQ, but can handle just about anything else Gyarados has.

[u]Adamant EQ[/u]
252/0: 62.8-73.9%
Calm: 51.9-61.0%
Max: 44.7-52.5%

[u]Adamant CB Meteor Mash[/u]
252/0: 35.1-41.3%
Calm: 29.0%-34.1%
Max: 25.0%-29.4%

As always, stay away from EQ.
Otherwise, it takes Metagross' steel attacks like a champ.

[u]Tech LO Ancientpower[/u]
252/0: 42.9-50.4%
Calm: 36.6-43.0%
Max: 31.0-36.5%

[u]LO Earth Power[/u]
252/0: 57.2-67.3%
Calm: 48.8-57.4%
Max: 41.4-48.7%

The LO sets are something to be wary of, especially the Levitate
sets with EP.  But you can take a hit or 2 if need be.

[u]36 atk Adamant Waterfall[/u]
252/0: 13.7-16.1%
Calm: 11.3-13.3%
Max: 9.8-11.5%

[u]same, Ice Punch[/u]
252/0: 34.2-40.3%
Calm: 28.3-33.3%
Max: 24.4-28.7%

[u]same, Stone Edge[/u]
252/0: 22.7-26.7%
Calm: 18.8-22.1%
Max: 16.2-19.0%

Arghonaut is not going to be liking CaP 8.  You should be 
fairly safe on switch-in.

[u]LO special 120 BP STAB[/u]
252/0: 26.6-31.3%
Calm: 22.7-26.7%
Max: 19.3-22.7%

[u]LO physical 120 BP STAB[/u]
252/0: 23.9-28.1%
Calm: 19.7-23.2%
Max: 17.0-20.0%

[u]LO HP Ice/Ground[/u]
252/0: 41.9-49.3%
Calm: 35.7-42.0%
Max: 30.4-35.8%

You can take his STABs easily, but watch out for those SE HPs.

[u]CB Meteor Mash[/u]
252/0: 26.5-31.2%
Calm: 21.9-25.8%
Max: 18.9-22.2%

[u]CB Shadowstrike[/u]
252/0: 42.6-50.1%
Calm: 35.2-41.4%
Max: 30.3-35.6%

[u]CB Earthquake[/u]
252/0: 70.8-83.3%
Calm: 58.4-68.8%
Max: 50.3-59.2%

This is another thing you should probably only switch in
using choiced resists.  That EQ will hit hard, and Shadowstrike's
def drop does not help matters.

That's about the extent of things you should be switching in on. It can pretty much take any unboosted SE attacks that aren't STAB, and non-SE attacks are generally 3HKOs when unboosted.
100/ 110/ 80/ 85/ 110/ 50

O/D Balance: -19.1 (Moderate bias to defense)
P/S Balance: -4.1 (No Bias)

Overall Rating: 303 (Very Good)

404 Subs, high attack to make use of Dragon STAB, decent Special Attack for Mixed attacker, decent special defense to be able to take.. special hits, and finally looow speed so it actually shapes into a more defensive Poke.
Maybe we should shoot for 71 speed, so that it can outspeed most Metagross and Skarmory, assuming they haven't invested in Speed much, which the statistics show they usually don't, though that might change.
Alright, I tried to equalize both offense and defense with this pokemon, and it just made the cut with -0.3 rating with Very Good.

The Spread

80 HP/70 Atk/100 Def/90 SpA/110 SpD/105 Spe

O/D Balance: -0.3 No Bias
Physical/Special Bias: -18 Moderate Bias to Special

Basically, I want this thing to be fast. I don't particularly like 70s in Speed stats, even if it is meant to be bulky. The thing is that Speed works in both offense and defense. Because it works that way, I want enough Speed to Attack, yet stay in the defensive range.

Furthermore, I am not a big fan of huge HP. Looking at some past CaPs such as Arghonaut and Pyroak, I really do not like the big amounts of HP given to these CaP. Because of this, I settled for 80 in order to reach a comfortable 364 max.

With 90 Sp. Attack, you get to hit hard. Basically, you have the defenses to back this thing up, similar to Latias. However, the cool thing is that this thing actually gets two great STAB types.

Speed is a big one. The reason I am submitting a spread is because I simply do not like 70 speed. I want this to outspeed some stuff, mainly the base 100s such as Salamence and Flygon. Also with 105 base Speed, Offense can be used better. Defense can also be used better too, such as using status inducing moves or support moves we may give it in the future. This stat is a biggie. Bulky doesn't mean slow!

