Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

For wild pokemon in grass, you the journal still to advance to higher frames, and if you need to make the number even, just turn once in grass to advance it by 1.

oooooh! when I read that it advances the rng by one every time you take a step or turn in an area with wild pokemon, I thought it meant in routes where you could catch pokemon, not in the grass itself. I feal stupid.
If you've done a trade in the journal and you get the message ie (Got HUNTAIL from (player)), does that advance the RNG by 2?
Okay, So i'm having a semi tough time understanding this frame stuff for hatching perfect IV's.

My perfect IV Target time is at 1:01:15

15 is my seconds I calibrated, and my delay is roughly around 590-610.

That's cool. My target frame is 16 for the perfect IV's.

I'm currently saved on frame six.

So lets say its 9:50 here in the real world, and I set my clock down to the second.
So I SR at exactly 9:51, mash A, and get to the journal.

on 3 consecutive pages I have "Caught wild magikarp (late night)".
So each flip, not including the initial flip would be 2 page flips each right?
So I flip back and forth 5 times and I reach my target frame.

Then I press start and pick up the egg as soon as possible.

Am I on the right path? Am I understanding this correctly?
Yes you are on the right path. If you see caught magikarp on the first page, it DOES count. So, you need to see a caught magikarp page 5 times to get to 16.
Okay, so the first page does count as 2 then.

Oh and yeah, whenever I get ingame before picking up an egg a cowgirl always moves and messes up the frame.

Its almost inevitable. Is there any way to abuse this.
If a cowgirl moves in a certain direction, how many frames does it advance?
This is really weird...

Alright, I am sure I always do the right number of journal flips and am aiming for something at frame 40 with 598 delay. 80% of the time the IVs of the egg match frame 40, but around 20% of the time they match frame 41. This is really pissing me off lol, I hit 598 delay but it turned out to be on frame 41 -_-
This is bugging me. After reading the guide on Catching Perfect Wild Pokemon and watching bearsfan's video of his Heatran capture, the Coin Flip check is stumping me. If you check your seed with the coin flip trick, shouldn't that advance the frame to 11 since you flipped it 10 times? And then that would affect the number of journal flips you should do.

Also, why does the frame start at 1 when capturing pokemon, where when receiving the egg from the man, the frame is starting on like 4 or 6 or whatever?
I'm in the seed finder, but it keeps telling me to check my date and time. This has happened to me other times when I use the 'find seed by stats' option. I triple-checked my time and stats, but it's all right.
Any tips on hitting an exact Delay, or is it just total luck? All I am currently using is Mingots program.

I'm in the seed finder, but it keeps telling me to check my date and time. This has happened to me other times when I use the 'find seed by stats' option. I triple-checked my time and stats, but it's all right.

Did you change your DS time/date.year and forget to check?
Well usually I find that if I press A at a certain rate I can change my delay within a set range (616-640 ish). If you can't do this I'd change the year to suit your most common delay.
I did change the ds time and date, but that's what I set the time to in the rng reporter. I found it's IVs and switched it to find seed my IVs, but I still have the same problem
I'm in the seed finder, but it keeps telling me to check my date and time. This has happened to me other times when I use the 'find seed by stats' option. I triple-checked my time and stats, but it's all right.
Are you sure you have the right time? Are you using the 24 Clock?
Or your catching the Pokemon too late after catching the Pokemon
I have the right time, 6/30/2000 at 00:18

what do you mean catching the pokemon too late after catching the pokemon?
Catching the Pokemon to check it's SEED if your not quick enough to capture it, the RNG reporter will say Invalid Time and Date.
Once you caught it enter the Date/Month/24Hour of your DS time.
Catching the Pokemon to check it's SEED if your not quick enough to capture it, the RNG reporter will say Invalid Time and Date.
Once you caught it enter the Date/Month/24Hour of your DS time.

It's not quite that bad.

"Find Seed by initial stats" is limited to I believe the first 500 frames. Find seed by IV's is 1000 I think (Mingot can confirm/ deny this).

Normally you'd have to wait quite a while for the NPC's in the area you are in to advance the frame beyond number 500. But changing areas and such makes the frame jump a fair bit.

Find out your pokemons exact IV's, and try that in find seed by IV's. If that doesn't work, and you know your not wasting time or changing areas and such then it's almost certain your date and time info you are putting in, does not match the date and time on your DS.
It's not quite that bad.