Will run calcs later.
105 HP/ 80 ATK/ 110 DEF/ 93 SpA/ 100 SpD/ 90 SPE

I didn't want it's stats to be too high, so while it definitely has good defenses, it's Attack and Speed stats are just decent for the OU tier, imo.


(I just used a screen cap so I know I reported the rating correctly)

This was quite difficult, IMO, since the stats and ability both depend on each other. But this set is pretty balanced, outside of the ATK, which at a base 80 isn't very powerful.

EDIT: Looking at the previous posts, I need to know how to do the damage calculations and such, which I'm still figuring out (as in, how to calculate and use them)

However my reasoning was this :

105 HP - High enough to take hits well, without being completely unstoppable. With a 105, you don't have to pour all your EV 's into the HP stat, and could even have 0 EV's, so that you could maximize your speed.

80 ATK - Decent. If need be, you could pour 252 EV's here, and have a fairly decent Attack, but you're not gonna have the most powerful physical attacker. Thinking about it now, I want to lower this, but we'll see.

110 DEF- Here, mostly the same as HP. High enough to take hits. With EV's even better. At 110, it's high, but not the highest, so a ground or ice STAB should 2 or 3 HKO.

93 SpA- I wanted this stat to be usable, but not as high as the defensive stats, so that we don't have a pokemon that over powers everything. Since the good electric attacks are special, and there's good dragon special attacks, this seemed like the best attack stat to have. I picked 93, so that it's higher that those 90's but not as high as the 95's.

100 SpD Same reasoning as the HP and Physical Defense. This is meant to be it's weak point.

90 SPE Fast, but not too fast. Defense is good, but defense AND decent speed, means that you could stall, or set up for a sweeper to come in( I think).
Maybe we should shoot for 71 speed, so that it can outspeed most Metagross and Skarmory, assuming they haven't invested in Speed much, which the statistics show they usually don't, though that might change.

Last time we did that, people bitched and whined for the better part of a year that it was contrived and completely unneccesary. I feel that way with this Pokemon. You beat Skarm anyway, it's not going to do much with un-STAB EQ. Metagross is a crapshoot to begin with since some of them carry speed EVs, and almost all of them carry Earthquake, which will hurt a HELL of a lot more than you think. It has enough bulk to survive most Thunderbolts and KO you back.
Now I know 555 isn't a hard and fast limit, but 578 BST seems a bit high. That's 2 points short of Zapdos.

Yeah, I agree actually. Which should I lower?
How about 100 HP/ 75 ATK/ 110 DEF/ 90 SpA/ 100 SpD/ 90 SPE
That's a 565 total, which is still pretty high right?

It's my turn now. I wanted to make it defensive while still allowing it to abuse those two amazing stabs, similarily like swampert and rotom-a.

95 HP/ 70 ATK/ 100 DEF/ 95 SpA/ 105 SpD/ 90 SPE

  • Physical Sweepiness - Rank 0: Average
  • Physical Tankiness - Rank 3: Good​
  • Special Sweepiness - Rank 3: Good
  • Special Tankiness - Rank 4: Very Good
  • Offense/Defense Balance - -5.3: Slight Bias to Defense
  • Physical/Special Balance - -17.8: Moderate Bias to Special
  • Overall Rating -395 Very Good​
  • 555(a little high but the stats are balanced out)
95 HP: Achieving a max of 394, it allows our CAP to utilize hp to help stall while also keeping it bulky for offense.

70 ATK:
Not all dragons can utilize Outrage can they. I basically kept this low so absolutely no complaints about too high of an atk for Outrages power. It is still useful though.

100 DEF:
with a max of 328, it can wall stuff like no other Cap. without any evs it still hits 236, allowing it to set up with ease(assuming it gets dragon dance nasty plot, a special version of DD, etc...).

95 SpA:
It'd be a shame if it didn't have a good special attack. Electric and Dragon are both one of the best attacking types in the game. It can utilize Thunderbolt and dragon pulse, while also being able to use Draco Meteor well(although without the destructive power like specsmence). 317(modest, 289 timid or other nature)Sp atk is nothing to scoff at, and 226(w/o any evs) is still pretty good to rack up some damage.

105 SpD:
with a max of 339, it can wall stuff like no other Cap. without any evs it still hits 246, allowing it to set up with ease(assuming it gets dragon dance nasty plot, a special version of DD, etc...).

90 SPE:
fast but not too fast at 309(timid) it outspeeds neutral natured base 100's while hitting 279 for all the other base 90's out there.

There you have it. btw, I was thinking about cartoons! drawing when I did this. I expect critisism ;)
Yeah, I agree actually. Which should I lower?
How about 100 HP/ 75 ATK/ 110 DEF/ 90 SpA/ 100 SpD/ 90 SPE
Thats a 565 total, which is still pretty high right?

Yeah...555 is considered the limit, due to Arcanine. I don't think CaP has ever gone over that.

One way to drop both your BST and BSR is to take 5 out of stats until you've got something good. e.g., taking 5 out of atk, def, and spD gives 100/70/105/90/95/90, which is 550 total and has a BSR of 383 (Very Good).

It's my turn now. I wanted to make it defensive while still allowing it to abuse those two amazing stabs, similarily like swampert and rotom-a.

95 HP/ 70 ATK/ 105 DEF/ 100 SpA/ 105 SpD/ 90 SPE

  • Overall Rating -415 Very Good​
  • 565(a little high but the stats are balanced out)
There you have it. I expect critisism ;)

I'm getting a BSR of 438 (Excellent) when I put in those values. Though pulling 5 out of two of those stats would probably drop it to the proper range (not to mention put your BST at 555).
Mission Statement: Overall, the primary focuses were on HP and both defenses, with at least passable attacks. Speed, ironic for an electric type, was not a factor (although after reading the thread I settled on an appropriate level.) The strategy was basically with a mixed tank in mind. I haven’t run any damage calcs on any of this yet, so it’s theoretical at this point.

[Very Good]
HP: 110
Atk: 80
Def: 100
SpA: 90
SpD: 100
Spd: 71
BST: 551

PS: 105 (Rank 0: Average)
PT: 153 (Rank 4: Very Good)
SS: 116 (Rank 1: Above Average)
ST: 153 (Rank 4: Very Good)
O/DB: -15.4 (Moderate Bias Towards Defense)
P/SB: -5.7 (Slight Bias to Special)
BSR: 418 (Very Good)

Some brief justifications:
HP: I went high here, along with Defense and Special Defense, to make it fairly tanky. Atk: Attack was the first move I went lower on since, although there are few physical Electric moves, I wanted to keep potential physical movesets viable
Def: High defense was a priority to help it live through an Earthquake.
SpA: I made special attack slightly higher to utilize the wider range of electric special attacks, but I also wanted him to have the option for some physical moves as well so kept them pretty close.
SpD: See Defense, but replace Earthquake with Earth Power.
Spd: 71 should be enough to outspeed most OU threats, and easily outspeed paralyzed opponents.

[Quite Good]
HP: 100
Atk: 71
Def: 96
SpA: 80
SpD: 96
Spd: 71
BST: 514

PS: Rank 0: Average
PT: 140 (Rank 3: Good)
SS: Rank 0: Average
ST: 140 (Rank 3: Good)
O/DB: -16.1 (Mdoerate Bias to Defense)
P/SB: -5.6 (Slight Bias to Special)
Base Stat Rating: 298 (Quite Good)

Same as above, by I trimmed down my Attack and Special Attack and tried to lower my HP, SpA, and SpD as little as possible (speed was the only stat kept the same.)
84 HP / 94 Atk / 90 Def / 99 SpA / 104 SpD / 82 Spe BST: 553
ODB: -1.0 No Bias
PSB: -9.4 Slight Bias to Special
BSR: 364 Very Good

This is a somewhat weird stat spread that I made by mishmashing the base stats of Magnezone, Raikou, Dragonite and Altaria, then rearranging the stats so it is more defensive. I concluded that it is supposed to be a more defensively minded Kingdra.
Yeah...555 is considered the limit, due to Arcanine. I don't think CaP has ever gone over that.

One way to drop both your BST and BSR is to take 5 out of stats until you've got something good. e.g., taking 5 out of atk, def, and spD gives 100/70/105/90/95/90, which is 550 total and has a BSR of 383 (Very Good).

OK, so I edited it just about what you said, with
100 HP/ 70 ATK/ 105 DEF/ 90 SpA/ 95 SpD/ 90 SPE=550 BST


Hows that?
[If it needs to be lowered more, I can oblige, but I'd prefer to lower it's ATK, since I feel it should be able to get out some hits, and SP. Attack would be the better attack stat since Electric and Dragon attacks lean towards the special side, unless we take away Volt tackles exclusivity, which I oppose.
I wouldn't want speed blow 85.]

84 HP / 94 Atk / 90 Def / 99 SpA / 104 SpD / 82 Spe BST: 553
ODB: -1.0 No Bias
PSB: -9.4 Slight Bias to Special
BSR: 364 Very Good

This is a somewhat weird stat spread that I made by mishmashing the base stats of Magnezone, Raikou, Dragonite and Altaria, then rearranging the stats so it is more defensive. I concluded that it is supposed to be a more defensively minded Kingdra.