"Find Seed by initial stats" is limited to I believe the first 500 frames. Find seed by IV's is 1000 I think (Mingot can confirm/ deny this).

Normally you'd have to wait quite a while for the NPC's in the area you are in to advance the frame beyond number 500. But changing areas and such makes the frame jump a fair bit.

Find out your pokemons exact IV's, and try that in find seed by IV's. If that doesn't work, and you know your not wasting time or changing areas and such then it's almost certain your date and time info you are putting in, does not match the date and time on your DS.
Oh he's trying to catch wild Pokemon? WOW have Iv'e been mixed up! I toughtt he was breeding..o_O
Oh he's trying to catch wild Pokemon? WOW have Iv'e been mixed up! I toughtt he was breeding..o_O

He appears to be catching a wild poke to check his seed, either for producing shiny eggs, IV's on eggs or just calibrating his game.

Just double check your not doing anything n00by. Like not allowing a minute after you've synched your clock and gotten back into the game ready to Soft Reset. (I.e. You synch at DS clock at 12.54, enter game again, and SR at 12.55. 12.55 is the time you enter into RNG Reporter).

I've not really been following this, so excuse me if i've got the wrong end of the stick.
He appears to be catching a wild poke to check his seed, either for producing shiny eggs, IV's on eggs or just calibrating his game.

Just double check your not doing anything n00by. Like not allowing a minute after you've synched your clock and gotten back into the game ready to Soft Reset. (I.e. You synch at DS clock at 12.54, enter game again, and SR at 12.55. 12.55 is the time you enter into RNG Reporter).

I've not really been following this, so excuse me if i've got the wrong end of the stick.
Oh yeah! I misread your other post ^^ when you used the word frame and NPC together I immediatly tought you were talking about catching Wild Perfect Pokemons
But you were stating that if the frame is above 500 it will say invalid time and date for finding seed by stats and
1000 frames for Seed by IV check

Anyways either
-Your not entering the info properly remember when using an AR the IV's aren't in the traditional order, but that would say invalid cross that one out.
-You have the wrong time wrote in, you might have put 17 hours on your DSclock put 5 hours in the RNG reporter or vice - versa, it often happens
-The date is just plain wrong.
-what ClikC Just said, a small mistake

However it never back down when I didn't have the precise minutes, it just showed the wrong sec. but the delay and evrything was still there
This look interesting, yet confusing at the same time. But now I think I grasped how to do all this. I'll try my hand at this later though.
Can I verify something, for the breeding a perfect pokemon, after you hit continue does the frame match if you talk to him as fast as possible or do you have to collect the EGG as fast as possible?
Anyone care to help me find an HP Fire 70 Spread?

The parents I'm using are a Syb's flawless ditto as parent A and a total crap Gengar with no IV's that can contribute to a HP Fire 70 spread.

The dates have to be between August and December and my minimum frame is 8 but the max can be whatever in a reasonable amount like 40-60

Seed 50110276 (Frame 12 on Nov. 3 at 17:03:44 [531 delay in 2099 - decrease year to increase delay]) - 31/A/30/30/A/30

will net you a mixed HP Fire spread. For a Gengar that doesn't care about Atk, you'll want a 31/HP Even/31/30/31/30, for which I'm currently running a time finder query.


Can I verify something, for the breeding a perfect pokemon, after you hit continue does the frame match if you talk to him as fast as possible or do you have to collect the EGG as fast as possible?

I believe the NPCs stop moving as soon as you talk to the old man.
Can I verify something, for the breeding a perfect pokemon, after you hit continue does the frame match if you talk to him as fast as possible or do you have to collect the EGG as fast as possible?
talk. The frame matches when you talk to the old man.
Seed 50110276 (Frame 12 on Nov. 3 at 17:03:44 [531 delay in 2099 - decrease year to increase delay]) - 31/A/30/30/A/30

will net you a mixed HP Fire spread. For a Gengar that doesn't care about Atk, you'll want a 31/HP Even/31/30/31/30, for which I'm currently running a time finder query.


I believe the NPCs stop moving as soon as you talk to the old man.

Thanks alot dude, but I just found out my min frame is 7.. :(

Could you run a query again? My target time is 14 seconds and delay is between 592 and 612.