I like this, my only complaint would be that IMO a base 82 speed makes it a little slow. If I were to go about changing yours, I make it
84 HP / 70 Atk / 109 Def / 90 SpA / 110 SpD / 90 Spe BST: 553
That way, it's a little more defensive, and could be faster with out as many EV's.
90 HP/70 ATT/90 DEF/110 SpA/100SpD/85 SPE
ODB= -0.2 No bias
PSB= -32.1 Large Bias to Special
OR= 395 Very Good

HP- 90 HP is good enough to help it takehits.
ATT- Low attack, but just good enough to use.
DEF- Quite good, lets it take a few hits from the physical side.
SpA- A large SpA lets it take full use of it's fabulous STABs.
SpD- Large, makes it very bulky and can take a lot of hits.
SPE- Fairly slow, but needs some speed to use its SpA.
Mixed Tank

Mixed Tank:

110 HP/ 70 Atk/ 102 Def/ 95 SpA/ 102 SpD/ 61 Spe

Physical Sweepiness: 88, Rank: -1, Below Average
Physical Tankiness: 156, Rank: 4, Very Good
Special Sweepiness: 112, Rank: 1, Above Average
Special Tankiness: 156, Rank: 4, Very Good
Offense/Defense Balance: -18.1, Moderate Bias to Defense
Physical/Special Balance: -13.1, Moderate Bias to Special
Overall Rating: 394, Very Good
Base Stat Total: 540*
Other Pokemon with this BST: Blissey, Electivire, Gyarados, Kingdra, Magmortar, Milotic, Snorlax
*If I could push the BST higher to, say, 555 (THE LIMIT), I would put 5 in each defense stat and 5 in SpA, although that would push this guy into "Excellent" territory. Why that is bad, however, is beyond me.

HP: 361-424, so there's tons of options. This gives 101+ subs if you want with EVs left over for other things. It also gives this guy the bulkiness it's looking for.

158-262, so it's not overlooked, but also not encouraged. This poke can still pull off the seemingly much desired Volt Tackle when it needs to.

216-333 for both. I think mixed defenses are best because it makes this pokemon more versatile and you can EV to suit the needs of your team. Another advantage to this is that the opponent will need to find out if he/she is dealing with a physical or special variant before he/she can formulate a strategy.

203-317, so it can pack a punch. I also think this CAP should have at least some threatening presence beyond an annoying thing to take down (looking at you, Blissey (not that this thing will be taking down Blissey, just saying)).

142-243. People seem to be wanting to outrun Skarmory, Metagross, and Breloom with 71 speed, but Meta and Loom almost always run speed EVs and this guy probably won't. At 61, it still outruns Swampert and most other grounds switching in to absorb a T-bolt and KO back with EQ. And, with its bulky spread, it won't really need to rely on speed to be effective. And do we really need another 80-110 base speed dragon in OU? How about a more strategic, thoughtful dragon whose first inclination isn't to Outrage or Draco Meteor before the other guy does? That would be refreshing.

Overall, this spread fits the "somewhat defensive" mold perfectly at -20<-18.1<0, being bulkier than Swampert, Jirachi, Celebi (bonus: less than half the weaknesses and infinitely better STABs) and can outperform many dedicated walls, such as Vaporeon and Skarmory, with its ability to take hits from both sides of the spectrum while simultaneously threatening competent offensive power.

Side Notes
I've compiled a quick list of things that will probably be switching in on a "moderately defensive electric/dragon" poke, which will be relevant when we finally do choose a spread:

Faster Dragons: Salamence, Flygon, Latias, Dragonite, Kingdra
  • can switch in on a non-damaging attack and lay down something fierce with LO Outrages and Draco Meteors. Some Latias and Dragonite will be able to survive a predicted Draco Meteor or Dragon Pulse and hit back hard. Our defensive dragon will never be outrunning these guys, so speed is not so important.
Ground Types: Swampert, Dugtrio, Gliscor, Hippowdon, etc.
  • can come in on an electric attack and almost always carry EQ (cause why not?). Fortunately, they tend to be slow and have negligible SpD, which is why I think our dragon should have higher SpA. There are four OU ground types that a base 61 Spe pokemon can't outrun: Flygon (w/ 2 SE STABs, so no point in staying in), Mamoswine (ice shard will negate speed even if it's raised), Gliscor, and Dugtrio. in order to outrun the next slowest ground-type, Gliscor, CAP 8 would need to run 96 speed or higher.
Steels w/ SE attacks
  • These guys are the only ones confident enough of coming in on a dragon attack and usually won't mind T-bolt too much. Some Bronzong have EQ, and Metagross almost always does (and outspeeds it). Lucario runs Ice Punch (or EQ) almost always and Jirachi some of the time. You will never see a Heatran without Earth Power and some have Dragon Pulse. Agility SubPetaya Empoleon runs Ice Beam, although it won't be switching in to T-bolts. Metagross, Lucario, and Heatran stand out as the most common and hardest-hitting steels, so they should get extra attention when considering defensive stats.
Other Bulky EQers and HP Icers
  • T-Tar and Snorlax can take hits like champs and often run EQ. Jolteon and Electivire absorb electric attacks and very often run HP Ice and EQ, respectively.
  • Blissey
  • Only pokemon that resists both STABs and will most often force you to switch while it subs or gets a free attack in.
Based on this list, I think this pokemon should have access to both Thick Fat (not a very popular opinion on the ability discussion page, though) and Magnet Rise to take out two of its three weaknesses (and thus making it an excellent mid-late game player when the opponent's dragon is gone), but that's another discussion for another time.

On to Damage Calculations

Defense, with my spread:

More physical (404/333/261; 172/252/84 EVs):

Life Orb Adamant 252 Atk Salamence Outrage: 100.9%-119.5% (w/out Life Orb: 77.7%-92.1%)
1 DD Adamant 252 Atk Kingdra Outrage: 91.1%-107.4%
Standard Adamant 252 Atk Metagross Earthquake: 43.6%-51.5%
CB Adamant 252 Atk Mamoswine Earthquake: 95.0%-112.1%
" " Ice Shard: 37.6%-45.0%
CB Adamant 252 Atk Dugtrio Earthquake: 68.3%-80.7%
CB Adamant 252 Atk Tyranitar Earthquake: 64.4%-76.2%
Life Orb Adamant 252 Atk Electivire Earthquake: 53.0%-62.3%
1 SD Adamant 252 Atk Lucario Ice Punch: 55.9%-66.3%
Relaxed 156 Atk Bronzong Explosion: 67.3%-79.5%

More Special (404/261/333; 172/84/252 EVs):

2 CM Timid 283 SpA (stat) Latias Dragon Pulse: 81.7%-96.5%
LO Modest 252 SpA (EVs again) Latias Draco Meteor: 101.5%-120.3% (w/out LO: 78.7%-92.6%)
Modest 252 SpA Heatran Earth Power: 38.1%-45.0%
Modest 252 SpA Magnezone HP Ice: 29.7%-35.1%
Choice Specs Modest 252 SpA Jolteon HP Ice: 39.1%-46.5%
+1 SpA Modest 252 SpA Empoleon Ice Beam: 53.5%-63.4%
Modest 252 SpA Porygon-Z Ice Beam: 41.6%-49.0%
" " w/ 1 Nasty Plot: 82.2%-97.0%

(Note: these damage calculations represent, for the most part, the most extreme threats to this pokemon in the game, not the ones most typically seen in all cases)

Offense, with my spread (for the most part, only special)

Stat: 190 Atk (56 EVs: a little random, but you're not going to be investing much here anyways)
Volt Tackle vs. max Def/HP Bold Suicune: 34.1%-40.6%
Volt Tackle vs. max Def/HP Bold Gyarados: 88.3%-104.6%
Volt Tackle vs. max Def/HP Bold Vaporeon: 44.0%-52.2%
Volt Tackle vs. max Def/HP Bold Blissey: 26.5%-31.2%

Stat: 226 SpA (No SpA EVs)
Draco Meteor vs. 0HP/0SpD Naughty Salamence: 117.8%-138.4%
Dragon Pulse vs. 0HP/0SpD Naughty Salamence: 76.1%-89.4%
Draco Meteor vs. max HP/SpD Calm Latias: 47.8%-56.6%
Draco Meteor vs. max HP/SpD Calm Blissey: 11.7%-14.0% (just for a laugh)
Thunderbolt vs. BulkyGyara: 107.0%-126.5%
Thunderbolt vs. max HP/Def Bold Suicune: 43.1%-50.1%
Thunderbolt vs. 188 HP/252 Def Bold Vaporeon: 46.4%-54.0%

Stat: 317 SpA (252 EVs)
Dragon Pulse vs. 0HP/0SpD Naughty Salamence: 105.7%-125.1%
Draco Meteor vs. max HP/SpD Calm Latias: 66.5%-79.1%
Thunderbolt vs. max HP/Def Bold Suicune: 60.9%-71.8%
" " after 1 CM: 40.6%-48.0%
Thunderbolt vs. 188 HP/252 Def Bold Vaporeon: 64.3%-75.4%

So there you have it. Let me know what you think.
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